Prášek molybdenu Mo

Molybdenum Mo Powder is an important material with wide-ranging industrial and engineering applications. This definitive guide provides detailed technical information on molybdenum powder types, composition, properties, manufacturing, pricing, suppliers, and comparisons to alternatives.

Overview of Molybdenum Mo Powder

Molybdenum is a silvery-white transition metal with the chemical symbol Mo and atomic number 42. In its elemental form, molybdenum has one of the highest melting points among pure elements at 2,623°C. Some key attributes of molybdenum powder include:

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Prášek molybdenu Mo is an important material with wide-ranging industrial and engineering applications. This definitive guide provides detailed technical information on molybdenum powder types, composition, properties, manufacturing, pricing, suppliers, and comparisons to alternatives.

Overview of Molybdenum Mo Powder

Molybdenum is a silvery-white transition metal with the chemical symbol Mo and atomic number 42. In its elemental form, molybdenum has one of the highest melting points among pure elements at 2,623°C. Some key attributes of molybdenum powder include:

  • Vysoká pevnost při vysokých teplotách
  • Vynikající odolnost proti korozi
  • Nízký koeficient tepelné roztažnosti
  • Vysoká tepelná a elektrická vodivost

These properties make molybdenum suitable for use in many high-temperature applications. The addition of molybdenum powder enhances the strength, hardenability, and corrosion resistance in alloy steel.

Table 1: Molybdenum Powder Types

Typ Popis
Čistý molybden 99.95% pure molybdenum
Molybdenum alloys Alloyed with other elements like lanthanum oxide or titanium carbide
Coated Molybdenum Coated with nickel, copper or other metals
Nanostructured Molybdenum Ultrafine grained powder with nanometer grain sizes

Table 2: Composition of Molybdenum Powder

Živel Hmotnost %
molybden (Mo) ≥ 99.95%
Kyslík (O) ≤ 0.005%
uhlík (C) ≤ 0.005%
dusík (N) ≤ 0.005%
železo (Fe) ≤ 0.002%

Properties of Molybdenum Powder

Molybdenum powder possesses several useful physical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties that make suitable for high-temperature applications.

**Table 3: Properties of Molybdenum Powder **

Vlastnictví Hodnota
Hustota 10.22 g/cm3
Bod tání 2,623°C
Tepelná vodivost 138 W/m.K
Elektrický odpor 5.7
Youngův modul 329 GPa
Poissonův poměr 0.31
Mohs Hardness 5.5

Some notable attributes of molybdenum powder:

  • Maintains strength, hardness and corrosion resistance at high temperatures up to 1,600°C
  • Lowest thermal expansion coefficient of all metals
  • Does not suffer embrittlement like tungsten at high temperatures
  • Resists attack by molten metals or slag

Molybdenum Powder Characteristics

Molybdenum powder is available in various size ranges, shapes, purity levels and can be compacted into different forms.

Tabulka 4: Types and Characteristics of Molybdenum Powder

Typ Tvar částice Velikost částic Čistota Hustota
Atomized Powder Rounded irregular 15-150 μm 99.95% can achieve >96% of theoretical density
Milled Powder Angular, irregular 1-10 μm 99.95% lower green and sintered density vs atomized
Alloy Powder Rounded or angular 5-250 μm Balance Mo near full density
Nano Powder Sférické Under 100 nm 99.98% full dense nanostructure
Granules Zaoblené 2 mm avg Tech Grade: 98% loose packing for pressing

Table 5: Powder Compaction and Sintering

Metoda Popis Activity
Press and Sinter Compact powder into shape and densify by sintering at high temperature Commonly used to produce parts
Vstřikování kovů (MIM) Mix powder with binder, inject into mold, debind and sinter Complex and net shape capability
Aditivní výroba Selective laser melting (SLM), binder jetting Complex geometries, custom parts
Izostatické lisování za tepla (HIP) Apply heat and isostatic pressure Eliminate porosity, increase cohesive strength

Table 6: Supply Forms of Molybdenum Powder

Formulář Popis
Prášek Spherical, irregular and angular particles in various size ranges
Granules Coarse powder compressed into larger solid pieces
Pastes Powders suspended in a thick medium for printing or coating
Slurries Fine powders suspended in a liquid medium
Tapes Powders held together in thin flexible sheet format

Aplikace z Prášek molybdenu Mo

Molybdenum powder is used extensively due to its high-temperature strength, thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance. Some major applications include:

Table 7: Applications of Molybdenum Powder by Industry

Průmysl Aplikace
Hutnictví Alloying element in steels, superalloys, tungsten heavy alloys to enhance strength and hardness
Electrical & Electronics Cathode plate material in x-ray tubes, electrode material in vacuum tubes
Aerospace Rocket nozzles, turbine blades, heat shields, and other extreme environment components
Průmyslový Furnace windings, heating elements, welding electrodes
Chemické Catalysts for petroleum refining, desulfurization applications
Glass Degassing rods, stirring components, flow control elements
Pharmaceutical Containers and tools for highly corrosive processes

Table 8: Comparison with Alternative Materials

Parametr Molybden Wolfram Tantal Rhenium
Hustota 10.22 g/cc 19.25 g/cc 16,6 g/cc 21.02 g/cc
Bod tání 2623 °C 3422 °C 2996°C 3180°C
Strength at High Temperature Vynikající Poor ductility >400°C Poor >1200°C Vynikající
Tepelná vodivost 138 W/m·K 173 W/m·K 57 W/m·K 48 W/m·K
Elektrický odpor 5.7 μΩ·cm 5.5 μΩ·cm 13.5 μΩ·cm 18.7 μΩ·cm
Odolnost proti oxidaci Mírný Špatný Vynikající Vynikající
Náklady Mírný Vysoký Velmi vysoká Velmi vysoká

Advantages of molybdenum powder:

  • More ductile and less prone to embrittlement at high temperatures versus tungsten
  • Higher strength than tantalum or rhenium at extreme temperatures above 1600°C
  • Lower density than tungsten and rhenium
  • Better thermal conductivity than tantalum and rhenium
  • Lower raw material cost than tantalum or rhenium

Limitations of molybdenum powder:

  • Less thermally stable compared to tungsten, tantalum or rhenium in highly oxidizing atmospheres
  • More reactive versus tantalum and requires protective coatings in some oxidizing environments
  • Susceptible to grain coarsening and creep above recrystallization temperature

Molybdenum Powder Specifications

Molybdenum metal powder is standardized by specifications that define acceptable test methods and values for metrics like purity, particle size distribution, crystal structure, apparent density, and morphology.

Table 9: Common Specifications for Molybdenum Powder

Standard Popis Region
ASTM B391 Standard specification for molybdenum metal powders Globální
AMS 7409 Molybdenum powder atomized US Aerospace
PS/MW P3 Pure molybdenum powder Spojené království
GB/T 6397 Molybdenum metal powder types Čína

The specifications cover critical quality attributes and set limits like:

  • Oxygen, carbon and other impurity content
  • Particle shape and size distribution
  • Tap density and apparent density
  • Powder microstructure and defect limits
  • Sieve analysis for larger powders and granules

Specifications may mandate testing using standardized procedures such as flow rate analysis, optical microscopy, pycnometry for true density measurements, etc. Customers often set additional criteria tailored to application needs.


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Here is the continuation of the 10,000 word article on Molybdenum Mo Powder:

Molybdenum Powder Manufacturing

Molybdenum powder production involves extracting molybdenite ore, processing and converting to technical grade molybdic oxide, reducing to metal powder, and preparing final physical forms.

Table 10: Major Processes in Molybdenum Powder Manufacturing

Krok Popis Klíčové údaje
Těžba Extract molybdenite ore containing molybdenum disulfide Molybdenum rarely exists in nature as pure metal
Roasting Heat molybdenite concentrate to convert MoS2 into molybdic oxide Temperatures of 500-600°C in presence of oxygen
Purification Dissolve and precipitate steps to purify molybdic oxide to ≥99.95% Removing impurities like phosphorus, lead, nickel
Redukce Use hydrogen to reduce purified MoO3 into molybdenum metal powder Temperatures around 1050°C under hydrogen atmosphere
Atomizace Metallothermic process to make spherical powder Reaction with potassium or magnesium at ~1800°C, water atomization
Sítování Classify powder into size fractions Match particle sizes to application
Blending Tailor composition by blending in alloying elements Meet chemical specifications

**Table 11: Powder Production Methods **

Metoda Popis Typical Size Range Morphology Options
Atomizace Molten metal stream broken into droplets that solidify into powder 5 μm to 150 μm Převážně sférické
Frézování Mechanical size reduction of molybdenum metal <10 μm Irregular, angular particles
Chemické Precipitation of particles from solution Ultrafine nano powder Spherical powder morphology
Sféroidizace plazmy Re-melt irregular powder using plasma 45-150 μm Rounded spheroidal particles

Table 12: Ready-to-Press Powder Production

Metoda Popis Typical Size Use
Granulation Compact powder into larger granules 0.5-6mm diameter Enables automated pressing and handling
Encapsulation Coat particles with stearates for lubrication Under 150 μm Improves powder flow and die fill
Míchání Blended with binders and lubricants N/A Ready premix for pressing into shape

Dodavatelé a ceny

Molybdenum powder is supplied by specialty manufacturers that can deliver small research quantities to high volume industrial demands.

Table 13: Global Manufacturers and Suppliers

Společnost Umístění Production Capabilities
Climax Molybdenum NÁS Largest molybdenum miner, integrated producer from mining to finished powders
Exploiter Molybdenum Čína Pure powder and molybdenum alloys
Skupina Plansee Rakousko High purity and alloyed molybdenum and tungsten powders
Midwest Tungsten NÁS Tungsten, molybdenum and tantalum powders
Edgetech Industries NÁS Custom spherical, purified and alloyed molybdenum

Table 14: Molybdenum Powder Pricing

Typ Čistota Cenové rozpětí
Standard Mo 99-99.5% $25-50 za kg
Vysoká čistota 99.95%+ $50-150 per kg
Alloy Powder n/a $50-500 za kg
Nano Powder 99.8%+ $100-2000 per kg

Prices vary based on:

  • Stupeň čistoty
  • Powder morphology: spherical, irregular, angular
  • Production method: atomized, milled, alloyed
  • Distribuce velikosti částic
  • Purchase quantity and bulk discounts


Q: What is molybdenum powder used for?

A: The main uses are as an alloying additive to enhance strength and corrosion resistance in steels and other alloys, in electronics components due to its thermal/electrical properties, and in high temperature applications like aerospace, glass manufacturing, and industrial furnaces where it resists heat and corrosion.

Q: Is molybdenum powder toxic?

A: Elemental molybdenum and molybdenum powder are generally not considered toxic. However, some molybdenum compounds could potentially have toxicity. Appropriate safety precautions should be taken during powder handling and processing.

Q: What are the contents of molybdenum alloy powder?

A: Common alloying elements include lanthanum oxide, titanium, zirconium, carbon, boron, chromium, silicon, nickel, iron or combinations thereof. Alloying can enhance properties like high temperature strength, creep resistance, oxidation resistance, etc.

Q: What is the difference between molybdenum and tungsten powder?

A: The main distinction is that molybdenum has higher strength and ductility at extreme temperatures above 1600°C in non-oxidizing conditions, while tungsten is more brittle at lower temperatures but has better chemical stability in highly oxidizing environments.

Q: Does molybdenum powder require special storage?

A: Sealed containers should be used to prevent oxidation and contamination during storage and handling. Argon or vacuum packaging is best for long duration storage.

Q: What is the recycling potential of molybdenum powder?

A: Molybdenum powder can be easily recycled from scrap and molybdenum-containing alloys, with recovery rates over 90% achievable. This makes it more sustainable than rare metals like tantalum or tungsten.

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