Prášek Inconel


Inconelový prášek refers to nickel-chromium-based superalloys that are corrosion and heat resistant. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of inconel powder, its properties, applications, specifications, pricing, and more.

Přehled prášku Inconel

Inconel is a family of nickel-chromium-based superalloys known for their strength, heat resistance, and corrosion resistance properties. Inconel powders are used across industries like aerospace, oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation, and more.

Some key properties and characteristics of inconel powder:


TypObsah nikluObsah chromuObsah železaOther Alloying Elements
Inconel 60072%14-17%6-10%Cobalt, carbon
Inconel 62558% min20-23%5% maxMolybdenum, niobium
Inconel 71850-55%17-21%ZůstatekNiobium, molybdenum, aluminium, titanium

Pevnost při vysokých teplotách – Retains strength and resist creep deformation up to 700°C. Specific grades can withstand even higher temperatures exceeding 1000°C.

Odolnost proti oxidaci a korozi – Forms protective chromia layer making it resistant to pitting and corrosion by acids, salts etc.

Easy Weldability and Machinability – Readily fabricated and machined into complex shapes. Requires post-weld heat treatment.

High Fatigue Strength – Withstand repeated stress cycles without failure making it suitable for dynamic load-bearing applications.

Compare the properties of common inconel powder grades:

VlastnostiInconel 600Inconel 625Inconel 718
Bod tání1350-1413°C1260-1350°C1260-1336°C
Hustota8.47 g/cm38,44 g/cm38,19 g/cm3
Pevnost v tahu485-860 MPa760 MPa1275 MPa
Tepelná roztažnost16.0×10−6/°C13.0×10−6/°C13.0×10−6/°C
Tepelná vodivost9.8-10.4 W/m.K9.8 W/m.K11.4 W/m.K

Table 1: Comparison of key inconel grades

práškový inkonel

Aplikace z Prášek Inconel

Thanks to its unique material properties, inconel finds extensive use across industries like:

PrůmyslAplikacePowder Products Used
AerospaceTurbocharger exhaust cases, thrust reverser systems, turbine bladesInconel 718, Inconel 625
Ropa a plynWellhead systems, rupture discs, downhole toolsInconel 718, Inconel 625, Inconel 600
Chemické zpracováníHeat exchangers, reaction vessels, conveyor componentsInconel 600, Inconel 625
Výroba elektřinyHeat exchanger tubing, coal gasification systemsInconel 617, Inconel 625, Inconel 740
Automobilový průmyslValve components, exhaust gas recirculation systemsInconel 718, Inconel 600

Key Applications of Inconel Powder:

  • High temperature strength allows use in gas turbine blades, rocket motor casings, nuclear fuel cladding etc.
  • Corrosion resistance enables use in acid production systems, sea water applications etc.
  • Oxidation resistance makes it suitable for aircraft exhaust systems, industrial furnace components etc.
  • Easy fabrication into complex shapes through 3D printing or other methods.

Industry Trends Driving Adoption:

  • Aerospace sector growth leading to increasing use in aeroengine components.
  • Demand from chemical plants, oil refineries, LNG carriers due to high temperature and pressure needs.
  • Growth in metal additive manufacturing for prototyping and production applications.

Table 2: Overview of inconel powder applications by industry

Inconel Powder Specifications

Inconel powder is available in various size ranges, shapes, and compositions to suit different applications:

Rozsah velikostíCommon ShapeTypická použití
15-45 mikronůSféroidníVstupní suroviny pro vstřikování kovů
45-106 mikronůNepravidelné, kulovitéAdditive manufacturing, HIP applications
150-250 mikronůSpherical, agglomeratedTepelně stříkané povlaky
-140/+325 meshNepravidelnéProces lisování a spékání

Based on application needs, users can choose from ASTM, ASME, AWS, AMS, UNS, etc. grade specifications:

SpecifikaceSpolečné známky
ASTM B168Inconel 600, Inconel 601, Inconel 625, Inconel 718, Inconel X-750
ASME SB443Inconel 82, Inconel 625, Inconel 718
AWS A5.14Inconel 52, Inconel 152, Inconel 625
AMS SpecsInconel 718 (AMS 5662), Inconel X-750 (AMS 5754)

Table 3: Overview of common inconel powder specifications

Characteristics Evaluated as per Standards

  • Chemical composition – Ni, Cr, Fe, Nb, Ti, Al contents
  • Rozložení velikosti částic, průtoky
  • Microstructure – Gamma prime content, grain size
  • Impurity levels – C, S, Si, Mn
  • Mechanical properties – hardness, tensile and yield strength

Choosing the right specification grade ensures the powder meets design needs.

Dodavatelé a ceny

Most nickel and superalloy powder manufacturers supply various inconel grades. Buyers can select suppliers based on factors like:

  • Capability to manufacture different compositions and particle size distributions
  • Quality certifications – AS9100, ISO 9001
  • Customization options – ability to tailor powders
  • Production capacity, lead times, minimum order quantities

Indicative Pricing Range

Inconel GradeCena za kg
Inconel 600$50 – $120
Inconel 625$50 – $150
Inconel 718$80 – $220

Ceny se liší podle:

  • Purity levels, impurity limits
  • Tvar částic a rozdělení podle velikosti
  • Purchase volumes and production process used
  • Level of customization for properties

Leading Inconel Powder Manufacturers

SpolečnostLokalityNabízené třídy
SandvikEvropa, AsieInconel 718, Inconel 625
PraxairNÁSInconel 600, Inconel 625, Inconel 718
HoganasEvropaInconel 718
Tesařská technologieNÁSInconel 600, Inconel 718
ErasteelEvropaInconel 718

Table 4: Indicative pricing range and major inconel powder suppliers

Výhody a nevýhody Prášek Inconel


  • Extreme temperature resistance – can operate up to 1000°C
  • Withstands thermal fatigue and dynamic loads without failure
  • High corrosion and oxidation resistance protects surface
  • Tailorable mechanical properties by adjusting composition
  • Easy to fabricate into complex shapes


  • Very expensive compared to steel, titanium alloys
  • Lower thermal conductivity than aluminium, copper
  • Susceptible to grain boundary cracking if improperly processed
  • Difficult to fully recycle and reuse after service life
  • Requires post-weld heat treatment for optimal properties

Carefully weigh the unique performance benefits with higher costs compared to alternatives when choosing inconel.

Comparison to Key Alternatives

How does inconel fare compared against other high temperature alloys?

ParametrInconelNerezová ocelHastelloyHaynes Alloys
Odolnost proti oxidaciVynikajícíMírnýVynikajícíVynikající
Odolnost proti koroziVynikajícíDobrýVynikajícíVynikající
Tepelná vodivostMírnýNízkýNízkýMírný
Tepelná roztažnostNízkýVysokýMírnýMírný
Běžné aplikaceLetecký průmysl, ropa a plynIndustrial equipmentChemické zpracováníAerospace

Klíčové poznatky

  • Inconel offers the best high temperature performance but at very high cost
  • Stainless steel is cheaper but has much lower temperature limits
  • Hastelloy and Haynes alloys rival inconel but have higher material costs
  • Consider actual operating conditions, cost constraints before choosing

Carefully evaluate application needs before paying the price premium for inconel over other alternatives.

Table 5: Comparison of key properties between inconel and alternative alloys


Q: What is inconel powder used for?

A: Inconel powder is used to manufacture high performance components for extreme environments in aerospace, oil and gas, chemical processing and power generation requiring good mechanical strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures above 1000°C.

Q: What is the difference between inconel 600, 625 and 718?

A: The main differences are – Inconel 600 offers the best high temperature corrosion resistance but lower strength, while Inconel 718 provides the highest strength but lower oxidation and chemical resistance compared to Inconel 625 which provides the best balanced properties.

Q: Does inconel contain nickel?

A: Yes, inconel is a nickel-chromium-iron based superalloy. Most inconel grades have at least 50% nickel along with 14-23% chromium which gives inconel its excellent high temperature performance.

Q: What powder size is used in additive manufacturing?

A: Inconel powders ranging from 15 microns to 150 microns with spherical morphology are commonly used in laser powder bed fusion, direct energy deposition additive manufacturing processes used to produce metal components across industries.

Q: Is inconel hazardous?

A: Inconel powders are generally considered non-hazardous and safe for handling with standard protective equipment. However, the fine nickel and chromium components pose irritation issues and it is recommended to take precautions and prevent excessive skin contact or inhalation.

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