Ti6Al4V prášek Kovový prášek na bázi titanu pro aditivní výrobu

Ti6Al4V prášek pro 3D tisk ceník :

Kovový prášek Velikost Množství Cena/kg Velikost Množství Cena/kg
TiAl6V4 gr.23 20-63μm 1 kg 138 0-45 μm 1 kg 144
10 kg 109 10 kg 124
100 kg 105 100 kg 117

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Overview of Ti6Al4V Powder

Ti6Al4V powder, also referred to as Grade 5 titanium alloy, is one of the most popular titanium alloy powders. It contains 6% aluminum and 4% vanadium as the key alloying elements along with the remainder titanium.

Spherical powder ti6al4v offers an exceptional combination of high strength, low weight, corrosion resistance, biocompatibility, and workability.

Key properties and advantages of Ti6Al4V powder:

Ti6Al4V Powder Properties and Characteristics

Vlastnosti Podrobnosti
Složení Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Hustota 4,43 g/cc
Tvar částic Převážně sférické
Rozsah velikostí 15-45 mikronů
Zdánlivá hustota Až 60% skutečné hustoty
Tekutost Dobrý
Síla High for a titanium alloy
Odolnost proti korozi Vynikající

Ti6Al4V is widely used across aerospace, medical, automotive, chemical, and consumer industries owing to its well-balanced property profile.

Ti6Al4V Powder Composition

Typical composition of Ti6Al4V powder:

Ti6Al4V Powder Composition

Živel Hmotnost %
Titan Zůstatek
Hliník 5.5-6.75%
Vanad 3.5-4.5%
Kyslík <0,2%
Uhlík <0.1%
Dusík <0,05%
Vodík <0.015%
Žehlička <0,3%
  • Titanium forms the matrix providing strength and corrosion resistance
  • Aluminum stabilizes alpha phase and increases strength
  • Vanadium stabilizes beta phase and improves workability
  • Other elements limited as impurities

The optimized Ti-Al-V ratios provide an exceptional combination of strength, ductility, fracture toughness, and fatigue strength.

Ti6Al4V powder

Ti6Al4V Powder Physical Properties

Ti6Al4V Powder Physical Properties

Vlastnictví Hodnoty
Hustota 4,43 g/cc
Bod tání 1604-1660°C
Tepelná vodivost 6,7 W/mK
Elektrický odpor 170 μΩ-cm
Koeficient tepelné roztažnosti 8.4 x 10^-6 /K
Maximální provozní teplota 400°C
  • Low density compared to steels
  • High melting point enables use at moderately elevated temperatures
  • Low thermal conductivity requires design considerations
  • High electrical resistivity suitable for corrosion resistant fasteners
  • CTE lower than steels and nickel alloys

These properties make Ti6Al4V well suited for many lightweight structural applications across industries.

Ti6Al4V Powder Mechanical Properties

Ti6Al4V Powder Mechanical Properties

Vlastnictví Hodnoty
Pevnost v tahu 950 – 1050 MPa
Pevnost v tahu 860 – 950 MPa
Prodloužení 10 – 18%
Tvrdost 330 – 380 HB
Modul pružnosti 110 – 120 GPa
Únavová pevnost 400 – 500 MPa
  • Excellent combination of high strength and reasonable ductility
  • Strength exceeds other titanium grades like commercially pure titanium
  • Hardness higher than unalloyed titanium
  • Outstanding fatigue life makes it suitable for cyclic loading applications

The properties make Ti6Al4V suitable for demanding applications requiring high specific strength and fatigue resistance.

Ti6Al4V Powder Applications

Aplikace kovového prášku 3D tisk


Ti6Al4V powder is used widely across industries:

Ti6Al4V Powder Applications

Průmysl Používá
Aerospace Structural airframe parts, engine components
Biomedicína Ortopedické a zubní implantáty
Automobilový průmysl Connecting rods, valves, springs
Chemické Tanks, vessels, heat exchangers
Spotřebitel Sporting goods, watch cases, cellphone bodies
3D tisk Aerospace and medical components

Some specific product applications include:

  • Bone plates, joint replacement implants
  • Airplane and helicopter structural components
  • Automotive engine valves and connecting rods
  • Chemical equipment like pipes, pumps, valves
  • Sporting goods including golf clubs and bicycle frames
  • Additive manufacturing of lightweight structures

Ti6Al4V provides the best strength-to-weight ratio and biocompatibility for critical structural parts across these demanding sectors.


Ti6Al4V Powder Applications in Metal 3D Printing

Ti6Al4V powder is a widely used material for metal 3D printing due to its exceptional mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance. It is particularly well-suited for applications in the aerospace, medical, and automotive industries. Here are some of the metal 3D printing methods that can utilize Ti6Al4V powder:

1. Selective Laser Melting (SLM): SLM is a powder bed fusion (PBF) technique that employs a high-power laser to selectively melt and fuse fine layers of Ti6Al4V powder. This method produces high-density, high-strength parts with complex geometries.

2. Electron Beam Melting (EBM): EBM is another PBF technique that utilizes a focused electron beam to melt Ti6Al4V powder. It is known for its ability to produce parts with excellent surface quality and fine features.

3. Directed Energy Deposition (DED): DED is an additive manufacturing process that deposits material through a nozzle while simultaneously melting it with a laser or electron beam. Ti6Al4V powder can be used in DED to create large-scale, near-net-shape components.

4. Binder Jetting (BJ): BJ is a PBF technique that uses a liquid binder to selectively adhere Ti6Al4V powder particles together. The unbound powder is then removed, leaving a pre-formed part that is sintered to achieve full density.

Další úvahy:

  • The choice of 3D printing method for Ti6Al4V powder depends on the specific application requirements, such as part geometry, mechanical properties, and surface finish.

  • Each 3D printing method has its own advantages and limitations, and it is crucial to carefully evaluate these factors before selecting the most suitable technique.

  • Proper handling and storage of Ti6Al4V powder are essential to ensure the quality of 3D-printed parts and to minimize safety hazards.

Ti6Al4V powder continues to be a valuable material for metal 3D printing, enabling the fabrication of high-performance components for various industries. As 3D printing technologies advance, the applications of Ti6Al4V powder are expected to expand even further.


Ti6Al4V Powder Specifications

Key specifications and standards for Ti6Al4V powder:

Ti6Al4V Powder Standards

Standard Popis
ASTM F2924 Additive manufacturing Ti6Al4V alloy
ASTM F3001 Specs for gas atomized Ti alloy powder for AM
AMS 4954 Composition limits of Ti-6Al-4V powder for additive manufacturing
ASTM B348 Specs for Ti and Ti alloy powders
ASTM F1472 Wrought Ti6Al4V alloy for surgical implants

Ty definují:

  • Chemical composition ranges
  • Požadované mechanické vlastnosti
  • Powder production method – inert gas atomization
  • Impurity limits like O, N, C, Fe
  • Rozložení velikosti částic a morfologie
  • Testing methods to verify powder quality

Certified Ti6Al4V powder meeting these specifications ensures optimal properties and performance for different applications across industries.

Ti6Al4V Powder Particle Sizes

Ti6Al4V Powder Particle Size Distribution

Velikost částic Charakteristika
15-45 mikronů General purpose size range
45-100 mikronů Optimized for cold spraying
5-25 mikronů Finer sizes used in laser AM processes
  • Jemnější prášek zajišťuje vyšší rozlišení a povrchovou úpravu
  • Coarser powder suits high deposition rate methods like cold spraying
  • Size range tailored based on production method used
  • Spherical morphology maintained across size ranges

Controlling particle size distribution and morphology is critical for high powder packing density, flowability, and final part properties.

Ti6Al4V Powder Apparent Density

Ti6Al4V Powder Apparent Density

Zdánlivá hustota Podrobnosti
Až 60% skutečné hustoty Pro sférickou morfologii prášku
2.6 – 3.0 g/cc Zlepšuje se s větší hustotou balení
  • Higher apparent density improves powder flowability and die filling efficiency
  • Values up to 65% are possible with optimized spherical powder
  • High apparent density minimizes press cycle time

Maximizing apparent density allows efficient automated powder pressing and sintering to full density.

Ti6Al4V Powder Production Method

Ti6Al4V Powder Production

Zařízení VIGA má širokou škálu aplikací, zejména pro výrobu vysoce výkonných práškových materiálů na bázi železa, niklu, kobaltu, hliníku, mědi a dalších pokročilých slitin. Je široce používán v letectví, zdravotnictví, nástrojích, automobilech, strojích, elektronice, nové energetice a dalších oborech a je také vhodný pro aditivní výrobu (3D tisk), nanášení tavením, laserové plátování, tepelné stříkání, práškovou metalurgii, izostatické lisování za tepla a další pokročilé výrobní procesy.


Zařízení VIGA


Metoda Podrobnosti
Rozprašování plynu Vysokotlaký inertní plyn rozbíjí proud roztavené slitiny na jemné kapičky.
Vacuum arc melting High purity input materials refined and melted in vacuum
Multiple remelts Zlepšuje chemickou homogenitu
Sítování Třídí prášek na různé frakce podle velikosti částic.
  • Plynová atomizace inertním plynem vytváří čistý, sférický prášek.
  • Vakuové zpracování minimalizuje plynné nečistoty
  • Vícenásobné přetavení zlepšuje jednotnost složení
  • Post-processing allows particle size distribution control

Automated methods combined with stringent quality control result in reliable and consistent Ti6Al4V powder suitable for critical applications.

Ti6Al4V Powder Pricing

Ti6Al4V Powder Pricing

Faktor Dopad na cenu
Stupeň čistoty Zvýšení ceny za vyšší čistotu
Velikost částic Ultrajemný prášek je dražší
Objednané množství Snížení ceny pro hromadné objednávky
Způsob výroby Použití více přetavení zvyšuje náklady
Balení Tlakové láhve plněné argonem jsou dražší
Doba realizace Faster delivery times increase price

Orientační ceny

  • Ti6Al4V for medical applications: $150-250 per kg
  • Ti6Al4V for industrial applications: $100-150 per kg

Significantly lower pricing applicable for bulk order quantities in the tons range.

Met3DP Ti6Al4V Powder Price:

Kovový prášek Velikost Množství Cena/kg Velikost Množství Cena/kg
TiAl6V4 gr.23 20-63μm 1 kg 138 0-45 μm 1 kg 144
10 kg 109 10 kg 124
100 kg 105 100 kg 117

Ti6Al4V Powder Suppliers

Ti6Al4V Powder Suppliers

Společnost Umístění
AP&C USA, Canada
Přísada pro tesaře USA
Met3DP Čína
Technika TLS Německo
Sandvik Osprey Spojené království
Tekna Kanada

Klíčové faktory výběru:

  • Range of purity grades and particle sizes offered
  • Powder quality and consistency from batch to batch
  • Výrobní kapacita a dodací lhůty
  • Compliance with medical and aerospace standards
  • Úrovně cen na základě objemu objednávky
  • Technické znalosti a zákaznická podpora

Ti6Al4V Powder Handling and Storage

Ti6Al4V Powder Handling

Doporučení Důvod
Vyhněte se vdechování Due to risk of lung tissue damage from fine particles
Use protective mask Zabraňte náhodnému požití
Handle in ventilated areas Reduce airborne particle suspension
Ensure no ignition sources Prášek může v kyslíkové atmosféře hořet
Dodržujte antistatické protokoly Prevent fire from static discharge while handling
Skladujte uzavřené nádoby v chladném a suchém prostředí. Prevent moisture pickup and reactivity

Although Ti6Al4V powder is relatively inert, recommended precautions should be taken during handling and storage to preserve purity.

Ti6Al4V Powder Inspection and Testing

Ti6Al4V Powder Testing

Test Podrobnosti
Chemická analýza ICP spektroskopie použitá k ověření složení
Distribuce velikosti částic Laser diffraction used to determine size distribution
Zdánlivá hustota Měřeno pomocí Hallova průtokoměru podle normy ASTM B212.
Morfologie prášku SEM imaging to check particle sphericity
Analýza průtoku Using Hall flowmeter funnel
Zkouška hustoty kohoutku Hustota měřená po mechanickém vyklepání vzorku prášku

Testing ensures the powder meets the required chemical composition, physical characteristics, morphology, density, and flow specifications per applicable standards.

Ti6Al4V Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of Ti6Al4V Powder

  • Vynikající poměr pevnosti a hmotnosti
  • High fatigue strength and fracture toughness
  • Vynikající odolnost proti korozi
  • Dobrá tažnost a tvářitelnost
  • High biocompatibility for medical uses
  • Cost-effective compared to other titanium alloys

Limitations of Ti6Al4V Powder

  • Mírná odolnost proti oxidaci při vysokých teplotách
  • Lower strength than some titanium alloys
  • High reactivity requires inert processing atmosphere
  • Difficult to machine in fully sintered state
  • Limitations in welding the alloy
  • Toxicity concerns about vanadium element

Comparison With Ti64 and Ti Grade 2 Powders

Ti6Al4V vs. Ti64 and Grade 2 Powder

Parametr Ti6Al4V Ti64 Ti Stupeň 2
Hliník 6% 6%
Vanad 4% 4%
Síla 950-1050 MPa 950-1050 MPa 420-550 MPa
Tažnost 10-18% 10-18% 15-30%
Náklady Mírný Mírný Nízký
Používá Letectví a kosmonautika, zdravotnictví Letecký a automobilový průmysl Industrial, consumer
  • Ti6Al4V and Ti64 have virtually identical properties
  • Grade 2 Ti provides better ductility but lower strength
  • Ti6Al4V preferred for critical structural parts needing high strength

Ti6Al4V Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of Ti6Al4V powder?

A: The main applications include aerospace structural components, biomedical implants like hip and knee joints, automotive parts like valves and connecting rods, chemical process equipment, and consumer products like sports equipment and watch cases.

Q: Why is Ti6Al4V the most popular titanium alloy?

A: Ti6Al4V provides the best all-round combination of high strength, low density, fracture toughness, corrosion resistance, bio-compatibility, weldability, and moderate cost.

Q: What precautions should be taken when working with Ti6Al4V powder?

A: Recommended precautions include using protective gear, handling in inert atmosphere, avoiding ignition sources, controlling static charges, using non-sparking tools, and storing sealed containers in a cool, dry place.

Q: How does vanadium affect the properties of Ti6Al4V alloy?

A: Vanadium acts as a beta stabilizer which improves workability. It also contributes to precipitation hardening which imparts strength and high temperature creep resistance to the alloy.

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