904L Powder: Förstklassigt korrosionsmotstånd för kritiska applikationer


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In the world of advanced engineering and material science, selecting the right material can make or break a project’s success. Whether you’re designing components for chemical processing, marine equipment, or high-temperature applications, you need a material that can withstand harsh environments without compromising performance. Enter 904L Powder, a premium-grade iron-nickel-chromium alloy that’s specifically designed for the most demanding applications.

Men vad är egentligen 904L Powder, and why is it so highly regarded in industries like kemisk bearbetning, olja och gas, och flyg- och rymdindustrin? In this guide, we will dive deep into the sammansättning, fastigheter, tillämpningar, och Förmåner of this high-performance material. Additionally, we’ll cover its prissättning, leverantörer, and frequently asked questions to give you a comprehensive understanding of 904L Powder. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or someone new to material selection, this guide will serve as your go-to resource.

Overview of 904L Powder

904L Powder är en high-alloy austenitic stainless steel that is known for its exceptionell korrosionsbeständighet, particularly in aggressive environments containing sulfuric acid, klorider, och other reducing agents. This material is a popular choice in industries that require both hög hållfasthet och korrosionsbeständighet over an extended period of time.

One of the key elements that sets 904L Powder apart from other stainless steel powders is its high nickel och molybdenum content, which significantly improves its resistance to pitting, Spaltkorrosion, och spänningskorrosion sprickbildning. It also has good svetsbarhet and can be formed into complex shapes, making it highly versatile for various manufacturing processes, including additiv tillverkning och pulvermetallurgi.

Viktiga egenskaper :

  • Utmärkt korrosionsbeständighet in harsh environments, especially against sulfuric acid och klorider.
  • Utestående resistance to pitting och Spaltkorrosion.
  • High nickel och molybdenum content for enhanced durability.
  • God formbarhet och svetsbarhet, making it suitable for complex manufacturing processes.
  • Versatile for additiv tillverkning processer som 3D-utskrifter.

Composition and Properties of 904L Powder

Förståelse för sammansättning av 904L Powder is crucial when selecting it for specific applications. Its unique blend of metals gives it the korrosionsbeständighet och mekaniska egenskaper that make it ideal for demanding environments. Let’s break down the composition and some of the key properties that define 904L Powder.


ElementProcentuell andel (%)
Järn (Fe)Balans
Nickel (Ni)23 – 28
Krom (Cr)19 – 23
Molybden (Mo)4 – 5
Koppar (Cu)1 – 2
Kol (C)Max 0.02
Mangan (Mn)Max 2.0
Kisel (Si)Max 1.0
Fosfor (P)Max 0.045
Svavel (S)Max 0.035

Den high nickel och molybdenum content significantly improve the alloy’s ability to resist Korrosion in both oxiderande och minska miljöerna. Koppar is also added to enhance its resistance to sulfuric acid, medan krom provides the material with its characteristic stainless steel properties.

Mekaniska och termiska egenskaper

Draghållfasthet490 – 690 MPa
Utbyteshållfasthet220 MPa (minimum)
Hårdhet (Rockwell B)70 – 90
Täthet7.95 g/cm³
Smältpunkt1350 – 1400°C
Termisk konduktivitet12 W/mK
Specifik värmekapacitet500 J/kg·K

Viktiga slutsatser:

  • 904L Powder ger excellent tensile strength och duktilitet, making it a great choice for structural components that need to withstand significant mechanical stress.
  • Dess high elongation means it has good formability, making it easier to shape and weld in various manufacturing processes.
  • Den termiska egenskaper göra den lämplig för miljöer med höga temperaturer, medan dess korrosionsbeständighet gör den idealisk för kemisk bearbetning och marina tillämpningar.

Applications of 904L Powder

Tack vare sin korrosionsbeständighet, styrka, och Formbarhet, 904L Powder is widely used across a variety of industries. Whether you’re working in kemisk bearbetning eller food production, this versatile material can meet your needs.

Vanliga tillämpningar

Kemisk bearbetningStorage tanks, piping systems, heat exchangers
Olja och gasOffshore platforms, piping, and valves
Marin teknikSeawater handling equipment, marine hardware
Flyg- och rymdindustrinHigh-strength, corrosion-resistant components
LäkemedelSterile processing equipment, reactors
LivsmedelsbearbetningEquipment in acidic environments
Additiv tillverkningCustomized components for 3D printing

Why Choose 904L Powder for These Applications?

Let’s say you’re building equipment for a chemical processing plant that will handle sulfuric acid daily. You need a material that can resist the corrosive effects of the acid without breaking down over time. 904L Powder is an ideal choice because its high nickel och molybdenum content offer exceptional resistance to acid corrosion, making it a long-lasting solution in these environments.

I marinindustrin, 904L Powder används ofta i seawater handling equipment due to its ability to withstand the corrosive nature of saltwater. På samma sätt, i olje- och gasindustrin, where equipment must endure both high pressure och korrosiva miljöer, 904L Powder är ett förstahandsval för Ventiler, rör, och offshore-plattformar.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for 904L Powder

När du arbetar med 904L Powder, it’s important to understand the various Specifikationer, storlekar, och branschstandarder that this material adheres to. Whether you’re using it for additiv tillverkning eller traditional powder metallurgy, knowing the right specifications will ensure optimal performance.

Specifikationer och storlekar

Partikelstorlek15 to 45 μm (microns)
Flödesförmåga för pulver20 – 25 sec/50g (ASTM B213)
Skenbar densitet4,0 - 5,0 g/cm³
Tappdensitet4.5 – 5.5 g/cm³
StandarderASTM B677, ASTM B688, ASTM B366
Packaging Sizes1 kg, 5 kg, 25 kg
FormSpherical or irregular powder


904L Standard GradeStandard corrosion resistance, suitable for general-purpose use
904L High PurityEnhanced purity for pharmaceutical and food-grade applications
904L Marine GradeOptimized for marine environments with increased chloride resistance
904L Premium GradeThe highest resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, designed for critical applications

Att välja rätt betyg

For example, if you’re working on a marine engineering project, you’ll likely want to select 904L Marine Grade due to its enhanced resistance to saltwater corrosion. On the other hand, if you’re designing equipment for pharmaceutical production, 904L High Purity would be the better choice due to its sanitary properties och ease of sterilization.

Suppliers and Pricing of 904L Powder

Like any high-performance material, the cost of 904L Powder kan variera beroende på faktorer som t.ex. leverantör, betyg, och mängd. It’s also worth noting that market demand and global supply chains play a role in determining the final price.

Leverantörer och prisuppgifter

LeverantörPlatsPrisintervall (per kg)Leveranstid
Alloyed Metals Inc.USA$80 – $1201-2 veckor
Euro SteelEuropa$85 – $1102-3 veckor
Asian Alloy SolutionsKina$70 – $1003-4 veckor
Precision Metal PowdersSTORBRITANNIEN$90 – $1301-2 veckor
Global Powder SupplyIndien$75 – $1153-4 veckor

Faktorer som påverkar prissättningen

  • Kvantitet: As with most materials, bulk purchases typically result in lower per kilogram costs.
  • Betyg: Hög renhet eller premium grades will generally cost more than standard grades due to the additional bearbetning och kvalitetskontroll involved.
  • Plats för leverantör: Local suppliers may offer faster delivery, medan internationella leverantörer might provide lower prices depending on shipping costs and import duties.

Advantages and Limitations of 904L Powder

Medan 904L Powder offers numerous benefits, it’s important to understand both the Fördelar och Begränsningar of this material. This will help you make an informed decision about whether it’s the right choice for your specific application.

Fördelar och begränsningar

Exceptionell korrosionsbeständighetHögre kostnad jämfört med vanliga rostfria stål
Hög hållfasthet och hållbarhetKräver specialutrustning för maskinbearbetning
God formbarhet och svetsbarhetBegränsad tillgänglighet i vissa regioner
Excellent resistance to pitting and crevice corrosionNot suitable for high-stress, high-wear applications

Key Takeaway

904L Powder is a top-tier choice for applications that require överlägsen korrosionsbeständighet och Hållbarhet, especially in harsh environments. However, it does come with a högre prislapp and may require specialiserad utrustning för maskinbearbetning och svetsning. For applications that demand hög hållfasthet but are less focused on korrosionsbeständighet, a lower-cost alloy might be a better choice.

FAQs About 904L Powder

Let’s answer some common questions about 904L Powder to clear up any uncertainties you might have.

What is 904L Powder used for?

904L Powder används i stor utsträckning i industrier som kemisk bearbetning, olja och gas, marin teknik, och Läkemedel. Typical applications include storage tanks, rörsystem, värmeväxlare, och additiv tillverkning.

How does 904L Powder compare to other stainless steel powders?

Compared to common 304 eller 316 rostfritt stål, 904L Powder offers significantly better korrosionsbeständighet, especially in environments containing sulfuric acid eller klorider. However, it is also more expensive and may not be necessary for applications that don’t involve harsh chemical exposure.

Can 904L Powder be used for additive manufacturing?

Ja, 904L Powder är mycket lämplig för additiv tillverkning processer som 3D-utskrifter på grund av dess good flowability och ability to maintain mechanical properties throughout the sintering process.

What is the typical price of 904L Powder?

Priser för 904L Powder generally range from $70 till $130 per kilogramberoende på leverantör, betyg, och mängd.

Is 904L Powder difficult to machine?

904L Powder is more difficult to machine than standard stainless steels, primarily due to its high nickel och molybdenum content. Specialized cutting tools and machining techniques are required to handle this material effectively.


In industries that demand korrosionsbeständighet, styrka, och Hållbarhet, 904L Powder stands out as one of the top materials available today. Its unique blend of metals, including nickel, molybden, och krom, make it ideal for applications in kemisk bearbetning, marin teknikoch till och med additiv tillverkning. While it may come at a higher cost than standard stainless steels, its långsiktig hållbarhet och performance in harsh environments justify the investment.

Whether you’re designing a chemical processing plant, byggnad offshore-plattformar, eller skapa custom 3D-printed components, 904L Powder erbjuder styrka, resilience, och Formbarhet you need for long-lasting success. So, is 904L Powder the right choice for your next project? If you’re dealing with mycket korrosiva miljöer or need a material that can endure extreme conditions, it’s a decision you won’t regret.

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