3D tiskový kovový prášek

All You Need To Know About 3D Printing Metal Powder Suppliers

3D tisk kovového prášku

3D tisk kovového prášku is revolutionizing manufacturing across industries like aerospace, automotive, medical, and more. This advanced additive manufacturing technique builds metal parts layer-by-layer from powdered metal alloys using lasers or electron beams.

Compared to traditional metal fabrication processes, 3D printing with metal powder offers increased design freedom, faster prototyping, reduced waste, and lower costs for short runs and custom parts. However, powder metallurgy poses unique requirements on particle size, shape, composition, and other properties.

Metal Powder Manufacturing Methods

Metal powders can be produced in different ways. The main manufacturing methods include:

Atomizace plynu

Molten metal alloy is atomized into fine droplets using an inert gas jet. The droplets rapidly solidify into spherical powder particles. Gas atomized powders have excellent flowability and packing density desired for 3D printing.

Plazmová atomizace

Similar to gas atomization, but uses plasma torches to produce higher temperatures for superior powder characteristics. Allows a broader range of alloys.

Mechanické legování

Powder produced by high energy ball milling of metal powders and alloying elements. Powders have irregular shape but allow wider range of compositions.


Metal is electrolytically dissolved from an anode and deposited onto a cathode in powder form.

Chemická redukce

Metal oxides or salts are chemically reduced using hydrogen or carbon to produce metal powders.

Dehydratace kovů

Hydrated metal salts heated to remove water and produce metal or metal oxide powders.

Consolidation & Spheroidization

Irregular powders milled, pressed and spheroidized into spherical shape. Enables recycled scrap powder use.

Gas atomization is most commonly used for additive manufacturing today, producing high quality spherical powders for excellent packing density and powder bed surface quality.

Many alloys are used for metal powder bed 3D printing. Common alloys include:

Typ slitinyPříklady
Niklové superslitinyInconel 625, 718, In625, N06625, In718
Kobalt ChromeCoCrMo, Co28Cr6Mo
Titanové slitinyTi-6Al-4V, Ti64, Ti6242, TiAl6V4
Nástrojové oceliH13, Maraging Steel, Stainless Steels
Hliníkové slitinyAlSi10Mg, AlSi7Mg0,6
Slitiny mědiCuSn10, CuAl10Ni5Fe4

Nickel superalloys offer the best high temperature strength and are extensively used in aerospace engines and components.

Titanium alloys like Ti64 are known for strength, low weight and biocompatibility making them popular for medical implants and aerospace.

Cobalt chrome is primarily used for dental implants and crowns due to biocompatibility and corrosion resistance.

Tool steels and stainless steels are used for injection molds, tooling and high-strength mechanical parts across industries.

Aluminum and copper alloys are newer for metal 3D printing, enabling more applications in automotive, heat exchangers and conformal cooling channels.


PopisRozsah velikostí
Extra jemné15 - 25 mikronů
Pokuta25 - 45 mikronů
Střední45 - 90 mikronů
Hrubý90 -150 microns

Finer powders around 20-45 microns are preferred for complex geometries and smooth surface finish. Coarser powders above 45 microns allow faster build speeds but poorer resolution. Optimal size ranges depend on the 3D printer model and capabilities.

Metal powders must meet strict specifications for 3D printing suitability:

VlastnictvíPopisDesired Values
Distribuce velikosti částicRange of powder particle diametersTight distribution around 20-45 μm typical
Tvar částicePowder morphology – spherical, irregular etcHighly spherical particles
TekutostAbility of powder to flow during 3D printingExcellent flow like water
Zdánlivá hustotaHustota balení prášku>4.0 g/cc
Klepněte na položku HustotaMaximum packing density after vibration>4,5 g/cc
Obsah kyslíkuOxygen absorbed during manufacturing<400 ppm
Obsah dusíkuNitrogen absorbed during manufacturing<100 ppm

Spherical particle shape allows smooth powder spreading during 3D printing. Chemical purity and low oxygen content reduce defects like porosity and cracking.

Powders must also meet composition standards like ASTM B348 Grade 5 for titanium alloys and AMS 5659 for nickel superalloys.

3D printing with metals allows fabrication of end-use parts across diverse industries. Some major application areas are:

AerospaceTurbine blades, structural frames, engine components
Automobilový průmyslCustom prototypes, specialized tools
LékařskýDental crowns, implants, surgical instruments
Obecná výrobaJigs, fixtures, end-use parts
ŠperkyComplex geometries, customized designs

Metal powder-based 3D printing enables production of lightweight, high-strength parts with enhanced thermal properties suitable for harsh operating conditions seen in aerospace engines and turbine systems. It also allows creation of customized medical implants specifically matched to an individual patient’s anatomy.

There are several major global suppliers that manufacture and distribute metal powder for 3D printing processes. The table below highlights some leading companies and approximate powder pricing:

SpolečnostKey MaterialsTypical Pricing Range
AP&CSlitiny titanu, niklu a kobaltu$50 – $220 per kg
SandvikStainless steel, cobalt-chrome, nickel alloys$50 - $250 za kg
Met3DPTitan, hliník, nerezová ocel$30 - $150 za kg
Tesařská technologieStainless steels, cobalt alloys, titanium$100 - $500 za kg
Technologie LPWStainless steel, aluminum, titanium, Inconel$50 - $150 za kg

Pricing varies based on composition, quality level, particle size distribution, density specifications, and purchase volume. Ready-to-print powders customized for individual 3D printer models may carry a premium.

Metal Powder 3D Printing vs Traditional Methods

Metal 3D PrintingTraditional Fabrication
Additive process builds up parts layer-by-layerSubtractive machining methods remove material
No part-specific tooling neededSignificant tooling costs for casting, machining
Design freedom for complex geometriesDesign restrictions from tool accessibility
Rapid prototypes in daysMonths for prototype tooling
Cost-effective short runsHigh volumes needed for cost-benefit
Material waste only from supportsHigh scrap rates from machining
Consolidated assembliesMulti-step manufacturing and assembly
Dense, functional metal partsAdditional post-processing often needed

Metal 3D printing enables innovative designs, faster turnaround, and economic low volume production. It complements rather than replaces conventional manufacturing which remains more suited for high volumes.

Wholesale Price: $20/Kg-$500/Kg

Zobrazen 1. – 15. z 98 výsledků

FAQ About 3D Printing Metal Powder

Jak mohu kontaktovat zákaznický servis Metal3DP?

Poskytujeme zákaznickou podporu 24/7. Naše kontaktní údaje najdete na stránce Kontaktujte nás, včetně telefonu, e-mailu a online chatu.

Nabízíme různé vysoce kvalitní kovové prášky včetně nerezové oceli, vysokoteplotní slitiny, vhodné pro procesy, jako je fúze prášku laserem a elektronovým paprskem.

Díky rozsáhlým odborným znalostem v oblasti výroby aditiv kovů využíváme pokročilé procesy a přísnou kontrolu kvality, abychom zajistili mechanické vlastnosti a kvalitu povrchu dílů.

Naše zařízení mají širokou škálu aplikací v průmyslových odvětvích, jako je letectví, lékařství, automobilový průmysl a další, a poskytují řešení pro vysoce výkonné kovové součásti ve výrobě.

Ano, poskytujeme vlastní služby z oblasti slitin, abychom splnili specifické požadavky klientů na materiály.

Naše systémy SEBM vynikají ve výrobě složitých kovových dílů s výjimečnými mechanickými vlastnostmi. Mezi klíčové vlastnosti patří špičkový objem sestavení, přesnost a spolehlivost.

Ano, naše webové stránky předvádějí širokou škálu případů aplikací demonstrujících úspěšné implementace technologie Metal3DP v různých odvětvích.

Kontaktujte nás a náš tým vám poskytne řešení a plány spolupráce na míru podle vašich potřeb.

Doba zpracování zákaznických služeb se liší v závislosti na složitosti projektu. Na základě vašich požadavků vám poskytneme přesné dodací lhůty.

Specializujeme se na selektivní laserové sintrování (SLS), selektivní laserové tavení (SLM) a selektivní tavení elektronovým paprskem (SEBM) a další technologie 3D tisku.


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