TiNb Powder: The Ultimate Guide for 2025


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TiNb powder är en high-performance titanium-niobium alloy känd för sin exceptional biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and mechanical properties. This alloy is widely used in medical implants, aerospace applications, and additive manufacturing (3D printing) på grund av dess low elastic modulus, high strength, and superior wear resistance.

This alloy consists of Titanium (Ti) as the base element with varying amounts of Niobium (Nb), typically ranging from 20% to 50% Nb, depending on the specific application. The absence of aluminum and vanadium makes it a superior alternative to Ti-6Al-4V for biomedical and high-performance applications.

Viktiga egenskaper

High biocompatibilityvilket gör den idealisk för orthopedic and dental implants
Low elastic modulus (~50-80 GPa), reducing stress shielding in benimplantat
Överlägsen korrosionsbeständighet, perfect for biomedical and aerospace applications
Excellent ductility and fatigue resistance, säkerställa långsiktig hållbarhet
Optimized for additive manufacturing, inklusive Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) and Electron Beam Melting (EBM)

This guide will explore:

  • Best TiNb powder for 3D-utskrifter
  • How to choose the right TiNb powder
  • Top suppliers of TiNb powder
  • Properties and industrial applications
  • Production methods and cost analysis
  • Comparing gas-atomized vs. plasma-atomized TiNb powder

Best TiNb Powder for 3D Printing in 2025

Why TiNb Powder is Ideal for Additive Manufacturing?

  • High biocompatibilityvilket gör den perfekt för medical and orthopedic implants
  • Superior elasticity and ductility, säkerställa utmattningshållfasthet in aerospace applications
  • Excellent printability, reducing defects in LPBF and EBM processes
  • Oxidations- och korrosionsbeständighetvilket gör den lämplig för high-performance engineering components

Key Factors for Selecting TiNb Powder for 3D Printing

  • Sfärisk morfologi för optimal powder flowability
  • Kontrollerad partikelstorleksfördelning förbättrar printability and layer adhesion
  • Low oxygen & impurity levels prevent oxidation defects
  • Consistent mechanical properties post-processing

Comparison for Different 3D Printing Technologies

3D-utskriftsteknikRecommended TiNb PowderFördelarUtmaningar
Laserpulverbäddfusion (LPBF)Gas-atomized spherical powder (15-45µm)High precision, fine detailsRequires optimized laser parameters
Smältning med elektronstråle (EBM)Plasma-atomized powder (45-105µm)Low residual stressLimited material availability
Deposition med direkt energi (DED)Gas-atomized powder (50-150µm)Large-scale part productionRequires post-processing
Binder JettingIrregular or spherical powder (30-80µm)High-speed productionRequires sintering & infiltration

För högpresterande 3D-utskriftstillämpningar, Met3DP’s gas-atomized TiNb powder is the best choice. Learn more about Met3DP’s high-quality metal powders.

How to Choose the Right TiNb Powder

Selecting the best TiNb powder depends on several factors, including particle size distribution, atomization process, and application-specific requirements.

1. Particle Size Distribution (PSD)

  • Fine powders (15-45µm) → Best for LPBF (Laser Powder Bed Fusion)
  • Medium powders (45-105µm) → Suitable for EBM & Binder Jetting
  • Coarse powders (50-150µm) → Used in DED (Direct Energy Deposition)

2. Powder Morphology

  • Sfäriskt pulver → Best for 3D-utskrifter och powder bed fusion technologies
  • Irregular Powder → Suitable for Binder Jetting & Sintering

3. Atomization Process

  • Gas-Atomized Powder → High purity, excellent flowability, best for 3D-utskrifter
  • Plasma-Atomized Powder → Ultra-high purity, best for biomedical and high-performance aerospace applications

För 3D-utskrifter med hög precision, Met3DP’s gas-atomized TiNb powder is the best choice. Contact Met3DP for more details.


Den production process av TiNb powder plays a crucial role in determining its particle morphology, purity, and mechanical properties, which directly impact its performance in additive manufacturing, biomedical applications, and aerospace engineering.

Comparison of Production Methods

ProduktionsmetodPartikelformRenhetBästa applikationerKostnad
Atomisering av gas (GA)SfäriskHög3D Printing, Biomedical, AerospaceMedium
Plasma Atomization (PA)Highly SphericalUltra HighHigh-End AM, Medical Implants, AerospaceHög
Vacuum Induction Melting + Gas Atomization (VIGA)SfäriskUltra-högBiomedical, High-Precision AMMycket hög
PREP (Plasma Rotating Electrode Process)Highly SphericalUltra-PureBiomedical, Aerospace, High-Performance EngineeringMycket hög

1. Gas Atomization (GA)


  • Molten TiNb alloy is atomized into fine droplets using high-pressure inert gas (argon or nitrogen), which rapidly solidifies into spherical powder particles.

Mycket sfärisk morfologi, improving flowability and printability
Low oxygen content, reducing oxidation defects
Excellent particle size distribution, säkerställa consistent layer deposition in additive manufacturing

Best for: Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), Electron Beam Melting (EBM), and Direct Energy Deposition (DED)

2. Plasma Atomization (PA)


  • TiNb wire is fed into a high-energy plasma torch, melting it into fine droplets that form highly spherical powder particles.

Perfect spherical shape, ensuring superior flowability in powder bed fusion processes
Ultrahög renhetvilket gör den idealisk för biomedical and high-performance aerospace applications
Minimal satellite particles, leading to superior print quality

Higher production costs
Limited scalability for large-scale production

Best for: High-performance biomedical implants and aerospace components

3. PREP (Plasma Rotating Electrode Process)


  • A rotating TiNb electrode is melted by plasma, while centrifugal force atomizes the molten material into fine spherical particles.

Ultrahög renhet, with minimal contamination
Mycket sfärisk morfologi, leading to excellent flowability
Minimal porosityvilket gör den idealisk för high-performance biomedical applications

Very high cost
Limited scalability

Best for: Biomedical implants, aerospace structural components requiring high purity

För high-quality 3D printing, Met3DP’s gas-atomized TiNb powder is the best choice. Explore Met3DP’s powder production solutions.

Cost Analysis in 2025

Kostnaden för TiNb powder is influenced by factors such as production method, particle morphology, purity level, and application-specific requirements.

Factors Affecting Cost

  1. Produktionsmetod - PREP and plasma-atomized powders are the most expensive, medan gas-atomized powders offer a more balanced cost-performance ratio.
  2. Partikelform - Spherical powders (for AM) are dyrare än irregular powders.
  3. Renhetsgrad - Higher purity = Higher cost.
  4. Efterfrågan på marknaden – Increased demand from biomedical, aerospace, and high-performance applications influences pricing.

Estimated Price Ranges

Typ av pulverPris (USD/kg)Best For
Gas-Atomized TiNb Powder500−500 – 500−9003D Printing, Biomedical, Aerospace
Plasma-Atomized TiNb Powder1,200−1,200 – 1,200−2,500High-End AM, Medical Implants, Aerospace
PREP TiNb Powder3,000−3,000 – 3,000−5,000Single-Crystal Biomedical Components, High-Purity Aerospace Applications

För cost-effective, high-quality TiNb powder, Met3DP ger precision-engineered solutions tailored to industrial needs. Contact Met3DP for pricing and availability.


Q1: What is the best TiNb powder for 3D printing?

Gas-atomized spherical TiNb powder är optimal for LPBF, EBM, and DED på grund av dess excellent flowability and low oxygen content.

Q2: How does TiNb compare to Ti-6Al-4V?

TiNb offers superior biocompatibility and lower elastic modulus, making it better suited for medicinska implantat, whereas Ti-6Al-4V has higher strength but lower ductility.

Q3: Can TiNb powder be used for medical implants?

Ja, TiNb is widely used in orthopedic implants, dental implants, and prosthetics på grund av dess biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.

Q4: Where can I buy high-quality TiNb powder?

Met3DP är en leading supplier of gas-atomized TiNb powder, optimized for 3D printing and high-performance applications. Contact Met3DP today!


TiNb powder är en exceptional high-performance titanium alloy för biomedical, aerospace, additive manufacturing, and high-temperature applications. Choosing the right powder type, production method, and supplier säkerställer optimal performance and reliability.

Why Choose Met3DP’s TiNb Powder?

Industry-leading gas atomization technology
High-purity spherical powders for additive manufacturing
Reliable supply chain & global distribution

För high-performance TiNb powder, Met3DP ger state-of-the-art solutions tailored to industrial demands.

Want to learn more or get a quote? Contact Met3DP today!

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