Inconel 625 pulver

Inconel 625 är en nickel-krom-molybdenlegering som är känd för sin höga hållfasthet, enastående korrosionsbeständighet och utmärkta tillverkningsbarhet. Den används ofta i applikationer som kräver hög prestanda i extrema miljöer.

Metallpulver Storlek Kvantitet Pris/kg Storlek Kvantitet Pris/kg
Inconel 625 0-20 μm 1KG $59 20-63 μm 1KG $98.30
10KG $39 10KG $69.10
100KG $34 100KG $64.50


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Inconel 625 är en nickel-krom-molybdenlegering som är känd för sin höga hållfasthet, enastående korrosionsbeständighet och utmärkta tillverkningsbarhet. Den används ofta i applikationer som kräver hög prestanda i extrema miljöer.

Inconel 625 powder is the powder metallurgy form of Inconel 625, made by gas atomization or other methods. As a powder, Inconel 625 offers additional benefits in terms of flexibility in production and enabling more complex part geometries.

Overview of Inconel 625 Powder

Inconel 625 powder provides exceptional properties that make it suitable for high performance parts across industries like aerospace, oil and gas, chemical processing, and power generation.

Here is an overview of Inconel 625 powder:

Sammansättning Nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with niobium and iron additions
Nickelinnehåll 58% minimum
Täthet 8,44 g/cm3
Smältpunkt 1260-1350°C (2300-2460°F)
Viktiga egenskaper Excellent corrosion resistance, good fabricability, high tensile and creep rupture strength, outstanding fatigue and thermal fatigue resistance, oxidization resistance
Partikelstorlek 15-45 microns typical
Produktionsmetoder Gas atomization, plasma rotating electrode process (PREP), vacuum induction melting

With its unique combination of properties, Inconel 625 powder is an excellent material for additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, and other powder metallurgy techniques to create complex and high performance parts.

Sammansättning av pulver av Inconel 625

The composition of Inconel 625 powder is what gives it the characteristic properties that make this superalloy so versatile and well-suited to extreme environments.

Here are the key elements in the composition of Inconel 625 powder:

Nickel 58% minimum
Krom 20-23%
Molybden 8-10%
Niob 3.15-4.15%
Järn 4% maximum
Titan 0.4% maximum
Aluminium 0.4% maximum
Other trace elements < 0.5% total

The high nickel content gives Inconel 625 excellent corrosion resistance. Chromium provides oxidation and corrosion resistance. Molybdenum enhances creep rupture strength and corrosion resistance. Niobium prevents strain-age cracking. Iron improves tensile strength.

The careful balance of these alloying elements enables the outstanding performance capabilities of Inconel 625 across a wide temperature range from cryogenic to 980°C. The composition is optimized to achieve strength with corrosion resistance for the extreme environments seen in aerospace, chemical processing, and energy applications.

Egenskaper hos pulver av Inconel 625

The combination of composition and powder manufacturing process enables some exceptional properties in Inconel 625 powder:

Motståndskraft mot korrosion Excellent in reducing, neutral, and oxidizing environments
Hållfasthet vid höga temperaturer Retains tensile and creep rupture strength up to 980°C through solid solution strengthening
Oxidization Resistance Resists oxidation in intermittent service to 1090°C and continuous service to 980°C
Termisk utmattningshållfasthet Withstands rapid heating and cooling cycles without cracking
Cryogenic Properties Retains ductility and toughness at extreme cold temperatures
Tillverkningsbarhet Easy to form and machine with conventional methods
Svetsbarhet Excellent weldability by most commercial fusion methods

These well-balanced capabilities spanning strength, corrosion resistance, fabricability, and weldability make Inconel 625 the top choice for demanding applications across industry verticals. The powder format offers additional flexibility.

Prislista för Inconel 625 pulver:

Metallpulver Storlek Kvantitet Pris/kg Storlek Kvantitet Pris/kg
Inconel 625 0-20 μm 1KG $59 20-63 μm 1KG $98.30
10KG $39 10KG $69.10
100KG $34 100KG $64.50

Användningsområden för Inconel 625-pulver

With its versatile properties, Inconel 625 powder is enabling high performance parts production across sectors:

Flyg- och rymdindustrin Engine components, airframe parts, exhaust systems, fasteners
Olja & Gas Drilling equipment, wellhead components, downhole tubing, valves, piping
Kemisk bearbetning Heat exchangers, reaction vessels, pumps, valves
Kraftgenerering Heat exchangers, tubing, ducting, scrubbers, fuel rods
Marin Propellers, shafts, pumps, valves, piping, desalination
Fordon Turbocharger parts, valves, exhaust components

The applications of Inconel 625 powder:

The applications leverage the key properties of the material like corrosion and heat resistance to enable performance in extreme environments.

Flyg- och rymdindustrin

In aerospace, Inconel 625 powder is used to additively manufacture complex engine parts that are subjected to high temperatures and pressures. This includes combustion liners, turbine blades, guide vanes, cases, housings, and hot section components.

The excellent strength at elevated temperatures enables lighter designs for improved fuel efficiency. Parts maintain dimensional stability even under thermal cycling seen in turbine engines.

Inconel 625 powder also builds high strength airframe and landing gear components as well as cryogenic parts for space applications.

Olja och gas

For oil and gas drilling, Inconel 625 offers exceptional corrosion resistance against brines, H2S gas, and solids. It withstands pitting, crevice corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking.

Components like downhole tubing, wellhead parts, valves, pumps, and piping systems are constructed from Inconel 625 powder to ensure reliability under extreme subsurface conditions of high pressure, corrosion, and erosion.

The hardness, strength, and workability supports long service life for drilling equipment and completions.

Kemisk bearbetning

In chemical processing, Inconel 625 provides unparalleled performance in coping with corrosive environments containing alkalies, halogens, mineral acids, salts, and wet atmospheres with sulfur compounds like SO2.

It resists corrosion cracking and localized attack in the demanding conditions seen in heat exchangers, columns, evaporators, and reactors across industries.

Inconel 625 is the #1 choice for handling acids that destroy other metals rapidly including hydrogen fluoride, phosphoric, sulfuric, nitric, organic acids.

Parts like valves, pumps, and piping are constructed to ensure safety and prevent dangerous leaks.


For coal-fired and nuclear power plants, Inconel 625 handles high pressure and temperature fluids alongside emissions containing fly ash, SOx, NOx, and other corrosives that destroy ordinary materials.

Components like heat exchanger tubing, ducting, fuel rods and reactor internals rely on Inconel 625 powder to retain strength and corrosion resistance for the service life spanning decades.

It also withstands oxidation and thermal cycling without failure.

Marine Environments

In marine applications, seawater corrosion is relentless in destroying components. Inconel 625 provides exceptional resistance against chloride-ion attack, sulfuric acid, and other corrosion mechanisms seen in desalination plants and on ships.

It protects propellers, shafts, propulsion systems and submarine parts that encounter marine environments. The excellent cavitation-erosion resistance prevents metal loss.

Overall, Inconel 625 powder enables the construction of lighter, stronger and longer-lasting components across industry verticals that demand performance under extreme chemical, pressure, heat, and mechanical stress or combinations thereof – capabilities unmatched by other materials.

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