Proszek Inconel 740

Inconel 740 to proszek stopowy na bazie niklu stosowany głównie w metalurgii proszków. Charakteryzuje się doskonałą wytrzymałością na wysokie temperatury, wyjątkową odpornością na korozję i dobrą odpornością na utlenianie.

Niektóre kluczowe właściwości i cechy proszku Inconel 740 obejmują:

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Inconel 740 to proszek stopowy na bazie niklu stosowany głównie w metalurgii proszków. Charakteryzuje się doskonałą wytrzymałością na wysokie temperatury, wyjątkową odpornością na korozję i dobrą odpornością na utlenianie.

Niektóre kluczowe właściwości i cechy proszku Inconel 740 obejmują:


  • Nikiel: Równowaga
  • Chromium: 22-25%
  • Cobalt: 15-20%
  • Tantalum: 1.5-2.5%
  • Aluminum: 0.5-1.5%
  • Titanium: 0.5-2%
  • Carbon: 0.05-0.15%

Rozmiar cząstek: 15-45 mikronów

Gęstość pozorna: Typically 2.5-3.5 g/cm3

Natężenie przepływu: 25-35 s/50g

Morfologia: Spheroidal powder

Some of the key applications and uses of Inconel 740 powder include:

  • Łopatki turbiny
  • Komponenty silnika
  • Wymienniki ciepła
  • Valves and pumps
  • Oprzyrządowanie
  • Oil and gas extraction components


The composition of Inconel 740 powder can vary depending on the specification and requirements. Here is a typical composition:

Element Waga %
Nikiel Równowaga
Chrom 22-25%
Kobalt 15-20%
Tantal 1.5-2.5%
Aluminium 0.5-1.5%
Tytan 0.5-2%
Węgiel 0.05-0.15%

Nickel forms the base of the alloy, providing corrosion resistance. Chromium helps strengthen the alloy and enhances oxidation resistance. Cobalt also helps strengthen the alloy and provides hot hardness at high temperatures. Tantalum and titanium help with carbide precipitation strengthening.

The controlled additions of these alloying elements give Inconel 740 excellent high temperature mechanical properties and corrosion resistance.

Właściwości i charakterystyka

Inconel 740 is valued for its combination of high strength, corrosion resistance, and ability to withstand extreme temperatures. Here are some of its key properties and characteristics:

Właściwości mechaniczne:

  • Excellent strength at high temperatures up to 1150°C
  • Dobra spawalność
  • Wysoka twardość i odporność na zużycie

Właściwości fizyczne:

  • Melting point: 1350-1400°C
  • Density: 8.1-8.3 g/cm3

Odporność na korozję:

  • Outstanding resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion
  • Excellent resistance to oxidizing and carburizing atmospheres up to 1100°C

Odporność na utlenianie:

  • Can resist continuous operating temperatures up to 1100°C
  • Forms protective oxide layer in oxidizing atmospheres

Inne cechy charakterystyczne:

  • Resists thermal fatigue cracking
  • Niski współczynnik rozszerzalności cieplnej
  • Easy to machine and grind

The unique combination of strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance make this alloy suitable for the most demanding applications. The high temperature capabilities allow components to operate safely in extreme environments.

Aplikacje i zastosowania

Thanks to its well-balanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures, Inconel 740 has found widespread use in industries like aerospace, power generation, and oil & gas.

Typical applications and uses include:

Aerospace: Combustors, turbine blades and vanes, rocket nozzles

Przemysłowe turbiny gazowe: Buckets, nozzles, combustion cans

Ropa i gaz: Downhole tools, valves, wellhead components

Kontrola zanieczyszczeń: Gas turbine components exposed to hot corrosive gases

Motoryzacja: Turbiny turbosprężarek, zawory wydechowe

Przetwarzanie chemiczne: Reactor vessels, heat treating equipment

Wytwarzanie energii: Heat exchanger tubing, coal gasification components

The excellent strength of Inconel 740 at extreme temperatures, combined with outstanding corrosion resistance, makes it well-suited for components exposed to hot gases under pressure. This allows it to outperform lower grade alloys in demanding environments.


Inconel 740 powder is available in standard and custom specifications to suit different applications and processing methods.

Here are some of the common sizes, grades, and standards for Inconel 740 powder:

Powder Sizes

Zakres siatki Micron Range
-325 mesh <45 microns
-270 + 325 mesh 45-53 microns
-230 + 270 mesh 63-74 microns


Klasa Opis
Standard Balance of mechanical properties and cost
Wysoka czystość Minimized impurities for performance critical applications
Niska emisja dwutlenku węgla Improved ductility and impact resistance


Standard Opis
AMS 5801 General specification for nickel alloy powder
ASTM B751 Standard for general requirements for nickel and nickel alloys

The powder can also be customized to meet application requirements in terms of particle size distribution, morphology, apparent density, flow characteristics, impurity levels, etc.

Dostawcy i ceny

As a widely used superalloy powder, Inconel 740 is supplied by leading metal powder manufacturers and distributors globally. Some of the major suppliers include:


  • Produkty Carpenter Powder
  • Praxair Surface Technologies
  • Hoganas High Alloys
  • CNPC Powder Group
  • Sandvik Osprey


Klasa Zakres cen
Standard $50-70 za kg
Wysoka czystość $70-100 za kg
Niska emisja dwutlenku węgla $60-80 per kg

Pricing can vary based on order volume, precise composition, particle characteristics, etc. Custom grades tailored to application needs are also available at premium prices. The high performance of Inconel 740 powder justifies its higher cost versus simpler alloys.

Porównanie z alternatywnymi rozwiązaniami

Inconel 740 delivers an optimized combination of temperature capability, corrosion resistance, strength, and cost. But several alternative alloys exist for high temperature applications, each with pros and cons:

Stop Plusy Wady
Inconel 740 – Strength up to 1150°C

– Resists corrosion

– Cost effective

– Limited high temperature creep resistance
Inconel X – Higher strength than 740

– Better creep above 1000°C

– Less corrosion resistance

– Higher alloy content raises cost

Haynes 230 – Oxidation resistance to 1200°C

– Most economical

– Lower strength than Inconel

– More susceptible to thermal fatigue

Inconel 740 offers the best balance by delivering 80-90% of the capabilities of more advanced alloys at lower cost. It significantly outperforms workhorse alloys like 316 stainless steel in high temperature environments.

For the ultimate in performance with less regard to cost, alloys like Inconel X lub Inconel 783 may be chosen instead. But Inconel 740 covers a wide sweet spot between price and extreme temperature capacity.

Zalety i ograniczenia

Inconel 740 is designed to excel in hot corrosion environments, but there are some limitations in certain applications:


  • Retains over 50% of room temperature strength at 1100°C
  • Better oxidation resistance than stainless steels
  • Does not require special welding procedures
  • Available at lower cost than Inconel X or 600 alloys


  • Less exceptional creep resistance than some Inconel grades
  • Not suitable for continuous service above 1150°C
  • Requires careful heat treatment to optimize properties
  • Difficult to machine compared to lower alloys

For the majority of high temperature applications below 1100°C, Inconel 740 has clear advantages over more common materials. But pushing beyond this temperature threshold requires more advanced alloys or superalloys.

Proper processing and heat treatment of Inconel 740 can further improve properties. The alloy also benefits greatly from hot isostatic pressing to eliminate porosity in powder metallurgy parts.


With its balanced composition and processing versatility, Inconel 740 empowers engineers to design for hot corrosion resistance across a wide range of operating temperatures and environments.

This nickel-based superalloy powder combines strength, oxidation resistance, cost-efficiency, and compatibility with multiple manufacturing techniques for high performance components.

Turbines, combustion hardware, downhole tools, and other hot section parts rely on Inconel 740 to safely endure temperatures exceeding 1000°C even in corrosive conditions while retaining adequate ductility and fatigue life.

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