Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder:Redefining Mold Steel with Superior Strength

When it comes to high-performance tool and mold steels, Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder is a standout material. Renowned for its exceptional toughness, superior ductility, and excellent thermal fatigue resistance, this powder is a game-changer in the world of advanced manufacturing. Produced through atomization techniques, the spherical morphology of Dievar powder ensures optimal flowability, uniform packing density, and consistent performance in applications like 3D printing, thermal spraying, and metal injection molding (MIM). Why is Dievar such a trusted name? Its unique chemical composition, coupled with its advanced metallurgical properties, makes it ideal for demanding applications like die casting, plastic molds, and hot-working tools. This guide will take a deep dive into the composition, properties, applications, and market insights surrounding Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder to help you understand its potential for your projects.

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Overview of Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

Pokud jde o high-performance tool and mold steels, Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder is a standout material. Renowned for its exceptional toughness, superior ductility, and excellent thermal fatigue resistance, this powder is a game-changer in the world of advanced manufacturing. Produced through atomization techniques, the sférická morfologie of Dievar powder ensures optimální průtočnost, rovnoměrná hustota balení, a konzistentní výkon v aplikacích, jako je 3D tisk, tepelné stříkání, a vstřikování kovů (MIM).

Why is Dievar such a trusted name? Its unique chemical composition, coupled with its advanced metallurgical properties, makes it ideal for náročné aplikace like die casting, plastic molds, and hot-working tools. This guide will take a deep dive into the composition, properties, applications, and market insights surrounding Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder to help you understand its potential for your projects.

What is Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder?

Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder is a premium-grade steel powder designed specifically for high-stress mold and tool applications. It belongs to the category of hot-work tool steels, which are engineered to withstand extreme thermal and mechanical stresses. The material is particularly well-suited for applications that demand vynikající houževnatost, vysoká odolnost proti opotřebení, a thermal fatigue performance.

The “spherical” particle design of Dievar powder is achieved through rozprašování plynu, a process that delivers particles with round, consistent shapes. This spherical morphology ensures lepší průtočnost, takže je ideální pro aditivní výroba and other advanced production methods where precision and consistency are critical.

Imagine Dievar as the “workhorse” of modern mold steels. It’s tough enough to handle the rigors of tlakové lití, vstřikování plastů, a forging dies, yet versatile enough to excel in nejmodernější výrobní techniky jako 3D tisk.

Composition and Properties of Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

Chemical Composition of Dievar Steel Alloy Powder

Dievar’s performance stems from its carefully engineered chemical composition. Each element contributes to its exceptional mechanical and thermal properties, ensuring it meets the most demanding industrial requirements.

ŽivelTypické složení (%)Role ve slitině
uhlík (C)0.35–0.40Enhances hardness and strength.
Chrom (Cr)5.00–5.50Provides wear resistance and corrosion protection.
molybden (Mo)2.30–2.50Improves toughness and thermal stability.
Vanad (V)0.50-0.80Increases wear resistance and edge retention.
křemík (Si)0.20–0.40Enhances strength and resistance to thermal shock.
mangan (Mn)0.60–0.80Improves hardenability and toughness.
železo (Fe)ZůstatekTvoří strukturní základ slitiny.

Klíčové fyzikální a mechanické vlastnosti

Hustota~7,8 g/cm³
Tvrdost (HRC)48–52 (after heat treatment)
Pevnost v tahu~1,300 MPa
Tepelná odolnost proti únavěExceptional, ideal for high-temperature cycles.
HouževnatostSuperior, even under extreme stress.
Odolnost proti opotřebeníExcellent, particularly against abrasive forces.
Tepelná vodivostHigh, ensuring efficient heat rozptyl.
TekutostOutstanding due to spherical particle shape.

Unique Characteristics of Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

  1. Exceptional Toughness: Dievar is specifically engineered to handle těžká břemena a mechanické namáhání, making it perfect for high-pressure die casting and other demanding applications.
  2. Outstanding Thermal Fatigue Resistance: It can endure repeated heating and cooling cycles without cracking, ensuring delší životnost nástroje.
  3. Vysoká odolnost proti opotřebení: Dievar resists wear and abrasion, even in harsh environments, ensuring konzistentní výkon v průběhu času.
  4. Spherical Morphology for Precision: Kulovitý tvar zajišťuje jednotné balení, lepší průtočnost, a consistent melting, making it ideal for modern manufacturing methods.
  5. Všestrannost: Whether it’s hot-working tools, plastic molds, nebo aditivní výroba, Dievar performs exceptionally across a range of applications.

Applications of Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder is a versatile material that finds applications across a wide range of industries. Its unique combination of properties makes it the material of choice for high-stress, high-temperature environments.

NástrojeInjection molds, die-casting dies, and forging tools.
AerospaceHigh-strength components and thermal-resistant parts.
Automobilový průmyslEngine parts, transmission components, and high-pressure dies.
Aditivní výroba3D printing of high-strength, wear-resistant tools and molds.
Průmyslová výrobaOpotřebitelné desky, pouzdra a součásti strojů s vysokým opotřebením.

Specifications, Sizes, and Standards for Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

Rozsah velikosti částic15-45 µm (pro 3D tisk); 45-150 µm (tepelné stříkání).
TvarSférické, zajišťující stálou tekutost a balení.
BaleníVakuově uzavřené nádoby (1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg).
Dodržování noremASTM A681, ISO 9001 for quality assurance.

Suppliers and Pricing for Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

Název dodavateleRegionCenové rozpětí (USD/kg)Speciální funkce
Globální řešení pro slitinySeverní Amerika$80-$120High-purity powders for industrial tools.
Pokročilé kovové práškyEvropa$90-$140ISO-certified powders for precision tooling.
Asijsko-pacifičtí dodavatelé oceliAsie a Tichomoří$70–$110Competitive pricing with bulk discounts.
Průmyslové práškové nátěryGlobální$100-$150K dispozici jsou vlastní velikosti částic a třídy.

Advantages and Limitations of Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

Exceptional toughness and thermal fatigue resistance.Higher cost compared to general-purpose steels.
Outstanding wear resistance and edge retention.Pro optimální výkon vyžaduje přesné tepelné zpracování.
Spherical shape ensures precision manufacturing.Limited corrosion resistance in highly corrosive environments.
Versatile for a wide range of applications.May not be cost-effective for low-demand uses.

FAQs About Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder

What is Dievar alloy powder used for?It’s used for molds, dies, and tools in high-stress applications.
Proč je kulový?The spherical shape improves flowability and ensures consistent quality.
Is Dievar suitable for 3D printing?Yes, its flow characteristics and toughness make it ideal for additive manufacturing.
How does Dievar compare to H13 tool steel?Dievar offers better thermal fatigue resistance and toughness.
Where can I buy Dievar alloy powder?Dodavatelé jako Global Alloy Solutions a Advanced Metal Powders je nabízejí po celém světě.


Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder sets the benchmark for toughness, durability, and versatility in high-performance mold and tooling applications. Its unique combination of tepelná odolnost proti únavě, odolnost proti opotřebení, a přesná průtočnost je nepostradatelný pro tlakové lití, vstřikování plastů, a aditivní výroba.

Whether you’re crafting industrial dies nebo cutting-edge 3D printed components, Dievar is the material you can trust to deliver výjimečné výsledky every time. Looking for a material that can handle the toughest challenges? Dievar Spherical Mold Steel Alloy Powder is your go-to solution for high-stress, high-performance applications!

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