FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder: Magnetic Properties for Every Need

In a world driven by advanced manufacturing and precise engineering, FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder emerges as a cornerstone material for industries requiring high-performance magnetic properties. Composed of 72% nickel (Ni) and 28% iron (Fe), FeNi72 is renowned for its soft magnetic properties, including high permeability, low coercivity, and excellent magnetic saturation. Its spherical powder form further enhances its usability in cutting-edge manufacturing processes like additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, and metal injection molding (MIM). This guide dives deep into FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder, exploring its composition, applications, advantages, limitations, and much more. Whether you're a materials engineer, a researcher, or a manufacturer, this resource will serve as a one-stop shop to understand and leverage FeNi72 for your projects.

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In a world driven by advanced manufacturing and precise engineering, FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder emerges as a cornerstone material for industries requiring high-performance magnetic properties. Composed of 72% nickel (Ni) oraz 28% iron (Fe), FeNi72 is renowned for its miękkie właściwości magnetyczne, w tym Wysoka przepuszczalność, niska koercjaoraz doskonałe nasycenie magnetyczne. Its spherical powder form further enhances its usability in cutting-edge manufacturing processes like produkcja addytywna, Metalurgia proszkóworaz formowanie wtryskowe metali (MIM).

This guide dives deep into FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powderbadając jego skład, aplikacje, zalety, ograniczenia, and much more. Whether you’re a materials engineer, a researcher, or a manufacturer, this resource will serve as a one-stop shop to understand and leverage FeNi72 for your projects.

Overview of FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Czym dokładnie jest FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder, and why is it such a big deal? As the name suggests, FeNi72 is a soft magnetic alloy, meaning it can be easily magnetized and demagnetized. This makes it ideal for applications where magnetic performance is crucial, such as in transformatory, cewki indukcyjneoraz ekranowanie magnetyczne.

The sferyczna postać proszku is specifically engineered for modern manufacturing techniques. Its spherical shape ensures Płynna płynność, wysoki gęstość upakowaniaoraz równomierny rozkład cząstek—essential qualities for creating high-precision components with minimal material waste.

Imagine trying to build a high-performance machine without the right magnetic material—it’s like trying to fuel a race car with water. FeNi72 solves these challenges by offering unmatched wydajność magnetyczna, stabilność termicznaoraz wszechstronność.

Key Features of FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Co sprawia, że FeNi72 Powder stand out from the crowd? Let’s explore some of its most notable features:

  1. High Permeability: Efficiently conducts magnetic fields, making it ideal for transformers and inductors.
  2. Niska koercja: Requires minimal energy to magnetize and demagnetize, reducing energy losses.
  3. Wysokie nasycenie magnetyczne: Stores a significant amount of magnetic energy, boosting efficiency in high-performance applications.
  4. Stabilność termiczna: Retains its magnetic properties even at elevated temperatures.
  5. Odporność na korozję: Performs exceptionally well in controlled environments, with optional coatings for added protection.
  6. Sferyczny kształt cząstek: Enhances flowability and packing density, optimizing manufacturing processes.
  7. Wszechstronność: Suitable for a wide range of industries, from elektronika do lotnictwo oraz urządzenia medyczne.

These properties make FeNi72 a go-to material for engineers and manufacturers who demand nothing less than excellence.

Composition and Properties of FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

The performance of FeNi72 Powder is rooted in its carefully balanced composition and exceptional physical properties. Let’s break it down.

Skład chemiczny FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

ElementProcent (%)Rola w stopie
Nikiel (Ni)72Enhances permeability, reduces coercivity, and improves corrosion resistance.
Żelazo (Fe)28Provides structural integrity and contributes to magnetic saturation.

This precise composition ensures that FeNi72 delivers unparalleled miękkie właściwości magnetyczne.

Physical and Magnetic Properties of FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Gęstość~8,75 g/cm³High density ensures robust material properties for demanding applications.
Permeability (µ)Up to 100,000Facilitates efficient magnetic field conduction.
Koercja (Hc)≤ 0.2 OeMinimizes energy loss during magnetization and demagnetization cycles.
Nasycenie magnetyczne~0.75–0.8 TStores substantial magnetic energy, ideal for high-power applications.
Rezystywność elektryczna~80 µΩ·cmReduces eddy current losses in AC applications.
Stabilność termicznaUp to 400°CRetains magnetic properties under elevated temperatures.
PłynnośćDoskonałySpherical shape ensures smooth flow in manufacturing processes.

These properties make FeNi72 Powder a reliable choice for high-performance magnetic applications.

Applications of FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Where does FeNi72 Powder shine the brightest? Its unique properties make it indispensable in various industries requiring precyzja, efektywnośćoraz trwałość.

Typowe zastosowania FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

ElektronikaTransformers, inductors, magnetic shielding, and sensors.
Lotnictwo i kosmonautykaMagnetic shielding for avionics and satellite systems.
MotoryzacjaElectric motors, alternators, and magnetic actuators.
Urządzenia medyczneMRI equipment, magnetic sensors, and diagnostic tools.
Wytwarzanie energiiCore materials for transformers and inductors in power plants.
Wytwarzanie przyrostoweHigh-precision components requiring excellent magnetic properties.

The miękkie właściwości magnetyczne of FeNi72 Powder make it essential for applications that demand wysoka wydajność oraz Niskie straty energii.

Specyfikacje, rozmiary i normy dla FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Understanding the specifications of FeNi72 Powder is crucial for ensuring compatibility with your project.

Specyfikacje i rozmiary

Wielkość cząstek15-45 µm dla produkcji addytywnej; 45-150 µm dla metalurgii proszków.
KształtSpherical for consistent flowability and packing density.
StandardyMeets ASTM A753 and ISO 10069 standards for magnetic materials.

These specifications ensure that FeNi72 Powder meets the rigorous demands of modern industries.

Ceny i dostawcy FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Szukam źródła FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Powder? Here’s a breakdown of leading suppliers and their pricing.

Dostawcy i informacje o cenach

DostawcaZakres cen (za kg)LokalizacjaUsługi dodatkowe
Höganäs AB$150-$200SzwecjaNiestandardowe rozmiary cząstek i wsparcie techniczne.
GKN Additive$170-$220USASpecjalistyczne proszki do produkcji addytywnej.
Sandvik Materials Technology$160-$210GlobalnyProszki o wysokiej czystości do zastosowań precyzyjnych.
Zaawansowane rozwiązania proszkowe$140-$190GlobalnyRozwiązania dostosowane do potrzeb konkretnych branż.

Pricing varies based on factors such as wielkość cząstek, ilośćoraz wymagania dotyczące personalizacji.

Zalety i ograniczenia FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Jak każdy materiał, FeNi72 Powder has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s explore both.


  1. Wysoka wydajność magnetyczna: Exceptional permeability and low coercivity minimize energy losses.
  2. Stabilność termiczna: Performs reliably at temperatures up to 400°C.
  3. Wszechstronność: Suitable for a wide range of industries and applications.
  4. Kulisty kształt: Ensures smooth flow and uniform packing in manufacturing.


  1. Wyższy koszt: More expensive than conventional magnetic materials.
  2. Aplikacje specjalistyczne: Requires expertise to fully utilize its properties.
  3. Corrosion Sensitivity: Performs best in controlled environments to avoid material degradation.

FAQs About FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

What is FeNi72 Alloy used for?Transformers, inductors, magnetic shielding, and aerospace applications.
Why choose FeNi72 over conventional alloys?Offers superior magnetic performance with low energy losses.
Czy może być stosowany w druku 3D?Yes, its spherical shape makes it ideal for additive manufacturing.
How much does FeNi72 Alloy cost?Prices range from $140 to $220 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
Czy jest odporny na korozję?Performs well in controlled environments but may need coatings in harsh conditions.


FeNi72 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder is a high-performance material that delivers wyjątkowe właściwości magnetyczne, stabilność termicznaoraz wszechstronność. Od transformatory oraz ekranowanie magnetyczne do Prototypy drukowane w 3D, FeNi72 ensures efficiency and reliability in even the most demanding applications.

If you’re ready to elevate your projects, explore FeNi72 Alloy Powder today. Its unmatched performance has the potential to revolutionize your designs and set new standards for excellence!

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