310 Pulver

310 powder is an austenitic stainless steel powder containing high levels of chromium, nickel and nitrogen for enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. It offers an excellent combination of strength, hardness, toughness and wear resistance.


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Overview of 310 Powder

310 powder is an austenitic stainless steel powder containing high levels of chromium, nickel and nitrogen for enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. It offers an excellent combination of strength, hardness, toughness and wear resistance.

Key properties and advantages of 310 powder include:

310 Powder Properties and Characteristics

Fastigheter Detaljer
Sammansättning Fe-25Cr-20Ni-0.25N alloy
Täthet 8,1 g/cc
Partikelns form Oregelbunden, kantig
Storleksintervall 10-150 microns
Skenbar densitet Upp till 50% av verklig densitet
Flytbarhet Måttlig
Styrka Very high for a 300 series powder
Wear resistance Excellent due to work hardening

310 powder is widely used in applications requiring hardness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance like valve parts, shafts, bearing cages, fasteners, surgical instruments etc.

310 Powder Composition

Typical composition of 310 stainless steel powder:

310 Powder Composition

Element Vikt %
Järn (Fe) Balans
Krom (Cr) 24-26%
Nickel (Ni) 19-22%
Kväve (N) 0.2-0.4%
Kol (C) 0,25% max
Kisel (Si) 1.5% max
Mangan (Mn) 2% max
Svavel (S) 0.03% max
Fosfor (P) 0.045% max
  • Iron provides the ferritic matrix and ductility
  • Chromium and nickel enhance corrosion resistance
  • Nitrogen provides solid solution strengthening
  • Carbon, silicon, manganese controlled as tramp elements

The optimized composition provides an excellent combination of strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, and cost.

310 Pulver

310 Powder Physical Properties

310 Powder Physical Properties

Fastighet Värden
Täthet 8,1 g/cc
Smältpunkt 1370-1400°C
Elektrisk resistivitet 0.8 μΩ-m
Termisk ledningsförmåga 12 W/mK
Termisk expansion 11 x 10^-6 /K
Maximal driftstemperatur 1150°C
  • High density compared to ferritic stainless steels
  • Maintains excellent strength at elevated temperatures
  • Resistivity higher than pure iron or carbon steels
  • Lower thermal conductivity than carbon steel
  • Can withstand continuous service up to 1150°C

The physical properties make 310 suitable for high temperature applications requiring hardness, strength and corrosion resistance.

310 Powder Mechanical Properties

310 Powder Mechanical Properties

Fastighet Värden
Draghållfasthet 760-900 MPa
Sträckgräns 450-550 MPa
Töjning 35-40%
Hårdhet 32-38 HRC
Slaghållfasthet 50-100 J
Elasticitetsmodul 190-210 GPa
  • Very high strength for 300 series stainless steel
  • Excellent hardness and wear resistance
  • High toughness and impact strength
  • Strength can be further increased through cold working
  • Cold working also significantly enhances hardness

The properties provide an excellent combination of strength, hardness and toughness required in many wear resistant applications.

310 Powder Applications

Typical applications of 310 stainless steel powder include:

310 Powder Applications

Industri Exempel på användningsområden
Petrochemical Valves, pumps, shafts
Food processing Extruder screws, blades
Fordon Gears, shafts, fasteners
Tillverkning Press tooling, bearing cages
Medicinsk Surgical instruments, implants

Vissa specifika produktanvändningar:

  • High strength fasteners, bolts, nuts
  • Pump and valve components like seals, shafts
  • Food processing extruder screws and blades
  • High hardness press tooling and molds
  • Mixing equipment, impellers requiring wear resistance

Its excellent combination of properties make 310 widely used for specialized applications across industries.

310 Powder Specifications

Relevant specifications and standards:

310 Powder Standards

Standard Beskrivning
ASTM A276 Standard specification for stainless steel bars and shapes
ASTM A314 Standard for stainless steel bent pipe and tubing
ASME SA-479 Specification for stainless steel tubing
AMS 5517 Annealed corrosion resistant steel bar, wire, forgings
AMS 5903 Precipitation hardening stainless steel bar, wire, forgings

Dessa standarder definierar:

  • Chemical composition limits of 310 alloy
  • Permissible impurity levels like S, P
  • Nödvändiga mekaniska egenskaper
  • Approved production methods
  • Protokoll för test av efterlevnad
  • Proper packaging, labeling and documentation

Meeting certification requirements ensures suitability of the powder.

310 Powder Particle Sizes

310 Powder Particle Size Distribution

Partikelstorlek Egenskaper
10-45 microns Ultrafine grade for high density and surface finish
45-150 mikrometer Coarse grade provides good flowability
15-150 mikrometer Standard grade for pressing and sintering
  • Finer particles allow greater densification during sintering
  • Coarser powder flows better and fills die cavities uniformly
  • Size range is tailored based on final part properties needed
  • Both gas and water atomized powders are available

Controlling particle size distribution allows optimizing processing behavior and final part performance.

310 Powder Apparent Density

310 Powder Apparent Density

Skenbar densitet Detaljer
Upp till 50% av verklig densitet För oregelbunden pulvermorfologi
4.5-5.5 g/cc typical Förbättras med högre packningstäthet
  • Högre skenbar densitet förbättrar pulverflöde och kompressibilitet
  • Oregelbunden morfologi begränsar maximal packningstäthet
  • Values up to 60% are possible with spherical powders
  • High apparent density improves press filling efficiency

Higher apparent density leads to better manufacturing productivity and part quality.

310 Powder Production Method

310 Powder Production

Metod Detaljer
Atomisering av gas High pressure inert gas breaks molten metal stream into fine droplets
Water atomization High pressure water jet breaks metal into fine particles
Induktionssmältning i vakuum Insatsmaterial med hög renhet som smälts under vakuum
Flera omsmältningar Improves chemical homogenization
Siktning Classifies powder into different particle size ranges
  • Gas atomization provides clean, spherical powder morphology
  • Water atomization is a lower cost process with irregular particles
  • Vacuum melting and remelting minimizes gaseous impurities
  • Post-processing allows customization of particle sizes

Automated production and stringent quality control result in consistent powder suitable for critical applications.

310 Powder Pricing

310 Powder Pricing

Faktor Påverkan på priset
Renhetsgrad Högre renhet ökar kostnaden
Morfologi för pulver Spherical powder costs more
Partikelstorlek Ultrafint pulver dyrare
Ordervolym Larger quantities have lower per unit pricing
Additional services Customization adds cost

Indikativ prissättning

  • Irregular 310 powder: $8-12 per kg
  • Spherical 310 powder: $12-18 per kg
  • Large volume pricing can be 30-50% lower

Pricing depends on purity, particle characteristics, order volume, and customization needs.

310 Powder Suppliers

310 Powder Suppliers

Företag Plats
Höganäs Sverige
Sandvik Tyskland
Daido Steel Japan
CNPC Pulver Kina
Carpenter Powder Products USA
Erasteel Frankrike

Key supplier selection factors:

  • Powder grades offered
  • Production capacity
  • Particle morphology and size ranges
  • Batch analysis reports
  • Pricing and minimum order quantity
  • Customization services
  • Delivery times and reliability

310 Powder Handling and Storage

310 Powder Handling

Rekommendation Anledning
Use PPE and ventilation Undvik exponering för fina metallpartiklar
Ensure proper grounding Prevent static discharge while handling
Undvik antändningskällor Pulver kan antändas i syrehaltig atmosfär
Använd verktyg som inte slår gnistor Förhindra risken för antändning
Follow safety protocols Reduce risk of burns, inhalation, ingestion
Store in stable containers Förhindrar kontaminering eller oxidation

As 310 powder is flammable, ignition and explosion risks should be controlled during handling and storage. Otherwise it is relatively safe with proper precautions.

310 Powder Inspection and Testing

310 Powder Testing

Test Detaljer
Kemisk analys ICP and XRF verify composition
Fördelning av partikelstorlek Laser diffraction determines size distribution
Skenbar densitet Hall-flödesmätartest enligt ASTM B212-standarden
Morfologi för pulver SEM imaging shows particle shape
Analys av flödeshastighet Gravitationsflöde genom specificerat munstycke
Loss on ignition Determines residual moisture content

Stringent testing ensures the powder meets the required chemical purity, particle characteristics, density, morphology, and flowability per applicable specifications.

310 Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of 310 Powder

  • Excellent strength and hardness for stainless steel powder
  • Hållfasthet och korrosionsbeständighet vid höga temperaturer
  • Good ductility, toughness and weldability
  • Excellent wear and abrasion resistance
  • Readily work hardens significantly
  • More cost-effective than high nickel or exotic alloys

Disadvantages of 310 Powder

  • Lower ductility than austenitic grades in annealed state
  • Lower pitting corrosion resistance than 316 grade
  • Requires care during welding to avoid sensitization
  • Begränsad kapacitet för kallbearbetning och formning
  • Susceptible to sigma phase embrittlement at high temperatures
  • Surface discoloration over time in some environments

Comparison With 316L Powder

310 vs 316L Stainless Steel Powder

Parameter 310 316L
Täthet 8,1 g/cc 8.0 g/cc
Styrka 760-900 MPa 485-550 MPa
Hårdhet 32-38 HRC 79-95 HRB
Korrosionsbeständighet Mycket bra Utmärkt
Kostnad Låg Hög
Användningsområden Wear parts, tools Chemical plants, marine
  • 310 has far higher strength and hardness
  • 316L provides better overall corrosion resistance
  • 310 is more cost-effective than 316L
  • 310 suited for applications needing hardness and wear resistance
  • 316L preferred where corrosion is the primary concern

310 Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of 310 stainless steel powder?

A: Main applications include high-strength fasteners, pump and valve components, extruder screws, press tooling, bearing cages, shafts, and surgical instruments requiring hardness, strength and wear resistance.

Q: What is nitrogen’s role in 310 stainless steel?

A: Nitrogen provides substantial solid solution strengthening which significantly increases the strength and hardness of 310 stainless steel.

Q: What precautions are needed when working with 310 powder?

A: Recommended precautions include ventilation, inert atmosphere, grounding, avoiding ignition sources, protective gear, using non-sparking tools, and safe storage in stable containers.

Q: How does 310 stainless steel differ from 304 and 316 grades?

A: 310 has much higher strength and hardness than 304 or 316 due to its high nitrogen content. It offers better wear resistance but lower corrosion resistance than 316.

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