CuZn35Pb2: Varför denna högpresterande legering sticker ut


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When you’re working on a project that requires precision, styrka, och maskinbearbetbarhet, choosing the right material becomes absolutely crucial. CuZn35Pb2 is one such mässingslegering that has become a go-to for engineers and manufacturers across various industries. Known for its utmärkt bearbetbarhet, corrosion-resistant properties, och Kostnadseffektivitet, CuZn35Pb2 is a versatile and reliable material.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about CuZn35Pb2-från dess sammansättning, fastigheter, och standarder till sin tillämpningar, Fördelar, och Begränsningar. Whether you’re new to brass alloys or a seasoned professional, this guide will provide you with deep insights into how CuZn35Pb2 can elevate your next project.


CuZn35Pb2 är en lead-containing brass alloy comprising koppar (Cu), zink (Zn)och en liten andel av bly (Pb). This composition makes it highly machinable, allowing for smooth cutting, drilling, och formning processes in complex designs. The lead content also reduces friction during machining, which minimizes tool wear and increases production efficiency.

This material is widely used in industries requiring Precisionsdelar, såsom fordonsindustrin, rörmokeri, elektrisk, och machinery manufacturing. Dess kombination av styrka, duktilitet, och Korrosion motstånd gör den idealisk för högpresterande applikationer.

Viktiga egenskaper :

  • Hög bearbetbarhet, due to lead content, allows for easier and faster production.
  • God korrosionsbeständighetsärskilt i milda miljöer like freshwater and mildly acidic conditions.
  • Måttlig styrka that balances toughness and ductility, ideal for parts that require both durability and flexibility.
  • God formbarhetvilket gör den perfekt för cold working operations like bending and drawing.
  • Kostnadseffektivt, offering a great balance between performance and price when compared to more expensive alloys.

Sammansättning och egenskaper

Förståelse för kemisk sammansättning och mekaniska egenskaper of CuZn35Pb2 is essential to determining its suitability for various applications. Below, we’ll explore the alloy’s composition and mechanical properties, which are the foundation of its performance.

Kemisk sammansättning

ElementProcentuell andel (%)
Koppar (Cu)63 – 65
Zink (Zn)33 – 35
Bly (Pb)1.8 – 2.2
Järn (Fe)≤ 0.05
Övriga elementSpårmängder

Mekaniska och fysikaliska egenskaper

Draghållfasthet300 - 450 MPa
Utbyteshållfasthet150 – 280 MPa
Töjning20 – 30%
Täthet8,5 g/cm³
Hårdhet (HB)80 - 110 HB
Termisk konduktivitet120 W/m-K
Elektrisk konduktivitet24% IACS
Smältpunkt900 - 950°C

Notable Properties :

  • Exceptional Machinability: Thanks to lead, it is highly machinable. This means you can drill, cut, and shape it easily, which is a huge advantage for industries that need to produce parts quickly and efficiently.
  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: It performs well in icke-aggressiva miljöer som sötvatten and mildly acidic environments. However, it may not be the best choice for havsvatten or highly corrosive conditions.
  • Måttlig styrka: While not the strongest brass alloy available, CuZn35Pb2 offers a good balance of duktilitet och Hållbarhet, making it ideal for parts that need to hold up under stress but also require flexibility.
  • High Formability: CuZn35Pb2 can be easily shaped through cold working methods, making it perfect for designs that require bending, stamping, or drawing.


Med tanke på dess maskinbearbetbarhet, styrka, och korrosionsbeständighet, it is used in a wide range of applications across industries. Let’s break down where this alloy really shines.

Vanliga tillämpningar

IndustriTypiska tillämpningar
FordonFuel connectors, valve components, electrical terminals
RörmokeriArmaturer, kranar, ventilhus, kopplingar
ElektriskSwitch components, terminals, connectors
MaskinerGears, bushings, fasteners, couplings
Flyg- och rymdindustrinSensor housings, hydraulic components
KonsumentvarorDecorative hardware, door handles, locks

Why CuZn35Pb2 Excels in These Applications

  1. Fordon: CuZn35Pb2 is often used in fuel connectors och ventilkomponenter på grund av dess styrka och maskinbearbetbarhet. It can withstand the high-pressure environments common in automotive systems, while still being easy to manufacture.
  2. Rörmokeri: Legeringens korrosionsbeständighet i sötvatten miljöer gör den idealisk för beslag, kranar, och Ventilhus. Additionally, CuZn35Pb2’s formability means it can be shaped into complex components without cracking.
  3. Elektrisk: Med anständigt elektrisk ledningsförmåga och maskinbearbetbarhet, CuZn35Pb2 is frequently used in komponenter för omkopplare och elektriska terminaler. It allows for intricate designs while maintaining reliability.
  4. Maskiner: CuZn35Pb2’s maskinbearbetbarhet och måttlig styrka gör det till ett pålitligt material för växlar, bussningar, och Fästelement—parts that need to endure stress but also require precision.

Specifikationer, storlekar och standarder

It is available in various storlekar, betyg, och former to suit different applications. Below is a detailed look at its specifications and the standards it adheres to.

Gemensamma specifikationer och standarder

ASTM B16Standard för fritt skuren stång och profiler av mässing
EN 12164Europastandard för koppar och kopparlegeringar
DIN 17660Tysk standard för kopparlegeringar i smidesutförande
JIS H3250Japansk standard för mässingsstänger

Tillgängliga storlekar och former

StavarDiameter: 5 mm till 150 mm
Ark/plattorTjocklek: 0,5 mm till 50 mm
RörDiameter: 6 mm till 100 mm
LedningarDiameter: 0,5 mm till 10 mm

De flesta leverantörer erbjuder cut-to-size services to accommodate specific needs. This ensures that the material is ready to use, allowing for greater flexibility in the manufacturing process.

Leverantörer och prissättning

Pricing for CuZn35Pb2 varies depending on several factors, including Form, mängd, leverantörens placering, och marknadsförhållanden. Below, we’ll explore typical pricing ranges and list some well-known suppliers.

Leverantörer och prissättning

LeverantörPlatsPrisintervall (per kg)Ledtid
ThyssenKrupp MaterialsTyskland$10 – $251-3 veckor
Aviva MetalsUSA$12 – $282-4 veckor
Shanghai Metal CorpKina$8 – $203-5 veckor
Smiths metallcenterSTORBRITANNIEN£9 – £221-2 veckor

Factors Influencing CuZn35Pb2 Pricing

  • Form: Whether you purchase CuZn35Pb2 as stavar, ark, eller rör can significantly affect the price. Typically, more processed forms or custom-cut sizes are more expensive.
  • Plats för leverantör: Shipping costs och import duties can impact the final price, especially when ordering internationally.
  • Marknadsförhållanden: The prices for koppar och zink, the primary components of CuZn35Pb2, fluctuate based on global supply and demand, influencing the cost of the alloy.

Fördelar och begränsningar

Like any material, it has its strengths and weaknesses. Below, we’ll outline the Fördelar och Begränsningar to help you determine if it’s the right material for your project.

Fördelar och begränsningar

Enastående maskinbearbetbarhet: Lead content allows for easy cutting, drilling, and shaping.Not suitable for high-corrosion environments: CuZn35Pb2 may struggle in extreme conditions like seawater or aggressive chemicals.
God korrosionsbeständighet: Performs well in freshwater and mildly acidic environments.Ledande innehåll: Some industries, like food and water distribution, limit the use of lead-containing materials.
Kostnadseffektivt: Offers a good balance of performance and price, making it a budget-friendly option for many applications.Måttlig styrka: CuZn35Pb2 may not be the best choice for high-stress applications requiring higher strength.
Utmärkt formbarhet: Can be easily bent, stamped, and drawn into complex shapes.Miljöhänsyn: The lead content can raise environmental and health concerns, especially during disposal or recycling.
Mångsidiga tillämpningar: Suitable for a wide range of industries, from automotive to plumbing.Lägre elektrisk ledningsförmåga: While decent, CuZn35Pb2’s conductivity is lower than that of pure copper.

Comparing CuZn35Pb2 with Other Brass Alloys

When selecting the best material for your project, it’s important to compare CuZn35Pb2 with other brass alloys to see how it measures up in terms of fastigheter, prestanda, och kostnad.

CuZn35Pb2 Compared to Other Brass Alloys

FastighetCuZn35Pb2CuZn39Pb2CuZn36Pb3CuZn37 (CW508L)
Draghållfasthet300 - 450 MPa320 - 450 MPa330 - 470 MPa330 - 450 MPa
Motståndskraft mot korrosionBraBraBraMåttlig
Elektrisk konduktivitet24% IACS25% IACS24% IACS27% IACS
FormbarhetUtmärktBraBraMycket bra

Viktiga jämförelser

  • CuZn35Pb2 vs. CuZn39Pb2: Båda legeringarna erbjuder utmärkt maskinbearbetbarhet, but CuZn39Pb2 has slightly better korrosionsbeständighet, making it a better choice for environments where corrosion protection is a top concern.
  • CuZn35Pb2 vs. CuZn36Pb3: CuZn36Pb3 offers higher draghållfasthet than CuZn35Pb2, which can be beneficial for more demanding applications. However, CuZn35Pb2 is still the preferred choice for precisionsbearbetning due to its higher lead content and superior formability.
  • CuZn35Pb2 vs. CuZn37 (CW508L): CuZn37 ger bättre Formbarhet, making it ideal for applications requiring significant bending or drawing. However, CuZn35Pb2 excels in maskinbearbetbarhet, making it the better choice for high-precision parts.

Vanliga frågor och svar (FAQ)

To help you get a clearer understanding of CuZn35Pb2, here are some frequently asked questions about the alloy, along with detailed answers.

What is CuZn35Pb2 used for?It is widely used in industries like fordonsindustrin, rörmokeri, och maskiner for applications such as fuel connectors, Ventilhus, och beslag.
How much lead is in CuZn35Pb2?It contains between 1.8% and 2.2% lead, which significantly enhances its machinability.
Is CuZn35Pb2 easy to machine?Yes, it is known for its exceptionell bearbetbarhet, making it easy to cut, shape, and form into intricate parts.
Can CuZn35Pb2 be used in plumbing applications?Yes, it is commonly used in rörmokeri för beslag, Ventiler, och kontakter på grund av dess korrosionsbeständighet in freshwater environments.
What is the tensile strength of CuZn35Pb2?Den har en draghållfasthet som sträcker sig från 300 till 450 MPa, beroende på form och bearbetningsmetod.
Is CuZn35Pb2 environmentally friendly?While it offers many advantages, the presence of lead raises some environmental concerns, particularly in industries with strict regulations on lead usage.


Den is a versatile and highly machinable mässingslegering som erbjuder en unik kombination av styrka, korrosionsbeständighet, och Formbarhet. Its lead content makes it an ideal material for precisionsbearbetning, allowing manufacturers to produce high-quality parts with ease and efficiency.

Medan den may not be suitable for high-corrosion environments eller lead-sensitive industries, it excels in applications where maskinbearbetbarhet och Formbarhet är högsta prioritet. Industrier som t.ex. fordonsindustrin, rörmokeri, och machinery manufacturing rely on CuZn35Pb2 to deliver precision och Hållbarhet.

Genom att förstå sammansättning, fastigheter, och tillämpningar of CuZn35Pb2, you can confidently choose this alloy for your next project, knowing that it will provide the performance and reliability you need.

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