Prášek z nerezové oceli 420

Prášek z nerezové oceli 420 je martenzitická nerezová ocel ve formě prášku. Nabízí vysokou tvrdost a střední odolnost proti korozi, takže je vhodná pro nástrojové aplikace vyžadující vysokou odolnost proti opotřebení.

Mezi klíčové vlastnosti a charakteristiky prášku z nerezové oceli 420 patří:

  • Vysoká tvrdost a odolnost proti opotřebení
  • Mírná odolnost proti korozi
  • Lze tepelně zpracovat pro zvýšení tvrdosti
  • Dobrá rozměrová stabilita v tvrzeném stavu
  • K dispozici v různých distribucích velikosti částic

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Prášek z nerezové oceli 420 je martenzitická nerezová ocel ve formě prášku. Nabízí vysokou tvrdost a střední odolnost proti korozi, takže je vhodná pro nástrojové aplikace vyžadující vysokou odolnost proti opotřebení.

Mezi klíčové vlastnosti a charakteristiky prášku z nerezové oceli 420 patří:

  • Vysoká tvrdost a odolnost proti opotřebení
  • Mírná odolnost proti korozi
  • Lze tepelně zpracovat pro zvýšení tvrdosti
  • Dobrá rozměrová stabilita v tvrzeném stavu
  • K dispozici v různých distribucích velikosti částic

420 stainless steel powder is an ideal material for manufacturing tooling components, wear parts, and other applications requiring hardness, strength, and corrosion resistance using powder metallurgy techniques.


The chemical composition of 420 stainless steel powder is as follows:

Živel Složení (%)
uhlík (C) 0.15 – 0.40
mangan (Mn) 1,00 max
fosfor (P) 0,04 max.
síra (S) 0,03 max
křemík (Si) 1,00 max
Chrom (Cr) 12.00 – 14.00
molybden (Mo) 1,00 max
železo (Fe) Zůstatek

The key alloying element is chromium, which provides corrosion resistance by forming a protective chromium-oxide surface layer. Carbon is added to increase hardness through the formation of martensite upon heat treatment.

Vlastnosti a charakteristiky

420 stainless steel powder offers the following properties:

Mechanické vlastnosti

Vlastnictví Hodnota
Hustota 7.70-8.03 g/cm3
Tvrdost 46-55 HRC (annealed)<br>52-57 HRC (hardened and tempered)
Transverse Rupture Strength 186-310 MPa (27-45 ksi)
Pevnost v tahu 760-860 MPa (110-125 ksi)
Prodloužení 12-20%
Mikrostruktura Tempered martensite

Fyzikální vlastnosti

Vlastnictví Hodnota
Bod tání 1400-1450°C (2550-2640°F)
Tepelná vodivost 24 W/mK
Elektrický odpor 0.65 x 10<sup>-6</sup> Ω.m

Odolnost proti korozi

When heat treated and passivated, 420 stainless steel powder provides corrosion resistance suitable for:

  • Moderately oxidizing to mildly reducing acids and alkalis
  • Mild outdoor atmospheres and mild water containing applications

Heat treating increases wear resistance but lowers corrosion resistance compared to the annealed condition.

Distribuce velikosti částic

420 stainless steel powder is available in different particle size distributions including:

Velikost ok Particle Size (Microns)
-100 Mesh 149 microns minimum
-200 Mesh 74 microns minimum
-325 ok 45 microns minimum
-400 Mesh 38 microns minimum
10-45 Microns 10-45 mikronů

Finer mesh sizes allow higher packing densities and better surface finish. Coarser sizes improve flowability. The appropriate size depends on the final part and manufacturing process.

Gas atomized 420 stainless steel powder has a very spherical morphology ideal for powder metallurgy applications.

Applications of 420 Stainless Steel Powder

Thanks to its properties, 420 stainless steel powder has several applications across industries:

Automotive and Transportation

  • Engine valves
  • Valve spring retainers
  • Transmission bands, clutches, clutch plates
  • Spring clips
  • Ball studs

Spotřební zboží

  • Food processing equipment parts like blades and couplings
  • Příbory
  • Mixéry
  • Scissors
  • Knives


  • Gear parts
  • Pouzdra
  • Power take-off shafts
  • Robotics parts
  • Molds for plastics
  • Drawing dies

Lékařské a zubní služby

  • Dental and surgical instruments like scalpels, forceps, clamps
  • Orthodontic wires
  • Surgical pins and orthopedic implants

Other applications taking advantage of 420 stainless steel powder’s balanced properties include aerospace components, sporting goods, tooling for textile and glass working, fasteners, wear plates, and military applications like gun barrels.

It can be used in additive manufacturing for directly fabricating dense functional metal components. Compared to other stainless steel powders, it provides an optimum combination of hardness, strength, and corrosion resistance.

Manufacturing Using 420 Stainless Steel Powder

420 stainless steel powder is processed into components through powder metallurgy techniques:

Step 1: Zhutňování – The powder is filled into a die cavity and compressed at high pressures into a “green” compact, generally 55 MPa to 600 MPa. This can be done through uniaxial pressing, cold isostatic pressing or metal injection molding.

Step 2: Spékání – The green compact is then heated to 0.7 to 0.9 times the melting point to fuse the particles through diffusion bonding into a dense mass with enhanced mechanical properties compared to the green compact. Sintering activates diffusion to reduce porosity, driving off lubricants, and unifying the structure.

Step 3: Další zpracování – Further secondary operations like repressing, resintering, infiltration, machining and finishing can help achieve the final properties and dimensions required by the application. Optional heat treatment can further enhance hardness at the cost of corrosion resistance.

The flexibility of powder metallurgy allows the manufacture of net shape or near-net shape parts, minimizing scrap losses from machining. It also enables precise control over final chemistry and microstructure.

The different grades of 420 stainless steel powder available help customize properties like hardness, strength, wear resistance and corrosion resistance based on end use by altering particle size distribution, density variations, secondary processing, and heat treatment parameters.

Specifikace a třídy

420 stainless steel powder conforms to the following specifications:

Specifikace Popis
ASTM A493 Standard for stainless steel for springs
AMS 5643 Annealed corrosion-resistant stainless steel bars, wire, forgings, and rings
AMS 5678 Precipitation hardening stainless steel bars and forgings
AMS 5844 Corrosion and heat resistant steel bars, wire, forgings, and rings
QQ-S-766 Steel bars, wire, forgings, mechanical tubing, and rings

Based on minor variations in composition, 420 stainless steel powder is available in slightly differing grades:

Třída Popis
420 Standard 12-14% chromium 420 grade
420F Higher carbon for maximum hardness
420HC Higher hardness through cold working
420D Excellent toughness and stability
420PB Zvýšená odolnost proti korozi

The specific grade is selected based on balancing hardness, corrosion resistance, and cost requirements of the application.

Srovnávací analýza

420 Stainless Steel Powder vs. 316 Stainless Steel Powder

Parametr 420 Stainless Steel Powder 316 Stainless Steel Powder
Pevnost a tvrdost Very high – can achieve over 52 HRC through heat treatment Lower – typically 95 HB maximum
Odolnost proti korozi Moderate – suitable for mild atmospheres and applications Excellent – with high molybdenum content for severely corrosive service
Wear and Abrasion Resistance Excellent due to hardness Lower resistance
Workability and Machining More work hardening. Difficult to machine in hardened state Excellent machining qualities
Náklady Economical Dražší
Major Alloying Element Chrom Chromium and molybdenum
Aplikace Tools, molds, wear parts requiring hardness Corrosion resistant components for chemical processing, marine applications

So while 420 stainless steel powder offers higher hardness and wear resistance, 316 SS powder is tougher, more easily machined, and has superior corrosion resistance. 316 SS powder costs 20-50% higher for most particle size distributions.

420 Stainless Steel Powder vs. 17-4PH Stainless Steel Powder

Parametr 420 Stainless Steel Powder 17-4PH prášek z nerezové oceli
Odolnost proti korozi Moderate – suitable for neutral atmospheres Better – comparable to 316 grade
Tvrdost Higher as-sintered hardness of over 50 HRC through heat treatment 35-45 HRC typical
Síla Lower – 120 KSI tensile strength Higher – 155-185 KSI

Analýza nákladů

420 stainless steel powder is more economical than premium grades like 17-4PH and 316 stainless steel powders. Cost depends on:

1. Particle Size Distribution

Velikost ok Average Price Range*
-100 ok $3.5 – $6 per lb
-200 mesh $4 – $7 per lb
-325 ok $5 – $9 per lb
10-45 mikronů $8 – $12 per lb

*For gas-atomized powder in small quantities

Finer powder sizes are more expensive because additional processing is required to achieve smaller particle sizes.

2. Purchase Quantity

420 stainless steel powder price reduces significantly for bulk purchase quantities over 1000 lbs due to economies of scale.

3. Quality and Grade

  • Highly spherical, low oxygen, gas atomized powder carries a premium over water atomized powder
  • Customized compositions and special grades with extra processing increase powder price

4. Supplier

There is a considerable variation in price between different 420 stainless steel powder manufacturers and suppliers. Users must evaluate all parameters like particle shape, impurities level, consistency in production lots etc. to make an informed procurement decision.

Available Industry Suppliers

Some leading global suppliers of 420 stainless steel powder include:

Severní Amerika

  • Tesařské práškové výrobky
  • Sandvik Osprey
  • Kovové prášky Rio Tinto
  • Technologie povrchů Praxair
  • Hoganas


  • Höganäs
  • Alpoco UK
  • Erasteel


  • Japan New Metal
  • Shanghai STAL Precision Alloy
  • FMC Technologies

When selecting a suitable 420 stainless steel powder supplier, buyers must evaluate parameters like:

  • Technické znalosti a zákaznický servis
  • Manufacturing capacity and lead times
  • Kvalita a konzistence prášku
  • Prices and minimum order quantity
  • Range of particle sizes and morphologies available
  • Quality assurance and control testing data
  • Kvalifikace a certifikace

Nejčastější dotazy

Q: Is 420 stainless steel powder corrosion resistant?

A: Yes, 420 stainless steel powder provides moderate corrosion resistance comparable to grade 410 stainless steel through the presence of 12-14% chromium. This allows its use in mild outdoor atmospheres and applications involving mildly acidic environments after passivation. However, 420 SS powder has lower corrosion resistance compared to 300 series grades like 316 SS powder.

Q: What kind of 420 stainless steel powder is used to make knives?

A: Grade 420HC stainless steel powder with higher carbon content is often used for knife manufacturing using powder metallurgy techniques. The higher carbon allows maximizing hardness to 60-62 HRC while retaining strength. The high hardness provides excellent edge retention and wear resistance desired in cutlery applications.

Q: How is 420 stainless steel powder made?

A: 420 stainless steel powder is manufactured through gas atomization or water atomization of the molten alloy. In gas atomization, a high velocity inert gas stream is used to break up the liquid metal stream into fine spherical powders with smooth surface morphology ideal for sintering. Finer powder sizes can be achieved through additional milling or crushing.

Q: What is 420 stainless steel powder used for?

A: Thanks to its excellent hardness and moderate corrosion resistance, 420 stainless steel powder finds uses across industries like:

  • Automotive: Engine valves, valve spring retainers
  • Aerospace and military: Bushings, bearings
  • Consumer goods: Knives, surgical instruments, dental instruments
  • Industrial: Drawing dies, wear parts, pump shafts

Its versatile properties allow use in a vast range of wear and abrasion applications where hardness and resistance to mild atmospheres is needed.

Q: How strong is 420 stainless steel?

A: 420 stainless steel powder achieves high hardness in the 52-57 HRC range when heat treated and tempered, making it significantly stronger than 400 series ferritic stainless steel grades. It has tensile strengths of 750-950 MPa after sintering and heat treating. The strength varies based on factors like processing, heat treatment parameters, and powder composition.

Q: Can 420 stainless steel powder be 3D printed?

A: Yes, 420 stainless steel powder is compatible with popular metal 3D printing processes like direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), electron beam melting (EBM) and binder jetting. Its excellent hardness, strength and heat treatability allow fabricating complex end-use parts like molds, medical implants and aerospace components using additive techniques.

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