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Översikt över NiTi-pulver (sfäriskt nickel-titanlegeringspulver)

Overview of Spherical Nickel-Titanium Alloy Powder NiTi powder, or Nitinol, is a shape memory alloy that consists of nearly equal parts nickel and titanium. It’s renowned for its ability to undergo deformation at one temperature and then return to its original shape when heated to a higher temperature. This unique

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3D-printade metallpulver

Nickel Superalloys: types, prices, suppliers

Imagine a material so strong it can withstand the scorching heat of a jet engine or the intense pressure of a gas turbine. Imagine this same material being shaped into intricate components with unparalleled precision. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the reality of nickel superalloys for 3D printing. Nickel superalloys

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Sfäriskt volframpulver

Electron Beam Melting Materials EBM Materials

Imagine a 3D printer that uses a focused beam of electrons, rather than a laser, to meticulously craft intricate metal parts layer by layer. This is the magic of Electron Beam Melting (EBM), a revolutionary additive manufacturing (AM) process that unlocks a world of possibilities for creating complex, high-performance metal

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Metal Powders In Orthopedic Implants

Metal Powders in Orthopedic Implants

Metal Powders in Orthopedic Implants Overview Metal powders have revolutionized the field of orthopedic implants, offering a unique combination of properties that make them ideal for repairing and replacing damaged bone and tissue. These powders are composed of various metals and alloys, each with its own distinct characteristics and applications.

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Deposition med riktad energi

440C Stainless Steel Powder for 3D Printing: A Comprehensive Guide

Overview 440C stainless steel is a martensitic stainless steel known for its exceptional strength, hardness, and wear resistance. In recent years, 440C stainless steel powder has gained significant popularity in 3D printing, particularly in industries demanding high-performance components. This article delves into the world of 440C stainless steel powder for

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Sfäriskt volframpulver

Electron Beam Melting Materials : How to Choose?

Imagine shaping complex metal parts layer by layer, with unparalleled precision and strength. This isn’t science fiction, but the reality of Electron Beam Melting (EBM), a revolutionary 3D printing technology that’s transforming various industries. But what fuels this process? The answer lies in the heart of EBM materials, a diverse

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Additiv tillverkning Metallpulver

Additive Manufacturing Metal Powder: An Overview

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, utilizes metal powders as the raw material for building metal parts and products layer by layer. The properties and characteristics of the metal powder have a significant impact on the quality, mechanical properties, precision, and performance of 3D printed metal components. This article

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Metal Powders In Orthopedic Implants

Metal Powders in Orthopedic Implants

Metal Powders in Orthopedic Implants Overview Metal powders have revolutionized the field of orthopedic implants, offering a unique combination of properties that make them ideal

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