AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder: Your Go-To Material for Versatility and Performance

When it comes to high-performance materials for manufacturing and engineering, AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder is a standout option. Known for its balance of strength, toughness, and affordability, this material has found its way into a variety of industries, from additive manufacturing to powder metallurgy. If you're wondering, "What makes this steel powder so special?" or "How can I use it in my projects?"—you’re in the right place. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder, its properties, applications, advantages, and even some of its limitations. Whether you’re an engineer, a manufacturer, or just curious, we’ve got you covered.

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When it comes to high-performance materials for manufacturing and engineering, AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder is a standout option. Known for its balance of strength, toughness, and affordability, this material has found its way into a variety of industries, from additive manufacturing to powder metallurgy.

If you’re wondering, “What makes this steel powder so special?” or “How can I use it in my projects?”—you’re in the right place. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder, its properties, applications, advantages, and even some of its limitations. Whether you’re an engineer, a manufacturer, or just curious, we’ve got you covered.

Overview of AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder

AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder is a medium-carbon steel powder produced through advanced atomization techniques that turn the material into spherical particles. These spherical particles improve the powder’s flowability, hustota balení, and overall performance in various manufacturing applications such as 3D tisk, prášková metalurgie, a tepelně stříkané povlaky.

Here’s what sets it apart:

  • Medium Carbon Content: Offers a perfect balance of strength and machinability, making it versatile for a wide range of uses.
  • Kulovitý tvar: Enhances flowability, ensuring smooth handling during processing and uniform distribution in molds or equipment.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to higher-alloyed steel powders, AISI 1045 is more affordable without compromising performance.
  • Tepelně zpracovatelné: Can be heat-treated to achieve a variety of mechanical properties, from improved hardness to increased ductility.

Curious to know what’s inside this powerful material? Let’s take a closer look at its composition and properties.

Chemical Composition and Properties of AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder

Jedinečné vlastnosti AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder come from its carefully balanced chemical composition. Each element contributes to the material’s mechanical performance and versatility.

Key Composition of AISI 1045 Steel

ŽivelProcento (%)Funkce
uhlík (C)0.43–0.50Increases hardness, strength, and wear resistance.
mangan (Mn)0.60–0.90Improves toughness, strength, and hardenability.
fosfor (P)≤ 0.04Kept low to avoid brittleness.
síra (S)≤ 0.05Improves machinability but kept low to maintain ductility.
železo (Fe)ZůstatekBase element providing structural integrita and versatility.

Mechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti

Hardness (Pre-Hardened)~160–190 HBModerate hardness for machinability and wear resistance.
Hustota~7,85 g/cm³High density ensures strength and durability.
Pevnost v tahu570–700 MPaStrong enough for load-bearing and structural applications.
Mez kluzu~310 MPaResists permanent deformation under stress.
Prodloužení~16–22%Offers good ductility for forming and machining.
Bod tání~1,510°CSuitable for high-temperature processes like thermal spraying.

The balance of these properties makes AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder an excellent choice for medium-duty applications where strength and machinability are both critical.

Applications of AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder

What can you use AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder for? Thanks to its versatility, this material is used in a wide range of industries and processes. Let’s break it down.

Běžné použití

Aditivní výrobaIdeal for 3D printing applications that require strength and toughness.
Prášková metalurgieUsed to create dense, durable components like gears, bearings, and tools.
Tepelné nástřikyApplied as a protective layer to enhance wear and corrosion resistance.
Automobilové komponentySuitable for parts like crankshafts, connecting rods, and axles.
Stavební zařízeníUsed in wear-resistant and load-bearing parts for heavy-duty machinery.
Obecné strojírenstvíPerfect for making shafts, pins, and machine parts that balance toughness and machinability.

Whether you’re building a high-performance engine or crafting a durable gear, AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder nabízí potřebnou spolehlivost.

Specifikace, velikosti a normy

To ensure compatibility and performance, it’s essential to understand the specifications and standards of AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder.

Specifikace a velikosti

Velikost částic20–50 µm for additive manufacturing; 50–150 µm for powder metallurgy.
NormyComplies with ASTM A29, ISO 5755

These specifications ensure that the powder is suitable for a wide range of applications, from precision 3D printing to rugged industrial tooling.

Pricing and Suppliers of AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder

Náklady na AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder depends on factors like particle size, purity, and order quantity. Here’s an overview of common pricing ranges and suppliers.

Dodavatelé a ceny

DodavatelCenové rozpětí (za kg)UmístěníDalší služby
Höganäs AB$50-$80ŠvédskoCustom particle sizes, technical support.
Technologie materiálů Sandvik$60-$90GlobálníHigh-purity powders for industrial applications.
Tesařská technologie$55-$85USAŘešení na míru pro konkrétní odvětví.
Prášková metalurgie GKN$50-$75GlobálníBulk supply for large-scale manufacturing.

Advantages and Limitations of AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder

No material is perfect. Let’s weigh the pros and cons of AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder so you can decide if it’s the right choice for your project.


  • Cenově dostupné: Offers high performance at a lower cost compared to high-alloy powders.
  • Všestrannost: Vhodné pro širokou škálu průmyslových odvětví a aplikací.
  • Dobrá obrobitelnost: Balances strength and ductility, making it easy to machine.
  • Tepelně zpracovatelné: Can be hardened or tempered to achieve desired properties.
  • Great Flowability: Spherical particles ensure smooth processing and uniform distribution.


  • Mírná odolnost proti korozi: Not as resistant as stainless steels or alloys with higher chromium content.
  • Lower Hardness: May not be suitable for extreme wear-resistant applications without heat treatment.
  • Not Ideal for Lightweight Applications: Higher density makes it heavier than aluminum or titanium alloys.

AISI 1045 Steel Powder Versus Other Alloy Powders

Jak se AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder compare to other popular materials? Let’s find out.

VlastnostiAISI 1045 Steel Powder316L prášek z nerezové oceliInconel 718 prášek
TvrdostModerate (~160–190 HB)Low (~150–200 HB)High (~250–350 HB)
Odolnost proti koroziMírnýVysokýVelmi vysoká
AplikaceAutomobilový průmysl, stavebnictvíMedical, food industryAerospace, high-temperature parts

FAQs about AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder

What is AISI 1045 powder used for?It’s used in 3D printing, powder metallurgy, and wear-resistant coatings.
How is AISI 1045 powder made?Produced through gas atomization to create spherical particles.
Is AISI 1045 powder cost-effective?Yes, it balances performance and affordability.
Can it be heat-treated?Yes, it can be hardened or tempered for improved properties.
What industries use AISI 1045 powder?Automotive, construction, and general engineering.


AISI 1045 Steel Spherical Powder is a versatile, cost-effective material that offers a balance of strength, machinability, and durability. Whether you’re working in automotive manufacturing, construction, or additive engineering, this powder is a reliable choice for medium-duty applications.

Have questions or need help deciding if AISI 1045 powder is the right fit for your project? Reach out to suppliers or industry experts to get tailored advice. After all, the right material can make all the difference!

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