

ステンレススチール316Lパウダー は、その優れた耐食性、機械的特性、生体適合性により、多くの用途でよく使用される材料です。このガイドでは、316L 粉末の特性、製造方法、用途、サプライヤーなど、316L 粉末の詳細な概要をご紹介します。


ステンレス鋼316Lパウダーはステンレス鋼合金の一種で、耐食性を高めるためにモリブデンを含んでいる。L "は低炭素を意味し、溶接性を向上させます。


  • 優れた耐食性、特に孔食と隙間腐食に対する耐性
  • 高い強度と優れた延性
  • 生体適合性に優れ、医療用インプラントに最適
  • 非磁性オーステナイト組織
  • 高温での高い耐酸化性と耐クリープ性
  • 様々な粒子サイズと形態で入手可能



霧化された水10-300 μm不規則、樹枝状金属射出成形
プラズマ噴霧<100 μm球形積層造形
電解<150 μm樹枝状、とがった積層造形、プレス
カルボニル<10 μm球形粉末冶金、プレス


  • 積層造形 - 選択的レーザー溶融、ダイレクトメタルレーザー焼結、バインダージェッティング
  • 金属射出成形 - 整形外科用インプラントのような小型で複雑な部品
  • プレス・焼結 - フィルター、多孔質構造、自己潤滑性ベアリング
  • 表面コーティング - 耐摩耗性と耐食性の向上
  • ろう付けおよび溶接 - 溶加材として




stainless steel 316l powder


プロパティ説明Impact on Usability
化学組成Primarily composed of iron (Fe), chromium (Cr) (16-18%), nickel (Ni) (10-12%), molybdenum (Mo) (2-3%), with minor additions of silicon (Si), manganese (Mn), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), nitrogen (N). Low carbon content (less than 0.03%)The high chromium content grants excellent corrosion resistance, especially against pitting and crevice corrosion. Nickel enhances strength and ductility, while molybdenum improves resistance to localized attacks, particularly by chlorides. Low carbon minimizes the risk of carbide precipitation during welding or high-temperature processes.
粒子径と分布Measured in micrometers (µm), with a typical range of 15-50 µm. The distribution of particle sizes within this range is crucial.Particle size and distribution significantly influence flowability, packing density, and the final product’s mechanical properties. Finer particles generally offer better surface finish but can be challenging to handle due to poor flowability. A well-controlled distribution with a mix of particle sizes optimizes packing and minimizes voids in the final product.
見掛け密度 & タップ密度Apparent density refers to the density of the powder as loosely poured. Tap density is measured after tapping the powder container to achieve a denser packing. Units are typically g/cm³.The difference between apparent and tap density reflects powder flowability. A higher tap density relative to apparent density indicates better flow characteristics, essential for efficient powder bed creation in Additive Manufacturing processes.
流動性The ease with which powder flows under its own weight. Measured using techniques like the Hall Flowmeter or Carr Index.Good flowability allows for uniform powder spreading and minimizes segregation (separation of different particle sizes) during handling and deposition. This translates to consistent density and properties in the final product.
球形度とモルフォロジーSphericity refers to how closely a particle resembles a perfect sphere. Morphology describes the overall shape of the particles (spherical, angular, irregular).Spherical particles typically flow better and pack more densely compared to irregular shapes. However, some applications might benefit from a specific particle morphology to achieve desired surface texture or interlocking of particles.
Melting Point & RangeAround 1400°C (2552°F). The melting range can vary slightly depending on the specific powder composition.The melting point is crucial for determining the appropriate processing temperatures in techniques like sintering or Additive Manufacturing.
熱伝導率Approximately 16 W/mK.Thermal conductivity influences heat transfer within the powder bed during processing. This can impact factors like cooling rates, residual stresses, and the formation of undesirable phases in the final product.
焼結挙動The ability of the powder particles to bond together during a high-temperature heating process (sintering) to form a solid object.Sintering behavior depends on factors like particle size distribution, powder surface chemistry, and sintering parameters. Well-controlled sintering allows for densification of the powder bed, achieving the desired mechanical properties in the final product.
耐食性Inherits excellent corrosion resistance from its bulk counterpart, 316L stainless steel. Offers resistance to a wide range of environments, including oxidizing acids, reducing acids, and salt spray.The molybdenum content in 316L powder provides superior resistance to pitting corrosion, particularly in chloride-containing environments, compared to 304L stainless steel powder. This makes it suitable for applications demanding high corrosion resistance.


ガス噴霧Molten 316L steel is injected into a high-velocity inert gas stream, breaking it into fine droplets that rapidly solidify into spherical particles.– Spherical shape – Tight size distribution (15-45 microns) – Excellent flowability – High packing density– Consistent quality – Good for Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes like Laser Beam Melting (LBM) and Electron Beam Melting (EBM)– High energy consumption – Potential for oxygen and nitrogen pickup– Aerospace components (turbine blades, heat exchangers) – Medical implants (due to biocompatibility) – High-performance automotive parts
水の霧化Similar to gas atomization, but uses a high-pressure water jet to break the molten metal.– Irregular shape with some satellites (fused particles) – Broader size distribution (10-100 microns) – Lower flowability compared to gas atomization– More cost-effective than gas atomization – Suitable for applications where spherical shape is less critical– Higher oxygen content due to water interaction – May require additional post-processing for AM– Fluidized bed reactors (catalyst carriers) – Metal Injection Molding (MIM) feedstock
プラズマ霧化Employs a high-temperature, high-velocity plasma torch to melt and atomize the 316L steel feedstock.– Highly spherical shape – Tight size distribution with finer particles possible (down to 5 microns) – Excellent flowability– Superior quality for demanding AM applications – Can achieve finer powders for intricate features– Highest energy consumption among the three methods – Requires specialized equipment– High-performance turbine blades – Microfluidic components – Biomedical implants requiring high surface finish
機械的合金化Solid elemental or pre-alloyed powders are blended and milled together in a high-energy ball mill to achieve a uniform 316L composition.– Irregular shape with angular facets – Wide size distribution – Lower flowability– Highly customizable for creating unique alloy compositions not achievable with other methods– Longer processing time compared to atomization techniques – May require additional steps to improve flowability for AM– Specialized components requiring specific material properties – Development of new alloys for AM
電解An aqueous-based process where a 316L anode dissolves into the electrolyte solution, and the metal ions are deposited as powder on the cathode.– Spherical or dendritic shapes – Wide size distribution – Can be porous– Highly pure powders achievable – Potential for near-net shape manufacturing– Limited production capacity – Relatively slow process– Biomedical implants requiring high purity – Catalyst supports – Specialized applications demanding specific powder properties


メディカル&デンタル* Implants (knee, hip, dental) * Surgical instruments * Prosthetics* Biocompatible (safe for body contact) * Excellent corrosion resistance * High strength * Formability for complex designs* 316L minimizes risk of rejection and infection. * Powder allows for creation of porous structures for bone ingrowth. * Can be sterilized for safe surgical use.
食品加工* Vessels * Tubing * Valves * Fittings * Fasteners* Superior corrosion resistance to food acids and brines * Easy to clean and maintain * Meets hygiene and safety standards* 316L ensures food quality and prevents contamination. * Smooth surfaces minimize bacterial harborage points. * Withstands repeated cleaning cycles.
マリン* Propeller shafts * Diesel engine parts * Deck equipment* Exceptional resistance to saltwater corrosion * High mechanical strength * Durability in harsh environments* 316L extends lifespan of critical marine components. * Maintains structural integrity under stress and heavy loads. * Performs reliably in varying temperatures.
化学・石油化学* Reaction vessels * Piping systems * Valves * Pumps* Impervious to a wide range of chemicals * High temperature resistance * Pressure tolerance* 316L can handle aggressive chemicals without degradation. * Withstands high processing temperatures for efficient reactions. * Suitable for high-pressure environments in refineries and plants.
航空宇宙* Aircraft engine components * Fluid control systems * Structural parts* High strength-to-weight ratio * Excellent mechanical properties at elevated temperatures * Corrosion resistance in challenging environments* 316L reduces weight for improved fuel efficiency. * Maintains performance under extreme heat and pressure. * Resists corrosion from jet fuel and other aerospace fluids.
自動車* Exhaust components * Engine parts * Trim and decorative elements* High-temperature resistance * Formability for complex shapes * Corrosion resistance for extended lifespan* 316L can withstand hot exhaust gases without warping. * Can be formed into intricate exhaust manifolds and pipes. * Resists corrosion from road salts and harsh weather conditions.
消費財* Watches * Jewelry * Cutlery * Household appliances* Aesthetic appeal due to polished finish * High strength and wear resistance * Corrosion resistance for easy cleaning and hygiene* 316L offers a sleek, luxurious look for high-end goods. * Utensils and appliances maintain sharpness and durability. * Easy to maintain a clean and hygienic surface.
工事* Architectural cladding * Fasteners * Railings * Hardware* Corrosion resistance for outdoor applications * High strength and weatherability * Aesthetic appeal for modern designs* 316L can withstand harsh weather conditions without rusting. * Maintains structural integrity and functionality over time. * Offers a sleek, contemporary look for architectural elements.




  • ASTM A240 - 圧力容器および一般用途のクロムおよびクロム-ニッケルステンレス鋼板、薄板、帯鋼の規格。316L合金の組成限界と機械的特性を規定。
  • ASTM B822 - 光散乱による金属粉末および関連化合物の粒度分布の標準試験方法。粉末の粒度分布の評価に使用。
  • ASTM F3055 - 粉末床溶融用途での使用を意図した付加製造用ニッケル合金粉末の標準仕様。316Lを含むAMニッケル合金粉末の厳しい要件を規定。
  • ASTM F3049 - 添加製造プロセスに使用される金属粉末の特性評価ガイド。流動性、密度、形態などの特性を測定するためのガイダンスを提供します。


  • ISO 9001 - 金属粉末製造の品質管理
  • ISO 13485 - 医療用金属粉末の品質管理
  • ASMEボイラーおよび圧力容器コード - 圧力容器用途の材料要件


316L 粉末 供給者


サンドビックガス噴霧オスプレイ® 316L15-45 μm
LPWテクノロジーガス噴霧LPW 316L15-63 μm
ヘガネス水の霧化316L10-45 μm
中国石油天然気集団公司ガス、水噴霧316L10-150 μm
ポメトンガス、水噴霧316L10-150 μm
エーティーアイガス噴霧316L10-63 μm


  • 粉体の品質、組成、粒子径、形態
  • 製造方法
  • 注文数量とロットサイズ
  • 品質管理とテストのレベル
  • 梱包および配送に関する要件



  • 粉末の特性(粒度分布、形態、流動性など)は、用途のニーズに適合していなければならない。
  • 仕様に沿った一貫した品質と構成
  • 信頼性の高いサプライチェーンとロジスティクス
  • 国際規格および認証への準拠
  • 技術的な専門知識と顧客サービス
  • 価格と最低注文数



Design Considerations for 316L Stainless Steel Powder

アスペクト考察Impact on Printed Part推薦の言葉
壁厚Minimum thickness should be 0.8-1 mmParts with thinner walls may be weak and prone to cracking.* Design walls at least 1 mm thick for optimal strength. * Consider using internal ribs or lattices for reinforcement in thin sections. * For parts requiring minimal wall thickness, explore alternative AM processes with higher resolution.
Overhangs & AnglesSharp corners and unsupported overhangs can lead to warping and delamination.* Minimize sharp corners by incorporating fillets and curves. * Design overhangs with angles between 30-45 degrees for better support. * Utilize strategically placed support structures during printing to prevent drooping.
Surface Finish & OrientationPowder characteristics and layer orientation can influence surface texture.* Understand how powder size and morphology affect surface roughness. * Consider part orientation to minimize layering visibility on critical surfaces. * Post-processing techniques like polishing or bead blasting can improve surface finish.
多孔性Air pockets trapped within the part can compromise mechanical properties.* Optimize printing parameters like laser power and scan speed to achieve high density. * Explore techniques like Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) to further minimize porosity. * Design internal channels or venting holes to facilitate powder removal during printing.
Stress ManagementResidual stresses from the printing process can lead to warping or cracking.* Utilize support structures strategically to minimize stress concentration points. * Design features like fillets and gradual transitions to reduce stress build-up. * Consider post-printing heat treatment for stress relief annealing.
寸法精度Powder size distribution and shrinkage during sintering can affect final dimensions.* Account for shrinkage rates (typically around 20%) when designing the model. * Utilize design for additive manufacturing (DfAM) principles to optimize printability and minimize dimensional deviations. * Print test parts to calibrate printing parameters and ensure dimensional accuracy.
サポート体制Temporary structures needed for complex geometries can leave marks.* Design support structures with minimal contact area to minimize removal marks. * Explore dissolvable support materials for easier post-processing. * Optimize support structure design for efficient material usage and easy removal.
パウダー除去Unremoved powder trapped inside cavities can affect functionality.* Design internal channels or drainage holes to facilitate powder removal. * Utilize angled features and venting strategies to prevent powder entrapment. * Optimize printing parameters to minimize powder sticking and improve flowability.


Post-Processing of 316L Stainless Steel Parts

サポートの取り外しRemoving temporary structures used during printing.* Essential for achieving final part geometry. * Allows access to internal features.* Selection of removal method depends on support material type (manual, mechanical, chemical dissolution). * Careful handling is required to avoid damaging the part.
熱処理* Stress Relief Annealing: Reduces residual stresses from printing to improve dimensional stability and prevent cracking. * ソリューション・アニーリング: Refines microstructure for enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.* Optimizes performance and longevity of the part. * Enables conformance to specific material specifications.* Requires precise control of temperature and time based on part geometry and desired outcome. * Rapid cooling techniques like quenching may be necessary for solution annealing.
Shot PeeningBombarding the surface with small metal spheres to create a compressive stress layer.* Improves fatigue strength and wear resistance. * Enhances resistance to stress corrosion cracking.* Selection of shot media and blasting parameters depends on desired surface finish and depth of effect. * Excessive peening can introduce surface roughness.
Pickling & PassivationChemical cleaning process to remove surface contaminants and improve corrosion resistance.* Essential for parts exposed to harsh environments. * Creates a passive oxide layer for enhanced corrosion protection.* Selection of pickling and passivating solutions depends on material grade and surface condition. * Improper handling of chemicals requires appropriate safety precautions.
Machining & FinishingTraditional subtractive techniques for achieving precise dimensions, tolerances, and surface finishes.* Enables creation of features not achievable with AM. * Improves surface aesthetics and functionality.* Requires additional machining expertise and equipment. * May introduce heat and stress that necessitate further post-processing.
研磨Mechanical or chemical methods for achieving a smooth, reflective surface.* Enhances aesthetic appeal for decorative applications. * Improves surface hygiene for medical devices. * Reduces surface roughness for improved wear resistance.* Selection of polishing method depends on desired level of finish. * Excessive polishing can remove material and alter part dimensions.
電気めっきDepositing a thin layer of another metal onto the surface for enhanced properties.* Improves electrical conductivity, wear resistance, or corrosion resistance. * Offers decorative finishes like chrome or gold plating.* Requires specialized equipment and expertise for electroplating baths. * Plating thickness needs to be carefully controlled to avoid delamination.


多孔性Air pockets trapped within the part during printing.* Suboptimal laser power or scan speed. * Inadequate powder flowability. * Improper gas purging.* Reduced mechanical strength, fatigue life, and corrosion resistance. * May create leakage paths in fluid applications.* Optimize printing parameters for proper melting and density. * Pre-heat the powder bed to improve flow. * Utilize inert gas purging to minimize trapped air. * Consider post-processing techniques like Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) for further densification.
融合の欠如Incomplete melting between adjacent powder layers.* Insufficient laser power density. * Inconsistent powder layer thickness. * Contamination on the powder surface.* Weak interlayer bonding, leading to potential cracking and part failure.* Calibrate laser power and scan speed for proper melting depth. * Ensure consistent powder layer thickness through proper recoating mechanisms. * Maintain a clean powder bed free from moisture or contaminants.
BalloningMolten metal accumulating into excessive beads on the top surface.* Excessive laser power density. * Improper scan speed. * Incorrect powder size distribution.* Rough surface finish with poor aesthetics. * Potential for spatter and process instability.* Reduce laser power or increase scan speed to prevent overheating. * Optimize scan patterns to avoid excessive dwell time on a single area. * Utilize a more uniform powder size distribution for consistent melting behavior.
ひび割れFractures in the part due to residual stresses or thermal shock.* Rapid cooling during printing. * Insufficient stress relief post-processing. * Sharp corners or design features that concentrate stress.* Compromised structural integrity and potential for part failure.* Implement slower cooling rates during printing to minimize thermal gradients. * Perform stress relief annealing to reduce residual stresses. * Design features with smooth transitions and avoid sharp corners.
反りDistortion of the part from its intended geometry.* Uneven thermal expansion and contraction during printing. * Inadequate support structures for complex geometries. * Residual stresses locked in the part.* Dimensional inaccuracies and potential for part malfunction.* Optimize printing parameters to minimize thermal gradients. * Utilize strategically placed support structures for proper support during printing. * Implement stress relief annealing to reduce warping tendencies.
デラミネーションSeparation of layers within the part.* Weak interlayer bonding due to lack of fusion. * Excessive moisture content in the powder. * Contamination on the powder bed.* Loss of structural integrity and potential for part delamination.* Ensure proper fusion between layers by optimizing printing parameters. * Maintain low powder moisture content through proper storage and handling. * Utilize a clean powder bed free from contaminants.
stainless steel 316l powder




  • AM、MIMなど、どの製造プロセスを使用するかを検討する。
  • 粒子径、形状、純度など、必要とされる重要な粉末特性を特定する。
  • 機械的特性、精度、表面仕上げなど、部品の仕様を検討する。

ステップ 2: サプライヤー候補の調査

  • 長い経験を持つ主要な316Lパウダーメーカーの検索
  • 製造方法、パウダーの品種、QCテストなど。
  • お客様のアプリケーションに関連するケーススタディとカスタマーレビューをご覧ください。


  • 316Lパウダーを用途に合わせてカスタマイズすることは可能ですか?
  • AM、MIM、その他の粉体技術に精通しているか?
  • 垂直統合と品質管理のレベルは?


  • 粉体選定、アプリケーション開発における技術サポート
  • サンプルテスト、トライアリングサービス
  • 問い合わせへの対応、リードタイムの柔軟性


  • 国際品質認証 - ISO 9001、ISO 13485など
  • ASTMなどの粉体組成規格に準拠
  • ロットのトレーサビリティ、広範なテストと文書化


  • 要求される粒度、品質レベル、数量に対するkg当たりの価格
  • 最小発注量およびロットサイズの要件
  • 配送/物流コスト


  • 安定した在庫供給と需要変動への対応力
  • 注文の追跡と監視、透明性の高いリードタイム
  • 納期厳守の実績




  • DMLS、SLMのような粉末床溶融に10~45μmの粒子を使用
  • サイズ分布の最適化 - 広すぎるとパッキングに問題が生じる可能性がある
  • バインダージェットに適した1~10μmの微細粒子


  • 流動性は粉体の広がりと層の均一性に直接影響する。
  • ガスアトマイズにより、球状の自由流動性粉体を製造
  • ASTM B213規格に準拠したパウダーフロー試験


  • ふるい分け、分級を行い、衛星や微粉を除去する。
  • サテライトは凝集や欠陥の原因となる。


  • ASTM規格の範囲内で元素組成を厳密に管理
  • 特性に影響を与えるO、N、Cなどの不純物を制限する。


  • プロセスパラメータとスキャンパターンの最適化
  • 熱間静水圧プレスで空隙を最小限に抑える
  • 99%以上の密度を維持し、高性能を実現


  • 製造工程における熱勾配の最適化
  • 応力を緩和するために適切な熱処理を行う


  • 固溶化熱処理と時効処理により強度が向上
  • すべてのビルド方向で均一な特性を維持する



Q: 316Lステンレスパウダーは一般的に何に使用されますか?

A: 316L粉末は、優れた耐食性と機械的特性、生体適合性を兼ね備えているため、積層造形、金属射出成形、プレス・焼結用途に最も広く使用されています。一般的な用途としては、インプラント、航空宇宙部品、自動車部品、生体医療機器、工具などがあります。

Q: レーザーベースのAMプロセスでは、どの程度の粒子径が推奨されますか?

A: DMLSやSLMのようなレーザー粉末溶融プロセスでは、一般的に10~45ミクロンの粒度範囲が推奨されます。10ミクロン以下の微細な粒子は、流れや広がりに問題を引き起こす可能性があります。粒度分布も十分に制御する必要があります。

Q: 粉末の形態は特性にどのような影響を与えますか?

A: AM用途には、球形で流動性の高いパウダーが望ましい。不規則でとがったパウダーはプレスや焼結法に適しています。衛星粒子や微粉は粉末の流動性に悪影響を与え、欠陥を生じさせる可能性があります。パウダーモルフォロジーをコントロールすることが、最適なパフォーマンスを得るための鍵となります。

Q: ガスアトマイズと水アトマイズの316Lパウダーの主な違いは何ですか?

A: ガスアトマイズされた 316L 粉末は、より球状で流動性に優れています。水アトマイズ粉末は、より不規則な形状を示しますが、プレスや焼結用途に必要な高い圧縮性が得られます。ガスアトマイズ粉末は酸素含有量が低い。

Q: 316L AM 部品にはどのような後処理方法が使用されていますか?

A: 一般的な後加工には、熱処理、熱間静水圧プレス、研削・機械加工による表面仕上げ、コーティング、品質管理試験などがあります。これは、目標特性、寸法精度、美観、欠陥検出の達成に役立ちます。

Q: 316L 粉末の一般的な欠陥とその回避方法は?

A: 欠陥の可能性とは、気孔、割れ、表面仕上げ不良、融 着不足、残留応力などです。プロセスパラメーターの最適化、粉末の品質管理、造形方向、後処理を注意深く行うことで、316L部品のこれらの欠陥を最小限に抑えることができます。

Q: AMやその他の用途の316L粉末にはどのような規格が適用されますか?

A: 主な規格は、AMパウダーのASTM F3055、パウダーの特性評価のASTM B822、合金組成のASTM A240、品質管理のISO規格です。主要な316L粉末サプライヤーは、これらの規格の認証を受けています。

Q: 316L粉末の価格決定要因は何ですか?

A: 316Lパウダーの価格設定に影響を与える主な要因は、品質レベル、粒子径と分布、製造方法、注文数量、テスト/QC、梱包、納品に関するバイヤーの要求です。要求が厳しいほど価格も高くなります。

Q: 316L AM部品の耐食性はどのように最適化できますか?

A: 化学組成の公差を厳しくして不純物レベルをコントロールする、熱間静水圧プレスで密度を高めて気孔率を下げる、不動態化処理を施す、耐食性を向上させるために溶体化処理を施すなどの解決策があります。




MET3DP Technology Co., LTDは、中国青島に本社を置く積層造形ソリューションのリーディングプロバイダーです。弊社は3Dプリンティング装置と工業用途の高性能金属粉末を専門としています。









