Inconel X-750 Powder: The Go-To Alloy for Extreme Temperature and Stress

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When you’re working in industries that demand high-temperature performance, odporność na korozjęoraz mechanical strength, few materials stand out like Inconel X-750 powder. This nickel-chromium alloy is widely known for its ability to maintain structural integrity in extreme environments, making it a top choice for applications ranging from gas turbines do nuclear reactors.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about Inconel X-750 powder—from its skład oraz properties to its most common applications and how it compares to other high-performance alloys. Whether you’re an engineer, a procurement specialist, or simply someone curious about cutting-edge materials, this article will provide the insights you need.

Overview of Inconel X-750 Powder

Inconel X-750 powder jest Nadstop na bazie niklu that has been strengthened through utwardzanie wydzieleniowe. This alloy is designed to withstand high-stress environments, particularly at elevated temperatures. Its excellent resistance to oxidation oraz corrosion makes it ideal for use in środowiska ekstremalne, such as aircraft engines, nuclear reactorsoraz gas turbines.

Key Features of Inconel X-750 Powder:

  • Wydajność w wysokich temperaturach: With a melting point above 1300°C, it maintains mechanical strength even in extreme heat.
  • Korozja Resistance: Excellent resistance to oxidation oraz corrosive elementsdzięki czemu nadaje się do marine oraz lotnictwo aplikacje.
  • Utwardzane przez opady atmosferyczne: Strengthened by the addition of aluminum oraz tytan, which improves its resistance to creep oraz stress corrosion cracking.
  • Wszechstronne zastosowania: Used in applications requiring thermal stability, such as gas turbines, nuclear reactorsoraz aerospace components.

Now that you have a general understanding, let’s dig deeper into the skład oraz properties z Inconel X-750 powder to see what makes it a go-to choice for high-performance applications.

Inconel X-750 Powder Composition and Properties

The chemical makeup z Inconel X-750 powder is what gives it its unikalne właściwości. This nickel-chromium alloy also contains significant amounts of aluminum, tytanoraz niob, which contribute to its precipitation-hardening capabilities and high-temperature performance.

Skład chemiczny

ElementProcent (%)Rola w stopie
Nikiel (Ni)70,0 minProvides base corrosion resistance oraz high-temperature stability.
Chrom (Cr)14.0-17.0Enhances oxidation resistance and offers structural stability w high-temperature environments.
Żelazo (Fe)5.0-9.0Adds mechanical strength and improves the overall toughness of the alloy.
Tytan (Ti)2.25-2.75Key to utwardzanie wydzieleniowe, increasing creep resistance oraz mechanical strength.
Aluminium (Al)0.40-1.0Contributes to utwardzanie wydzieleniowe and improves oxidation resistance.
Niob (Nb)0.70-1.20Enhances creep resistance oraz mechanical strength at elevated temperatures.
Kobalt (Co)1.0 maxAdds siła at high temperatures, particularly in aerospace applications.
Mangan (Mn)1.0 maxImproves weldability and helps maintain structural integrity.
Węgiel (C)0.08 maxHelps improve hardness oraz creep resistance.
Krzem (Si)0.50 maxEnhances oxidation resistance oraz castability.

Mechanical and Thermal Properties

The mechaniczny oraz właściwości termiczne z Inconel X-750 powder make it ideal for high-stress oraz high-temperature applications. Below is a breakdown of its key properties:

Gęstość8.28 g/cm³
Temperatura topnienia1393-1427°C
Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie930 MPa at room temperature
Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie600 MPa at room temperature
Wydłużenie przy zerwaniu25%
Odporność na pełzanieExcellent, up to 700°C
Przewodność cieplna11.0 W/m·K
Odporność na utlenianiePerforms well in oxidative environments up to 980°C
Odporność na zmęczenieHigh resistance to fatigue oraz stress-corrosion cracking, especially in aerospace applications.
SpawalnośćGood, but requires post-weld heat treatment to prevent cracking oraz stress-corrosion.

Key Advantages

So, why is Inconel X-750 powder often chosen for wysokowydajne aplikacje? Let’s explore the key advantages that make this alloy stand out compared to other nickel-based superalloys or traditional materials.

1. Exceptional High-Temperature Stability

One of the most important reasons to choose Inconel X-750 powder is its ability to perform in high-temperature environments. From gas turbine engines do nuclear reactors, this material can handle temperatures that would make other metals fail.

2. Resistance to Corrosion and Oxidation

With its high nickel oraz chromium content, Inconel X-750 powder provides excellent resistance do oxidation oraz corrosive media. Whether you’re dealing with steam, chlorides, or salts, this material will maintain its integrity even when exposed to trudne warunki.

3. High Mechanical Strength and Creep Resistance

Thanks to the addition of tytan, aluminumoraz niob, Inconel X-750 powder is precipitation-hardened, meaning it retains its mechanical strength even under long-term stress oraz elevated temperatures.

4. Versatile Manufacturing Capabilities

Whether you’re using Metalurgia proszków, produkcja addytywna, or traditional casting, Inconel X-750 powder is highly adaptable. Its consistent particle size distribution oraz spherical morphology make it ideal for Drukowanie 3D, thermal spray, and even hot isostatic pressing (HIP).

5. Good Fatigue and Stress-Corrosion Resistance

Inconel X-750 powder performs exceptionally well in cyclic environments where fatigue is a concern. This makes it a popular choice for aircraft engines, where components are exposed to rapid temperature fluctuations oraz mechanical stresses.

Applications of Inconel X-750 Powder

Now that we’ve covered the skład oraz key properties, let’s talk about where Inconel X-750 powder really shines. This alloy is used across industries that demand high performance w środowiska ekstremalne. Let’s break it down by application.

Common Applications by Industry

Lotnictwo i kosmonautykaŁopatki turbiny, exhaust systemsoraz engine components that require high-temperature performance and fatigue resistance.
Nuclear PowerControl rods, reactor core componentsoraz steam generators exposed to both corrosive and high-temperature environments.
Turbiny gazoweTurbine rotors, discsoraz seals that must resist creep and stress corrosion cracking at elevated temperatures.
Ropa i gazNarzędzia wiertnicze, valvesoraz piping that need to withstand high-pressure, high-temperature, and corrosive environments.
Przetwarzanie chemiczneWymienniki ciepła, piping systemsoraz vessels used in corrosive environments that involve acid and caustic solutions.
MarineOrurowanie oraz valves w seawater environments, where corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking are major concerns.
Druk 3DProdukcja addytywna of complex geometries used in high-performance lotnictwo oraz energy sector parts.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Inconel X-750 Powder

If you’re considering Inconel X-750 powder for your next project, it’s essential to understand the various specifications, sizesoraz standards that apply. Ensuring that your material selection adheres to the proper specifications is critical for high-performance oraz safety.


Wielkość cząstekZazwyczaj waha się od 15 do 45 mikronów dla produkcja addytywna oraz Metalurgia proszków.
Morfologia proszkuGenerally spherical for superior flowability in Drukowanie 3D oraz thermal spray aplikacje.
AMS StandardsAMS 5667, for nickel-chromium-iron alloys used in lotnictwo oraz high-temperature applications.
UNS NumberUNS N07750
Normy ASTMASTM B637 for nickel-chromium alloys used in high-stress, high-temperature environments.
Normy ISOISO 15156 for corrosion-resistant alloys used in sour gas environments.

Suppliers and Pricing of Inconel X-750 Powder

The wycena z Inconel X-750 powder can vary depending on factors like supplier, particle sizeoraz order volume. Below is a list of some well-known suppliers along with their approximate pricing for this high-performance alloy.

Dostawcy i ceny

DostawcaZakres cen (za kg)Uwagi
Höganäs AB$700 – $950Specializes in proszki metali dla produkcja addytywna oraz thermal spray aplikacje.
Technologia Carpenter$720 – $980Offers custom particle sizes and formulations for Metalurgia proszków oraz Drukowanie 3D.
Oerlikon Metco$710 – $960Provides Inconel X-750 powder dla thermal spray coatings oraz produkcja addytywna.
Sandvik$730 – $990Supplies zaawansowane materiały for industries like lotnictwo oraz nuclear power.
Kennametal$720 – $980Focuses on high-performance nickel alloys dla demanding applications.

Prices typically range from $700 to $990 per kilogram, depending on the supplier, particle sizeoraz wymagania szczegółowe.

Comparing the Pros and Cons of Inconel X-750 Powder

Before making your final decision, it’s important to weigh the zalety oraz ograniczenia z Inconel X-750 powder. While it offers numerous benefits, there are also some drawbacks depending on the specific application.


Stabilność w wysokich temperaturach: Maintains strength at elevated temperatures.Ideal for gas turbines, lotnictwooraz nuclear applications.
Odporność na korozję: Excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosive elements.Suitable for environments with steam, chloridesoraz acids.
Utwardzane przez opady atmosferyczne: Increased strength through heat treatment.Provides creep resistance oraz stress-corrosion cracking resistance at high temperatures.
Versatile Manufacturing Use: Suitable for Drukowanie 3D, thermal sprayoraz Metalurgia proszków.Allows for złożone geometrie oraz high-performance parts.
Odporność na zmęczenie: Highly resistant to fatigue and stress-corrosion cracking.Particularly useful in lotnictwo oraz marine applications.


Wysoki koszt: More expensive than other materials.May not be suitable for cost-sensitive applications.
Trudna skrawalność: Requires specialized tools for precision machining.Can increase machining time oraz koszty, especially for complex parts.
Ograniczona dostępność: Not always readily available in large quantities.Can lead to longer lead times, especially for specialized particle sizes or formulations.
Requires Heat Treatment: Needs post-weld heat treatment to avoid stress-corrosion cracking.Adds extra steps during manufacturing processes.
Oxidation at Very High Temperatures: Oxidation can become an issue above 980°C.May require coatings lub special treatments for applications beyond this temperature range.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Inconel X-750 powder, along with concise, informative answers to help you better understand the material and its applications.

What is Inconel X-750 powder used for?Inconel X-750 powder is used in lotnictwo, nuclear, oil & gasoraz marine industries where high-temperature oraz odporność na korozję are crucial.
How much does Inconel X-750 powder cost?The price of Inconel X-750 powder ranges from $700 to $990 per kilogram, depending on the supplier oraz particle size.
Can Inconel X-750 powder be used for 3D printing?Yes, Inconel X-750 powder is widely used in produkcja addytywna, particularly for high-performance aerospace and energy sector parts.
What industries use Inconel X-750 powder?Industries including lotnictwo, nuclear power, chemical processing, oil & gasoraz marine commonly use Inconel X-750 for high-performance aplikacje.
What makes Inconel X-750 powder corrosion-resistant?The high nickel oraz chromium content in Inconel X-750 provides excellent resistance to oxidation, chloridesoraz high-temperature environments.
What are the main advantages of Inconel X-750 powder?Inconel X-750 powder offers high-temperature stability, odporność na korozjęoraz mechanical strength, making it ideal for środowiska ekstremalne.
What are the drawbacks of using Inconel X-750 powder?The main limitations include its high cost, machining difficultyoraz heat treatment requirements, which can increase production time oraz koszty.
Is Inconel X-750 powder suitable for high-temperature applications?Yes, Inconel X-750 powder can handle temperatures up to 980°C, making it ideal for gas turbines, nuclear reactorsoraz heat exchangers.
Can Inconel X-750 powder handle corrosive environments?Absolutely. Thanks to its high nickel oraz chromium content, Inconel X-750 provides excellent corrosion resistance in marine oraz chemical environments.

Final Thoughts: Is Inconel X-750 Powder Right for Your Project?

If your application requires high-temperature performance, odporność na korozjęoraz mechanical strength, Inconel X-750 powder jest top-tier material choice. Its ability to withstand extremely demanding conditions makes it ideal for industries like lotnictwo, nuclear energy, oil & gasoraz chemical processing.

Podczas gdy Inconel X-750 powder may come at a wyższy koszt compared to other materials, the long-term performance oraz durability it offers often justify the investment. Whether you’re designing gas turbines, nuclear reactor components, or high-performance aerospace parts, Inconel X-750 powder is engineered to meet the most extreme performance requirements.

In conclusion, if your project demands a material that can handle extreme heat, corrosive environmentsoraz high-stress applications, Inconel X-750 powder jest reliable and effective solution.

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