Proč je prášek 440C nejlepší volbou pro vysoce namáhané díly

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When you think about stainless steel powder, the first thing that probably comes to mind is its strength, versatility, and corrosion resistance. But not all stainless steel powders are created equal. 440C Powder, in particular, stands out for its exceptional hardness, making it the go-to material for high-wear applications where durability is non-negotiable.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about 440C Powder. We’ll break down its composition, properties, applications, stanovení cen, and more. Whether you’re a materials engineer, a manufacturer, or just curious about this high-performance material, this article will give you an in-depth understanding of why 440C Powder is so popular and where it might fit into your next project.

Overview of 440C Powder

440C Powder je martenzitická nerezová ocel známý pro své high carbon content, which gives it exceptional hardness and wear resistance. This ultra-hard material is often used in řezné nástroje, ložiska, a součásti ventilů, kde oba síla a odolnost proti opotřebení a korozi jsou klíčové.

In its powder form, 440C is especially versatile for applications such as prášková metalurgie, aditivní výroba, a vstřikování kovů. It offers the same excellent properties as its solid form but with the added benefit of flexibility in complex manufacturing processes.

Hlavní výhody

  • Exceptional hardness: Often reaching a hardness of 58-60 HRC po tepelném zpracování.
  • Vysoká odolnost proti opotřebení: Ideal for applications that experience significant friction or abrasion.
  • Dobrá odolnost proti korozi: Particularly in environments that aren’t highly acidic or chloride-heavy.
  • Tepelně zpracovatelné: Can be hardened to a higher degree than many other stainless steels.

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of its composition and properties.

Composition and Properties of 440C Powder

When it comes to understanding the strength of 440C Powder, it all boils down to its composition. The high carbon content combined with a generous dose of chrom gives this material its distinctive balance of hardness and corrosion resistance.


ŽivelProcento (%)
železo (Fe)Zůstatek
uhlík (C)0.95 – 1.20
Chrom (Cr)16.0 – 18.0
mangan (Mn)1,00 max
křemík (Si)1,00 max
molybden (Mo)0,75 max
fosfor (P)0,040 max
síra (S)0,030 max.

The high carbon content (up to 1.2%) is what sets 440C Powder apart from other stainless steels in the 400 series, giving it vyšší tvrdost a odolnost proti opotřebení.

Mechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti

Tvrdost (HRC)58-60 (after heat treatment)
Hustota7,7 g/cm³
Pevnost v tahu760 MPa
Mez kluzu450 MPa
Prodloužení (v 50 mm)5-10%
Modul pružnosti190 GPa
Tepelná vodivost24.2 W/mK
Koeficient roztažnosti10.1 x 10⁻⁶ /°C (20-100°C)

Klíčové poznatky:

  • Tvrdost: The most defining characteristic of 440C Powder je jeho vysoká tvrdost after heat treatment, making it ideal for high-wear applications.
  • Odolnost proti korozi: Zatímco 440C offers good corrosion resistance, it’s not as resistant as austenitické nerezové oceli, particularly in environments with high chloride concentrations.
  • Tepelné zpracování: The material can be hardened through heat treatment, boosting its hardness and wear resistance even further.

Applications of 440C Powder

Given its impressive hardness and wear resistance, 440C Powder is used in a wide range of applications, particularly where high strength and durability are required. It’s especially common in industries that require components to withstand oděr, tření, a mírná koroze.

Běžné aplikace

Automobilový průmyslBearings, gears, and engine components
AerospaceValve components, high-stress parts
Lékařské přístrojeSurgical tools, orthopedic instruments
Ropa a plynČerpadla, ventily a vrtné komponenty
ObranaKnives, armor-piercing projectiles
NámořníVrtulové hřídele, kormidla
Obecné strojírenstvíCutting tools, molds, and tooling dies

Why 440C Powder Excels in These Applications

Představte si, že navrhujete ball bearing for an industrial machine. It needs to be tvrdý, odolnost proti opotřebení, and able to handle vysoce zátěžové prostředí. 440C Powder is perfect for this because it’s incredibly hard but still maintains enough odolnost proti korozi to survive in less-than-ideal conditions.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for 440C Powder

Before you jump into using 440C Powder, you need to make sure it meets the necessary specifications and standards for your project. Like any engineering material, there are precise criteria that must be met to ensure the material performs as expected.

Specifikace a velikosti

Velikost částic15 až 45 μm (mikronů)
Tekutost prášku18 – 25 sec/50g (ASTM B213)
Zdánlivá hustota4.1 – 4.5 g/cm³
Klepněte na položku Hustota4,5 - 5,0 g/cm³
NormyASTM A276, AMS 5630, AMS 5880
Velikosti balení1 kg, 5 kg, 25 kg
FormulářSférický prášek


440ALower carbon, higher corrosion resistance
440BHigher carbon than 440A, better hardness, lower corrosion resistance
440CHighest carbon content, best hardness and wear resistance
440FFree machining version of 440C, easier to machine

Key Considerations When Selecting 440C Powder

  • Velikost částic: Pro aditivní výroba nebo prášková metalurgie, the particle size should be carefully chosen to ensure good flowability and packing density.
  • Třída: Zatímco 440C offers the best hardness and wear resistance, other grades like 440A nebo 440B may be better suited for applications requiring higher corrosion resistance.

Suppliers and Pricing of 440C Powder

The cost of 440C Powder can vary significantly based on factors like množství, dodavatel, a jakákoli další zpracování the powder has undergone. For instance, powders with tighter particle size distributions or enhanced flowability will generally come at a premium.

Podrobnosti o dodavatelích a cenách

DodavatelUmístěníCenové rozpětí (za kg)Doba dodání
Specialty Powders Inc.USA$60 – $801-2 týdny
Euro Metal PowdersNěmecko$65 – $852-3 týdny
Global Stainless Ltd.Čína$50 – $703-4 týdny
Precision Metals Co.Spojené království$55 – $752 týdny

Faktory ovlivňující tvorbu cen

  • Množství: As with most raw materials, the more you buy, the better the price per kilogram.
  • Přizpůsobení: If you require a specific particle size or other custom modifications, you can expect to pay more.
  • Umístění: Local suppliers may offer quicker delivery times but could be pricier compared to overseas options.

Advantages and Limitations of 440C Powder

As you’ve probably gathered by now, 440C Powder has a lot going for it. But like any material, it’s not without its drawbacks. Let’s take a closer look at the klady a zápory of using 440C Powder in your projects.

Výhody a omezení

Vysoká tvrdost a odolnost proti opotřebeníLower corrosion resistance than austenitic steels
Excellent for high-stress environmentsCan be difficult to machine after hardening
Heat treatable to further increase hardnessDrahé ve srovnání s jinými nerezovými ocelemi
Good corrosion resistance in moderate environmentsBrittle in certain conditions
K dispozici ve formě prášku pro aditivní výrobuLimited use in highly corrosive environments

Klíčový závěr

Pokud váš projekt vyžaduje materiál, který je hard and can handle opotřebení, 440C Powder is a strong contender. However, if odolnost proti korozi is your primary concern (think marine or chemical environments), you might be better off looking at austenitické nerezové oceli like 316L.

Nejčastější dotazy

Let’s address some of the most common questions people have about 440C Powder.

What is 440C Powder used for?

440C Powder is used in high-wear applications such as ball bearings, řezné nástroje, ventily, a chirurgické nástroje. Its hardness and wear resistance make it ideal for parts that face significant mechanical stress.

How does 440C Powder compare to 304 or 316 stainless steel?

Zatímco 440C is much harder and more wear-resistant than 304 nebo 316, it doesn’t offer the same level of corrosion resistance. 304 and 316 are better suited for environments where corrosion is a bigger concern, while 440C excels in odolnost proti oděru a mechanická pevnost.

Can 440C Powder be used in additive manufacturing?

Yes! 440C Powder is commonly used in 3D tisk a další aditivní výroba processes to create parts that require high hardness and wear resistance, such as převody, řezné nástroje, a ložiska.

How much does 440C Powder cost?

The price of 440C Powder ranges from $50 až $85 za kilogram, v závislosti na dodavateli, množství a požadovaných specifikacích.

Is 440C Powder easy to machine?

440C can be challenging to machine once it’s been hardened. In its annealed state, it’s easier to machine, but after heat treatment, it becomes much harder and can wear down cutting tools more quickly.


Whether you’re designing high-performance ložiska, řezné nástroje, nebo chirurgické nástroje, 440C Powder offers an excellent balance of tvrdost, odolnost proti opotřebení, a odolnost proti korozi. While it may not be as corrosion-resistant as some other stainless steels, its výjimečná tvrdost makes it ideal for applications where durability and strength are paramount.

By understanding the composition, properties, and applications of 440C Powder, you’re better equipped to choose the right material for your project. Whether you’re working in automobilový průmysl, letectví a kosmonautiky, nebo medical fields, 440C Powder’s versatility and performance make it a top choice for high-wear applications.

So, is 440C Powder the right fit for your next project? If you need a material that’s tough as nails and can stand up to serious wear and tear, je to možné.

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