Bästa rostfritt stål 316L pulver för 3D-utskrift

Rostfritt stål 316L-pulver är ett mångsidigt material som används i många olika branscher. Dess unika egenskaper gör det lämpligt för tillämpningar som sträcker sig från 3D-utskrifter till biomedicinska implantat. I den här artikeln kommer vi att utforska egenskaper, användningsområden, tillverkningsprocess och fördelar med rostfritt stål 316L-pulver.


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Overview of Stainless Steel 316L Powder

316L stainless steel belongs to the austenitic class of stainless steels. The addition of 2-3% molybdenum along with nickel and chromium imparts excellent pitting and crevice corrosion resistance in harsh environments. The ‘L’ denotes lower carbon content to avoid carbide precipitation during welding.

Key characteristics of 316L powder include:

  • Utmärkt korrosionsbeständighet i tuffa miljöer
  • High oxidation and sulfidation resistance at elevated temperatures
  • Mycket god svetsbarhet och formbarhet
  • Non-magnetic austenitic structure
  • Tillgänglig i en rad olika partikelstorleksfördelningar

316L powder is suitable for applications requiring excellent corrosion resistance like chemical processing, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, marine equipment and biomedical implants. This article provides a detailed overview of 316L powder.

Chemical Composition of 316L Powder

The typical composition of 316L powder is:

Element Vikt %
Järn (Fe) Balans
Krom (Cr) 16-18%
Nickel (Ni) 10-14%
Molybden (Mo) 2-3%
Mangan (Mn) ≤ 2%
Kisel (Si) ≤ 1%
Kol (C) ≤ 0,03%
Fosfor (P) ≤ 0,045%
Svavel (S) ≤ 0,03%

Nickel enhances corrosion resistance while molybdenum addition improves resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion in environments containing chlorides. Low carbon content avoids carbide precipitation during welding.

Rostfritt stål 316L Pulver

Properties of 316L Powder

316L powder possesses the following properties:

Fastighet Värde
Täthet 7,9-8,1 g/cm3
Smältpunkt 1370-1400°C
Termisk konduktivitet 16 W/mK
Elektrisk resistivitet 0.75 μΩ.cm
Young's modul 190-210 GPa
Poissonförhållande 0.27-0.30
Draghållfasthet 485-620 MPa
Utbyteshållfasthet 170-310 MPa
Töjning 40-50%
Hårdhet 79-95 HRB

316L offers excellent corrosion resistance combined with good formability and weldability. The austenitic structure provides good toughness and ductility.

Production Method for 316L Powder

Common production methods for 316L powder include:

  • Atomisering av gas – Inert gas jets disintegrate molten 316L alloy stream into fine spherical powders with controlled size distribution.
  • Atomisering av vatten – High pressure water jet impacts and disintegrates molten metal to produce fine irregular powder particles.
  • Mekanisk legering - Kulfräsning av blandade elementpulver följt av sintring och sekundär atomisering.

Gas atomization allows excellent control over particle characteristics like size, shape, oxygen pickup and microstructure.

Användningsområden för 316L-pulver

Typical applications of 316L powder include:

  • Additiv tillverkning – Powder bed fusion, binder jetting processes use 316L powder for chemical, marine, biomedical parts.
  • Formsprutning av metall – To manufacture small, complex components needing corrosion resistance.
  • Beläggningar för termisk sprutning – Wire arc spray deposition to produce protective coatings in harsh environments.
  • Förbrukningsmaterial för svetsning – Used as filler material for joining 316L components providing excellent weld strength.
  • Kemisk bearbetning – Powder metallurgy vessels, trays, baskets used in chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Specifications of 316L Powder

316L powder is available under different size ranges, shapes and purity levels:

  • Partikelstorlek: Från 10-45 μm för AM-metoder, upp till 150 μm för termiska sprutprocesser.
  • Morfologi: Spherical, irregular and blended particle shapes. Smooth spherical powder provides optimal flow.
  • Renhet: From commercial to high purity (99.9%) tailored to application requirements.
  • Syrehalt: Levels maintained at 100-1000 ppm for most applications.
  • Flödeshastighet: Pulver kundanpassat för flöden över 25 s/50 g.

Global Suppliers of 316L Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of 316L powder include:

  • Sandvik Osprey (Storbritannien)
  • Hoganas (Sverige)
  • Carpenter Powder Products (USA)
  • Praxair (USA)
  • Oerlikon Metco (Schweiz)
  • LPW Technology (UK)

These companies produce various grades of 316L powder tailored for additive manufacturing, thermal spray, metal injection molding and other applications.

Pricing of 316L Powder

316L powder prices depend on factors like:

  • Renhetsnivåer
  • Partikelns egenskaper
  • Orderkvantitet
  • Ytterligare bearbetning
  • Tillverkare och geografiskt läge
Betyg Prisintervall
Kommersiell $15-25 per kg
Hög renhet $25-50 per kg
Ultrafin $50-120 per kg
Särskild klass $120-250 per kg

Gas atomized, controlled particle size, high purity powders command much higher pricing over regular commercial grade 316L powder.

Storage and Handling of 316L Powder

316L powder should be handled with care to:

  • Prevent contact with moisture, acids etc. leading to corrosion
  • Avoid fine powder accumulation to minimize risk of dust explosions
  • Use proper ventilation, PPE when handling fine powders
  • Follow recommended practices from supplier SDS
  • Store sealed containers in a dry, inert atmosphere

Proper protective measures must be taken when handling reactive alloy powders like 316L.

Inspection and Testing of 316L Powder

Key quality control tests performed on 316L powder:

  • Kemisk analys med hjälp av OES eller XRF för att säkerställa att sammansättningen ligger inom angivna gränser
  • Partikelstorleksfördelning enligt ASTM B822-standarden
  • Morfologisk analys genom SEM-bildtagning
  • Pulverflödeshastighet mätt enligt ASTM B213-standarden
  • Densitetsbestämning med heliumpyknometri
  • Test av orenheter med ICP-MS
  • Karakterisering av mikrostruktur med röntgendiffraktion

Grundliga tester säkerställer att pulvret uppfyller de kemiska, fysiska och mikrostrukturella egenskaper som krävs för den avsedda applikationen.

Comparison Between 316L and 304L Stainless Steel Powders

316L and 304L stainless steel powders compared:

Parameter 316L 304L
Sammansättning Fe-Cr-Ni-Mo Fe-Cr-Ni
Korrosionsbeständighet Mycket bättre Bra
Kostnad Högre Lägre
Temperaturbeständighet Bättre Bra
Svetsbarhet Utmärkt Utmärkt
Tillgänglighet Måttlig Utmärkt
Tillämpningar Marine, chemical industry Konsumentprodukter, vitvaror

316L offers substantially better corrosion resistance whereas 304L is more economical for less demanding applications.

316L Powder FAQs

Q: How is 316L stainless steel powder produced?

A: 316L powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization offers the best control of powder characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications of 316L powder?

A: Key applications for 316L powder include additive manufacturing, metal injection molding, thermal spray coatings, and powder metallurgy parts for chemical, marine, pharmaceutical and food industries needing excellent corrosion resistance.

Q: What is the recommended 316L powder size for binder jetting AM?

A: For binder jetting process, the typical 316L powder size range is 20-45 microns with spherical morphology for optimal powder bed density and binder infiltration.

Q: Does 316L powder require special handling precautions?

A: Yes, 316L is a reactive alloy powder and should be handled carefully under controlled humidity and inert atmosphere using proper grounding, ventilation and PPE.

Q: Where can I buy 316L powder suitable for biomedical implants?

A: High purity, gas atomized 316L powder meeting biomedical specifications can be purchased from leading manufacturers like Sandvik Osprey, Hoganas, Carpenter Powder Products and LPW Technology.

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