FeCoNiCrAl prášek

Prášek FeCoNiCrAl je vysoce výkonná prášková slitina obsahující železo, kobalt, nikl, chrom a hliník. Nabízí vynikající pevnost, tvrdost, odolnost proti opotřebení a korozi při vysokých teplotách. Prášek je jemně granulovaný a má speciální složení umožňující efektivní využití v 3D tiskárnách, kde jej lze selektivně nanášet vrstvu po vrstvě a vytvářet tak složité a komplexní struktury.

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Overview of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

FeCoNiCrAl is a quinary alloy that exhibits good mechanical properties, oxidation resistance, and microstructural stability at elevated temperatures. Iron and cobalt provide strength. Nickel enhances toughness and ductility. Chromium imparts excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance. Aluminum improves high temperature mechanical properties.

Key characteristics of FeCoNiCrAl powder include:

  • Vynikající pevnost při vysokých teplotách a odolnost proti tečení
  • Good environmental stability and thermal fatigue strength
  • High hardness, wear resistance, and abrasion resistance
  • Good ductility and fabricability
  • K dispozici je řada velikostí a morfologií částic

FeCoNiCrAl powder is suitable for protective coatings, thermal spray, welding, brazing, and high temperature structural applications requiring thermal and environmental resistance.

Composition of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

FeCoNiCrAl powder has the nominal composition:

Živel Složení
železo (Fe) Zůstatek
Kobalt (Co) 35-50%
nikl (Ni) 10-30%
Chrom (Cr) 8-12%
hliník (Al) 1-5%
uhlík (C) <0,5%
křemík (Si) <1.5%
mangan (Mn) <1%

FeCoNiCrAl prášek

The levels of cobalt, nickel, chromium and aluminum can be tailored to optimize high temperature strength, toughness, and environmental resistance based on application.

Properties of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

Key properties of FeCoNiCrAl powder include:

Vlastnictví Hodnota
Hustota 7.5-8.2 g/cm3
Bod tání 1300-1400°C
Tepelná vodivost 10-30 W/mK
Elektrický odpor 65-85 μΩ.cm
Youngův modul 190-220 GPa
Poissonův poměr 0.28-0.32
Pevnost v tahu 600-1100 MPa
Mez kluzu 450-800 MPa
Prodloužení 15-30%
Tvrdost 30-50 HRC


The excellent high temperature strength, hardness, wear resistance, and environmental stability make it suitable for the most demanding applications.

Production Method for FeCoNiCrAl Powder

FeCoNiCrAl powder is produced using:

  • Atomizace plynu – High pressure inert gas used to atomize molten alloy into fine spherical powder for excellent flow and packing density.
  • Atomizace vody – High velocity water jet impacts molten stream to produce fine irregular powder particles. Lower cost but higher oxygen pickup.
  • Mechanické legování – Ball milling of elemental/pre-alloyed powders followed by sintering and gas atomization.

Gas atomization provides the best control over particle size distribution, morphology and purity.

Applications of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

Typical applications of FeCoNiCrAl powder include:

  • Tepelné nástřiky – HVOF or plasma spraying to deposit thick, wear resistant coatings on components operating at high temperatures.
  • Aditivní výroba – Selective laser melting to produce complex parts for extreme environments needing high temperature resistance.
  • Pájecí plnivo – For joining assemblies and sealing cracks in parts subjected to high temperatures during service.
  • Svařovací spotřební materiál – Used as filler material to provide excellent elevated temperature strength in welded components.
  • Opotřebitelné díly – Powder metallurgy hot work tooling and fixtures resisting wear and thermal fatigue cracking.
  • Glass Processing – Chutes, conveyors and handlers used in glass melting furnaces.

Specifications of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

FeCoNiCrAl powder is available under various size ranges, morphologies and grades:

  • Velikost částic: From 10-45 microns for AM methods, up to 150 microns for thermal spray processes.
  • Morfologie: Spherical, irregular and blended shapes. Spherical powder has excellent flowability.
  • Čistota: Ranging from commercial purity to ultra high purity grades based on stringent chemical analysis.
  • Plocha povrchu: Low surface area preferred to minimize oxidation during handling and storage.
  • stupně: Customized composition and powder metallurgy tailored for application.

Global Suppliers of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

Some of the major global suppliers of FeCoNiCrAl powder include:

  • Sandvik Osprey (Velká Británie)
  • Erasteel (Francie)
  • Tekna (Kanada)
  • Edgetech Industries (US)
  • CNPC Powder (Čína)
  • Hoganas (Švédsko)

These companies produce various grades of FeCoNiCrAl powder using gas atomization, water atomization and other techniques tailored for AM, thermal spray, brazing and other demanding applications.

Pricing of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

FeCoNiCrAl powder prices depend on factors like:

  • Composition, purity levels
  • Powder size and morphology
  • Způsob výroby
  • Objem objednávky
  • Dodavatel
Třída Cenové rozpětí
Komerční $60-120 per kg
Vysoká čistota $120-250 za kg
Ultrafine $250-450 za kg
Speciální třída $450-850 za kg


Prices are higher for gas atomized, high purity and fine powders compared to simple commercial grades.

Storage and Handling of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

Proper storage and handling procedures for FeCoNiCrAl powder include:

  • Skladujte v uzavřených nádobách pod inertním plynem, abyste zabránili oxidaci.
  • Avoid accumulation of fine powder to control explosion risks
  • Use appropriate PPE, ventilation, safety practices when handling
  • Prevent contact between powder and incompatible materials
  • Dodržujte příslušné bezpečnostní pokyny z bezpečnostních listů dodavatele

Caution and protective measures are essential when handling this reactive alloy powder.

Inspection and Testing of FeCoNiCrAl Powder

Key quality control tests performed on FeCoNiCrAl powder:

  • Chemická analýza pomocí OES nebo XRF, aby se zajistilo, že složení je ve stanovených mezích.
  • Rozdělení velikosti částic pomocí laserové difrakce podle normy ASTM B822
  • Morfologická analýza pomocí SEM
  • Powder flow rate measurement as per ASTM B213 standard
  • Stanovení hustoty pomocí heliové pyknometrie
  • Impurity testing using ICP-MS
  • Microstructural characterization by XRD phase analysis

Thorough testing verifies powder quality and consistency meeting performance requirements.

Comparison Between FeCoNiCrAl and 316L Stainless Steel Powder

FeCoNiCrAl and 316L stainless steel powder compared:

Parametr FeCoNiCrAl 316L SS
Složení Quinary high-temp alloy Fe-Cr-Ni stainless alloy
Náklady Vyšší Dolní
Pevnost při vysokých teplotách Mnohem lepší Mírný
Odolnost proti korozi Srovnatelné Lepší
Tepelná vodivost Vyšší Dolní
Zpracovatelnost Mírný Vynikající
Aplikace Thermal spray, AM Automobilový průmysl, stavebnictví


FeCoNiCrAl offers far superior high temperature strength whereas 316L provides better fabrication and corrosion resistance at lower cost.

FeCoNiCrAl Powder FAQs

Q: How is FeCoNiCrAl powder produced?

A: FeCoNiCrAl powder is commercially produced using gas atomization, water atomization and mechanical alloying followed by sintering. Gas atomization offers the best powder characteristics.

Q: What are the main applications for FeCoNiCrAl powder?

A: Main applications include thermal spray coatings, additive manufacturing, brazing filler, powder metallurgy hot work tooling, glass processing equipment where high temperature strength and environmental resistance is needed.

Q: What is the recommended particle size for thermal spraying?

A: For most thermal spray processes, a particle size range of 45-150 microns is preferred for FeCoNiCrAl powder to maximize deposition efficiency and coating properties.

Q: Does FeCoNiCrAl powder require special handling precautions?

A: Yes, proper protective measures are essential when handling this reactive fine alloy powder including inert atmosphere, grounding, ventilation, PPE.

Q: Where can I purchase FeCoNiCrAl powder for additive manufacturing?

A: For AM applications requiring high temperature strength, fine FeCoNiCrAl powder can be purchased from leading manufacturers including Sandvik, Erasteel, Tekna, and AMETEK.

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