Inconel 625 Powder丨Superslitina na bázi niklu v prášku 625

Prášek In625 je prášková forma nikl-chromové slitiny Inconel 625, která vykazuje vynikající odolnost proti korozi, vysokou pevnost a vynikající tepelnou odolnost. Tato superslitina se skládá z niklu, chrómu, molybdenu a niobu spolu s menším množstvím dalších prvků. Jeho jedinečné složení propůjčuje pozoruhodné mechanické vlastnosti, díky čemuž je vyhledávaným materiálem v mnoha průmyslových odvětvích.

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Přehled prášku Inconel 625

Prášek Inconel 625 is a nickel-based superalloy that possesses high strength properties and resistance to elevated temperatures. Inconel 625 (Alloy 625, UNS N06625) is widely used for its high strength, excellent fabricability (including joining), and outstanding corrosion resistance. Its service temperatures range from kryogenní to 1800°F (982°C). High tensile, creep, and rupture strength, outstanding fatigue and thermal-fatigue strength, oxidation resistance and excellent weldability and brazeability are the properties of INCONEL alloy 625 that make it interesting to the aerospace field.

Inconel 625 powder is a high-performance nickel-based superalloy powder widely used in additive manufacturing (AM) and traditional metalworking processes. Known for its exceptional strength, corrosion resistance, and thermal stability, this material is a top choice in industries such as aerospace, energy, and marine engineering.

But what makes Inconel 625 powder stand out? Its unique composition, primarily consisting of nickel, chromium, and molybdenum, provides outstanding resistance against oxidation, pitting, and creep deformation. This makes it ideal for high-temperature and high-stress applications where ordinary materials would fail.

With the rise of metal 3D printing, the demand for high-quality Prášek Inconel 625 has skyrocketed. Companies like Met3DP are at the forefront, supplying industry-leading rozprašovaný plyn a PREP-produced spherical powders optimized for Selektivní laserové tavení (SLM), Tavení elektronovým paprskem (EBM), Vstřikování kovů (MIM)a další pokročilé výrobní techniky.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the top factors které vytvářejí Prášek Inconel 625 an indispensable material in 2025.

Best Inconel 625 Powder for 3D Printing

Why Inconel 625 Powder Is Perfect for 3D Printing

3D printing, particularly metal additive manufacturing (AM), has revolutionized industrial production, and Prášek Inconel 625 is one of the most sought-after materials for this technology. The key benefits include:

  • Odolnost vůči vysokým teplotám – Withstands extreme heat without losing strength.
  • Vynikající odolnost proti korozi – Performs well in harsh environments, such as marine and chemical processing.
  • Vynikající mechanické vlastnosti – High tensile strength, creep resistance, and fatigue performance.
  • Dobrá tisknutelnost – Spherical powder particles ensure smooth flow and uniform layer deposition in powder bed fusion.

3D printed metal powder inconel 625 powder

Specifikace prášku Inconel 625

Normální složení(wt%)
Cr Mo Nb Co Fe Al
20-23 8-10 3.15-4.15 ≤1 ≤1 ≤0.4
Ti C Ni O N
≤0.4 ≤0.1 Bal. ≤500ppm ≤100ppm

Common Size:15-45um,15-53um,45-106um,45-150u,-200/-300/-400/-500/-600mesh etc,.


Ne Název Související složení prášku (wt%)
1 18Ni300 Ni17-19,Mo4.5-5.2,Co8.5-9.5,Ti0.6-0.8,Al0.05-0.15,Fe(Bal.)
2 Slitina Hastelloy Fe17-20,Cr20.5-23,Mo8-10,W0.2-1,Co0.5-2.5,C0.05-0.15,Ni(Bal.)
3 AlSi 10Mg Si9-11,Mg0.2-0.45,Al(Bal.)
4 CoCrW Cr26.5-29,W7-9,Si1.2-1.9,Co(Bal.)
5 Co28Cr6Mo Cr27-29,Mo5-7,Co(Bal.)
6 Sférický Ti prášek Ti≥99,9
7 TC4 Al5.5-6.8,V3.5-4.5,Ti(Bal.)
8 TA15 Al5.5-7.1,V0.8-2.5,Mo0.8-2,Zr1.5-2.5,Al(Bal.)
9 316L Cr16.00-18.00, Ni10.00-14.00,Mo2.00-3.00,Fe(Bal.)
10 S136 Cr12.0-14.0,Si0.8-1.0,V0.15-0.4,C0.2-0.45,Fe(Bal.)
11 In625 Cr20-23 , Mo8-10 , Nb 3,15-4,15 , Co≤1, Fe≤1 , Ni (bal.)
12 In718 Cr17-21 , Mo2,8-3,3 , Nb 4,75-5,5 , Co≤1 , Ni50-51 , Fe(Bal.)
13 Spherica WC C3.7-4.2,W(Bal.)
14 Sférický Cr prášek Cr≥99,9
15 Sférický prášek Mo Mo≥99,9
16 Spherica Ta prášek Ta≥99,9
17 Spherica W Prášek W≥99.9


Choosing the Right Powder for Different 3D Printing Methods

Not all Inconel 625 powders are the same. The powder characteristics depend on výrobní metody a distribuce velikosti částic, which influence their suitability for different 3D printing techniques.

Způsob tisku Ideal Powder Size (µm) Recommended Powder Type Výhody
Selektivní laserové tavení (SLM) 15-45 Rozprašovaný plyn Vysoká přesnost, jemné detaily
Tavení elektronovým paprskem (EBM) 45-106 Proces plazmové rotující elektrody (PREP) Better for large, strong parts
Tryskání pojiva 20-50 Atomizovaná voda Cost-effective, high throughput
Přímá energetická depozice (DED) 50-150 Rozprašovaný plyn Good for repair and large-scale printing

Met3DP’s Advanced Powder Solutions

At Met3DP, we provide high-purity, spherical Inconel 625 powders specifically tailored for SLM, EBM, and other metal 3D printing methods. Our powders are manufactured using Vacuum Induction Gas Atomization (VIGA) a PREP technologies, čímž se zajistí optimal flowability, packing density, and printability.

Vlastnosti prášku Inconel 625

Porozumění chemical and physical properties of Inconel 625 powder is crucial for selecting the right material for your application.

Chemical Composition of Inconel 625 Powder

The unique chemical composition gives Inconel 625 its outstanding corrosion resistance and high-temperature strength.

Živel Procento (%)
nikl (Ni) 58,0 min
Chrom (Cr) 20.0-23.0
molybden (Mo) 8.0-10.0
železo (Fe) 5,0 max
Niobium (Nb) & Tantalum (Ta) 3.15-4.15
Kobalt (Co) 1,0 max
mangan (Mn) 0,50 max
křemík (Si) 0,50 max
uhlík (C) 0,10 max
síra (S) 0,015 max

Fyzikální a mechanické vlastnosti

Inconel 625 powder exhibits výjimečné mechanické vlastnosti, takže je ideální pro vysoce zátěžové a vysokoteplotní aplikace.

Vlastnictví Hodnota
Hustota 8,44 g/cm³
Bod tání 1290-1350°C
Pevnost v tahu 827 MPa (120 ksi)
Mez kluzu 414 MPa (60 ksi)
Prodloužení 30%
Tvrdost (Rockwell B) 85

Applications of Inconel 625 Powder in Industry

Given its superior properties, Prášek Inconel 625 se hojně používá v aerospace, marine, energy, and chemical processing průmyslová odvětví.

Klíčové průmyslové aplikace

Průmysl Případ použití Důvod použití
Aerospace Jet engines, exhaust systems, heat shields Extreme heat resistance, oxidation resistance
Námořní Submarine parts, offshore drilling components Resistance to seawater corrosion
Energie Plynové turbíny, jaderné reaktory Pevnost při vysokých teplotách, odolnost proti tečení
Chemické zpracování Výměníky tepla, potrubní systémy Corrosion resistance against acids and alkalis
Lékařský Implantáty, protetika Biokompatibilita, pevnost, odolnost proti korozi

How Inconel 625 Powder Outperforms Other Nickel Alloys

Compared to other nickel-based superalloys like Inconel 718 a Hastelloy X, Inconel 625 offers:

  • Lepší odolnost proti korozi than Inconel 718
  • Higher temperature performance than Hastelloy X
  • More flexibility in metal 3D printing applications

Production Methods for Inconel 625 Powder

The způsob výroby of Inconel 625 powder significantly impacts its quality, flowability, and performance. There are three primary production techniques:

Srovnání výrobních metod

Způsob výroby Popis procesu Výhody Nevýhody
Atomizace plynu Metal is melted and atomized using inert gas jets Spherical powder, good flowability Vyšší náklady
Proces plazmové rotující elektrody (PREP) Metal electrode is spun and melted using plasma High purity, excellent sphericity Expensive, lower yield
Atomizace vody Molten metal is atomized with water jets Cost-effective, large-scale production Irregular particle shape, lower flowability

Pro high-end applications like aerospace and 3D printing, gas atomized and PREP powders are preferred due to their high sphericity and purity.

Why Met3DP Uses Gas Atomization and PREP

At Met3DP, we employ state-of-the-art VIGA and PREP technologies vyrábět high-quality Inconel 625 powder s consistent particle size, excellent flowability, and minimal impurities.


prášek inconel 625


Quality Standards for Inconel 625 Powder

Při výběru Prášek Inconel 625 for industrial applications, meeting strict quality standards is crucial. Various international organizations have established guidelines to ensure consistency, safety, and performance. Here’s what you need to know.

Key Quality Standards for Inconel 625 Powder

Standard Popis Applicable Industries
ASTM B443 Specification for Inconel 625 sheet, strip, and plate Letectví, námořní průmysl, chemické zpracování
AMS 5666 Aerospace Material Specification for forged Inconel 625 Letectví a kosmonautika, obrana
ISO 9001 Quality management system certification Obecná výroba
ASTM F3055 Standard for additive manufacturing of Ni-based alloys 3D printing, medical implants
AMS 5892 Heat-resistant Inconel 625 for gas turbines Energy, power generation

Meeting these standards ensures that the material performs reliably under high-stress environments, extreme temperatures, and corrosive conditions.

Why Met3DP’s Inconel 625 Powder Meets the Highest Standards

At Met3DP, we adhere to ISO 9001-certified quality control systems, ensuring each batch of Prášek Inconel 625 meets or exceeds ASTM F3055 and AMS 5666 specifications. Our production process includes strict chemical composition analysis, particle morphology control, and flowability testing doručit top-tier powders pro průmyslové aplikace.

Cost Analysis of Inconel 625 Powder

The cost of Inconel 625 powder závisí na various factors, včetně manufacturing method, particle size distribution, supplier reputation, and order volume.

Factors That Influence the Price of Inconel 625 Powder

Faktor Impact on Cost
Způsob výroby PREP and gas atomization lead to higher costs due to better quality
Purity & Composition Higher purity powders cost more but offer better performance
Distribuce velikosti částic Fine powders optimized for SLM and EBM are more expensive than coarser powders
Objem objednávky Bulk orders reduce costs due to economies of scale
Reputace dodavatele Established suppliers with ISO-certified processes may charge more for quality assurance

Price Comparison: Inconel 625 vs. Other Nickel-Based Powders

Materiál Average Price per kg (2025) Primární aplikace
Inconel 625 prášek $80 – $150 Aerospace, energy, 3D printing
Inconel 718 prášek $70 – $130 Letecký a automobilový průmysl
Hastelloy X prášek $90 – $160 Vysokoteplotní aplikace
Prášek z nerezové oceli 316L $20 – $50 Obecná výroba

Zatímco Prášek Inconel 625 je dražší than stainless steel, its superior heat and corrosion resistance udělat z něj nákladově efektivní volba pro kritické aplikace.

How to Get the Best Price for Inconel 625 Powder

  • Buy in Bulk – Suppliers often provide discounts for large-volume purchases.
  • Choose the Right Supplier – Trusted companies like Met3DP nabídka vysoce kvalitní prášky at competitive rates.
  • Select the Right Particle Size – Avoid overpaying for ultra-fine powders if your process doesn’t require them.

Inconel 625 Powder for Powder Bed Fusion vs. Binder Jetting

Two major Technologie 3D tisku použít Prášek Inconel 625: Fúze v práškovém loži (PBF) a Binder Jetting (BJ). Each has unique advantages and is suited for different applications.

Comparison: Inconel 625 Powder for PBF vs. Binder Jetting

Vlastnosti Fúze v práškovém loži (PBF) Binder Jetting (BJ)
Proces tisku Uses a laser or electron beam to melt and fuse powder Uses a binder to glue powder particles before sintering
Ideal Particle Size 15-45µm (SLM), 45-106µm (EBM) 20-50µm
Strength of Final Part High-density, strong parts Lower strength, requires post-processing
Best for Complex Geometries? Yes, supports intricate designs Limited complexity
Náklady Higher due to laser/electron beam technology Lower due to faster printing and cheaper materials
aplikace Aerospace, medical implants, energy components Prototyping, low-cost manufacturing

If you need high-strength, precision parts, PBF is the best choice. But if you’re looking for cost-effective, high-speed production, Tryskání pojiva might be more suitable.

Met3DP’s Expertise in Powder Bed Fusion

At Met3DP, we specialize in high-quality spherical Inconel 625 powders optimalizované pro SLM and EBM technologies. Our gas atomized powders poskytnout vynikající tekutost, ensuring consistent and reliable 3D printing results.

Water Atomized vs. Gas Atomized vs. PREP Inconel 625 Powder: Which Is Better?

The powder production method přímo ovlivňuje její morphology, purity, and suitability pro různé výrobní procesy.

Comparison of Inconel 625 Powder Production Methods

Metoda Tvar částice Čistota Best Application
Atomizace vody Nepravidelné Dolní Pressed & sintered parts
Atomizace plynu Sférické Vysoký Laser-based 3D printing (SLM, EBM)
Proces plazmové rotující elektrody (PREP) Perfectly Spherical Velmi vysoká High-end aerospace, medical

Why Gas Atomized and PREP Powders Are Superior

  • Better Flowability: Ensures smooth powder spreading for 3D tisk.
  • Higher Purity: PREP powders have minimal oxygen contamination.
  • Consistent Particle Size Distribution: Kritické pro SLM and EBM applications.

At Met3DP, we use advanced gas atomization and PREP techniques to manufacture premium-quality Inconel 625 powder pro nejnáročnější aplikace.

FAQ: Everything You Need to Know About Inconel 625 Powder

Otázka Odpovědět
What makes Inconel 625 powder unique? Jeho vysoký obsah niklu, v kombinaci s chromium and molybdenum, poskytuje výjimečná odolnost proti korozi a pevnost při vysokých teplotách.
What industries use Inconel 625 powder? Aerospace, marine, energy, chemical processing, and medical implants.
What is the ideal particle size for SLM printing? Mezi 15-45µm, ensuring smooth powder flow and optimal print quality.
Is gas atomized powder better than water atomized powder? Ano, gas atomized powders jsou more spherical, purer, and better suited for 3D printing.
How much does Inconel 625 powder cost in 2025? Ceny se pohybují od $80 to $150 per kg, v závislosti na purity, particle size, and supplier.
Where can I buy high-quality Inconel 625 powder? Met3DP nabízí top-tier gas atomized and PREP powders for 3D printing and industrial applications.

Final Thoughts

Inconel 625 powder remains one of the most versatile and high-performance nickel-based powders available in 2025. Whether you need it for 3D printing, aerospace, energy, or corrosion-resistant environments, selecting the right supplier and ensuring quality standards are met is crucial.

At Met3DP, we provide industry-leading metal powders optimalizované pro SLM, EBM, and other advanced manufacturing technologies. Contact us today to find the perfect powder for your application!

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