TC4 Metal Powder

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The world of 3D printing has witnessed a revolution in materials, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Among these advancements, TC4 titanium alloy has emerged as a true game-changer. But what exactly is TC4 Metal Powder, and why is it causing such a stir in the 3D printing landscape? Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a deep dive into the power of TC4 Metal Powder for 3D printing!

the Secrets of TC4: Composition, Properties, and Beyond

TC4 Metal Powder, also known as Grade 4 titanium, is a workhorse alloy composed primarily of titanium (Ti), aluminum (Al), and vanadium (V). This potent trio imbues TC4 with an exceptional blend of properties that make it ideal for demanding 3D printing applications. Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty:

Composition of TC4 Titanium Alloy:

ElementPercentage (wt%)
Titanium (Ti)85-87
Aluminum (Al)5.5-6.8
Vanadium (V)3.5-4.5
Iron (Fe)Max 0.25
Oxygen (O)Max 0.20
Nitrogen (N)Max 0.05
Hydrogen (H)Max 0.015
TC4 Metal Powder

Properties of TC4 Metal Powder for 3D Printing:

  • High Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Imagine a material that’s incredibly strong yet surprisingly lightweight. That’s the magic of TC4. Its low density makes it perfect for applications where weight reduction is crucial, like aerospace and high-performance automotive parts.
  • Exceptional Corrosion Resistance: Think of TC4 as the ultimate rust-buster. Highly resistant to corrosion, it thrives in harsh environments where other materials would quickly succumb to deterioration. Think marine applications, chemical processing equipment, and biomedical implants.
  • Excellent Biocompatibility: For those seeking biocompatible materials for medical implants, TC4 shines. Its gentle nature makes it well-tolerated by the human body, minimizing the risk of rejection.
  • Good Weldability: Seamless integration? TC4 delivers! It welds beautifully, allowing for the creation of complex 3D printed structures with strong, reliable connections.
  • Favorable Formability: Need a material that can bend to your will (figuratively, of course)? TC4 exhibits good formability, making it suitable for applications requiring some degree of shaping after printing.

But wait, there’s more! TC4 boasts impressive mechanical properties like high tensile strength, fatigue strength, and creep resistance. These translate to 3D printed parts that can withstand significant loads and stresses without compromising performance.

Different TC4 Metal Powder Models for 3D Printing

The magic of TC4 in 3D printing lies in its transformation into a fine metallic powder. Here’s a closer look at some of the leading TC4 metal powder models available:

  • AMPA® CP Ti Grade 4: Produced by AMPA Material, this gas-atomized powder boasts excellent flowability and packing density, ideal for Selective Laser Melting (SLM) applications.
  • EOS Titanium TiGrade4: A trusted offering from EOS GmbH, this gas-atomized powder delivers exceptional surface quality and dimensional accuracy, perfect for intricate 3D printed parts.
  • LPW® Ti6Al4V (Grade 23): While not strictly TC4 (contains slightly less vanadium), this LPW powder from LPW Technology Ltd. offers a close alternative with similar properties, making it a popular choice for high-performance applications.
  • SLM Solutions® Ti Grade 4: This gas-atomized powder from SLM Solutions is known for its consistent particle size distribution and high purity, leading to reliable and predictable printing results.
  • Proto Labs® Titanium Ti Grade 4: Proto Labs offers gas-atomized TC4 powder specifically optimized for their 3D printing processes, ensuring seamless integration and high-quality results.
  • TRUMPF Titanium Grade 4: TRUMPF GmbH provides a gas-atomized TC4 powder solution suitable for various 3D printing technologies, offering versatility and consistent performance.
  • Renishaw® AM247: While not specifically TC4, Renishaw’s AM247 powder is a close relative with a similar composition and properties, catering to a wide range of 3D printing applications.

Applications of TC4 Power in 3D Printing

TC4’s exceptional properties translate into a diverse range of applications in the 3D printing realm. Here, we explore some of the most compelling use cases:

  • Aerospace and Defense: The relentless pursuit of lightweight, high-strength components in aerospace and defense applications finds a perfect ally in TC4. From 3D printed aircraft brackets and housings to intricate rocket engine parts, TC4’s strength-to-weight ratio and excellent mechanical properties make it a top choice for pushing the boundaries of flight.
  • Motorsports and Automotive: The need for speed and performance in motorsports translates to a constant demand for lighter, stronger components. TC4 steps up to the challenge, enabling the 3D printing of custom-designed brake calipers, suspension components, and even lightweight wheels that can shave off precious seconds on the race track. In high-performance automobiles, TC4 finds applications in engine components, exhaust systems, and other parts where weight reduction and durability are paramount.
  • Medical and Biomedical: Biocompatibility is king in the realm of medical implants. TC4’s gentle nature on the human body makes it a valuable material for 3D printed prosthetics, dental implants, and even cranial implants. The ability to create custom-designed implants using 3D printing and TC4 allows for a more personalized and potentially faster healing process for patients.
  • Chemical Processing and Oil & Gas: Harsh environments with exposure to corrosive chemicals and extreme temperatures demand robust materials. TC4’s exceptional corrosion resistance makes it ideal for 3D printed parts used in chemical processing equipment, oil and gas pipelines, and even downhole tools used in extreme well conditions.
  • Consumer Goods and Sporting Equipment: Looking for that winning edge in your favorite sport? TC4 might just be the answer. Its combination of strength and lightweight properties makes it suitable for 3D printed bicycle components, golf clubs, and even custom-designed sporting equipment tailored to individual athletes. Imagine a perfectly balanced tennis racket or a baseball bat with optimal swing weight, all thanks to the magic of 3D printed TC4.

Beyond these specific applications, the potential of TC4 in 3D printing continues to expand. As 3D printing technology evolves, we can expect to see TC4 utilized in a growing number of industries, from the creation of complex architectural components to lightweight and durable consumer electronics.

Advantages and Limitations of TC4 for 3D Printing

While TC4 offers a compelling set of advantages for 3D printing, it’s important to acknowledge its limitations as well. Here’s a balanced view:


  • Exceptional Strength-to-Weight Ratio: As mentioned earlier, TC4’s ability to be incredibly strong yet surprisingly lightweight makes it a game-changer in applications where weight reduction is crucial.
  • Superior Corrosion Resistance: Highly resistant to corrosion, TC4 thrives in harsh environments where other materials would quickly succumb to deterioration.
  • Biocompatibility: For medical applications, TC4’s biocompatible nature makes it a valuable material for implants, minimizing the risk of rejection.
  • Good Weldability and Formability: Seamless integration and the ability to be shaped to some degree after printing make TC4 versatile for complex 3D printed structures.


  • Higher Cost: Compared to some standard 3D printing materials, TC4 powder can be more expensive. However, the performance benefits it offers often outweigh the initial cost consideration for many applications.
  • Printing Challenges: TC4 can be trickier to 3D print compared to some materials due to its higher melting point and potential for warping. However, advancements in 3D printing technology and experienced operators can mitigate these challenges.
  • Limited Color Options: If vibrant aesthetics are a priority, TC4 might not be the ideal choice. The natural color of the material is typically a grayish hue, although post-processing techniques can offer some degree of customization.

Making an Informed Decision:

Understanding both the advantages and limitations of TC4 empowers you to make informed decisions about its suitability for your specific 3D printing project. If high strength, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility are paramount, and you can accommodate the cost and printing considerations, then TC4 could be the perfect material to elevate your project to new heights.

Specifications, Sizes, Grades, and Standards for TC4 Metal Powder

Delving deeper, let’s explore the nitty-gritty details of TC4 metal powder for 3D printing. Here’s a breakdown of key specifications, sizes, grades, and relevant standards:


These typically vary depending on the specific metal powder manufacturer, but some general specifications for TC4 powder include:

  • Particle Size Distribution: Ranging from 15-45 microns, ensuring good flowability and packing density for efficient printing.
  • Sphericity: Ideally close to spherical for optimal powder flow and laser interaction during the 3D printing process.
  • Apparent Density: Typically around 4.4 g/cm³, impacting powder handling and storage requirements.
  • Oxygen Content: Strictly controlled to minimize oxidation during printing and ensure the final part’s mechanical properties.


TC4 metal powder is typically available in a range of particle sizes to cater to different 3D printing technologies and desired surface finishes. Here’s a common range:

  • -100 +15 microns: Ideal for very fine detail and high-resolution printing.
  • -53 +15 microns: A versatile option suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • -45 +15 microns: Often used for applications where a balance between detail and printing efficiency is desired.


While TC4 is a standardized alloy, some metal powder manufacturers might offer variations with slightly different compositions or properties tailored for specific applications. It’s crucial to consult the datasheet provided by the manufacturer to understand the specific grade’s properties.


Several key standards govern the production and quality of TC4 metal powder for 3D printing. These standards ensure consistency, safety, and performance:

  • ASTM International (ASTM): Standards like ASTM B294 set specifications for titanium and titanium alloy powder.
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): Standards like ASME B 289 address the qualification and inspection of metallic powders used in additive manufacturing.
  • Aerospace Material Specifications (AMS): These specifications, established by organizations like SAE International, define requirements for materials used in aerospace applications, including some TC4 metal powder grades.

Understanding these specifications, sizes, grades, and standards empowers you to select the optimal TC4 metal powder for your specific 3D printing project. By considering factors like particle size, desired surface finish, and relevant industry standards, you can ensure compatibility with your chosen 3D printing technology and achieve the best possible results.

TC4 Metal Powder

Suppliers and Pricing of TC4 Metal Powder

Now that you’re familiar with the key characteristics of TC4 metal powder, let’s explore where to source it and what to expect in terms of pricing.


Several reputable metal powder suppliers offer TC4 powder specifically formulated for 3D printing. Here are some prominent names:

  • AMPA Material
  • EOS GmbH
  • LPW Technology Ltd.
  • SLM Solutions GmbH
  • Proto Labs Inc.
  • Renishaw plc
  • Carpenter Additive


The pricing of TC4 metal powder can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Manufacturer: Different suppliers might have slightly different pricing structures.
  • Order Quantity: Bulk purchases often come with discounted pricing compared to smaller orders.
  • Particle Size: Finer particle sizes typically command a premium price.
  • Grade: Specialized grades with unique properties might be more expensive.

As a general estimate, expect the price of TC4 metal powder to fall within the range of $100 to $300 per kilogram. It’s advisable to contact potential suppliers directly for specific quotes based on your desired quantity and powder specifications.

Beyond the initial cost of the powder, consider factors like printing time, post-processing requirements, and the overall value proposition of using TC4 for your project. In many cases, the exceptional performance benefits of TC4 outweigh the initial material cost, especially for high-value applications where strength, weight reduction, and corrosion resistance are critical.


Q: What are the benefits of using TC4 metal powder for 3D printing?

A: TC4 offers a compelling combination of advantages, including exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, superior corrosion resistance, biocompatibility for medical applications, and good weldability and formability.

Q: Are there any limitations to consider when using TC4 metal powder?

A: While highly advantageous, TC4 does have some limitations. The material can be more expensive compared to some standard 3D printing materials, and it might present some printing challenges due to its higher melting point and potential for warping. Additionally, color options are limited with TC4.

Q: What are some typical applications for TC4 metal powder in 3D printing?

A: TC4 finds applications in various industries due to its properties. Common use cases include aerospace and defense components, motorsports and automotive parts, medical and biomedical implants, chemical processing equipment, and even consumer goods like sporting equipment.

Q: How much does TC4 metal powder typically cost?

A: The pricing of TC4 metal powder can vary depending on several factors, but here’s a breakdown to give you a better idea:

  • Price Range: Expect a range of $100 to $300 per kilogram.
  • Factors Affecting Price:
    • Manufacturer: Different suppliers might have varying pricing structures.
    • Order Quantity: Bulk purchases typically come with discounted pricing compared to smaller orders.
    • Particle Size: Finer particle sizes, ideal for high-resolution printing, often command a premium price.
    • Grade: Specialized grades with unique properties tailored for specific applications might be more expensive.

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