Yüksek Yoğunluklu Tungsten Tozu


Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu tungstenin altınınkine yaklaşan olağanüstü yüksek içsel yoğunluğu sayesinde tüm metalik tozlar arasında en yüksek yoğunluğa sahiptir. Bu benzersiz özellik, ağır toz presleme ve sinterleme metodolojilerinden yararlanarak çeşitli sektörlerde kompakt, ağırlık açısından verimli bileşenlerin gelişmiş tasarımına olanak tanır.

Genel Bakış tungsten tozu

Katı halde 19,3 g/cm3 yoğunluğa sahip olan tungsten, küçük bir hacme muazzam bir ağırlık sığdırır. Bu sayede, sıkıştırıldığında tungsten tozu, başka hiçbir malzeme kullanılarak ulaşılamayan benzersiz yoğunluk seviyeleri sunar. Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozundan yapılan parçalar zorlu ortamlarda çok sayıda uygulama alanı bulur.

Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu kullanımına yönelik temel itici güçler şunlardır:

  • Altın, platin gibi değerli metallere benzer yüksek yoğunluk
  • Kurşun, çelik ile karşılaştırıldığında mevcut yoğunluğu iki katına çıkarır
  • Ağır ancak kompakt boyut ve şekillere olanak sağlar
  • Son kullanım ürünlerine giden basit toz metalurjisi yolu
  • Alaşım elementlerinin karıştırılmasıyla uyarlanabilir özellikler
  • Yüksek değerli tungstenin geri dönüştürülebilirliği

Yoğunluk aralığı balastları, radyasyon engelleme, atalet, kompozitlerin ağırlıklandırılması, titreşim sönümleme ve bileşen minyatürleştirmesinden yararlanan uygulamalar.

tungsten tozu

Yüksek Yoğunluklu Tungsten Tozu Çeşitleri

Tüm tungsten tozu çeşitleri yüksek yoğunluk sunarken, belirli kaliteler ve bileşimler şekillendirme ve sinterlemeden sonra optimum yoğunluk seviyeleri sağlar:

TipAçıklamaTipik Yoğunluk
Saf tungsten99,95%'nin üzerinde daha yüksek saflık güvenilir yoğunluk sağlar≥18 g/cm
Katkılı tungstenSmall rare earth oxide additions like Y2O3 improves sintered density≥18,5 g/cm
Tungsten-nikel-demirNi-Fe alaşımlama mükemmel nihai yoğunluk sağlar≥18 g/cm
Tungsten ağır alaşımları90-97% W, Ni-Cu-Fe bağlayıcı fazları ile≥17,5 g/cm
Tungsten kompozitlerAltın, tantal, tükenmiş uranyum vb. ile karışır.21 g/cm'ye kadar

Bu geliştirilmiş formülasyonlar, yüksek performans seçeneklerini saf tungstenin ötesine, özel özellik kombinasyonlarına kadar genişletmektedir.

Kompozisyon tungsten tozu

Mümkün olan en yüksek yoğunluğa uygun yüksek saflıkta tungsten tozu, sadece küçük kalıntı safsızlıklar ile 99.95%'den fazla tungsten içerir:

ElementMaksimum İçerikRol
Tungsten (W)99.95%Temel bileşen
Karbon (C)100 ppmTahıl büyüme inhibitörü
Oksijen (O)100 ppmYüzey oksidi
Bakır (Cu)10 ppmKalıntı eser safsızlık
Silika (Si)20 ppmSafsızlık

Özel ağır alaşım kaliteleri, özellikleri daha da geliştirmek için tungsten ile birlikte nikel, bakır, demir vb. gibi kasıtlı alaşım ilavelerine sahiptir.

Özellikler tungsten tozu

Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu, kullanışlı mukavemet, sertlik ve termal özelliklerle birlikte aşırı yoğunluğa sahip ağ şekline yakın parçaların üretilmesini sağlar.

Fiziksel Özellikler

Yoğunluk≥18 g/cm3
Erime noktası3380-3410°C
Güç1000 MPa'ya kadar
Sertlik≥400 VPN
Termal iletkenlik∼175 W/(m-K)
Termal genleşme katsayısı∼4,5 μm/(m-K)

Bu özellikler tungstenin kendine özgü atomik yapısından kaynaklanır ve onu termal-mekanik bütünlük gerektiren yüksek yoğunluklu uygulamalar için ideal hale getirir.

Mekanik Özellikler

Dikkatli toz presleme ve sinterleme avantajlı mekanik özellikler kazandırır:

Sertlik550 VPN'e kadar
Akma Dayanımı∼900 MPa
Çekme Dayanımı1000 MPa'ya kadar
Uzama∼10% ila 15%
Kırılma Tokluğu∼20 MPa√m
Yorulma Dayanımı500 MPa

Nikel, demir vb. alaşım elementleri süneklik, tokluk ve işleme özelliklerinin uyarlanmasına yardımcı olur.

Fiziksel Özellikler

Tasarımcılar için yararlı olan yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozunun göze çarpan fiziksel özellikleri:

Yoğunluk18 ila 19,3g/cm3
Elektriksel Dirençlilik5.5μΩ-cm
Termal İletkenlik170W/(m-K)
Erime Noktası3410°C
Kaynama Noktası5930°C
Özgül Isı132J/(kg-K)

Ultra yüksek erime noktası ve termal iletkenlik, aşırı sıcaklıklarda mukavemetin ve boyutsal bütünlüğün korunmasını sağlar.

Üretim tungsten tozu

SahneAçıklamaKey Points
1. Raw Material AcquisitionThe process begins with mining tungsten ore, which primarily consists of wolframite and scheelite.* Tungsten ores are found worldwide, but major producers include China, Peru, and Bolivia.
* Mining methods vary depending on the deposit, but common techniques include open-pit and underground mining.
* The mined ore undergoes crushing, grinding, and concentration processes to remove impurities and enrich the tungsten content.
2. Chemical ProcessingThe concentrated ore is then converted into an intermediate chemical compound suitable for further purification and reduction.* Ammonium paratungstate (APT) is the most widely used intermediate. It’s produced through a series of chemical reactions involving leaching, filtration, and precipitation.
* APT offers advantages like high purity and good handling characteristics.
* Other intermediate compounds like tungstic acid or tungsten oxides may also be used depending on the specific production process.
3. High-Purity Oxide ProductionFurther purification steps ensure the removal of remaining impurities and achieve the desired level of tungsten oxide for reduction.* APT undergoes additional purification steps like recrystallization or solvent extraction to meet the stringent purity requirements for tungsten powder production.
* Tungsten oxides like WO3 (tungsten trioxide) or WO2 (tungsten dioxide) are often the final product of this stage.
* The choice of oxide and its specific characteristics can influence the final tungsten powder properties.
4. Hydrogen ReductionThe purified tungsten oxide is then reduced to metallic tungsten powder using hydrogen gas in a controlled furnace environment.* This stage is the heart of tungsten powder production. Hydrogen acts as a reducing agent, taking oxygen away from the tungsten oxide and leaving behind pure tungsten metal particles.
* The reduction process occurs in pusher furnaces or rotary furnaces at precisely controlled temperatures (typically between 600°C and 1100°C) and hydrogen gas flow rates.
* Careful control of these parameters is crucial for achieving the desired tungsten powder properties like particle size, morphology, and purity.
5. Powder Classification and FinishingThe raw tungsten powder from the reduction furnace undergoes further processing to achieve the final desired characteristics.* The powder is screened and classified to obtain specific particle size distributions. Different applications require powders with varying particle sizes and morphologies.
* Additional processes like milling or granulation may be used to refine the particle size and shape further.
* The powder may also be subjected to degassing treatments to remove any residual hydrogen from the reduction process.
6. Kalite KontrolThroughout the production process, rigorous quality control measures are implemented to ensure the final tungsten powder meets all the required specifications.* Chemical analysis determines the elemental composition and purity of the powder.
* Particle size distribution and morphology are analyzed using techniques like laser diffraction and electron microscopy.
* Other tests may assess properties like density, flowability, and sintering behavior.
* Maintaining consistent quality is essential for the performance of tungsten products made from the powder.

Uygulamalar tungsten tozu

KategoriUygulamaKaldıraçlı MülklerÖrnekler
Industrial & ManufacturingMachining & Cutting ToolsAşırı sertlik, aşınma direnci– Drill bits – Milling inserts – End mills – Turning tools
Dies & MoldsHigh melting point, thermal stability– Extrusion dies for wires and filaments – Hot stamping dies – Plastic injection molding tools
ElektrotlarYüksek erime noktası, iyi elektrik iletkenliği– Inert gas welding (TIG) electrodes – Resistance welding electrodes
Filaments & Heating ElementsYüksek erime noktası, iyi elektrik iletkenliği– Incandescent light bulb filaments – Furnace heating elements
KatalizörlerHigh surface area, ability to promote chemical reactions– Ammonia production catalysts – Hydrocarbon processing catalysts
Pigments & CoatingsHigh density, opacity to X-rays– Radiation shielding for medical equipment – X-ray contrast agents
Elektrik ve ElektronikElektrik Kontakları ve AnahtarlarHigh melting point, good electrical conductivity, arc resistance– Relay contacts – Circuit breaker contacts – High-voltage switchgear contacts
Isı EmicilerYüksek ısı iletkenliği– Electronic component heat dissipation
Semiconductor ManufacturingHigh density, etch resistance– Tungsten plugs and vias in integrated circuits – Gate electrodes in transistors
Tüketim MallarıSpor Malzemeleri (Golf Clubs, Fishing Weights)High density for weight distribution– Golf club weighting for improved swing – Fishing weights for deeper, faster sinking
Titreşim SönümlemeYüksek yoğunluk– Dampeners in tennis rackets and archery equipment – Vibration dampers in machinery
Advanced ApplicationsKatmanlı Üretim (3D Baskı)Fine particle size, good flowability– 3D printed components for aerospace and automotive industries – Medical implants
Nükleer EnerjiHigh melting point, neutron absorption– Control rods in nuclear reactors – Nuclear waste shielding
Military & DefenseZırh Delici PenetratörlerHigh density, extreme hardness

Teknik Özellikler

Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu için tanımlanan temel parametreler:

Grades of Tungsten Powder

Grade DesignationAverage Particle Size (Microns)Purity (Minimum % Tungsten)Uygulamalar
Ultrafine Tungsten Powder< 1.0≥ 99.95– Thermal Spray Coatings for turbine blades and other high-wear applications due to excellent sinterability and flowability.
1.0 – 3.0≥ 99.95– Diamond Tools with superior wear resistance and sharpness for cutting and grinding hard materials.
3.0 – 5.0≥ 99.9– Electronic Substrates with minimal impurities for high electrical conductivity and thermal stability in integrated circuits.
Fine Tungsten Powder5.0 – 10.0≥ 99.5– Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools offering a good balance between hardness, toughness, and fracture resistance for machining various materials.
10.0 – 15.0≥ 99.0– Heavy Duty Electrical Contacts requiring high melting point, arc resistance, and electrical conductivity in power switching applications.
15.0 – 22.0≥ 98.5– Electrodes for Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding due to their ability to produce a stable arc and concentrated heat.
Medium Tungsten Powder22.0 – 32.0≥ 98.0– Penetrators and Kinetic Energy Projectiles leveraging tungsten’s high density for superior armor penetration.
32.0 – 45.0≥ 97.0– Radiation Shielding Materials in medical equipment and nuclear facilities due to tungsten’s ability to absorb X-rays and gamma rays.
Coarse Tungsten Powder45.0 – 75.0≥ 96.0– Ballast Weights for counterweights and vibration dampeners utilizing tungsten’s high density for compact size and effectiveness.
> 75.0≥ 95.0– Shot Peening Media for surface strengthening metal components through a cold working process.

Standards of Tungsten Powder

MülkiyetAçıklamaÖnemTipik Standartlar
SaflıkTungsten powder purity refers to the percentage of tungsten metal (W) present in the powder by weight. Impurities can significantly affect the physical and mechanical properties of tungsten products.Higher purity generally translates to better performance in applications that rely on properties like electrical conductivity, melting point, and strength. However, extremely high purity may not always be necessary or cost-effective.High Purity (99.9% W and above): Used for electronics, filaments, and electrodes where excellent electrical conductivity is crucial.
Standard Purity (99.5% W – 99.9% W): Suitable for various applications like cemented carbide cutting tools, heat sinks, and radiation shielding.
Lower Purity (Below 99.5% W): Used in some specific applications like plastic fillers or as a raw material for further purification.
Partikül Boyutu ve DağılımıParticle size refers to the average diameter of individual tungsten particles in the powder. Particle size distribution describes the variation in particle sizes within a powder sample.Particle size and distribution significantly impact the processing behaviour and final properties of tungsten products. For example, finer particles can offer better sinterability but may be more challenging to handle.Micron-Sized Powders (1 – 50 microns): Commonly used for cemented carbide production, thermal spraying, and additive manufacturing.
Submicron Powders (Below 1 micron): Used in applications requiring high surface area, like catalysts and conductive coatings.
Nano Powders (Below 100 nanometers): Emerging area with potential applications in electronics and composite materials.
Görünür YoğunlukApparent density represents the weight of tungsten powder per unit volume, considering the spaces between particles. It influences how much powder can be packed into a mold and the final density of the sintered product.Higher apparent density allows for more efficient use of powder and can lead to denser final products with improved mechanical properties.High Density Powders (>10 g/cm³): Used for applications requiring high strength and wear resistance, like cemented carbide tools.
Standard Density Powders (7 – 10 g/cm³): Commonly used for various applications where a balance between density and processing ease is desired.
Low Density Powders (<7 g/cm³): May be used in applications where loose packing or flowability is important, such as some thermal spraying processes.
AkışkanlıkFlowability refers to the ease with which tungsten powder can move and be poured. It is crucial for efficient handling and processing in various applications.Good flowability ensures smooth powder feeding in machinery and minimizes segregation of different particle sizes within the powder.Free-Flowing Powders: Achieved through specific particle size distribution and surface treatments to minimize particle-particle interactions.
Katkı maddeleri: May be used to improve flowability by reducing friction between particles.
MorfolojiMorphology refers to the shape and form of individual tungsten particles.Particle morphology can influence packing behaviour, sintering characteristics, and the final microstructure of tungsten products.Küresel Tozlar: Offer good packing density and flowability.
Angular Powders: May create a more interlocking network during sintering, potentially leading to improved strength.
Dendritic Powders: Can be used for specific applications where their branching structure offers advantages.
Oksijen İçeriğiOxygen content refers to the amount of oxygen present in the tungsten powder, typically as oxides. Excessive oxygen can affect the final properties of tungsten products.– Low oxygen content is generally desired for most applications to ensure optimal performance.
Strict oxygen limits are often specified for high-performance applications like electronics and filaments.
Musluk YoğunluğuTap density is a measure of the packing density of tungsten powder achieved through a standardized tapping process. It provides an indirect measure of flowability and apparent density.– Higher tap density indicates better packing efficiency and can be used as a quality control parameter.– Industry standards often specify minimum tap density requirements for different tungsten powder grades.


Yüksek yoğunluklu kullanımlar için uygun tungsten tozunun temsili fiyatlandırması:

UltrafineKg başına $800 ila $1200
Mikron altıKg başına $500 ila $900
GüzelKg başına $100 ila $250
OrtaKg başına $50 ila $150
Ağır AlaşımlarKg başına $40 ila $100

Daha küçük parçacık boyutları, daha yüksek saflık, özel katkı maddeleri ve daha düşük miktar maliyeti artırır. Geri dönüştürülmüş hurda tozu daha ucuzdur.

Artıları ve Eksileri

Unmatched High Melting Point: Tungsten powder boasts the highest melting point of any metal, reaching a staggering 3,422°C (6,192°F). This exceptional property allows it to excel in applications exposed to extreme temperatures, like furnace linings, rocket nozzles, and heat shields for spacecraft re-entry.Costly Investment: Extracting and processing tungsten is a complex procedure, leading to a higher price tag compared to more common metals. This can be a significant hurdle for applications where cost is a major factor.
Superior Heat and Electrical Conductivity: Tungsten powder excels in conducting both heat and electricity efficiently. This makes it ideal for applications requiring efficient thermal management, like heat sinks in electronics, or electrical components like filaments in incandescent lamps and electrodes for welding.Dense and Demanding: Tungsten’s remarkable density, a direct consequence of its tightly packed atomic structure, translates to its powder form as well. This high density can pose challenges during processing. Specialized techniques and equipment might be necessary to handle and shape tungsten powder effectively.
Exceptional Wear and Corrosion Resistance: Tungsten powder exhibits outstanding resistance to wear and tear, alongside exceptional corrosion resistance. This makes it perfect for applications requiring exceptional durability in harsh environments, like armor-piercing projectiles, drill bits for tough materials, and components used in chemical processing plants.Potansiyel Sağlık Riskleri: Tungsten powder, if inhaled, can irritate the lungs and potentially lead to health complications. Strict safety protocols and proper ventilation are crucial when working with tungsten powder to minimize exposure risks.
Tailorable Alloying Potential: Tungsten powder readily forms alloys with various metals, significantly enhancing their properties. This allows engineers to create custom-designed materials with specific combinations of strength, hardness, and heat resistance for applications like high-performance cutting tools and jet engine components.Limited Global Supply: The primary source of tungsten is geographically concentrated, with China dominating global production. This can lead to supply chain vulnerabilities and potential price fluctuations.
Biyouyumlu Uygulamalar: Tungsten exhibits good biocompatibility, making its powder form suitable for certain medical applications. For instance, tungsten-based implants can be used for hip replacements due to their exceptional strength and wear resistance.Specialized Suppliers: Due to the unique properties and potential safety concerns of tungsten powder, sourcing it from reputable and experienced suppliers is essential. These suppliers can provide high-quality, well-characterized powder alongside technical support to ensure safe handling and optimal performance in the desired application.
Emerging Applications in 3D Printing: Tungsten powder is finding new applications in the rapidly advancing field of additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing. Its unique combination of properties makes it suitable for printing high-performance metal parts for aerospace, automotive, and medical industries.Counterfeit Concerns: The high value of tungsten powder can attract manufacturers of counterfeit products. Working with qualified suppliers with rigorous quality control practices helps mitigate the risk of receiving inferior or impure material.


Küresel olarak yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten ve tungsten alaşım tozları tedarik eden önde gelen tüccarlar ve üreticiler şunlardır:

Buffalo TungstenBirleşik Devletler
Wolfram ŞirketiAvusturya
Plansee GrupAvrupa
Ortabatı TungstenBirleşik Devletler
Xiamen TungstenÇin
JX NipponJaponya
Toshiba MalzemeleriJaponya
GTP SchaeferAlmanya

Bu şirketler, ticari pazarlara dünya standartlarında güvenilir tozlar sunmaktadır.

yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu


Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu nedir?Tungsten tozu 18 ila 19,3 g/cm3 yoğunluğa sahiptir - tüm metal tozları arasında en yükseği
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Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu ne için kullanılır?Karşı ağırlıklar, radyasyon kalkanı, balast, ağırlık bileşikleri, titreşim sönümleme bileşenleri vb. imalatı.
Yüksek yoğunluklu tozların farklı çeşitleri nelerdir?Saf tungsten, nadir toprak oksitleri ile katkılı tungsten, tungsten-nikel-demir alaşımları, tungsten ağır alaşımları vb.
Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozunun avantajları nelerdir?Diğer tozlarla kıyaslanamayacak kompakt hacimlerde olağanüstü yoğunluk; karmaşık parçalarda net şekilli üretilebilirlik
Tungsten tozlarının kullanımındaki sınırlamalar nelerdir?Tungsten karbürden nispeten daha düşük sertlik; sınırlı tokluk ve süneklik işleme zorlukları oluşturur
Yüksek yoğunluklu tungsten tozu, kurşun gibi geleneksel yoğun malzemelere kıyasla nasıldır?Toksik kurşundan daha güvenli; kurşundan daha yüksek erime noktası; benzer yoğunluğa sahip değerli metallere karşı ekonomik fiyat


Temel metaller arasında olağanüstü yoğunluğa sahip olan yüksek saflıkta tungsten tozu, tasarımcılara daha önce mümkün olmayan kompakt profillere ihtiyaç duyan ağırlığa duyarlı uygulamalar için benzersiz yetenekler sunar. Toz üretimi, presleme, sinterleme ve ikincil işlemedeki gelişmeler kırılganlık sınırlamalarının üstesinden gelerek daha geniş kullanım alanlarının kilidini açmaktadır. Karıştırma ve alaşımlama, yüksek yoğunluğun mukavemet, sertlik ve termal soyağacı ile kritik bir şekilde birleştiği zorlu elektrik, nükleer, otomotiv ve havacılık alanlarında fiziksel özelliklerin ek olarak uyarlanmasını sağlar.

Sürdürülebilir kaynaklar güvenilir küresel tedarik zincirlerini desteklediğinden, tasarımcılar artık ağırlığın ve kompaktlığın birlikte değer yarattığı sektörlerde hassas mühendislik işlevselliği için tungsten tozundaki aşırı yoğunluklardan yararlanmaktadır. Önde gelen üreticiler, tungsten daha stratejik bir önem kazandıkça önümüzdeki on yıl içinde 20 g/cm3'ün ötesindeki yoğunluk eşiklerini aşmanın peşinde olacak.

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