CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder:Smarter, Stronger, Better

Welcome to the ultimate guide on CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder. If you’re looking for a material that combines high precision, shape memory effects, and versatile applications, you’ve come to the right place. This remarkable alloy, made from a mix of copper (Cu), aluminum (Al), nickel (Ni), and manganese (Mn), has gained massive popularity in industries like aerospace, automotive, and medical devices. Its unique ability to “remember” and return to its original shape after deformation makes it a game-changer in advanced manufacturing. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder—its composition, properties, applications, advantages, limitations, and even pricing. Whether you’re an engineer, manufacturer, or researcher, this guide is sure to answer all your questions.

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Welcome to the ultimate guide on CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder. If you’re looking for a material that combines high precision, shape memory effects, and versatile applications, you’ve come to the right place. This remarkable alloy, made from a mix of copper (Cu), aluminum (Al), nickel (Ni), and manganese (Mn), has gained massive popularity in industries like aerospace, automotive, and zdravotnické prostředky. Its unique ability to “remember” and return to its original shape after deformation makes it a game-changer in advanced manufacturing.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into everything you need to know about CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder—its composition, properties, applications, advantages, limitations, and even pricing. Whether you’re an engineer, manufacturer, or researcher, this guide is sure to answer all your questions.

Overview of CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Začněme od základů. CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder is a high-performance material that exhibits shape memory behavior, meaning it can deform under stress and return to its original shape upon heating. This behavior is powered by phase transformation, a property that sets shape memory alloys (SMAs) apart from traditional metals.

What makes the CuAlNiMn alloy special? It’s not just the shape memory effect—it’s also the sférická forma prášku. The spherical geometry ensures vynikající tekutost, rovnoměrné rozložení částic, a vysoká hustota balení, making it perfect for advanced manufacturing techniques like 3D tisk a prášková metalurgie.

Why is the CuAlNiMn Alloy Popular?

Think about it: traditional metals are strong, but they lack adaptability. CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy, on the other hand, adapts to its environment. It’s like having a metal with a built-in “muscle memory.” This property opens up a world of possibilities in smart engineering a přesná výroba.

Key Features of CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Here’s a quick rundown of what makes CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Powder so extraordinary:

  1. Efekt tvarové paměti: Returns to its original shape after deformation when heated.
  2. Vysoká odolnost proti korozi: Performs well in harsh environments, including marine and chemical industries.
  3. Vynikající tekutost: The spherical shape ensures smooth operation in additive manufacturing.
  4. Tepelná stabilita: Handles high temperatures without losing its properties.
  5. Odolnost proti opotřebení: Withstands repeated use and friction, making it durable for long-term applications.
  6. Všestrannost: Suitable for aerospace, automotive, medical devices, and even robotics.

Složení a vlastnosti CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

The performance of any material lies in its composition and properties. Let’s break down the chemical makeup and mechanical properties of CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Powder.

Chemické složení CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

ŽivelProcento (%)Role ve slitině
měď (Cu)70–80Base material providing ductility and conductivity.
hliník (Al)8–12Improves corrosion resistance and contributes to shape memory effect.
nikl (Ni)5-10Enhances thermal stability and mechanical strength.
mangan (Mn)2-5Boosts wear resistance and toughness.

This balanced composition ensures CuAlNiMn alloy delivers the best combination of shape memory functionality, síla, a odolnost proti korozi.

Mechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Hustota~7,8 g/cm³Provides structural stability and weight for manufactured components.
Pevnost v tahu400–600 MPaHigh strength for demanding applications.
Recovery Strain~6%Returns to its original shape after deformation.
Thermal Transformation Range100–200°CShape memory effect activated within this temperature range.
Tvrdost~200 HVVyvážená tvrdost pro odolnost proti opotřebení a obrobitelnost.
Odolnost proti koroziVynikajícíPerforms well in marine and chemical environments.
Bod tání~1,020°CHigh thermal stability ensures performance at elevated temperatures.

Díky těmto vlastnostem CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Powder ideální pro smart engineering applications a přesná výroba.

Applications of CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Kde je CuAlNiMn alloy powder used? The short answer: everywhere innovation happens. This material is a favorite in industries that demand síla, flexibilita, a smart functionality. Let’s dive deeper.

Běžné aplikace CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

AerospaceAkční členy, senzory a lehké konstrukční prvky.
Lékařské přístrojeStents, surgical tools, and orthodontic wires.
Automobilový průmyslSmart engines, adaptive suspension systems, and crash-resistant components.
RobotikaFlexible joints, actuators, and responsive components.
ElektronikaSwitches, connectors, and thermal management systems.
Aditivní výrobaKomplexní 3D tištěné díly pro letecký a obranný průmysl.
Průmyslové strojeSprings, valves, and couplings with shape memory capabilities.

Schopnost CuAlNiMn alloy to adapt its shape makes it indispensable in smart designs a advanced technology.

Specifikace, velikosti a normy pro CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Při výběru CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Powder, je nezbytné vzít v úvahu specifikace, velikosti částic, a průmyslové normy that fit your project.

Specifikace a velikosti

Velikost částic15-45 µm pro aditivní výrobu; 45-150 µm pro práškovou metalurgii.
TvarSférický tvar pro optimální tekutost a rovnoměrnost.
NormyConforms to ASTM F2063 and ISO 5832 standards.

Tyto specifikace zajišťují CuAlNiMn alloy powder meets the stringent demands of modern manufacturing processes.

Ceny a dodavatelé CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Náklady na CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Powder závisí na faktorech, jako je velikost částic, objem objednávek, a umístění dodavatele. Here’s a breakdown of pricing and trusted suppliers.

Dodavatelé a ceny

DodavatelCenové rozpětí (za kg)UmístěníDalší služby
Höganäs AB$100-$150ŠvédskoVlastní velikosti částic, technická podpora.
Přísada pro tesaře$120-$180USASpecializované prášky pro aditivní výrobu.
Technologie materiálů Sandvik$110–$160GlobálníPrášky s vysokou čistotou pro přesné aplikace.
Pokročilé kovové prášky$90-$140GlobálníŘešení na míru pro různá odvětví.

Pricing varies based on objem objednávek a požadavky na aplikaci.

Výhody a omezení CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

Let’s weigh the klady a zápory z CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Powder.


  1. Efekt tvarové paměti: Adapts and recovers its shape, perfect for smart engineering.
  2. Odolnost proti korozi: Performs well in demanding environments like marine and chemical industries.
  3. Tepelná stabilita: Operates effectively at high temperatures.
  4. Sférický tvar: Ensures smooth flowability for additive manufacturing.
  5. Všestrannost: Suitable for a wide range of industries, from aerospace to robotics.


  1. Vyšší náklady: More expensive than traditional alloys due to its unique properties.
  2. Požadovaná odbornost v oblasti zpracování: Vyžaduje správné zacházení, aby se maximalizoval výkon.
  3. Limitovaná dostupnost: Specialized material may not always be readily available.

FAQs About CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder

What is CuAlNiMn alloy powder used for?Aerospace, medical devices, robotics, and automotive components.
Jak funguje efekt tvarové paměti?It deforms under stress and returns to its original shape when heated.
Je odolný proti korozi?Yes, it performs exceptionally well in marine and chemical environments.
V jakých odvětvích se tento materiál používá?Aerospace, automotive, medical, and industrial engineering.
Kolik to stojí?Prices range from $90 to $180 per kilogram, depending on specifications.


CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Spherical Powder is a revolutionary material that combines shape memory effects, odolnost proti korozi, a trvanlivost in one package. Its sférická forma ensures precision in advanced manufacturing, making it a favorite in industries like letectví a kosmonautiky, zdravotnické prostředky, a robotika. Whether you’re designing the next generation of smart devices or manufacturing high-performance components, this alloy delivers unmatched reliability and versatility.

Ready to explore the possibilities of CuAlNiMn Shape Memory Alloy Powder? Connect with trusted suppliers today and take your projects to the next level!

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