Nickel alloy powder for 3d printing

All You Need To Know About Nickel alloy powder for 3d printing

440C pro MIM

Overview of Nickel Alloy Powder for 3D Printing

3D printing, also known as aditivní výroba, has revolutionized product design and manufacturing across industries like aerospace, automotive, medical, and consumer goods. Unlike traditional subtractive manufacturing which removes material, 3D printing builds up components layer-by-layer based on a digital 3D model.

One of the most popular technologies for metals 3D printing is powder bed fusion, where a thermal energy source selectively fuses regions of a powder bed. The unmatched design freedom, buy-to-fly ratio, and economic production of complex parts has driven huge adoption of powder bed technologies like selektivní laserové tavení (SLM), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), and tavení elektronovým paprskem (EBM).

Nickel alloys are a versatile class of materials with properties like high strength, corrosion resistance, and heat resistance that make them ideal candidates for 3D printing. The most common nickel alloy powders used in powder bed fusion include Inconel superalloys, stainless steels, Hastelloys, Nimonics, Kovar, Invar, Monel, nickel-titanium alloys, and nickel-based superalloys.

Composition of Nickel Alloy Powders

Nickel alloys derive their properties from their elemental composition and microstructure. The nickel content varies from 2% to 99% for different alloys. Nickel imparts properties like corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, and high-temperature strength. The alloying elements are added to enhance specific characteristics depending on the application.

Nickel Alloy Powder Compositions

Rodina slitinObsah nikluLegující prvky
Inconel30-80%Cr, Mo, Nb, Ta, Al, Ti, Fe
Nerezová ocel2-20%Cr, Mo, Mn, Si, C
Hastelloy35-60%Mo, Cr, W, Fe, Co
NimonicOver 50%Cr, Ti, Al, Mo
Kovar17%Fe, Co, Mn, Si
MonelOver 67%Cu, Fe, Mn, Si, C
Nikl-titan55% Ni, 45% Ti
Niklové superslitinyOver 50%Cr, Co, Mo, W, Ta, Al, Ti, Nb

The chromium content in stainless steels and nickel superalloys improves oxidation and corrosion resistance. Molybdenum, tungsten, and tantalum enhance creep strength and high temperature mechanical properties. Iron in alloys like Kovar and Invar controls thermal expansion behavior. Aluminum, titanium, and niobium are added for precipitation hardening. Manganese improves hot ductility whereas carbon enhances strength and hardness. Silicon benefits fluidity and weldability.

Understanding how alloying influences microstructure formation and properties aids in selecting the optimal material for an application. Proper characterization and qualification of powder composition and quality is critical before printing mission-critical components.

The unique properties of nickel alloys printed from optimized powders enable their use across diverse applications and extreme environments. The table below summarizes the general properties for common alloy families.

Properties of Nickel Alloy Powder Families

Rodina slitinHustotaBod táníPevnost v tahuTepelná vodivostTepelná roztažnostOdolnost proti oxidaciOdolnost proti korozi
Inconel8.2-8.4 g/cc1300-1450°C750-1380 MPa11-16 W/mK12-16 μm/m°CVynikajícíVynikající
Nerezová ocel7.5-8.1 g/cc1375-1500°C450-1100 MPa15-30 W/mK10-18 μm/m°CDobrýGood-Excellent
Hastelloy8.1-9.2 g/cc1260-1350°C550-1000 MPa6-22 W/mK12-16 μm/m°CGood-ExcellentVynikající
Nimonic8.1-8.7 g/cc1260-1400°C500-1200 MPa10-30 W/mK12-17 μm/m°CDobrýDobrý
Kovar8,2 g/cc1450°C550 MPa17 W/mK5.9 μm/m°CŠpatnýŠpatný
Invar8 g/cm31427°C200-450 MPa10.5 W/mK1.2 μm/m°CVeletrhVeletrh
Monel8,8 g/cc1350-1370°C550-950 MPa21-48 W/mK13-17 μm/m°CVeletrhVynikající
Nikl-titan6.4 g/cc1240-1310°C600-900 MPa8-18 W/mK11 μm/m°CVeletrhVynikající
Niklové superslitiny8-9 g/cc1260-1350°C750-1400 MPa11-61 W/mK12.5-17 μm/m°CGood-ExcellentFair-Good

The high melting point of nickel alloys prevents part distortion or deformation during processing. Strength levels over a wide temperature range enable load-bearing structural applications. Controlled thermal expansion behavior allows precision components with tight tolerances. The excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance facilitates usage in harsh environments like marine, chemical, and oil and gas.

By tailoring the powder composition and process parameters, material properties can be optimized for the design requirements. However, the anisotropic nature of additive manufacturing can result in directionally dependent properties. Proper design and quality assurance is key to achieve desired performance.

The versatility of nickel alloys makes them suitable for diverse applications across aerospace, defense, automotive, marine, oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation, medical, tooling, and other general engineering areas.

Průmysl Applications of Nickel Alloy Powder Families

Rodina slitinPrůmyslové aplikace
InconelAerospace, defense, automotive, chemical processing, oil and gas, power generation, rocketry, missiles, nuclear
Nerezová ocelAerospace, defense, automotive, medicine, marine, architecture, chemical, food processing, tooling, molds
HastelloyAerospace, defense, chemical processing, pollution control, power generation, oil and gas
NimonicAerospace, defense, power generation, chemical processing, tooling
KovarElectronics, semiconductors, integrated circuits, packaging
InvarElectronics, optics, precision instruments, aerospace
MonelMarine, oil and gas, chemical processing, power generation, pulp and paper
Nikl-titanMedical devices, actuators, sensors, aerospace, oil and gas
Niklové superslitinyAerospace, defense, power generation, oil and gas, automotive, tooling

Some examples of nickel alloy parts produced by 3D printing include:

  • Aerospace: Turbine blades, nozzles, combustors, valves, brackets, thermofluid components
  • Automotive: Turbocharger rotors, manifolds, valves, drivetrain parts
  • Medical: Implants, prosthetics, surgical instruments, patient-specific devices
  • Oil and gas: Downhole tools, valves, wellhead components, pipe fittings
  • Tooling: Injection molds, extrusion dies, jigs and fixtures, press tools
  • General: Heat exchangers, fluid handling parts, fasteners, housings, enclosures

The excellent material properties, complex geometries, shorter lead times, reduced costs, and design flexibility enabled by 3D printing nickel alloys make them a very attractive option across many critical applications.

Nickel alloy powders are commercially available in various size distributions, morphologies, and quality levels tailored to 3D printing requirements. Common specifications are given below:

Typical Nickel Alloy Powder Specifications

VlastnictvíTypické hodnoty
Složení slitinyCustom alloys, grade per ASTM/ASME
Tvar částicSpherical, near-spherical
Velikost částic10-45 mikronů
Distribuce velikosti částicD10: 15-25 μm, D50: 25-35 μm, D90: 35-45 μm
Zdánlivá hustota2.5-5.5 g/cc
Hustota poklepání4-8 g/cc
TekutostExcellent per Hall flowmeter
Zbytkový kyslík100-400 ppm
Zbytkový dusík50-150 ppm
Zbytkový uhlík100-300 ppm

Spherical morphology and narrow particle size distribution with D10, D50 and D90 values in ideal ranges for the specific print process help achieve good density and mechanical properties. High flowability prevents powder agglomeration and spreadability issues during recoating. Low residual oxygen, nitrogen and carbon minimize contamination and porosity.

Powder quality, size parameters and other characteristics significantly influence final part properties and must align with printer and application requirements. Most suppliers provide custom alloy compositions and particle optimization to meet user specifications.

The most common additive manufacturing methods used to process nickel alloy powders include:

Nickel Alloy Powder Print Processes

Selektivní laserové tavení (SLM)Powder bed fused by focused laser beam
Přímé laserové spékání kovů (DMLS)Similar to SLM but lower power laser
Tavení elektronovým paprskem (EBM)Powder bed fused by electron beam under vacuum
Laserové nanášení kovů (LMD)Powder injected into molten pool created by laser
Usměrněná depozice energie (DED)Similar to LMD with powder or wire feed
Tryskání pojivaLiquid bonding agent selectively printed on powder bed

SLM and DMLS use a high power density laser to fully melt the metal powder into dense parts layerwise. EBM uses an electron beam as the power source to build parts under vacuum. Wire-fed LMD melts the incoming metal wire using a focused laser. Binder jetting prints a liquid binder to form the part followed by sintering.

The specific technique chosen depends on factors like part size, geometry complexity, surface finish, feature resolution, production rate, and cost. Each process requires optimization of printer settings and parameters tailored to the powder alloy composition.

Nickel Alloy Powder Process Parameters

Critical printer parameters for nickel alloys that require optimization for density, strength, precision, and surface finish include:

Typical SLM/DMLS Process Parameters

ParametrTypický rozsah
Tloušťka vrstvy20-60 μm
Výkon laseru100-400 W
Rychlost skenování400-1200 mm/s
Rozteč poklopů80-200 μm
Velikost paprsku50-200 μm
Strategie skenováníChess, stripe, contour
Podpůrná strukturaRegular, fragmented, hybrid

Typical EBM Process Parameters

ParametrTypický rozsah
Tloušťka vrstvy50-200 μm
Electron beam power3-15 kW
Speed function20-200 mm/s
Line offset0.1-0.3 mm
Zaostřovací posun15-35 mA
Strategie skenováníUni-directional, bi-directional
Podpůrná strukturaRegular, heavy

Lower layer thickness and beam size paired with higher scan speeds increase resolution, accuracy, and surface finish. Chess or strip scanning patterns are commonly used. Perimeter contours improve edge quality. Optimized support structures prevent deformation but are easier to remove. Preheating and powder recycling can aid density and material quality.

Additive manufacturing using optimized nickel alloy powders offers many benefits versus traditional manufacturing:

  • Svoboda designu: Complex geometries not possible by machining
  • Snížení hmotnosti: Lighter components by topology optimization
  • Konsolidace části: Reduced assembly by printed complex shapes
  • Přizpůsobení: Patient-matched medical devices, tooling
  • Snížení množství odpadu: Only required volume of material used
  • Shorter lead time: Weeks versus months for production tooling
  • Process flexibility: Easy design iterations and optimization
  • Performance benefits: Anisotropic strengths, embedded features
  • Snížení nákladů: Eliminate tooling costs, low volume production
  • Poměr nákupů a letů: Print only final part versus machining from block

3D printing expands the design envelope and enables novel nickel alloy parts not feasible or economical with conventional techniques. It is revolutionizing production across aerospace, medical, automotive, and other industries.

Most major metal powder manufacturers now offer a range of nickel alloy powders optimized for additive manufacturing. Some leading suppliers include:

Key Nickel Alloy Powder Suppliers

DodavatelKey Alloy Grades
Met3DPInconel 625, 718, Hastelloy X, stainless steels
SandvikOsprey stainless steels, superalloys, titanium alloys
PraxairInconel 718, 625, Hastelloy X, stainless steels
AP&CInconel 718, 625, stainless steels
Technologie LPWInconel 718, stainless steels, nickel superalloys
Řešení SLMStainless steel 316L, 17-4PH, nickel superalloys
Přísady GEStainless steel 316L, Inconel 718, 625, Hastelloy

Suppliers offer various size distributions, excellent powder flowability, low oxygen and moisture content, lot traceability, and custom alloys tailored to process and application requirements. Most provide specialized characterization to ensure consistent high quality powder.

The average cost for common nickel alloy powders is summarized below:

Nickel Alloy Powder Costs

MateriálNáklady na kg
Inconel 718$75-150
Inconel 625$60-120
Nerezová ocel 316L$35-70
Stainless steel 17-4PH$45-90
Hastelloy X$85-170
Niklové superslitiny$90-200

High performance alloys like Inconel 718 and Hastelloy X carry a premium while stainless steels tend to be the lowest cost option. However, material cost is only one component of total part cost. Value-add from design flexibility, performance benefits, and lead time reduction often offset higher powder prices for low volume production.

Buying powder in bulk quantities can reduce costs. Many suppliers also offer powder reuse and recycling services. Overall, the buyer must evaluate total cost including labor, post-processing, material utilization, mechanical properties, and other factors when selecting an appropriate nickel alloy powder.

Wholesale Price: $20/Kg-$200/Kg

Zobrazen 1. – 15. z 17 výsledků

FAQ About 3D Printing Metal Powder

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Nabízíme různé vysoce kvalitní kovové prášky včetně nerezové oceli, vysokoteplotní slitiny, vhodné pro procesy, jako je fúze prášku laserem a elektronovým paprskem.

Díky rozsáhlým odborným znalostem v oblasti výroby aditiv kovů využíváme pokročilé procesy a přísnou kontrolu kvality, abychom zajistili mechanické vlastnosti a kvalitu povrchu dílů.

Naše zařízení mají širokou škálu aplikací v průmyslových odvětvích, jako je letectví, lékařství, automobilový průmysl a další, a poskytují řešení pro vysoce výkonné kovové součásti ve výrobě.

Ano, poskytujeme vlastní služby z oblasti slitin, abychom splnili specifické požadavky klientů na materiály.

Naše systémy SEBM vynikají ve výrobě složitých kovových dílů s výjimečnými mechanickými vlastnostmi. Mezi klíčové vlastnosti patří špičkový objem sestavení, přesnost a spolehlivost.

Ano, naše webové stránky předvádějí širokou škálu případů aplikací demonstrujících úspěšné implementace technologie Metal3DP v různých odvětvích.

Kontaktujte nás a náš tým vám poskytne řešení a plány spolupráce na míru podle vašich potřeb.

Doba zpracování zákaznických služeb se liší v závislosti na složitosti projektu. Na základě vašich požadavků vám poskytneme přesné dodací lhůty.

Specializujeme se na selektivní laserové sintrování (SLS), selektivní laserové tavení (SLM) a selektivní tavení elektronovým paprskem (SEBM) a další technologie 3D tisku.


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