Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder: Perfect for High-Precision Optics Projects
When it comes to advanced materials for precision applications, Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder takes center stage. Known for its ultra-low thermal expansion, high dimensional stability, and magnetic properties, this material is a game-changer in industries like aerospace, electronics, optics, and additive manufacturing. Its unique combination of properties makes it indispensable for applications where thermal stability and dimensional accuracy are critical.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder, including its composition, properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and much more. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this article will provide you with the insights you need to harness the full potential of this remarkable material.
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When it comes to advanced materials for precision applications, Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder takes center stage. Known for its ultra-low thermal expansion, high dimensional stability, a magnetické vlastnosti, this material is a game-changer in industries like letectví a kosmonautiky, elektronika, optika, a aditivní výroba. Its unique combination of properties makes it indispensable for applications where tepelná stabilita a rozměrová přesnost jsou rozhodující.
V tomto obsáhlém průvodci se dozvíte vše, co potřebujete vědět o. Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder, včetně jeho složení, vlastnosti, aplikace, specifikace, stanovení cen, and much more. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this article will provide you with the insights you need to harness the full potential of this remarkable material.
Overview of Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Začněme od základů. Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder is a nickel-iron-cobalt alloy designed specifically for applications requiring výjimečná tepelná stabilita. The term “Invar” comes from the word “invariable,” highlighting its minimal expansion and contraction under temperature changes. The addition of cobalt (5%) improves its mechanical properties and resistance to stress, making it even more reliable in demanding environments.
The sférická forma prášku is particularly suited for aditivní výroba, prášková metalurgie, a tepelné stříkání. The spherical shape ensures optimální průtočnost, rovnoměrné rozložení částic, a vysoká hustota balení, which are essential for creating high-precision components.
Why is this material in such high demand? Modern industries continuously push the boundaries of precision, whether it’s creating satellite components that must withstand extreme temperature fluctuations or manufacturing optical instruments that require nanometer-level accuracy. Super Invar 32-5 delivers the tepelná stabilita a rozměrová přesnost these applications demand.
Key Features of Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Co dělá Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder so special? Here are the standout features that set it apart:
- Ultra-Low Thermal Expansion: Its coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) is close to zero, making it ideal for applications where dimensional stability is critical.
- High Dimensional Stability: Maintains its shape and size even under extreme temperature changes.
- Sférický tvar částic: Ensures excellent flowability, uniform packing, and reduced pórovitost ve výrobních procesech.
- Zlepšená mechanická pevnost: The addition of cobalt enhances its strength and stress resistance.
- Odolnost proti korozi: Performs well in controlled environments, reducing the risk of material degradation.
- Magnetické vlastnosti: Useful for applications requiring specific magnetic performance.
- Všestrannost: Suited for industries like aerospace, electronics, optics, and 3D printing.
Composition and Properties of Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Výkonnost Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder is rooted in its carefully engineered composition and physical properties. Let’s dive deeper.
Chemické složení Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Živel | Procento (%) | Role ve slitině |
nikl (Ni) | 32 | Provides thermal stability and magnetic properties. |
železo (Fe) | 63 | Base material offering structural integrity and strength. |
Kobalt (Co) | 5 | Enhances mechanical strength and resistance to stress and deformation. |
This precise balance of nickel, iron, and cobalt ensures that the alloy achieves its signature nízká tepelná roztažnost a high dimensional accuracy.
Mechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Vlastnictví | Hodnota | Význam |
Hustota | ~8.1 g/cm³ | Provides high structural stability for precision applications. |
Koeficient tepelné roztažnosti (CTE) | 0.6 × 10⁻⁶ /°C (at 20–100°C) | Ensures minimal expansion, ideal for temperature-sensitive components. |
Pevnost v tahu | ~500 MPa | Provides sufficient strength for demanding environments. |
Tvrdost | ~150 HB | Ensures resistance to wear and deformation. |
Magnetická propustnost | Vysoký | Useful in magnetic applications requiring controlled performance. |
Tepelná vodivost | ~10 W/m·K | Moderate thermal conductivity for heat management. |
Tekutost | Superior | Sférické částice zajišťují hladký tok ve výrobních procesech. |
Díky těmto vlastnostem Super Invar 32-5 Powder a go-to material for industries that demand precision and stability v extrémních podmínkách.
Applications of Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
One of the most impressive aspects of Super Invar 32-5 Powder is its versatility. Its unique properties make it suitable for a wide range of industries and applications.
Běžné aplikace Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Průmysl | aplikace |
Aerospace | Satellite components, precision instruments, and thermal shields. |
Optika | Telescope mirrors, optical mounts, and laser system components. |
Elektronika | Semiconductor equipment, precision connectors, and thermal management systems. |
Aditivní výroba | 3D-printed parts requiring high dimensional accuracy and stability. |
Průmyslové stroje | Tooling, fixtures, and high-precision parts for controlled environments. |
Lékařské přístroje | MRI components, precision diagnostic tools, and surgical instruments. |
The unparalleled tepelná stabilita a dimensional precision of Super Invar 32-5 make it indispensable in applications where přesnost a spolehlivost jsou neoddiskutovatelné.
Specifikace, velikosti a normy pro Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
For manufacturers and engineers, understanding the specifications and standards of Super Invar 32-5 Powder is critical to selecting the right material for their applications.
Specifikace a velikosti
Specifikace | Podrobnosti |
Velikost částic | 15-45 µm pro aditivní výrobu; 45-150 µm pro práškovou metalurgii. |
Čistota | ≥99% |
Tvar | Sférický tvar pro optimální tekutost a rovnoměrnost. |
Normy | Meets ASTM F1684 and ISO 8062 standards for precision alloys. |
These specifications ensure that the material meets the rigorous demands of industries like letectví a kosmonautiky a elektronika.
Ceny a dodavatelé Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Hledáte zdroje Super Invar 32-5 Powder? Here’s a breakdown of leading suppliers and their pricing.
Informace o dodavatelích a cenách
Dodavatel | Cenové rozpětí (za kg) | Umístění | Další služby |
Höganäs AB | $200–$250 | Švédsko | Vlastní velikosti částic, technická podpora. |
Přísady GKN | $220-$280 | USA | Specializované prášky pro aditivní výrobu. |
Technologie materiálů Sandvik | $210–$260 | Globální | Prášky s vysokou čistotou pro přesné aplikace. |
Pokročilá prášková řešení | $190-$240 | Globální | Řešení na míru pro konkrétní odvětví. |
Stanovení ceny závisí na následujících faktorech. velikost částic, množství, a přizpůsobení.
Výhody a omezení Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Jako každý materiál, Super Invar 32-5 Powder has its pros and cons. Let’s explore both.
- Výjimečná tepelná stabilita: Near-zero thermal expansion ensures dimensional accuracy.
- Vysoká pevnost a spolehlivost: Performs well under mechanical stress.
- Sférický tvar: Enhances flowability and uniformity for precision manufacturing.
- Všestranné aplikace: Useful across industries like aerospace, optics, and electronics.
- Vyšší náklady: More expensive than conventional alloys.
- Corrosion Sensitivity: May require controlled environments or protective coatings.
- Specializovaná manipulace: Demands expertise to maximize performance in manufacturing processes.
FAQs About Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder
Otázka | Odpovědět |
What is Super Invar 32-5 used for? | Aerospace, optics, electronics, and precision tooling applications. |
Why choose Super Invar over regular Invar? | Super Invar has better strength and stress resistance due to cobalt addition. |
Lze jej použít při 3D tisku? | Yes, its spherical shape makes it ideal for additive manufacturing. |
How much does Super Invar 32-5 cost? | Prices range from $190 to $280 per kilogram, depending on specifications. |
Je odolný proti korozi? | It has moderate resistance but may require coatings in harsh environments. |
Super Invar 32-5 Spherical Powder is a high-performance material that delivers bezkonkurenční tepelná stabilita a dimensional precision. Ať už pracujete na letecké a kosmické komponenty, optical mounts, nebo Prototypy vytištěné na 3D tiskárně, this material ensures reliability and accuracy under the most demanding conditions.
Připraveni prozkoumat potenciál Super Invar 32-5 Powder? Connect with trusted suppliers and take your projects to the next level!
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