FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder: Lightweight and Powerful for Cutting-Edge Use

Materials science is constantly evolving, and FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder is one of its most exciting innovations. As part of the high-entropy alloy (HEA) family, this powder features a carefully engineered composition of iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), and titanium (Ti), with nickel being the dominant element at 86%. The remaining elements—aluminum and titanium (7% each)—enhance its mechanical and thermal properties, while iron and cobalt contribute to its strength and magnetic characteristics. This makes FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 a standout material for demanding applications. What sets this powder apart is its spherical morphology, which ensures excellent flowability and uniform packing density—essential for additive manufacturing (3D printing), thermal spray coatings, and powder metallurgy. Its unique combination of properties, including exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability, positions it as a go-to material in industries such as aerospace, automotive, marine, and electronics. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore every facet of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder, from its composition and properties to its applications, pricing, and more. By the end, you’ll understand why this material is a game-changer for modern engineering.

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Overview of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

Materials science is constantly evolving, and FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder is one of its most exciting innovations. As part of the vysokoentropická slitina (HEA) family, this powder features a carefully engineered composition of železo (Fe), kobalt (Co), nikl (Ni), hliník (Al), a titan (Ti), with nickel being the dominant element at 86%. The remaining elements—aluminum and titanium (7% each)—enhance its mechanical and thermal properties, while iron and cobalt contribute to its strength and magnetic characteristics. This makes FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 a standout material for demanding applications.

What sets this powder apart is its sférická morfologie, which ensures excellent flowability and uniform packing density—essential for additive manufacturing (3D tisk), tepelně stříkané povlaky, a prášková metalurgie. Its unique combination of properties, including exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability, positions it as a go-to material in industries such as letectví a kosmonautiky, automobilový průmysl, námořní, a elektronika.

In this detailed guide, we’ll explore every facet of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder, from its composition and properties to its applications, pricing, and more. By the end, you’ll understand why this material is a game-changer for modern engineering.

Composition and Characteristics of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

What is FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder Made Of?

Složení FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder is meticulously optimized to balance strength, ductility, and thermal performance. Below is a breakdown of its elemental makeup and the specific roles each element plays:

ŽivelSložení (%)Role/funkce
nikl (Ni)86Provides a stable matrix, enhances corrosion resistance, and improves toughness.
hliník (Al)7Contributes to lightweight properties, oxidation resistance, and thermal stability.
titan (Ti)7Improves strength, hardness, and resistance to high temperatures.
železo (Fe)Stopové množstvíAdds structural strength and magnetic properties.
Kobalt (Co)Stopové množstvíIncreases high-temperature performance and magnetic functionality.

This alloy’s near-equiatomic proportions and nickel-rich composition result in a single-phase solid-solution microstructure, which enhances its mechanical and thermal properties while maintaining excellent stability across a wide range of conditions.

Key Characteristics of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

Proč je tedy FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder such a big deal? Let’s break down its most impressive features:

  1. Výjimečná pevnost a tvrdost: With titanium and aluminum in the mix, this alloy delivers impressive tensile strength and wear resistance, making it ideal for vysoce zátěžové prostředí.
  2. Vysoká odolnost proti korozi: Thanks to its nickel-rich composition, this powder performs exceptionally well in corrosive environments, such as marine or chemical industries.
  3. Tepelná stabilita: FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 retains its mechanical properties even at elevated temperatures, making it perfect for aerospace and energy applications.
  4. Sférická morfologie: The uniform, spherical shape ensures excellent flowability, which is critical for processes like additive manufacturing and thermal spraying.
  5. Lehké s vysokou pevností: Aluminum reduces the overall density of the alloy without compromising its strength, making it suitable for lightweight applications.
  6. Přizpůsobitelné vlastnosti: The alloy’s composition can be fine-tuned for specific applications, offering flexibility across industries.

Properties of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

The physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder make it a preferred material for high-performance applications. Below is a detailed table summarizing its key properties:

Hustota~8.1 g/cm³Balances strength and weight for lightweight, high-performance applications.
Bod tání1350-1450°CVhodné pro prostředí s vysokými teplotami, jako jsou turbíny a výměníky tepla.
Tepelná vodivost~25-35 W/m-KEnsures efficient heat dissipation in thermal systems and electronics.
Tvrdost~600-700 HVHighly resistant to wear and abrasion, ideal for heavy-duty industrial use.
Pevnost v tahu~900-1200 MPaProvides superior strength for load-bearing applications.
Odolnost proti koroziVynikajícíDobře funguje v kyselém, slaném a oxidačním prostředí.
Velikost částic10-50 µmOptimalizováno pro aditivní výrobu a práškovou metalurgii.

Applications of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

Díky svým výjimečným vlastnostem, FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder is used in a wide range of applications across various industries. Here’s a closer look:

Aditivní výrobaLetectví a kosmonautika, automobilový průmyslUsed in 3D printing for high-strength, lightweight components like brackets and engine parts.
Tepelné nástřikyEnergie, obranaChrání povrchy před opotřebením, korozí a oxidací v kritických systémech, jako jsou turbíny a ventily.
Prášková metalurgieElektronika, PrůmyslVyrábí přesné součásti s vynikajícími mechanickými a tepelnými vlastnostmi.
Výměníky teplaEnergie, Námořní dopravaIdeální pro výměníky tepla díky své vynikající tepelné vodivosti a odolnosti proti korozi.
Lopatky turbínyAerospacePerforms well in high-temperature and high-stress conditions, ensuring durability and reliability.
Electromagnetic DevicesElektronikaVhodné pro motory, transformátory a další elektromagnetické aplikace.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

Ensuring compatibility with specific requirements is crucial when selecting FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder. Below is a table summarizing its specifications, sizes, and standards:

Rozsah velikosti částic10-50 µm pro aditivní výrobu, 50-100 µm pro tepelné stříkání.
Čistota≥ 99,5% (prášek z vysoce čisté slitiny).
Dodržování noremISO 9001, ASTM F3049, AS9100 (materiály pro letecký průmysl).
Možnosti baleníVakuově uzavřené nádoby (1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg), aby se zabránilo kontaminaci.

Suppliers and Pricing for FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

Finding reliable suppliers is key to obtaining quality FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder. Here’s a list of trusted suppliers along with pricing details:

DodavatelNabízená třídaCena (USD/kg)UmístěníKontakt
Höganäs ABPrášky HEA pro letectví a kosmonautiku$280-$450Švédskowww.hoganas.com
Tesařská technologiePrášky HEA s vysokou čistotou$300-$500USAwww.carpentertechnology.com
Materiály SandvikVlastní řešení HEA$270-$400Globálníwww.home.sandvik
Arcam EBMPrášky pro aditivní výrobu$290–$470Globálníwww.arcam.com
HC StarckVysoce výkonné prášky HEA$320-$550Německowww.hcstarck.com

Advantages and Limitations of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

Every material comes with its pros and cons. Here’s a detailed comparison of the advantages and limitations of FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder:

Výjimečná odolnost proti korozi a opotřebení.Vyšší náklady ve srovnání s tradičními slitinami.
Vysoká pevnost a tepelná stabilita.Vyžaduje moderní výrobní zařízení.
Vynikající tekutost díky kulovitým částicím.Omezená dostupnost v některých regionech.
Lehké a přitom odolné.Nemusí být vhodné pro nízkorozpočtové projekty.

FAQs About FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder

What is FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder?Prášek ze slitiny s vysokou entropií kombinující Fe, Co, Ni, Al a Ti pro dosažení pokročilých vlastností.
Jaké jsou jeho hlavní způsoby použití?Aditivní výroba, tepelné stříkání a elektromagnetické komponenty.
Proč je kulový?Sférické částice zlepšují tekutost a hustotu balení.
Která odvětví z toho mají největší prospěch?Letecký, námořní, energetický a elektronický průmysl.
Jaký je jeho rozsah tání?1350-1450 °C, takže je ideální pro vysokoteplotní aplikace.
Je to nákladově efektivní?Je sice dražší, ale jeho vynikající výkon ospravedlňuje cenu pro kritické použití.


FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 Spherical HEA Powder represents the cutting edge of material innovation. With its unique combination of strength, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability, it’s no wonder this high-entropy alloy is becoming a cornerstone of industries that demand performance and reliability.

Z letecké a kosmické komponenty na tepelné povlaky, FeCoNi86Al7Ti7 delivers exceptional results under extreme conditions. By choosing this powder, you’re investing in a material that’s not just built for today’s challenges but also for tomorrow’s innovations.

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