Why AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder is Perfect for Industry Leaders

Stainless steel powders have revolutionized manufacturing, and AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder stands out as one of the most versatile and high-performance materials available. Known for its impressive mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and excellent flowability, this material is widely used in industries ranging from automotive and aerospace to additive manufacturing and powder metallurgy. But what makes AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder so unique? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore its composition, properties, applications, and more. Whether you’re an engineer, manufacturer, or simply curious about advanced materials, this article will provide the insights you need to understand why AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder is a game-changer.

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Stainless steel powders have revolutionized manufacturing, and AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder stands out as one of the most versatile and high-performance materials available. Known for its impressive mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and excellent flowability, this material is widely used in industries ranging from automotive and aerospace to additive manufacturing and powder metallurgy.

Ale co dělá AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder so unique? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore its composition, properties, applications, and more. Whether you’re an engineer, manufacturer, or simply curious about advanced materials, this article will provide the insights you need to understand why AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder mění pravidla hry.

Overview of AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder is a martensitic stainless steel powder with a high chromium content. Its spherical shape is achieved through advanced atomization processes, which enhance its flowability and hustota balení, making it ideal for 3D printing, thermal spraying, and powder metallurgy.

Klíčové vlastnosti AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

  • High Chromium Content: Provides excellent corrosion resistance and durability.
  • Martensitic Structure: Offers superior hardness and wear resistance compared to other stainless steels.
  • Kulovitý tvar: Ensures uniform distribution and optimized flow during manufacturing.
  • Tepelně zpracovatelné: Can be hardened and tempered to achieve specific mechanical properties.
  • Wide Applications: Used in industries like aerospace, automotive, and oil and gas.

Let’s dive deeper into its composition and mechanical properties to understand what makes it such a versatile choice for demanding applications.

Chemical Composition and Properties of AISI 415 Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Výkonnost AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder is directly tied to its chemical composition. Each element contributes to its unique balance of strength, wear resistance, and corrosion protection.

Chemické složení

ŽivelProcento (%)Role ve slitině
uhlík (C)0.05–0.15Improves hardness and strength through martensitic transformation.
Chrom (Cr)11.5–13.5Provides corrosion resistance and enhances wear resistance.
mangan (Mn)≤1.00Increases toughness and improves deoxidace během výroby.
křemík (Si)≤1.00Enhances strength and acts as a deoxidizer.
nikl (Ni)≤0.75Improves toughness and enhances resistance to corrosion.
molybden (Mo)≤0.50Increases strength and improves resistance to pitting corrosion.
síra (S)≤0.03Improves machinability without compromising material strength.
železo (Fe)ZůstatekThe base element that provides structural integrity.

Mechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti

Hardness (As-Processed)~200-250 HBProvides moderate wear resistance.
Hustota~7,75 g/cm³Ensures durability and structural integrity in finished components.
Pevnost v tahu~700-1 000 MPaOffers exceptional strength for load-bearing applications.
Mez kluzu~450 MPaResists deformation under high stress.
Prodloužení~15-20%Poskytuje dobrou tažnost pro tváření a obrábění.
Bod tání~1,370–1,500°CVhodné pro vysokoteplotní aplikace, jako je tepelné stříkání.

Díky těmto vlastnostem AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder an excellent choice for applications requiring strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance.

Applications of AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Všestrannost AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder allows it to be used in a wide range of industries. Its unique combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance makes it ideal for high-performance applications.

Běžné aplikace

Aditivní výrobaUsed to create complex parts with high strength and corrosion resistance.
Prášková metalurgieIdeal for producing gears, tools, and structural components.
Tepelné nástřikyProvides a protective coating to improve wear and corrosion resistance.
Automobilové komponentyUsed in engine parts, gears, and high-stress components.
Letecký průmyslSuitable for lightweight, high-strength parts in aircraft and spacecraft.
Ropné a plynové aplikaceUsed in valves, pumps, and components exposed to harsh environments.
Lékařské přístrojePerfect for surgical tools and implants due to its corrosion resistance.

From automotive to aerospace, AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder plays a critical role in building durable, reliable, and high-performance components.

Specifikace, velikosti a normy

Selecting the right specifications for your application is vital. Below are the common sizes, grades, and standards associated with AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder.

Specifikace a velikosti

Velikost částic10–45 µm for additive manufacturing; 45–150 µm for powder metallurgy.
NormyMeets ASTM A564, ISO 5755, and AMS 5610 specifications.

These specifications ensure the material performs optimally in various manufacturing processes.

Ceny a dodavatelé AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Cena AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder depends on factors like particle size, purity, and order volume. Here’s a look at common pricing ranges and reliable suppliers.

Dodavatelé a ceny

DodavatelCenové rozpětí (za kg)UmístěníDalší služby
Höganäs AB$90–$130ŠvédskoVlastní velikosti částic, technická podpora.
Prášková metalurgie GKN$85–$120GlobálníHromadné dodávky pro velkovýrobu.
Technologie materiálů Sandvik$95–$135GlobálníHigh-purity powders for demanding applications.
Tesařská technologie$100–$140USATailored solutions for medical and aerospace industries.

Výhody a omezení AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

Jako každý materiál, AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder has its strengths and limitations. Let’s break them down.


  • Vysoká pevnost: Offers superior mechanical performance for demanding applications.
  • Odolnost proti korozi: Provides excellent protection against oxidation and rust.
  • Odolnost proti opotřebení: Performs well in abrasive and high-stress environments.
  • Tepelně zpracovatelné: Can be customized to achieve specific properties.
  • Všestranné použití: Suitable for industries ranging from aerospace to medical devices.


  • Vyšší náklady: More expensive than basic steel powders due to its advanced properties.
  • Brittleness in Some Conditions: Martensitic structure may lead to reduced ductility in certain applications.
  • Limited Corrosion Resistance Compared to Austenitic Grades: May require coatings or treatments for harsh environments.

Understanding these factors will help you determine if AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder is the right choice for your project.

FAQs about AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder

What is AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder used for?It’s used in additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and thermal coatings.
Can AISI 415 Powder be heat-treated?Ano, může být tvrzená a kalená pro lepší výkon.
Is AISI 415 Powder corrosion-resistant?Yes, though it’s less resistant than austenitic grades like 316L.
What industries use AISI 415 Powder?Aerospace, automotive, oil and gas, and medical industries.
How is AISI 415 Powder made?Produced through gas atomization to create uniform spherical particles.


AISI 415 Spherical Stainless Steel Alloy Powder is a high-performance material that combines strength, corrosion resistance, and versatility. Its unique properties make it an excellent choice for demanding applications in industries like aerospace, automotive, and oil and gas. With its heat-treatable nature and excellent flowability, it’s a reliable material for advanced manufacturing techniques like 3D printing and thermal spraying.

Stále přemýšlíte, zda AISI 415 Stainless Steel Powder is right for your needs? Reach out to trusted suppliers or consult with industry experts to make an informed decision. Whatever your project, this material has the potential to deliver exceptional results.

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