Powder post-atomization treatment

Spis treści

Przegląd Powder Post-Atomization Treatment

Post-atomization treatment of powders is a critical step to modify and enhance the properties of metal powders after they have been atomized. This can involve several processes such as heat treatment, mechanical milling, sieving, and surface treatment. The aim is to improve the powder’s flowability, reduce particle size distribution, increase purity, and enhance other specific properties needed for various applications.

Key Processes in Post-Atomization Treatment

  • Obróbka cieplna: Used to relieve internal stresses, modify phase structures, and improve mechanical properties.
  • Frezowanie mechaniczne: Reduces particle size and refines the microstructure.
  • Przesiewanie: Ensures uniform particle size distribution.
  • Obróbka powierzchni: Enhances the surface properties of the powder particles.
proszek do obróbki poatomizacyjnej

Konkretne modele proszków metali

1. Proszek Inconel 625

Skład: Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloy with additions of niobium.
Właściwości: Excellent corrosion resistance, high tensile, fatigue, and creep-rupture strength.
Charakterystyka: Suitable for extreme environments, high resistance to oxidation and carburization.
Zastosowania: Aerospace, marine, chemical processing, and nuclear reactors.

2. Aluminium 6061 w proszku

Skład: Magnesium and silicon as major alloying elements.
Właściwości: Good mechanical properties, weldability, and corrosion resistance.
Charakterystyka: Lightweight, strong, and versatile.
Zastosowania: Automotive, aerospace, and structural components.

3. Tytan Ti-6Al-4V w proszku

Skład: Titanium alloyed with aluminum and vanadium.
Właściwości: High strength, low weight, and excellent corrosion resistance.
Charakterystyka: Biocompatible, making it suitable for medical implants.
Zastosowania: Aerospace, medical devices, and automotive.

4. Proszek ze stali nierdzewnej 316L

Skład: Iron, chromium, nickel, and molybdenum.
Właściwości: Excellent corrosion resistance, high tensile strength, and durability.
Charakterystyka: Suitable for harsh environments and applications requiring high hygiene standards.
Zastosowania: Medical, food processing, and marine.

5. Copper Cu-ETP Powder

Skład: Electrolytic tough pitch copper.
Właściwości: High electrical and thermal conductivity, good corrosion resistance.
Charakterystyka: Easy to fabricate and join.
Zastosowania: Electrical components, heat exchangers, and plumbing.

6. Proszek ze stopu kobaltowo-chromowego

Skład: Cobalt, chromium, and molybdenum.
Właściwości: High wear and corrosion resistance, good mechanical strength.
Charakterystyka: Suitable for high-temperature applications.
Zastosowania: Orthopedic implants, dental devices, and aerospace.

7. Magnesium AZ91 Powder

Skład: Magnesium alloy with aluminum and zinc.
Właściwości: Low density, high strength-to-weight ratio.
Charakterystyka: Lightweight and machinable.
Zastosowania: Automotive, aerospace, and electronics.

8. Nickel 718 Powder

Skład: Nickel-chromium alloy with molybdenum, niobium, and titanium.
Właściwości: High strength, good corrosion and oxidation resistance.
Charakterystyka: Suitable for high-temperature applications.
Zastosowania: Aerospace, power generation, and oil and gas.

9. Proszek z węglika wolframu

Skład: Tungsten and carbon.
Właściwości: Extremely hard, high wear resistance.
Charakterystyka: Suitable for cutting tools and wear-resistant applications.
Zastosowania: Mining, machining, and industrial tooling.

10. Zirconium Zr702 Powder

Skład: Commercially pure zirconium.
Właściwości: Excellent corrosion resistance, high melting point.
Charakterystyka: Suitable for nuclear applications.
Zastosowania: Nuclear reactors, chemical processing, and medical devices.

Zastosowania Powder Post-Atomization Treatment

Post-atomization treatment enhances the properties of metal powders, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. Here, we outline some key uses across different industries:

Lotnictwo i kosmonautykaKomponenty silników odrzutowych, części konstrukcyjne
MotoryzacjaCzęści silnika, lekkie konstrukcje
MedycznyImplanty, narzędzia chirurgiczne
ElektronikaConductive inks, thermal management components
ChemicznyCatalysts, filtration systems
MarinePropellers, underwater fittings
JądrowyReactor components, fuel cladding
Ropa i gazDrill bits, corrosion-resistant fittings
OprzyrządowanieNarzędzia tnące, części odporne na zużycie

Specyfikacje, rozmiary, gatunki i normy

The specifications, sizes, grades, and standards for metal powders vary based on their composition and intended application. Here is a detailed overview:

Model proszku metalowegoZakres wielkości cząstek (µm)KlasaStandardy
Inconel 62515-53PremiumAMS 5666, UNS N06625
Aluminium 606110-75AA6061ASTM B209, SAE AMS 4025
Ti-6Al-4V20-60Klasa 5ASTM F136, ISO 5832-3
Stal nierdzewna 316L15-45316LASTM A240, AMS 5653
Copper Cu-ETP20-100C11000ASTM B152, SAE J463
Kobalt-chrom10-50ASTM F75ASTM F799, ISO 5832-4
Magnesium AZ9130-100AZ91DASTM B93/B93M
Nikiel 71815-63UNS N07718AMS 5662, ASTM B637
Węglik wolframu5-30WC-CoISO 9001, ASTM B777
Zirconium Zr70220-50Zr702ASTM B551, ISO 9001

Dostawcy i szczegóły dotyczące cen

Finding the right supplier is crucial for obtaining high-quality metal powders. Below is a list of notable suppliers and a general pricing overview for different metal powders:

DostawcaModele proszkoweZakres cen (za kg)
HöganäsInconel 625, Stainless Steel 316L$200 – $350
Technologia CarpenterTi-6Al-4V, Nickel 718$250 – $400
SandvikCobalt-Chromium, Tungsten Carbide$300 – $500
GKN AdditiveAluminum 6061, Magnesium AZ91$150 – $300
Praxair Surface TechnologiesCopper Cu-ETP, Zirconium Zr702$100 – $250

Pros and Cons: Advantages and Limitations

Understanding the advantages and limitations of each metal powder is crucial for selecting the right material for your application. Here, we compare some key parameters:

Model proszku metalowegoZaletyOgraniczenia
Inconel 625Doskonała odporność na korozję, wysoka wytrzymałośćWysoki koszt
Aluminium 6061Lightweight, versatile, good machinabilityNiższa wytrzymałość w porównaniu do innych stopów
Ti-6Al-4VWysoki stosunek wytrzymałości do wagi, biokompatybilnośćDrogie, trudne w obróbce
Stal nierdzewna 316LExcellent corrosion resistance, durabilityHeavier than some other metals
Copper Cu-ETPWysoka przewodność, łatwa pracaPodatność na utlenianie
Kobalt-chromHigh wear resistance, good mechanical propertiesDrogie, trudne do przetworzenia
Magnesium AZ91Very lightweight, good machinability Flammable in fine powder form
Nikiel 718Wysoka wytrzymałość w wysokich temperaturachWysoki koszt
Węglik wolframuWyjątkowa twardość, wysoka odporność na zużycieKruchy, trudny w obróbce
Zirconium Zr702Doskonała odporność na korozję, wysoka temperatura topnieniaDrogie, ograniczona dostępność
proszek do obróbki poatomizacyjnej


What is post-atomization treatment of metal powders?

Post-atomization treatment refers to the additional processing steps taken after the initial atomization of metal powders. These steps can include heat treatment, mechanical milling, sieving, and surface treatment to enhance the powder’s properties.

Why is post-atomization treatment necessary?

It is necessary to improve the flowability, particle size distribution, purity, and other specific properties of metal powders to meet the requirements of various applications.

Which industries benefit from post-atomization treated powders?

Industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, electronics, chemical, marine, nuclear, oil and gas, and tooling benefit from these enhanced powders.

What are some common metal powders used in post-atomization treatment?

Common metal powders include Inconel 625, Aluminum 6061, Titanium Ti-6Al-4V, Stainless Steel 316L, Copper Cu-ETP, Cobalt-Chromium, Magnesium AZ91, Nickel 718, Tungsten Carbide, and Zirconium Zr702.

How do the properties of metal powders change after post-atomization treatment?

Properties such as strength, corrosion resistance, particle size distribution, and surface characteristics can be significantly improved after post-atomization treatment.

What should I consider when selecting a metal powder for my application?

Consider the powder’s composition, properties, particle size distribution, and the specific requirements of your application. Additionally, take into account the cost, availability, and supplier reputation.

Are there any limitations to using post-atomization treated powders?

Yes, limitations can include higher costs, potential difficulties in processing certain materials, and the need for specialized equipment and expertise.

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