Aluminium AlSi12 Pulver

Aluminium AlSi12-pulver är ett aluminiumlegeringspulver som innehåller 12% kisel som sitt huvudsakliga legeringselement. Det är känt för sin utmärkta flytbarhet, låga smältpunkt och goda korrosionsbeständighet. Den här guiden ger detaljerad information om AlSi12-pulvermetallurgi, dess sammansättning, egenskaper, produktionsmetoder, applikationer och leverantörer.


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Översikt över Aluminium AlSi12 Pulver

Aluminium AlSi12-pulver är ett aluminiumlegeringspulver som innehåller 12% kisel som sitt huvudsakliga legeringselement. Det är känt för sin utmärkta flytbarhet, låga smältpunkt och goda korrosionsbeständighet. Den här guiden ger detaljerad information om AlSi12-pulvermetallurgi, dess sammansättning, egenskaper, produktionsmetoder, applikationer och leverantörer.

AlSi12 Powder Key Properties:

  • Composition: Aluminium with 12% Si
  • Melting point: Around 575°C
  • Density: 2.68 g/cm3
  • Excellent fluidity and castability
  • God korrosionsbeständighet
  • Låg värmeutvidgningskoefficient
  • Högt förhållande mellan styrka och vikt

AlSi12 Powder Composition

The table below shows the typical chemical composition of aluminium AlSi12 alloy powder:

Element Vikt %
Aluminium (Al) Base/Balance
Kisel (Si) 11-13%
Järn (Fe) 0,6% max
Koppar (Cu) 0,05% max
Mangan (Mn) 0,10% max
Magnesium (Mg) 0,10% max
Nickel (Ni) 0,05% max
Zink (Zn) 0,10% max
Tenn (Sn) 0,05% max
Bly (Pb) 0,05% max
Titan (Ti) 0,20% max

The precise silicon content determines the alloy designation – AlSi12 contains between 11-13% silicon by weight. The remaining is aluminium making up the base. Other elements like iron, manganese, and magnesium are present only in trace quantities as impurities.

Why is silicon added to aluminium?

Silicon is strategically added to create an aluminium silicon alloy offering unique benefits:

  • It lowers the melting point of pure aluminum for better castability and fluidity in molten state
  • Improves strength, hardness and wear resistance
  • Enhances corrosion resistance properties
  • Alters coefficient of thermal expansion

Controlling silicon percentage allows customizing alloy properties for different applications during aluminium powder metallurgy.

Manufacturing Process of AlSi12 Powder

AlSi12 alloy powder is manufactured using the following standard metal powder processing techniques:

1. Atomisering av gas

  • Aluminium ingots are induction melted along with silicon
  • The molten metal stream is disintegrated using compressed air or inert gas jets
  • This leads to rapid solidification of fine droplets into powder
  • Powder particle size and morphology can be controlled by process parameters

2. Atomisering av vatten

  • Similar to gas atomization, but molten metal stream is broken up by high-pressure water jets
  • Leads to faster cooling and finer powders

3. Mechanical Milling

  • Ball milling of aluminium and silicon metal powder mixes
  • Leads to particle refinement and alloying by cold welding and fracturing

Fördelar: Gas and water atomization allow high purity, alloyed, spherical and reactive powders. Mechanical milling technique is simple and cost-effective. Both methods yield fine aluminium AlSi12 powders suitable for additive manufacturing and powder injection molding.

Properties of AlSi12 Alloy Powder

Aluminium silicon AlSi12 has well-balanced physical, thermal, electrical and mechanical properties making it suitable for lightweight engineering applications:

Fysikaliska egenskaper

Fastighet Värde
Täthet 2.68 g/cm3
Smältpunkt ~575°C
Koefficient för termisk expansion 21-23 x 10-6 K-1
Termisk konduktivitet 150-180 W/m.K

Mekaniska egenskaper

Fastighet Värde
Hårdhet 80-90 Brinell
Draghållfasthet 210-290 MPa
Töjning 1-3%
Elastisk modul 80-85 GPa
Poissionskvot 0.33
Utmattningshållfasthet 100-120 MPa

Elektrisk konduktivitet

Around 30% IACS

Lower density versus pure aluminium allows lightweighting. Excellent fluidity allows casting complex shapes. High hardness and strength combined with low weight makes AlSi12 suitable for engineering and automotive components. Moderate corrosion resistance allows use in various industrial environments.

AlSi12 Powder Particle Size Distribution

Commonly available particle size distributions:

  • D10 = 20-30 μm
  • D50 = 35-45 μm
  • D90 up to 100 μm

Powders are spherical in shape with satelliting. Different size distributions available based on application method.

Tillämpningar av Aluminium AlSi12 Pulver

The major applications of AlSi12 alloy powder include:


AlSi12 is used to manufacture the following lightweight powder metallurgy automotive parts:

Tillämpningar Exempel
Powertrain Gears, Bearing Caps
Chassis, Body Control Arms, Steering Knuckles
Engine Pistons, Connecting Rods
Transmission Oil Pumps, Clutch Parts
Interior Pedals, Levers, Switches

Komponenter för flyg- och rymdindustrin

AlSi12 sees usage in aircraft and spacecraft components, e.g. impellers, turbines.

Industrial Parts

Heat sinks, electronic housings, mechanical seals, hydraulics, valves, tooling jigs etc.

Medicintekniska produkter

Low weight and biocompatibility allows usage for prosthetics and implants.

Advantages Driving Usage

The major factors promoting adoption of AlSi12 powder include:

  • Lightweighting versus cast iron/steel parts
  • Mechanically strong, wear and heat resistant
  • Enables complex, net-shape powder metallurgy parts
  • Kostnadseffektivitet
  • Customization of alloy composition possible

The automotive sector is the biggest adopter of AlSi12 alloys for vehicle light-weighting.

AlSi12 Powder Fabrication Methods

AlSi12 alloy powder can be consolidated into end-use components using the following powder metallurgy techniques:

1. Metal Injection Molding (MIM)

  • Mixing fine powder with binder into feedstock
  • Molding using injection molding machine
  • Debinding and sintering

Allows complex, high volume micro parts with net-shape capability.

Typical density achieved: ≥99% Dimensional accuracy: ±0.5%

Applications: Small intricate automotive and electronic parts like gears and locks.

2. Additive Manufacturing

  • Direct metal printing using laser/e-beam based powder bed fusion
  • No mold required
  • Layer-by-layer selective melting and consolidation

Enables customized, rapidly prototyped parts with complex geometries.

Density: 90-95% Resolution: 50 μm vertically

Applications: Aerospace brackets, automotive prototypes, biomedical implants

3. Powder Forging

  • Compacting of powder metal into preforms
  • Hot forging preforms into high-density components

Suitable for automotive connecting rods and bearings.

Density achieved: ≥96% Production rate: High

4. Cold/Warm Compaction

Applications such as self-lubricating bearings with controlled porosity.

5. Aluminum Cylinder Bores

AlSi12 liners are made by centrifugal casting process into alloyed steel engine blocks for light-weight, fuel-efficient engines.

Standarder och specifikationer

Industrial grade AlSi12 alloy powder manufactured by reputed global suppliers conforms to the following specifications:

Standard Beskrivning
ASTM B601 Chemical compositions and forms of aluminium alloy powders
ASTM B214 Sieve analysis, moisture content
EN 1611 Technical conditions for inspection and delivery


  • Chemical composition tailored as per application requirements
  • Particle size distribution adjusted based on production process needs

High purity medical grade powders specifically tested for biocompatibility are also available.

Comparing AlSi12 Powder with Alternatives

AlSi12 powder is compared below with substitute aluminium alloys and other materials to highlight differences:

Versus Other Aluminium Powders

Parameter AlSi12 AlSi10Mg Al6061
Silicon content High at 12% Lägre Some Si
Styrka Hög Högre Medium
Korrosionsbeständighet Bra Utmärkt Utmärkt
Svetsbarhet Dålig Utmärkt Bra
Gjutbarhet Utmärkt Bra Medium
Kostnad Låg Hög Medium
  • AlSi12 competes on cost and castability requirements
  • AlSi10Mg preferred for additive manufacturing applications demanding strength and corrosion resistance
  • 6xxx series selected where weldability is critical

Versus Steel Powders

Parameter AlSi12 Rostfritt stål Verktygsstål
Täthet Lättvikt Tung Tung
Pris Kostnadseffektiv Dyrt Mycket dyrt
Styrka Måttlig Mycket hög Extreme
Hårdhet Låg Hög Mycket hög
Corrosion Bättre Bästa Prone to rusting
Magnetisk Nej Ja Ja
  • AlSi12 provides an optimal balance of properties versus cost
  • Steel clearly surpasses aluminium in hardness and strength
  • Density advantage makes AlSi12 suitable for light-weighting

Competitive Materials Comparison

Parameter AlSi12 Cast Iron Plast
Kostnad för råmaterial Economical Cheap Cheapest
Produktionsprocess Komplex Lätt Lätt
Styrka Medium Hög Låg
Termisk konduktivitet Utmärkt Dålig Dålig
Motståndskraft mot korrosion Rättvist Dålig Great
Termisk expansion Måttlig Hög Varierande
Elektrisk konduktivitet 30% IACS Låg Insulator
  • AlSi12 easier to mold into complex shapes versus cast iron
  • Plastics easiest to manufacture but properties extremely limited
  • AlSi12 provides well-balanced performance at moderate cost

Limitations and Downsides

Despite the benefits, certain downsides associated with AlSi12 powder include:

Fabrication Difficulties

  • Narrow sintering window
  • Large shrinkage during PIM
  • Low oxidation resistance
  • Poor weldability
  • Preheating may be needed for welding

Average Mechanical Properties

  • Tensile strength lower than aluminium alloys like AlSi10Mg
  • Prone to silicate formation affecting ductility
  • Not suitable for high wear resistance or load-bearing applications

Termisk hantering

  • High thermal expansion coefficient necessitates design considerations
  • Low melting point limits high temperature uses


  • AlSi12 parts typically need secondary machining to improve surface smoothness
  • Lower as-sintered finish than other aluminium or steel powder


Here are answers to some common questions about AlSi12 powder:

Q. Why is AlSi12 preferred over other Al alloys for automotive parts?

AlSi12 provides the optimum balance of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, castability, and cost required for high volume automotive components. The high silicon content imparts good wear resistance combined with low density.

Q. Is AlSi12 powder compatible with additive manufacturing?

Yes, AlSi12 powder can be used in DMLS, SLM and binder-jetting 3D printers. The fluidity and narrow melting range offers benefits over other aluminium alloys. Although porosity levels are higher than alloys like AlSi10Mg.

Q. What is the typical surface finish achieved in metal injection molding?

AlSi12 parts have moderate as-sintered surface roughness around 4-6 microns Ra. Secondary operations like shot peening, polishing and coatings are often implemented.

Q. Can AlSi12 parts be welded or machined?

Welding AlSi12 requires preheating at 200-300°C to avoid cracking. Machinability is fair – using sharp tools and coolants is advised to get good finishes.

Q. What are common post-processing steps for AlSi12 powder parts?

Infiltration with aluminum-silicon alloys, copper plating, heat treatment, anodizing and shot peening are popular. Painting and powder coating further improves corrosion protection.

Q. What is the typical production volume capacity for automotive PIM parts?

AlSi12 is suitable for producing more than 100,000+ precision automotive parts annually via PIM process for small complex geometries.

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