CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder: A Breakthrough in Heat Resistance

CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder is at the forefront of modern material science, offering a unique blend of strength, thermal stability, and exceptional wear resistance. This advanced alloy combines copper (Cu) with zirconium (Zr), nickel (Ni), and aluminum (Al) to create a material that's not only durable but also versatile, finding its place in industries like aerospace, automotive, electronics, and additive manufacturing. The spherical powder form further enhances its usability by ensuring uniformity, flowability, and precision in applications like 3D printing and thermal spraying. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder, including its composition, properties, applications, pricing, and technical specifications. Let’s dive in!

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CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder is at the forefront of modern material science, offering a unique blend of síla, tepelná stabilitaa výjimečné odolnost proti opotřebení. This advanced alloy combines měď (Cu) s zirkonium (Zr), nikl (Ni), a hliník (Al) to create a material that’s not only durable but also versatile, finding its place in industries like letectví a kosmonautiky, automobilový průmysl, elektronika, a aditivní výroba. The spherical powder form further enhances its usability by ensuring jednotnost, průtočnost, a přesnost v aplikacích, jako je 3D tisk a tepelné stříkání.

V tomto průvodci se dozvíte vše, co potřebujete vědět o. CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder, včetně jeho složení, vlastnosti, aplikace, stanovení cen, a technické specifikace. Let’s dive in!

Overview of CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Její jádro, CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder is a high-performance material designed for industries that demand přesnost, trvanlivost, a tepelná stabilita. Its unique chemical composition gives it a competitive edge over traditional copper alloys, while the sférická forma prášku makes it ideal for cutting-edge manufacturing processes.

Imagine a material that not only withstands extreme wear but also maintains its structure and performance in high-temperature environments. That’s what CuZrNiAl alloy delivers. Whether you’re fabricating complex 3D-printed parts or developing components for high-stress environments, this alloy offers the reliability you need.

Why is the spherical shape so important? It ensures consistent particle distribution, optimální průtočnost, a reduced porosity—all of which are critical for processes like aditivní výroba a prášková metalurgie. Stručně řečeno, CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder is the perfect marriage of složení a geometrie.

Key Features of CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Co dělá CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Powder stand out? Here are its defining characteristics:

  1. Stabilita při vysokých teplotách: Maintains performance even in extreme heat, making it ideal for high-temperature applications.
  2. Výjimečná odolnost proti opotřebení: Withstands friction and mechanical stress, ensuring longevity.
  3. Odolnost proti korozi: Performs well in challenging environments, including exposure to moisture and chemicals.
  4. Vynikající tepelná vodivost: Copper’s inherent conductivity is enhanced by the alloying elements.
  5. Sférický tvar: Ensures excellent flowability, uniform packing, and precision in manufacturing processes.
  6. Všestrannost: Suitable for a wide range of industries, from aerospace to electronics.

Composition and Properties of CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Výkonnost CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Powder lies in its precise chemical composition and the synergistic effects of its alloying elements.

Chemické složení CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

ŽivelProcento (%)Role ve slitině
měď (Cu)85-90Base material providing high thermal and electrical conductivity.
zirkonium (Zr)0.5–1Improves grain refinement, wear resistance, and thermal stability.
nikl (Ni)5-8Enhances mechanical strength and koroze odolnost.
hliník (Al)2-5Contributes to oxidation resistance and overall durability.

Toto vyvážené složení zajišťuje, že CuZrNiAl offers superior performance compared to traditional copper alloys.

Mechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Hustota~8,5 g/cm³Provides structural stability and weight for manufactured components.
Pevnost v tahu400–600 MPaHigh strength for demanding applications.
Tvrdost~120–160 HBEnsures resistance to deformation and wear.
Tepelná vodivost~200 W/m·KSuitable for heat exchangers and thermal management systems.
Odolnost proti koroziVynikajícíPerforms well in harsh environments, including chemical exposure.
Bod tání~1,050°CVhodné pro použití při vysokých teplotách.
TekutostVynikajícíSférický tvar zajišťuje hladký tok v aditivních výrobních procesech.

Díky těmto vlastnostem CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Powder a go-to material for applications requiring síla, vodivost, a odolnost proti korozi.

Applications of CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Kde se nachází CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Powder shine? Thanks to its unique properties, this alloy is used in a variety of industries and applications.

Běžné aplikace CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

AerospaceHeat-resistant components, bearings, and bushings.
Automobilový průmyslThermal systems, wear-resistant parts, and high-stress components.
ElektronikaConductive parts, connectors, and heat sinks.
Aditivní výroba3D-printed parts with high precision and durability.
Průmyslové strojeWear-resistant gears, valves, and pumps.
Námořní inženýrstvíCorrosion-resistant components for underwater applications.

Všestrannost CuZrNiAl alloy makes it invaluable in industries requiring přesné strojírenství a spolehlivý výkon.

Specifikace, velikosti a normy pro CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Při výběru CuZrNiAl spherical powder, it’s essential to consider the available specifications and standards.

Specifikace a velikosti

Velikost částic10–45 µm for additive manufacturing; 45–150 µm for powder metallurgy.
TvarSférický tvar pro optimální tekutost a rovnoměrnost.
NormyConforms to ASTM B505 and ISO 4382 standards.

These specifications ensure that the material meets the needs of high-precision manufacturing processes.

Ceny a dodavatelé CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Hledáte zdroje CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Powder? Here’s an overview of pricing and trusted suppliers.

Dodavatelé a ceny

DodavatelCenové rozpětí (za kg)UmístěníDalší služby
Höganäs AB$90–$120ŠvédskoVlastní velikosti částic, technická podpora.
Přísady GKN$95–$130USASpecializované prášky pro aditivní výrobu.
Technologie materiálů Sandvik$100–$140GlobálníPrášky s vysokou čistotou pro přesné aplikace.
Pokročilé kovové prášky$85–$115GlobálníŘešení na míru pro konkrétní odvětví.

Ceny závisí na faktorech, jako jsou velikost částic, objem objednávek, a požadavky na čistotu.

Výhody a omezení CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

Every material has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s explore the klady a zápory z CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Powder.


  1. Vysoká tepelná stabilita: Performs well in high-temperature applications.
  2. Výjimečná odolnost proti opotřebení: Ideal for components exposed to friction and stress.
  3. Odolnost proti korozi: Suitable for marine and chemical environments.
  4. Všestranný: Works in a wide range of industries and applications.
  5. Sférický tvar: Enhances flowability and precision in manufacturing processes.


  1. Vyšší náklady: Dražší než standardní slitiny mědi.
  2. Požadovaná odbornost v oblasti zpracování: Vyžaduje správné zacházení, aby se maximalizoval výkon.
  3. Limitovaná dostupnost: Specialized material not always in stock.

FAQs About CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder

What is CuZrNiAl used for?Aerospace, automotive, electronics, and marine engineering.
Why choose CuZrNiAl over other alloys?It offers superior thermal stability, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance.
Lze jej použít při 3D tisku?Yes, its spherical form makes it ideal for additive manufacturing.
How much does CuZrNiAl cost?Prices range from $90 to $140 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
Je odolný proti korozi?Yes, it performs exceptionally well in harsh environments.


CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Spherical Powder is more than just a material—it’s a solution to the challenges of moderní výroba. Z jeho výjimečná tepelná stabilita a odolnost proti opotřebení na jeho sférická geometrie that ensures precision, this alloy is designed to meet the demands of high-tech průmyslová odvětví.

Ať už navrhujete 3D-printed aerospace parts or building corrosion-resistant marine components, CuZrNiAl Copper Alloy Powder delivers the performance you need. Ready to take your projects to the next level? Reach out to trusted suppliers today and experience the power of this revolutionary material!

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