Proszek Hastelloy C276

Hastelloy C276 Powder to stop niklowo-molibdenowo-chromowy o wysokiej odporności na korozję. Jest on dostępny w postaci proszku do różnych zastosowań przemysłowych.

Przegląd proszku Hastelloy C276

Proszek Hastelloy C276 ma następujące właściwości:

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Spis treści

Hastelloy C276 Powder to stop niklowo-molibdenowo-chromowy o wysokiej odporności na korozję. Jest on dostępny w postaci proszku do różnych zastosowań przemysłowych.

Przegląd Proszek Hastelloy C276

Proszek Hastelloy C276 ma następujące właściwości:

  • Excellent corrosion resistance especially in reducing acids
  • Odporność na korozję wżerową i szczelinową
  • Can be used in oxidizing and reducing environments
  • Retains ductility and toughness at cryogenic temperatures
  • Łatwość spawania i produkcji
  • Available in various powder sizes and forms

Typical Composition of Hastelloy C276 Powder

Element Skład
Nikiel 57%
Molibden 16%
Chrom 16%
Żelazo 5%
Wolfram 4%
Mangan 0.5%
Węgiel 0.01%

Kluczowe cechy charakterystyczne

  • Density: 8.89 g/cm3
  • Melting point: 1390°C
  • Przewodność cieplna: 11 W/m-K
  • Electrical resistivity: 134 μΩ-cm
  • Moduł sprężystości: 205 GPa

Powder Types and Size Distribution

Hastelloy C276 powder is available in various size ranges:

Typ proszku Wielkość cząstek
Gruboziarnisty 150-500 μm
Średni 45-150 μm
Dobrze 15-45 μm
Extra Fine 10-15 μm
Nanoproszek <100 nm

Typical Uses and Applications

Hastelloy C276 powder is used in various industries:

  • Oil and gas – Wellhead parts, valves, pumps
  • Chemical and petrochemical – Heat exchangers, reactors, piping
  • Pharmaceutical and food – Process equipment, valves, tanks
  • Pollution control – Scrubbers, flame arrestors
  • Aerospace – Engine parts, fasteners, shafts

The fine grain size allows manufacturing of complex parts using powder metallurgy techniques including metal injection molding and additive manufacturing.

Właściwości mechaniczne

Nieruchomość Wartość
Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie 550 MPa (80 ksi)
Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie 310 MPa (45 ksi)
Wydłużenie 35%
Twardość 25 HRC

Odporność na korozję

Hastelloy C276 powder demonstrates excellent corrosion resistance in a wide variety of aggressive environments.

Oxidizing Media: Nitric acid, red fuming nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, chloride salts

Reducing Media: Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrofluoric acid, organic acids

Specialized Environments: Seawater, brine solutions, acidic and sour media

It also resists localized attack including pitting, crevice corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.

Weldability and Fabrication

Hastelloy C276 powder can be easily welded and fabricated by conventional methods. It does not suffer cracking or porosity issues during welding.

Post-weld heat treatment may be needed for optimal corrosion resistance in certain applications.

Specifications and Compliance

  • ASTM B30 – Hastelloy Powder
  • ASTM B162 – Nickel Plate, Sheet, And Strip
  • ASME SB162/SB162M – Seamless Nickel And Nickel Alloy Condenser And Heat Exchanger Tubes
  • AMS 5864 – Welding Wire And Rods
  • ASTM G28 – Pitting And Crevice Corrosion Resistance
  • ISO 15156/NACE MR0175/MR0103 – Use In H2S-Containing Environments In Oil And Gas Production

Analiza kosztów

Hastelloy C276 powder is more expensive than nickel alloys like Monel 400 but cheaper than highly alloyed grades like Hastelloy C2000.

Materiał Cena ($/kg)
Hastelloy C276 35-50
Monel 400 15-25
Inconel 625 55-70
Hastelloy C2000 70-90


Some leading global suppliers of Hastelloy C276 powder include:

  • Elementy amerykańskie
  • Atlantic Equipment Engineers
  • Sandvik
  • Erasteel
  • Ed Fagan Europe
  • VDM Metals International


  • Doskonała odporność na korozję
  • Retains ductility at low temperatures
  • Easy to fabricate and weld
  • Cost effective compared to highly alloyed nickel grades


  • Less oxidation resistance than some nickel alloys
  • Not recommended for high temperature applications above 650°C
  • Relatively expensive compared to stainless steels

Często zadawane pytania

Q. Is Hastelloy C276 magnetic?

A. No, Hastelloy C276 is non-magnetic due to its austenitic FCC crystal structure and high nickel content.

Q. What is the difference between Hastelloy C276 and C22?

A. Hastelloy C22 has slightly better pitting and crevice corrosion resistance than C276. However, C276 is significantly cheaper and easier to weld and fabricate.

Q. Can Hastelloy C276 be 3D printed?

A. Yes, Hastelloy C276 powder can be processed using laser powder bed fusion and binder jetting 3D printing technologies to manufacture complex components.

Q. What is Hastelloy C276 used for?

A. Hastelloy C276 is commonly used in chemical processing, pollution control, oil & gas, and other industries requiring exceptional corrosion resistance especially in reducing environments containing chlorides or other halides.

Q. Does Hastelloy C276 contain lead?

A. No. The standard composition of Hastelloy C276 does not include any lead. It conforms to RoHS and REACH regulations.

Q. What is the thermal expansion coefficient of Hastelloy C276?

A. The average thermal expansion coefficient over 20-100°C is around 11 x 10-6/ K. This minimizes issues from thermal cycling and stress in high temperature service.

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