Komplex kopparlegering med hög hållfasthet och hög slitstyrka: Den ultimata guiden för ingenjörer och tillverkare


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When it comes to selecting materials for applications that demand both hög hållfasthet och slitstyrka, a complex copper alloy can be a game-changer. Copper, when alloyed with elements like nickel, aluminium, och kisel, can offer an impressive balance of duktilitet, ledningsförmåga, och Hållbarhet. These alloys are designed to endure the wear and tear of high-performance machinery while maintaining their structural integrity over time.

I den här omfattande guiden går vi igenom allt du behöver veta om high strength, high wear resistance complex copper alloys, including their sammansättning, fastigheter, tillämpningar, Specifikationer, och prissättning. Whether you’re an engineer looking for the perfect material for a high-load bearing surface or a manufacturer seeking a reliable alloy for heavy-duty industrial equipment, this guide will help you make an informed decision.

Overview of High Strength, High Wear Resistance Complex Copper Alloys

So, what exactly is a high strength, high wear resistance complex copper alloy? This type of alloy typically includes a kopparbas with additional elements like nickel, aluminium, kisel, and sometimes järn eller mangan. These elements are added to enhance properties such as draghållfasthet, Hårdhet, och slitstyrka, making the alloy suitable for krävande tillämpningar where both styrka och Hållbarhet är kritiska.

Viktiga egenskaper:

  • Hög hållfasthet: These alloys are designed to withstand high-stress environments, providing excellent mechanical strength even under heavy loads.
  • Slitstyrka: Engineered to resist wear from friction, making them ideal for use in moving parts or components where durability is crucial.
  • Termisk konduktivitet: Retains some of copper’s excellent heat conductivity, making these alloys suitable for applications where thermal management is necessary.
  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: Many of these alloys exhibit god korrosionsbeständighetsärskilt i marina miljöer or when exposed to kemikalier.
  • Bearbetbarhet: Despite their strength, these alloys are often easy to maskin, allowing for intricate designs and precision engineering.

Types, Composition, and Properties of High Strength, High Wear Resistance Complex Copper Alloys

Det finns flera olika typer av complex copper alloys that are specifically engineered for hög hållfasthet och slitstyrka. Each alloy has its unique composition, and the addition of different elements can significantly alter its properties.

Types and Composition of Complex Copper Alloys

LegeringstypKoppar (Cu)Nickel (Ni)Aluminium (Al)Kisel (Si)Övriga elementPrimary Properties
C95500 (Nickel Aluminum Bronze)77-80%9-11%9-10%0.5-1.5%Iron (max 5%)High strength, excellent wear resistance, superior corrosion resistance.
C63000 (Aluminum Bronze)78-82%4.5-5.5%9-11%Iron (max 2%)High strength, good ductility, excellent resistance to wear and fatigue.
C93700 (Leaded Bronze)78-82%Lead (6-8%), Tin (7-9%)Superior wear resistance, good machinability, used in bearing applications.
C86200 (Manganese Bronze)60-65%0.5%Zinc (20-25%), Iron (2-4%)High tensile strength, good wear resistance, often used in heavy industrial machinery.
C81400 (Iron-Silicon Bronze)83-87%2.5-4%Iron (4-6%)Extreme wear resistance, high tensile strength, good thermal conductivity.

Mechanical and Physical Properties of Complex Copper Alloys

The mechanical properties of these alloys vary based on their composition, but they all share the same key features: hög hållfasthet och slitstyrka. Below are the general properties of some commonly used high-strength copper alloys.

FastighetC95500 (Nickel Aluminum Bronze)C63000 (Aluminum Bronze)C93700 (Leaded Bronze)C86200 (Manganese Bronze)C81400 (Iron-Silicon Bronze)
Draghållfasthet (MPa)690-800620-750270-350550-690620-800
Sträckgräns (MPa)300-500350-450150-250250-400400-600
Hårdhet (HB)170-210150-18090-120140-180180-220
Töjning vid brott (%)10-20%15-25%10-20%20-30%10-20%
Densitet (g/cm³)7.5-8.07.6-
Termisk konduktivitet (W/m-K)50-6060-8030-4040-5045-55

Applications of High Strength, High Wear Resistance Complex Copper Alloys

Given their combination of hög hållfasthet och slitstyrka, these copper alloys are frequently used in industries where mekanisk påfrestning, Friktion, och Korrosion are factors. Their ability to endure tunga laster while resisting wear makes them indispensable in marina miljöer, flyg- och rymdindustrin, fordonsindustrin, och tunga maskiner.

Common Applications of Complex Copper Alloys

Marin teknikPropellers, valve seats, fasteners, and bearing bushings due to their corrosion resistance and durability.
Flyg- och rymdindustrinLanding gear components, pump impellers, and bushings in high-wear, high-stress environments.
FordonBearings, gearshift forks, and synchronizer rings that require both strength and wear resistance.
Tunga maskinerHydraulic piston rings, worm gears, and guide bushings where durability under stress is critical.
KraftgenereringTurbine blades, heat exchanger parts, and components that must withstand both high temperatures and stress.
GruvdriftCrusher liners, grinding mills, and wear plates that need to resist abrasion and erosion.

Marin teknik

One of the most significant uses for these alloys is in marina miljöer. Marine applications require materials that can withstand not just mekanisk påfrestning men också corrosion from saltwater. Complex copper alloys like C95500 (nickel aluminum bronze) are commonly used in propellrar, Ventiler, och pumpar due to their superior korrosionsbeständighet och styrka.

Tillämpningar inom flyg- och rymdindustrin

I flyg- och rymdindustrin, these alloys play a crucial role in components subjected to hög stress och Friktion, såsom bussningar för landningsställ och pump impellers. The high wear resistance of these alloys ensures that parts last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements and enhancing the safety of the aircraft.


I fordonsindustrin, complex copper alloys are used in Lager, gearshift forks, och synchronizer rings. These components need to be incredibly stark och slitstark to handle the constant motion and friction within a car’s engine and transmission system.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Complex Copper Alloys

Complex copper alloys are available in a wide range of former, storlekar, och Specifikationer. These materials are produced to meet specific branschstandarder, ensuring that they meet the necessary mekanisk och fysiska egenskaper. Below is a breakdown of the typical storlekar, former, och standarder for some of the most commonly used high-strength copper alloys.

Available Forms, Sizes, and Industry Standards for Complex Copper Alloys

FormTypiska tillgängliga storlekarBranschstandarder
Stänger/stavarDiameter: 10 mm to 500 mmASTM B150, BS 2874, EN 12163
Plates/SheetsTjocklek: 0,5 mm till 100 mmASTM B171, DIN 17670, EN 1653
LedningarDiameter: 0.1 mm to 10 mmASTM B206, EN 12166
Tubes/PipesYttre diameter: 10 mm till 300 mmASTM B466, BS 2871, EN 12449
Anpassade gjutgodsCast to specifications per customer’s requestASTM B505, DIN 1709, EN 1982

Most complex copper alloys adhere to ASTM standards, which govern everything from the alloy’s kemisk sammansättning till sin mekaniska egenskaper. Till exempel, ASTM B150 specifies the properties of aluminum bronze bars used in high-stress applications.

Suppliers and Pricing of High Strength, High Wear Resistance Complex Copper Alloys

Priset på complex copper alloys kan variera avsevärt beroende på faktorer som betyg, Form, och orderkvantitet. Additionally, the market prices of raw materials like koppar och nickel heavily influence the overall cost.

Leading Suppliers and Pricing Estimates for Complex Copper Alloys

LeverantörPlatsPris per kgMinsta antal beställningar
Aviva MetalsUSA$30 – $7050 kg
Shanghai Metal CorporationKina$25 – $65100 kg
MetalTek InternationalGlobalt$35 – $80Anpassade beställningar
Copper Alloys Ltd.STORBRITANNIEN$40 – $85100 kg
Alro MetalsUSA$30 – $75Anpassade beställningar

Priserna varierar i allmänhet mellan $25 to $85 per kgberoende på betyg, Form, och leverantör. Large orders typically result in rabatterade priser, especially for custom castings or long-term contracts. It’s worth noting that fluctuations in the prices of raw materials like koppar och nickel can significantly affect the cost of these alloys.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of High Strength, High Wear Resistance Complex Copper Alloys

Som med alla material, complex copper alloys have their Fördelar och Begränsningar. While they excel in styrka och slitstyrka, there are a few trade-offs to consider when selecting them for your project.

Advantages of Complex Copper Alloys

Hög hållfasthetThese alloys excel in high-stress environments, providing superior mechanical strength.
Utmärkt slitstyrkaWith the ability to resist friction and wear, they are ideal for moving parts and heavy-duty applications.
God korrosionsbeständighetMany complex copper alloys resist corrosion, especially in marine environments.
Termisk konduktivitetRetains some of copper’s thermal conductivity, making them useful in heat exchangers and thermal management systems.
BearbetbarhetDespite their strength, these alloys are often easy to machine and shape.

Disadvantages of Complex Copper Alloys

Higher Cost Compared to Standard AlloysComplex copper alloys can be more expensive due to the addition of premium elements like nickel and aluminum.
Tyngre än alternativenThese alloys are typically denser, which may be a disadvantage in applications where weight is a concern.
Requires Specialized WeldingWelding these alloys requires specific techniques and expertise to avoid defects.
Availability of Specialized GradesSome lesser-known grades may have limited availability in certain regions.

FAQs About High Strength, High Wear Resistance Complex Copper Alloys

What are high strength, high wear resistance complex copper alloys used for?They are used in high-stress, high-wear applications such as marine propellers, bearings, and aerospace components.
Are these alloys corrosion-resistant?Yes, many of these alloys offer excellent corrosion resistance, especially in marine environments.
Can complex copper alloys be welded?Yes, but they require specialized welding techniques such as TIG or MIG welding.
How much do complex copper alloys cost?Prices typically range between $25 to $85 per kg, depending on the grade and form.
What is the most common application for these alloys?Marine engineering and heavy machinery parts that require both strength and wear resistance.
Do these alloys conduct heat well?Yes, they retain some of copper’s natural thermal conductivity, making them suitable for heat exchangers.
How do these alloys compare to steel in terms of strength?While complex copper alloys are strong, steel generally offers higher tensile strength but lacks copper’s thermal and corrosion properties.
Are these alloys heavier than aluminum?Yes, complex copper alloys are denser and heavier than aluminum, but they offer superior wear resistance.


High strength, high wear resistance complex copper alloys offer an exceptional combination of Hållbarhet, styrka, och slitstyrka that makes them ideal for demanding industrial applications. Whether you’re building a marine propeller or designing parts for tunga maskiner, these alloys provide the resilience och lång livslängd needed to withstand the toughest conditions.

While they may be more expensive than standard materials, the långsiktiga fördelar of using complex copper alloys often outweigh the initial costs. Their ability to resist slitage, Korrosion, och mekanisk påfrestning ensures that components last longer and perform better under harsh conditions.

By understanding the different betyg, fastigheter, och tillämpningar of complex copper alloys, you can make an informed decision that will lead to improved prestanda, effektivitet, och Kostnadseffektivitet in your project.

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