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BNi-5 poeder

2024 metaalpoeders voor metallurgie

Het jaar 2024 belooft een cruciaal jaar te worden voor poedermetallurgie (PM), een productietechniek die metaalpoeders gebruikt om complexe, bijna netvormige componenten te maken. De kern van deze vooruitgang ligt in de kracht van de metaalpoeders zelf. Net als de ingrediënten in een recept, is het specifieke type van

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BNi-7 vermogen

7075 aluminium poeder voor SLM

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the way we design and produce complex parts. Selective laser melting (SLM) is a powerful 3D printing technique that uses a laser beam to selectively melt metal powder layer by layer, building a three-dimensional object from a digital blueprint. Choosing the

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BAg-8 poeder

5083 metaalpoeder voor SLS

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized how we design and produce complex parts. Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a powerful 3D printing technique that uses a laser beam to selectively melt and fuse together metal powder particles, layer by layer, to build a three-dimensional object. The choice

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Chroom poeder harde legering

6013 Metaalpoeder voor MIM

Introduction to 6013 Metal Powder for MIM Metal injection molding (MIM) has revolutionized the manufacturing of complex, near-net-shape metal components. Imagine achieving intricate geometries and exceptional dimensional accuracy – all at a fraction of the cost and waste associated with traditional machining techniques. That’s the magic of MIM. But this

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Hoge temperatuur legering EP648

430 metalen vermogen voor PM

The world of metal manufacturing is vast and ever-evolving. But within this intricate landscape lies a process that thrives on precision and efficiency: Powder Metallurgy (PM). This technique involves transforming metal powders into intricate shapes through a series of steps like compaction and sintering. And when it comes to selecting

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AgCuTi vermogen

HK30 voor poedermetallurgie

Have you ever dreamt of building complex metal parts with unmatched strength, resilience, and resistance to harsh environments? Well, stop dreaming and start exploring the wonders of HK30! This superhero material is taking the world of powder metallurgy by storm, offering a unique blend of properties that leave traditional alloys

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BAg-8 poeder

5083 metaalpoeder voor SLS

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized how we design and produce complex parts. Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a powerful 3D printing

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Chroom poeder harde legering

6013 Metaalpoeder voor MIM

Introduction to 6013 Metal Powder for MIM Metal injection molding (MIM) has revolutionized the manufacturing of complex, near-net-shape metal components. Imagine achieving intricate geometries and

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Hoge temperatuur legering EP648

430 metalen vermogen voor PM

The world of metal manufacturing is vast and ever-evolving. But within this intricate landscape lies a process that thrives on precision and efficiency: Powder Metallurgy

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AgCuTi vermogen

HK30 voor poedermetallurgie

Have you ever dreamt of building complex metal parts with unmatched strength, resilience, and resistance to harsh environments? Well, stop dreaming and start exploring the

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