Titanyum Alaşımlı Toz

3D Baskı Metal Tozu Tedarikçileri Hakkında Bilmeniz Gereken Her Şey

BNi-5 Toz

Titanyum alaşım tozu is composed of titanium mixed with other metallic elements like aluminum, vanadium, iron, and molybdenum. The powders are made by gas atomization, a process that uses high-pressure gas to turn molten alloy into fine spherical particles ideal for additive manufacturing.

Titanium alloys offer the best strength-to-weight ratio of any metallic material. They are as strong as steel but 45% lighter. When produced as fine powders, titanium alloys become suitable feedstock for advanced manufacturing techniques like selective laser sintering (SLS), electron beam melting (EBM), and binder jetting. These methods allow intricate shapes and custom designs not possible with traditional fabrication.

Titanium and its alloys stand out for their corrosion resistance in harsh environments. They withstand saltwater, acids, and chlorine much better than aluminum, magnesium, or steel alloys. Titanium is also inert and non-toxic when implanted in the human body. This biocompatibility makes it invaluable for medical devices and implants.

With advanced properties like high strength, low density, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility, titanium alloy powders enable lighter, stronger, longer-lasting parts across aerospace, automotive, medical, chemical, marine, and consumer industries.

Titanium Alloy Powder Composition

Titanium alloy powders contain primarily titanium along with alloying elements to improve strength, hardness, and high-temperature performance. The most common titanium alloys are Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-4V ELI, and Ti-3Al-2.5V.

Ti-6Al-4V90% titanyum, 6% alüminyum, 4% vanadyum
Ti-6Al-4V ELI90% titanium, 6% aluminum, 4% vanadium, low interstitial impurities
Ti-3Al-2.5V95% titanium, 3% aluminum, 2.5% vanadium

Other alloying elements like iron, molybdenum, zirconium, tin, tantalum, or niobium may be present in small quantities. The composition is carefully controlled to achieve target properties after additive manufacturing.

The unique properties of titanium alloys in powder form enable advanced manufacturing, aerospace, medical, and other leading-edge applications.

MülkiyetTi-6Al-4VTi-6Al-4V ELITi-3Al-2.5V
Yoğunluk4,43 g/cm34,43 g/cm34.48 g/cm3
Erime Noktası1604°C1604°C1615°C
Çekme DayanımıMin 1170 MPaMin 1100 MPaMin 1095 MPa
Akma DayanımıMin 1035 MPaMin 1035 MPaMin 1000 MPa
Elastik Modül114 GPa114 GPa115 GPa
Yorulma Dayanımı485 MPa485 MPa450 MPa
Kırılma Tokluğu75 MPa-m^1/260 MPa-m^1/265 MPa-m^1/2
Termal İletkenlik7 W/m-K7 W/m-K6,7 W/m-K
Elektriksel Dirençlilik170-190 μΩ-cm170-190 μΩ-cm172 μΩ-cm
Termal Genleşme Katsayısı8,6 μm/m-°C8,6 μm/m-°C8.8 μm/m-°C

The properties of printed parts depend on the additive manufacturing process as well as heat treatment after printing. For example, electron beam melting (EBM) generates finer microstructures and better mechanical properties compared to selective laser melting (SLM). Post-processing like hot isostatic pressing (HIP) can further enhance density, surface finish, dimensional accuracy, and material performance.

Some of the major application areas for titanium alloy powder include:

Havacılık ve UzayEngine components, airframe parts, fasteners, hydraulic systems
TıbbiImplants, surgical instruments, dental roots, braces
OtomotivConnecting rods, valves, springs, fasteners, gears
KimyasalPumps, valves, pipes, heat exchangers, reaction vessels
Petrol ve gazDrill bits, completion tools, subsea components
Enerji üretimiTurbine blades, heat exchangers, steam and gas piping
Spor malzemeleriGolf clubs, bicycle frames, hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks
Tüketim mallarıWatches, glasses, jewelry, smartphones, cameras

Titanium alloys enable lightweight, high-performance designs across industries where strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility are critical. The flexibility of powder metallurgy allows production of complex, net-shape parts not possible with conventional titanium mill products.

Titanium alloy powders are available in different size ranges, compositions, production methods, and purity levels. Here are some of the key specification parameters:

ParametreTipik Değerler
Parçacık boyutu10-45 μm, 15-53 μm, 45-150 μm
Parçacık şekliKüresel, düzensiz
Üretim yöntemiGaz atomizasyonu, plazma döner elektrot prosesi, hidrit-dehidrit
SaflıkGrade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Alaşım sınıfıTi-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-7Nb, Ti-555, Ti-1023, etc.
Görünür yoğunluk2,5-4,5 g/cm3
Musluk yoğunluğu80%'ye kadar malzeme yoğunluğu
Oksijen içeriği3000-5000 ppm
Azot içeriği150-500 ppm
Hidrojen içeriği100-200 ppm
Akış hızı25 sn/50 g'a kadar
Spesifik yüzey alanı0.1-1.0 m2/g

Specifications are based on ASTM B988 for gas atomized spherical titanium alloy powder and other international standards. Custom compositions and particle characteristics are also available for specialized applications.

Pricing for titanium alloy powder depends on many factors:

FaktörFiyat Üzerindeki Etkisi
Alaşım bileşimiHigher alloying content increases cost
Saflık seviyesiHigher purity grades are more expensive
Parçacık boyutu dağılımıSmaller sizes are priced higher
Üretim yöntemiPlasma and HDH powders cost more than gas atomized
Sipariş miktarıPrices decrease with larger order quantities
PaketlemeArgon purged sealed cans add cost

Bazı gösterge niteliğindeki fiyat aralıkları:

  • Ti-6Al-4V powder 15-45 μm: $50-80/lb
  • Ti-6Al-4V powder 45-150 μm: $30-50/lb
  • Small lots in sealed cans are ~30% higher
  • Plasma Ti-6Al-4V powder: $120-150/lb
  • Purity grade 1 powder: $200-300/lb

Contact reputable suppliers like AP&C, Tekna, and Advanced Powders for quoted pricing based on your specific requirements. Be wary of low-cost powders from unknown sources with questionable quality.

Titanyum Tozu Üretim Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması

YöntemGaz AtomizasyonuPlazma Atomizasyonu
AçıklamaAlloy melted in vacuum chamber, impinged by high-velocity inert gas jets to make powderAlloy melted using plasma arc torch, steam of ultrafine droplets rapidly solidified into powder
Parçacık Boyutu15-150 mikron5-45 mikron
Parçacık ŞekliIrregular spheroidsÇok küresel
Oksijen ToplamaOrta düzeydeDüşük
MaliyetDaha düşükDaha yüksek
ÖlçeklenebilirlikHigher capacityKüçük partiler
Tipik UygulamalarMost additive manufacturingHavacılık ve uzay, medikal

Gas atomization is the standard production method used by major titanium powder suppliers. Plasma atomization creates finer, more spherical powders but has higher cost and lower output.

Q: What are the main advantages of using titanium alloy powder?

A: The main advantages are excellent strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, bio-compatibility, design flexibility, ability to produce complex net shape parts, and performance at high temperatures.

Q: What industries use titanium alloy powder the most?

A: Aerospace, medical, automotive, chemical processing, oil and gas, sporting goods, and power generation are leading users of titanium powder for advanced components.

Q: What are some examples of titanium alloy powder applications?

A: Specific applications include aircraft engine and airframe parts, biomedical implants and instruments, automotive valves and connecting rods, chemical processing equipment, golf clubs, watches, and bicycles.

Q: What alloy compositions are commonly used with titanium powder?

A: Popular alloys include Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-6Al-7Nb, Ti-555, Ti-1023, and commercially pure titanium grades 1 through 4. Exact composition is tailored to meet property and processing requirements.

Q: What manufacturing processes use titanium alloy powder as feedstock?

A: The main processes are metal injection molding (MIM), laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), electron beam powder bed fusion (EB-PBF), and directed energy deposition (DED).

Q: How are the properties of powder metallurgy titanium alloys compared to wrought and cast titanium?

A: With optimal processing, powder metallurgy titanium parts can achieve mechanical properties on par and sometimes superior to cast or wrought products. However, property anisotropy and defects require close control and qualification.

Q: What are some of the key specifications for titanium alloy powder?

A: Important characteristics include particle size distribution, particle shape, apparent density, tap density, flow rate, alloy composition, oxygen/nitrogen/hydrogen content, specific surface area, and powder production method.

Q: What precautions are required when handling titanium alloy powder?

A: An inert atmosphere, avoiding ignition sources, grounding equipment, minimizing dust generation, and wearing PPE are essential to handle reactive titanium powder safely. Strict procedures are needed to prevent contamination or changes to powder characteristics.

Wholesale Price: $20/Kg-$300/Kg

3D Baskı Metal Tozu Hakkında SSS

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Lazer ve elektron ışını toz yatağı füzyonu gibi prosesler için uygun paslanmaz çelik, yüksek sıcaklık alaşımları dahil olmak üzere çeşitli yüksek kaliteli metal tozları sunuyoruz.

Kapsamlı metal katkılı üretim uzmanlığımızla, parçaların mekanik özelliklerini ve yüzey kalitesini sağlamak için gelişmiş süreçler ve sıkı kalite kontrolü uyguluyoruz.

Cihazlarımız havacılık, tıp, otomotiv ve daha birçok sektörde geniş bir uygulama yelpazesine sahiptir ve üretimde yüksek performanslı metal bileşenler için çözümler sunar.

Evet, müşterilerimizden gelen özel malzeme gereksinimlerini karşılamak için özel alaşım hizmetleri sunuyoruz.

SEBM sistemlerimiz, olağanüstü mekanik özelliklere sahip karmaşık metal parçaların üretiminde mükemmeldir. Temel özellikleri arasında endüstri lideri üretim hacmi, hassasiyet ve güvenilirlik yer alır.

Evet, web sitemizde Metal3DP teknolojisinin çeşitli sektörlerdeki başarılı uygulamalarını gösteren çok çeşitli uygulama örnekleri sergilenmektedir.

Bizimle iletişime geçin; ekibimiz ihtiyaçlarınıza göre size özel çözümler ve işbirliği planları sunacaktır.

Özel hizmetler için geri dönüş süresi, projenin karmaşıklığına bağlı olarak değişir. Gereksinimlerinize göre doğru teslimat süreleri sağlayacağız.

Diğer 3D baskı teknolojilerinin yanı sıra Seçici Lazer Sinterleme (SLS), Seçici Lazer Eritme (SLM) ve Seçici Elektron Işını Eritme (SEBM) konularında uzmanız.


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