Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder: The Complete Guide

When it comes to advanced materials, Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder is a game-changer in the world of metallurgy. By incorporating boron into the composition of the widely-used 304 stainless steel, this material achieves enhanced strength, improved wear resistance, and superior thermal stability. Thanks to its powdered form, it’s ideal for modern manufacturing techniques like additive manufacturing (AM), metal injection molding (MIM), and thermal spraying. This guide is designed to provide you with everything you need to know about Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder. We’ll cover its composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and more. Whether you’re an engineer, a researcher, or a manufacturer, this comprehensive guide will give you the insights you need to make informed decisions.

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Когда речь идет о передовых материалах, Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder is a game-changer in the world of metallurgy. By incorporating boron into the composition of the widely-used 304 stainless steel, this material achieves повышенная прочность, повышенная износостойкость, и превосходная термическая стабильность. Thanks to its powdered form, it’s ideal for modern manufacturing techniques like Аддитивное производство (AM), литье металлов под давлением (MIM), и термическое напыление.

This guide is designed to provide you with everything you need to know about Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder. Мы расскажем о его composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and more. Whether you’re an engineer, a researcher, or a manufacturer, this comprehensive guide will give you the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Overview of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

What is Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder?

По своей сути, Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder is a derivative of the popular 304 stainless steel, which is known for its коррозионная стойкость, пластичность, и свариваемость. Добавление бор (B)—a trace element—enhances the alloy’s properties, particularly its твердость, износостойкость, и высокотемпературная прочность.

В своем powdered form, this material is processed through techniques like распыление газа или распыление воды, обеспечивая последовательное распределение частиц по размерам, текучесть, и чистота. This makes it perfectly suited for 3D-печать, порошковая металлургия, and other advanced fabrication processes.

Why Choose Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder?

Why not just stick to regular 304 stainless steel? It’s a valid question. But think of boron as a secret ingredient that takes an already great material and makes it even better. While traditional 304 stainless steel performs well in most environments, the addition of boron significantly improves its твердость, стойкость к истиранию, и performance in high-stress applications.

Imagine you’re designing components for high-temperature furnaces, режущие инструменты, или износостойкие поверхности. Regular stainless steel might work, but boron-alloyed stainless steel will last longer, perform better, and save you money in the long run. It’s like upgrading from a standard sedan to a rugged SUV—it’s built to handle more demanding conditions.

Composition and Properties of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

Understanding the core состав и недвижимость of this material is crucial for evaluating its performance in specific applications.

Chemical Composition of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

ЭлементПроцент (%)Роль в сплаве
Железо (Fe)БалансBase element providing structural целостность.
Хром (Cr)~18–20Improves corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance.
Никель (Ni)~8–10Enhances ductility and toughness while resisting corrosion.
Углерод (C)≤ 0.08Maintains strength without compromising weldability.
Марганец (Mn)≤ 2.0Повышает прочность и износостойкость.
Бор (B)~0.05–0.10Повышает твердость, износостойкость и термостойкость.

Физические и механические свойства

Плотность~7,9 г/см³Ensures structural stability while maintaining manufacturability.
Температура плавления~1,400°CПодходит для использования при высоких температурах.
Твердость~200–300 HVImproved wear resistance compared to standard 304 stainless steel.
Прочность на разрыв600–700 MPaEnsures durability under stress and load.
Коррозионная стойкостьОтличныйХорошо работает в кислой, соленой и окислительной среде.
ТеплопроводностьУмеренныйBalances heat resistance with structural stability.

These enhanced properties make Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder лучший выбор для износостойкие применения и высокотемпературные среды.

Applications of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

Универсальность Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder makes it a popular choice in industries ranging from аэрокосмическая промышленность на медицинские приборы и промышленная оснастка.

Key Applications of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

Аэрокосмическая промышленностьHigh-strength structural components, turbine blades, and thermal shields.
Медицинские приборыSurgical instruments, implants, and wear-resistant surfaces.
Автомобильная промышленностьEngine components, exhaust manifolds, and catalytic converters.
ЭнергияHeat exchangers, boilers, and high-temperature furnace parts.
Аддитивное производство3D-printed parts with enhanced hardness and thermal stability.
Промышленная оснасткаCutting tools, molds, and dies for heavy-duty applications.

Например, в аэрокосмическая промышленность, материал износостойкость и термическая стабильность делают его идеальным для лопатки турбины that operate under extreme heat and stress. In медицинское применение, его коррозионная стойкость ensures reliability in surgical tools.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

Для обеспечения оптимальной производительности, Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder is produced in accordance with strict международные стандарты and is available in a variety of размеры и классы.

Specifications for Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

Размер частиц15–45 µm for additive manufacturing; 45–150 µm for thermal spraying.
ФормаSpherical for consistent flow and packing.
СтандартыASTM A240 (Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels).

Pricing and Suppliers of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

При поиске поставщиков Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder, понимая ценообразование и доступный поставщики can help you make a cost-effective decision.

Поставщики и ценовая политика

ПоставщикДиапазон цен (за кг)РасположениеДополнительные услуги
ATI Metals$350-$600СШАCustom particle sizes, technical support.
Технология производства материалов Sandvik$400-$650ГлобальнаяHigh-purity stainless steel powders for industrial use.
Технология столярных работ$375–$700ГлобальнаяTailored powders for additive manufacturing applications.
GKN Additive$360–$620СШАSpecialized powders for 3D printing.

Цены варьируются в зависимости от размер частиц, количество заказов, и конкретные требования.

Advantages and Limitations of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

Каждый материал имеет свои плюсы и минусы. Here’s a detailed look at the преимущества и ограничения из Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder.

Преимущества и ограничения

Исключительная твердость и износостойкостьHigher cost compared to standard 304 stainless steel.
Высокотемпературная и коррозионная стойкостьДля обработки требуется специализированное оборудование.
Ideal for additive manufacturing and thermal sprayingLimited availability from some suppliers.
Versatile for multiple industries and applicationsMay require post-processing for certain applications.

FAQs About Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder

What is Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder used for?Aerospace, medical devices, automotive, and industrial tooling applications.
Why is boron added to this alloy?Boron enhances hardness, wear resistance, and thermal stability.
Подходит ли он для 3D-печати?Yes, its spherical shape ensures excellent flowability for additive manufacturing.
Каков типичный диапазон цен?Prices range from $350 to $700 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
How does it perform in high-heat environments?Exceptional, maintaining strength and stability at temperatures above 1,000°C.


Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder это передовой материал, который сочетает в себе corrosion resistance and ductility of 304 stainless steel with the hardness and wear resistance of boron. Its powdered form makes it indispensable in современные технологии производства например, 3D-печать и литье металлов под давлением.

Разрабатываете ли вы high-temperature furnace parts, wear-resistant tools, или медицинские имплантаты, this alloy is a reliable choice that delivers производительность и долговечность. Ready to unlock the potential of Boron-Alloyed 304 Stainless Steel Powder? Explore its applications today!

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