Översikt över NiTi-pulver (sfäriskt nickel-titanlegeringspulver)


Översikt över sfäriskt nickel-titanlegeringspulver

NiTi powder, or Nitinol, is a shape memory alloy that consists of nearly equal parts nickel and titanium. It’s renowned for its ability to undergo deformation at one temperature and then return to its original shape when heated to a higher temperature. This unique characteristic, known as shape memory effect, along with superelasticity, makes NiTi powder a game-changer in multiple fields, from medical devices to aerospace engineering.

NiTi Powder

Key Details of NiTi Powder:

  • Sammansättning: Primarily nickel (Ni) and titanium (Ti), with specific ratios affecting properties.
  • Egenskaper: Shape memory effect, superelasticity, biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, high fatigue strength.
  • Applikationer: Medical implants, actuators, aerospace components, automotive parts, robotics, and more.
  • Manufacturing Methods: Atomization, mechanical alloying, and plasma rotating electrode process.

Types and Models of NiTi Powder

Understanding the various models and types of NiTi powder available on the market is crucial for selecting the right material for specific applications. Here are some notable models:

Specific Metal Powder Models:

  1. NiTi-55
    • Beskrivning: Balanced nickel-titanium ratio.
    • Use: General-purpose applications with moderate shape memory and superelasticity.
  2. NiTi-60
    • Beskrivning: Higher nickel content.
    • Use: Enhanced superelastic properties for medical stents and orthodontic wires.
  3. NiTi-50
    • Beskrivning: Slightly lower nickel content.
    • Use: Increased biocompatibility for implants.
  4. NiTi-Powder-HighPurity
    • Beskrivning: Ultra-high purity for sensitive applications.
    • Use: Medical devices and high-precision instruments.
  5. NiTi-SH
    • Beskrivning: Super high fatigue strength.
    • Use: Actuators and aerospace components.
  6. NiTi-LowC
    • Beskrivning: Low carbon content to improve corrosion resistance.
    • Use: Marine applications and harsh environments.
  7. NiTi-Fine
    • Beskrivning: Fine particle size for detailed manufacturing.
    • Use: 3D printing and intricate components.
  8. NiTi-Coated
    • Beskrivning: Coated with protective layer for enhanced performance.
    • Use: Surface-sensitive applications like electronics.
  9. NiTi-Elastic
    • Beskrivning: Optimized for maximum elasticity.
    • Use: Flexible sensors and responsive materials.
  10. NiTi-HighTemp
    • Beskrivning: High-temperature stability.
    • Use: Aerospace and high-temperature environments.

Composition, Properties, and Characteristics of NiTi Powder

To truly grasp the value of NiTi powder, we need to look at its composition, properties, and characteristics. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Sammansättning och egenskaper

ModellNickelinnehållInnehåll av titanÖvriga elementShape MemorySuperelasticitetBiokompatibilitetMotståndskraft mot korrosion
NiTi-6060%40%SpårHögMycket högMåttligHög
NiTi-5050%50%SpårMåttligMåttligMycket högHög
NiTi-SH55%45%Low OxygenMycket högHögBraHög
NiTi-LowC55%45%Låg koldioxidHögHögBraMycket hög
NiTi-Coated55%45%Coating MaterialsMåttligHögBraMycket hög
NiTi-Elastic55%45%SpårMåttligMycket högBraHög

Characteristics and Performance

NiTi powder stands out due to its unique combination of shape memory and superelasticity, which are rare in other materials. These properties are influenced by the exact nickel-titanium ratio and any additional elements or treatments.

  • Shape Memory Effect: This is the ability of NiTi to return to its pre-deformed shape when heated. It’s like magic – you bend it, and it pops back!
  • Superelasticitet: NiTi can endure significant strains and recover its shape without permanent deformation. Think of it like a super spring that doesn’t lose its bounce.
  • Biokompatibilitet: NiTi is safe for medical applications, meaning it won’t cause adverse reactions in the human body.
  • Motståndskraft mot korrosion: NiTi performs exceptionally well in corrosive environments, making it suitable for marine and industrial applications.
  • Utmattningshållfasthet: NiTi can withstand repeated stress without breaking, crucial for long-lasting components in mechanical systems.

Applications of NiTi Powder

NiTi powder’s unique properties open up a world of possibilities in various industries. Here’s a look at where and how this amazing material is used:

Tillämpningar och användningsområden

MedicinskStents, Orthodontic wires, ImplantsBiocompatibility, shape memory, superelasticity
Flyg- och rymdindustrinActuators, Fasteners, ComponentsHigh fatigue strength, temperature stability
FordonEngine components, Suspension partsSuperelasticity, fatigue strength, corrosion resistance
RobotteknikFlexible joints, ActuatorsShape memory, elasticity, durability
ElektronikConnectors, SensorsSuperelasticity, precision
MarinKorrosionsbeständiga delarHög korrosionsbeständighet
Tillverkning3D Printing, Custom partsFine particle size, precision

Specifications, Sizes, Grades, and Standards of NiTi Powder

When selecting NiTi powder for a specific application, understanding the specifications, sizes, grades, and standards is essential.

Specifikationer och standarder

PartikelstorlekRange from microns to millimeters
RenhetsgradUp to 99.9% purity for high-end applications
BetygBased on nickel content and other elements
ASTM-standarderASTM F2063 for medical-grade NiTi
ISO-standarderISO 5832-3 for surgical implants

Storlekar och kvaliteter

Fine Grade<10 microns3D printing, precision instruments
Standard Grade10-50 mikrometerAllmän tillverkning
Coarse Grade>50 micronsHeavy-duty components

Suppliers and Pricing Details of NiTi Powder

Finding the right supplier and understanding pricing is crucial for procurement. Here’s a list of top suppliers and their pricing details:

Leverantörer och prissättning

LeverantörModellPris per kgKontaktuppgifter
AMETEK Inc.NiTi-55$400www.ametek.com
ATI MetalsNiTi-60$420www.atimetals.com
Fort Wayne MetalsNiTi-HighPurity$500www.fwmetals.com
G&S TitaniumNiTi-Coated$450www.gstitanium.com
Memory MetalsNiTi-SH$460www.memorymetals.com
Titanium IndustriesNiTi-Fine$410www.titanium.com
Shape Memory Alloys Ltd.NiTi-HighTemp$470www.shapememoryalloys.com
Superior TitaniumNiTi-50$420www.superiortitanium.com

Inquiry us to get best price !

Comparing Pros and Cons of NiTi Powder

When deciding whether NiTi powder is right for your needs, it’s important to weigh its advantages and limitations.

Fördelar kontra nackdelar

Shape MemoryReturns to original shape, versatile applicationsRequires precise temperature control
SuperelasticitetHigh strain recovery, durableMay not be necessary for all applications
BiokompatibilitetSafe for medical useHögre kostnad jämfört med vissa alternativ
Motståndskraft mot korrosionLong-lasting in harsh environmentsSpecialized handling required
UtmattningshållfasthetWithstands repeated stressPotentially brittle if not alloyed correctly
TemperaturstabilitetPerforms well in high temperaturesLimited to certain high-temp applications

FAQ About NiTi Powder

Here are some frequently asked questions about NiTi powder, complete with detailed answers to help you understand this material better.

Vanliga frågor och svar

What is NiTi powder used for?NiTi powder is used in a variety of applications, including medical devices, aerospace components, automotive parts, robotics, and electronics due to its unique properties.
Why is NiTi powder so special?NiTi powder’s shape memory effect and superelasticity make it unique, allowing it to return to its original shape after deformation and endure significant strains.
Is NiTi powder biocompatible?Yes, NiTi powder is biocompatible, making it suitable for medical applications such as implants and stents.
How is NiTi powder made?NiTi powder is produced through methods like atomization, mechanical alloying, and the plasma rotating electrode process.
Can NiTi powder corrode?NiTi powder has excellent corrosion resistance, making it ideal for use in harsh environments like marine and industrial settings.
What are the main grades of NiTi powder?The main grades include Fine Grade, Standard Grade, and Coarse Grade, each suitable for different applications based on particle size.
How does the nickel-titanium ratio affect properties?The nickel-titanium ratio influences the shape memory effect and superelasticity of NiTi powder, with higher nickel content generally enhancing these properties.
What industries benefit most from NiTi powder?Industries such as medical, aerospace, automotive, robotics, and electronics benefit greatly from the unique properties of NiTi powder.
Is NiTi powder expensive?NiTi powder can be more expensive than some alternatives due to its advanced properties and specialized manufacturing processes.
How does NiTi powder compare to other alloys?NiTi powder offers unique advantages like shape memory and superelasticity, but may have limitations such as cost and specialized handling requirements compared to other alloys.


Spherical Nickel-Titanium Alloy Powder, or NiTi powder, is an extraordinary material with remarkable properties that make it invaluable across a wide range of industries. From medical devices to aerospace components, its shape memory effect, superelasticity, and biocompatibility open up endless possibilities for innovation and application. Understanding the different models, properties, applications, and suppliers can help you make an informed decision when considering NiTi powder for your projects.

So, whether you’re looking to enhance the performance of medical implants or develop cutting-edge aerospace components, NiTi powder offers a unique blend of capabilities that can meet your needs. Happy exploring!

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