

Metal atomisation is a process where metal is converted from its bulk form into fine powdered metal through atomisation. It is commonly used in the production of metal powders for various applications across different industries. This article provides a comprehensive guide on metal atomisation covering the key aspects in detail.

Overview of Metal Atomisation

Metal atomisation involves breaking up molten metal into fine droplets using a high velocity gas or liquid stream. As the droplets solidify rapidly in flight, fine spherical metal powders are formed.


  • Used to produce fine spherical metal powders from metals like aluminum, copper, iron, nickel etc.
  • Classified into gas atomisation, water atomisation and centrifugal atomisation based on method
  • Powders range from 10 microns to 250 microns in size with tight distribution
  • Achieves rapid solidification of droplets resulting in fine grained powders
  • Mainly used in metal powder metallurgy and for manufacture of metal powder components

Atomisation Methods

ガス噴霧Molten metal stream disintegrated by high pressure inert gas jets
水の霧化Uses water jets for disintegration of metal stream
遠心霧化Molten metal poured on spinning disc and flung off edges


粉末冶金Press and sinter powder compacts to manufacture PM parts
金属積層造形Use atomised powders as feedstock for AM processes like DED, PBF
金属射出成形Mix powders with binder, inject into moulds and debind/sinter
溶射コーティングSpray atomised powders onto surfaces using plasma/combustion spray
ろう付けUse atomised powder interlayers for high temperature brazing process
溶接Atomised metal powders used as filler material in welding processes

Metal Atomisation Specifications

パウダーサイズ10 to 250 microns
サイズ分布Tight, spherical morphology
見かけ密度Around 40-50% of true density
酸化物含有量<1%, lower in inert gas atomisation
生産率10 – 100 kg/hour

Metal Atomisation Equipment

The key equipment involved in the metal atomisation process includes:

Metal Atomisation Equipment Guide

Induction furnaceMelts metal charge material into liquid state
CrucibleHolds molten metal before pouring into atomiser
タンディッシュActs as reservoir facilitating pouring of metal
Atomisation mechanismDisintegrates molten metal into droplets using gas/liquid jet
粉体回収システムCollects & separates atomised powder from transport gas/liquid

Atomiser Types and Characteristics

Gas AtomiserHigh pressure inert gas jetFiner powder, lower oxidation
Water AtomiserHigh velocity water jetHigher production rate, larger particles
Centrifugal AtomiserMolten metal poured on spinning disc/cupCompact, easy to operate

Auxiliary Equipment

カテゴリー機能説明Impact on Metal Powder
原料の準備Condition and Purify Raw MaterialsDegasification Furnaces: Remove dissolved gases like hydrogen and oxygen to prevent porosity in the final powder.
Induction Melting Furnaces: Melt and precisely control the temperature of the metal feedstock.
Alloying Systems: Precisely weigh and blend different metals to achieve the desired final alloy composition.
Minimizes gas defects in the powder.
Ensures consistent powder properties.
Achieves desired material properties of the final product.
Metal Handling & DeliverySafely Transfer Molten MetalCrucibles: Refractory containers for holding and transporting molten metal.
Transfer Vessels (tundishes, ladles): Insulated vessels to transfer molten metal from the furnace to the atomization chamber.
Inert Gas Purging Systems: Provide an inert gas atmosphere to prevent oxidation and contamination during metal transfer.
Minimizes metal oxidation and contamination.
Maintains consistent metal temperature for optimal atomization.
Atomization Process ControlPrecisely Control Operating ParametersFlow Rate Control Systems: Regulate the flow rate of the atomizing medium (gas or water) for consistent droplet size and powder morphology.
Temperature Control Systems: Monitor and maintain the optimal temperature of the molten metal for proper atomization.
Pressure Control Systems: Regulate the pressure of the atomizing medium (in gas atomization) for efficient droplet formation.
Enables consistent powder quality and particle size distribution.
Optimizes powder yield.
Powder Collection & ClassificationSeparate and Size Powder ParticlesCyclones: Separate larger powder particles from the gas stream using centrifugal force.
Wet Scrubbers: Capture fine powder particles and cool them down using a water spray.
Sieving & Classification Systems: Separate powder particles into different size fractions using sieves or air classifiers.
* Ensures desired powder size distribution for specific applications. <br> * Minimizes powder loss.
Powder Handling & StorageSafely Manage and Store Metal PowderInert Gas Handling Systems: Maintain an inert atmosphere during powder transfer and storage to prevent oxidation and moisture absorption.
Powder Packaging Systems: Package the metal powder in airtight containers for safe transportation and storage.
Powder Silos: Large, enclosed storage vessels for bulk metal powder with controlled atmosphere.
Maintains powder quality and prevents degradation.
Ensures safe and efficient powder handling.
環境制御Minimize Environmental ImpactWater Treatment Systems: Treat and recycle process water used in water atomization to minimize waste and comply with environmental regulations.
Fume Extraction Systems: Capture and filter exhaust gases from the atomization process to minimize air pollution.
Noise Control Systems: Reduce noise generated during the atomization process to meet safety regulations.
Achieves sustainable metal powder production.
Ensures compliance with environmental regulations.
安全システムEnsure Operator SafetyEmergency Shut-off Systems: Quickly stop the atomization process in case of emergencies.
Explosion Protection Systems: Prevent explosions due to flammable gas or metal dust accumulation.
個人用保護具(PPE): Provides operators with appropriate clothing, respirators, and eye protection.
Minimizes risk of accidents and injuries.
Creates a safe working environment.

Design Standards and Installation Requirements

コンポーネント設計基準Installation Requirements
圧力容器ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Section VIII Division 1)
EN 13445 (European Norm)
PD 5500 (British Standard)
Adequate space allocation for vessel placement and maintenance access.
Certified lifting lugs for safe transportation and installation.
Foundation design considering weight, vibration, and potential seismic activity.
Secondary containment to capture spills or leaks.
配管ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ANSI B16.5 Flanges and Flanged Fittings
Pipe diameter and material selection based on pressure rating, temperature, and compatibility with process fluids.
Flange selection considering pressure class and bolting material.
Sloped piping for proper drainage and minimization of dead legs.
Accessible shutoff valves for isolation and maintenance.
High-quality welding procedures and personnel qualifications.
溶解ユニットMaterial selection for high-temperature resistance and compatibility with feedstockInduction coil alignment and cooling system for efficient heat transfer.
Crucible material selection and replacement schedule based on feedstock and wear characteristics.
Power supply capacity and control system for precise temperature regulation.
霧化チャンバーSelection of refractory lining based on operating temperature and process conditionsProvision for inert gas purging to minimize oxidation.
Quenching system design for rapid solidification of metal droplets.
Collection system for efficient capture of metal powder.
Explosion venting to mitigate pressure buildup from potential dust explosions.
ノズルASME MFC-7M Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Venturi TubesRegular inspection and replacement of nozzles to maintain consistent particle size distribution.
Alignment and positioning of nozzles for optimal atomization efficiency.
粉体ハンドリングシステムNFPA 654 Standard for the Prevention of Dust Explosions in Manufacturing, Processing, and Bulk Handling Facilities
EN 14460 Workplace Atmospheres – Requirements for Handling Combustible Dust
Inert gas inertization of powder collection and transfer vessels to prevent explosions.
Explosion venting and suppression systems for additional safety measures.
Sealed transfer systems to minimize powder dust generation and fugitive emissions.
HEPA filtration for air purification and worker health protection.
Control SystemsIEC 61131 Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC) Programming Languages
NFPA 850 Recommended Practice for Fire Protection for Electric Generating Plants and Related Facilities
Real-time monitoring and control of process parameters (temperature, pressure, flow rates).
Alarm systems for notification of deviations from operating parameters.
Safety interlocks to prevent equipment malfunctions and potential hazards.
Redundant control systems for critical operations to ensure process stability.

Metal Atomiser Suppliers


生販在カナダGas, water and centrifugal atomisers
ALD真空技術ドイツGas and water atomisers
Sino Steel Thermo中国Water and gas atomisers
VTI Vacuum Technologies英国High-end gas atomisers


  • Small laboratory units start around $100,000
  • Industrial scale production atomisers range from $500,000 to $2,000,000
  • Larger bespoke systems can cost up to $4,000,000
  • Additional costs for auxiliaries, installation, consumables

Price of Metal Atomisation Equipment:

ファクター説明Price Impact
Type of AtomisationThere are two main types of metal atomisation: gas atomisation and water atomisation. Gas atomisation uses an inert gas, typically argon, to break up the molten metal into fine particles. Water atomisation uses a high-pressure water jet to achieve the same result.Gas atomisation is generally more expensive than water atomisation. This is because gas atomisation equipment is more complex and requires higher operating costs. However, gas atomisation can produce finer and more spherical powder particles, which are desirable for some applications.
Metal being atomisedThe price of metal atomisation equipment can also vary depending on the type of metal being atomised. Reactive metals, such as titanium and zirconium, are more difficult to atomise than non-reactive metals, such as iron and copper. This is because reactive metals can react with the atomising gas or water, which can lead to problems with powder quality and equipment corrosion.The atomisation of reactive metals typically requires more specialised equipment and higher operating costs. This can significantly increase the price of the equipment.
生産能力Metal atomisation equipment is available in a wide range of production capacities, from small batch systems that can produce a few kilograms of powder per hour to large-scale systems that can produce several tonnes of powder per hour.The price of metal atomisation equipment increases with production capacity. Larger systems are more complex and require more expensive components.
Desired Powder CharacteristicsThe desired characteristics of the metal powder will also influence the price of the atomisation equipment. For example, if a very fine powder is required, then a more sophisticated atomisation system will be needed, which will be more expensive.If the powder needs to meet tight specifications for particle size, morphology, or other properties, then this will likely require additional equipment or process steps, which can increase the cost.
Level of AutomationMetal atomisation equipment can be manually operated, semi-automated, or fully automated. Fully automated systems are the most expensive, but they can also offer the highest level of process control and consistency.A higher level of automation typically translates to a higher price tag. However, this can be offset by increased productivity and reduced labor costs.
メーカーThe price of metal atomisation equipment can also vary depending on the manufacturer. Some manufacturers specialise in high-end equipment for demanding applications, while others offer more basic equipment for less critical applications.Well-known brands with a reputation for quality and reliability may command a premium price.

Choosing Atomiser Supplier

  • Reputation and experience level
  • Customisation and size range capabilities
  • 生産能力とリードタイム
  • 予算の制約
  • Location and service support
  • Powder specification requirements
  • Auxiliary equipment offerings

Metal Atomiser Operation

Typical Atomisation Process

1Charge induction furnace with metal to be atomised
2Melt metal completely and allow to reach superheat temperature
3Start inert gas flow in atomiser at desired pressure
4Open induction furnace and pour molten metal into tundish/crucible
5Allow metal to flow into atomiser for disintegration into powder
6Powder carried by gas into cyclone separators for collection
7Sieve powder to remove large particles and fines
8Pack final powder into containers after cooling

Critical Process Parameters

  • Superheat temperature of metal
  • Molten metal flow rate into atomiser
  • Gas/water flow rate and pressure
  • Pouring configuration andmetal charge quantity
  • Nozzle design and geometry
  • Collection and sieving approach

Maintenance Aspects

  • Inspect and replace worn out nozzles, valves, liners periodically
  • Check gas lines, water jets for blockages affecting flow
  • Monitor drive and bearings of centrifugal atomiser
  • Clean powder deposition inside pipes and vessels
  • Maintain induction furnace, temperature sensors etc.


Precise Powder CharacteristicsMetal atomisation equipment excels in producing powders with tightly controlled particle size distribution and morphology. This allows for the creation of powders specifically suited for Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques like Selective Laser Melting (SLM) or Electron Beam Melting (EBM). The precise control over spherical shape and narrow size range translates to optimal flow properties for feeding into AM machines, leading to consistent layer formation and improved final product quality.High Investment and Operational CostsSetting up and running metal atomisation equipment involves significant upfront capital expenditure. The systems are complex, requiring specialized infrastructure, skilled personnel for operation and maintenance, and ongoing costs for consumables like inert gases and replacement parts.
High Production Rates and ScalabilityModern atomisation equipment facilitates continuous and automated operation, enabling high powder production yields. This is crucial for industrial-scale AM applications where large volumes of material are needed. Additionally, the modular design of many systems allows for scalability, meaning production capacity can be increased by adding additional units as demand grows.Limited Feedstock CompatibilityWhile metal atomisation can handle a wide range of alloys, some materials with high vapor pressures or reactivity can pose challenges. The atomisation process may introduce impurities or alter the chemical composition of the powder, impacting the final product’s performance.
Broad ApplicabilityMetal atomisation equipment is a versatile technology, capable of processing a vast array of metals and alloys. This includes commonly used materials in AM like titanium, aluminium, nickel, and cobalt alloys, as well as more exotic options like refractory metals and high-performance alloys.環境への配慮The atomisation process can generate waste products and emissions depending on the chosen method. Water atomisation, for instance, can lead to wastewater containing metal oxides. Inert gas atomisation has lower environmental impact but still requires responsible management of exhaust gases.
High Powder PurityInert gas atomisation, a popular technique, utilizes an inert gas environment to minimize contamination during the atomisation process. This results in high powder purity, essential for applications where material properties are critical.プロセスの複雑さMetal atomisation involves a multitude of parameters that need to be precisely controlled to achieve the desired powder characteristics. Factors like melt temperature, atomisation pressure, and cooling rate all significantly impact the final powder properties. Optimizing these parameters requires expertise and ongoing process monitoring to ensure consistent quality.

How to Choose a Metal Atomiser

Metal CompatibilityMaterial you intend to atomizeクリティカルDifferent atomization techniques excel with specific metals. Gas atomization is ideal for reactive metals like titanium and aluminum, while water atomization works well for less reactive metals like iron and copper.
粒子径と分布Desired size and consistency of metal powderHigh ImportanceParticle size directly affects the final product’s properties. A finer powder creates smoother surfaces in 3D printing, while a coarser powder might be suitable for metal injection molding. Uniform particle distribution ensures consistent material properties throughout the powder bed.
生産量Anticipated amount of metal powder requiredModerate ImportanceConsider the atomizer’s capacity to meet your production needs. A high-volume gas atomizer might be overkill for a small prototyping operation, while a low-volume water atomizer would struggle to keep up with mass production.
運営コストEnergy consumption, maintenance requirementsModerate ImportanceGas atomization generally has higher upfront costs but lower operating expenses due to energy efficiency. Water atomization often has lower upfront costs but higher operating expenses due to water usage and potential corrosion concerns.
安全性Inherent risks associated with the atomization processクリティカルBoth gas and water atomization involve molten metal and pressurized environments. Gas atomization poses a risk of explosion due to the use of inert gases. Water atomization can generate flammable hydrogen gas. Prioritize safety features and adhere to proper safety protocols.
Automation LevelDegree of automation desired in the atomization processVaries by UserA highly automated system minimizes human intervention and reduces errors but comes at a premium cost. A manual system offers greater control but requires more operator expertise.
Future ExpandabilityPotential need to handle different metals or volumesConsider if NeededIf you anticipate working with various metals or increasing production in the future, choose an atomizer with the flexibility to accommodate those changes.
メーカー評判Track record of the atomizer supplierImportantResearch the manufacturer’s experience, customer support, and warranty policies. Choose a reputable company with a proven track record in metal atomization technology.


Q: What is the typical size range of atomised metal powder?

A: The particle size range for most atomisers is around 10 microns to 250 microns. Gas atomisers can achieve finer powder down to 10 microns while water atomisers make coarser powder over 100 microns.

Q: What metals can be atomised into powder form?

A: Common metals atomised include aluminum, copper, iron, nickel, cobalt, titanium, tantalum, stainless steel. Even alloys and reactive metals like magnesium can be atomised.

Q: How spherical are the atomised powders?

A: Atomised powders have highly spherical morphology because the droplets solidify rapidly in flight. Sphericity levels of 0.9 to 1 are achieved. Gas atomisation makes more spherical powder.

Q: What is the main use of atomised metal powder?

A: The primary use is in powder metallurgy for pressing and sintering components. The fine powders are also ideal for metal additive manufacturing using powder bed fusion or directed energy deposition.

Q: How is powder size distribution controlled in atomisation?

A: Nozzle design, molten metal flow rate, gas pressure and atomising configuration determines particle size distribution. Multiple sieving stages post atomisation help narrow the distribution.

Q: Does metal atomisation require special skills?

A: While it is an automated process, skills in areas like metallurgy, thermal spraying, powder handling are needed to optimise and control the atomiser properly for quality metal powder production.

Q: What dictates the production rate of an atomiser?

A: The metal flow rate, gas pressure and atomiser capacity determines production rate. Industrial atomisers can make 100 kg/hr of powder while lab atomisers may make only a few kg/hr.

Q: How to determine the right atomiser size and type?

A: Key factors are powder quantity required, budget, existing infrastructure support and desired powder characteristics. These help shortlist between gas, water or centrifugal type in the needed capacity.

Q: Does metal atomisation produce any waste by-products?

A: Not much solid waste, but effluent gas/water treatment is needed. Dust extraction from powder handling areas is also required. Proper disposal of used filters and consumables is required.


Metal atomisation allows converting bulk metal into fine spherical powders using gas, water or centrifugal energy. With tight control of process parameters, high purity, customised powders ideal for AM can be produced. This guide has summarised the working, types, applications, suppliers and technical considerations for metal atomisation systems. The structured information allows easy comparison between options to choose an appropriate atomiser.




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