FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder: Unparalleled Precision and Power

In the realm of soft magnetic materials, FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder stands out as a versatile and high-performance option. Known for its excellent magnetic permeability, low coercivity, and thermal stability, this material is widely used in high-frequency transformers, inductors, and magnetic shielding applications. The addition of molybdenum (Mo) further enhances its properties, making it a top choice for industries that require precision, efficiency, and durability. This comprehensive guide will take you through everything you need to know about FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder, including its composition, properties, applications, pricing, advantages, and limitations. Whether you're an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this detailed article will provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions.

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In the realm of soft magnetic materials, FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder stands out as a versatile and high-performance option. Known for its excellent magnetic permeability, low coercivity, and thermal stability, this material is widely used in vysokofrekvenční transformátory, induktory, a aplikace magnetického stínění. The addition of molybdenum (Mo) further enhances its properties, making it a top choice for industries that require precision, efficiency, and durability.

Tento komplexní průvodce vás seznámí se vším, co potřebujete vědět o. FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder, včetně jeho složení, vlastnosti, aplikace, stanovení cen, výhody, a omezení. Whether you’re an engineer, researcher, or manufacturer, this detailed article will provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions.

Overview of FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Začněme od základů: FeNi80Mo5 is a soft magnetic alloy composed primarily of 80% nickel (Ni), 15% iron (Fe), a 5% molybdenum (Mo). This unique composition gives it exceptional magnetic properties, including vysoká propustnost, low core loss, a vynikající tepelná stabilita. The spherical powder form is specifically designed for use in aditivní výroba, prášková metalurgie, and other advanced fabrication methods.

If you’re wondering why this material is so popular, think of it as the “Swiss Army knife” of soft magnetic alloys. Its versatility, combined with its superior performance, makes it indispensable in industries such as elektronika, letectví a kosmonautiky, a automobilový průmysl.

Key Features of FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Co dělá FeNi80Mo5 so unique? Let’s break down its standout features:

  1. Vysoká magnetická propustnost: FeNi80Mo5 exhibits exceptional magnetic permeability, which means it can efficiently conduct magnetic flux.
  2. Nízký Koercivita: It requires minimal energy to magnetize or demagnetize, making it highly efficient for AC applications.
  3. Low Core Loss: Reduced energy loss during magnetization ensures better efficiency in high-frequency applications.
  4. Tepelná stabilita: With excellent performance at elevated temperatures, FeNi80Mo5 can withstand demanding industrial environments.
  5. Sférický tvar: The powder’s spherical particles enhance flowability, packing density, and uniformity, critical for modern manufacturing techniques.
  6. Odolnost proti korozi: While not completely corrosion-proof, this alloy performs well in controlled environments or with protective coatings.
  7. Všestrannost: FeNi80Mo5 is suitable for a broad range of applications, from transformers and inductors to advanced 3D-printed magnetic components.

These features make FeNi80Mo5 an ideal choice for engineers and designers seeking reliable, high-performance magnetic materials.

Složení a vlastnosti FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Abyste pochopili, proč FeNi80Mo5 Alloy Powder performs so well, let’s dive into its composition and properties.

Chemické složení FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

ŽivelProcento (%)Role ve slitině
nikl (Ni)80Provides high magnetic permeability and corrosion resistance.
železo (Fe)15Contributes to magnetic saturation and structural integrity.
molybden (Mo)5Enhances thermal stability, hardness, and reduces core losses.

This well-balanced composition ensures that FeNi80Mo5 delivers exceptional magnetic and physical properties.

Physical and Magnetic Properties of FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Hustota~8,7 g/cm³High density ensures robust performance in demanding applications.
Nasycení magnetizace~0.8 TProvides sufficient magnetic energy for most industrial uses.
Koercivita (Hc)≤ 0.1 OeLow coercivity minimizes energy loss in alternating current (AC) systems.
Permeability (µ)~50,000Exceptional permeability boosts magnetic flux conduction.
Core LossMinimálníReduces heat and energy loss, ideal for high-frequency applications.
Tepelná stabilitaDo 500 °CRetains magnetic properties at elevated temperatures.
Elektrický odpor~0.6 µΩ·cmHelps reduce eddy current losses.
TekutostVynikajícíSpherical particles ensure smooth flow during manufacturing.

These properties make FeNi80Mo5 a top-tier material for creating efficient, long-lasting magnetic devices.

Applications of FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Kde se nachází FeNi80Mo5 Alloy Powder shine? Its unique properties make it a favorite for a variety of industrial applications.

Běžné aplikace FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

ElektronikaHigh-frequency transformers, inductors, and magnetic shielding.
AerospaceMagnetic shielding for avionics and satellite systems.
Automobilový průmyslElectric motors, alternators, and sensors.
Lékařské přístrojeMRI machines, diagnostic tools, and magnetic sensors.
Výroba elektřinyMagnetic cores for transformers and generators in power plants.
Aditivní výroba3D-printed magnetic components for precision engineering.

Jeho low core loss, vysoká propustnost, a tepelná stabilita make FeNi80Mo5 indispensable in applications where energy efficiency and performance are critical.

Specifikace, velikosti a normy FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

To ensure compatibility with your project, it’s essential to understand the available specifications and standards for FeNi80Mo5.

Specifikace a velikosti

Velikost částic15-45 µm pro aditivní výrobu; 45-150 µm pro práškovou metalurgii.
TvarSpherical for consistent flowability and packing density.
NormyMeets ASTM A801 and ISO 10069 standards for magnetic materials.

These specifications allow manufacturers to choose the best option for their specific needs.

Ceny a dodavatelé FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Pokud hledáte zdroj FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Powder, here’s an overview of suppliers and pricing.

Informace o dodavatelích a cenách

DodavatelCenové rozpětí (za kg)UmístěníDalší služby
Höganäs AB$180–$250ŠvédskoVlastní velikosti částic a technická podpora.
Přísady GKN$200–$300USASpecializované prášky pro aditivní výrobu.
Technologie materiálů Sandvik$190–$270GlobálníPrášky s vysokou čistotou pro přesné aplikace.
Pokročilá prášková řešení$170–$240GlobálníŘešení na míru pro konkrétní odvětví.

Ceny se liší v závislosti na faktorech, jako jsou velikost částic, množství, a customization requirements.

Výhody a omezení FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

Every material has its pros and cons. Let’s explore both for FeNi80Mo5.


  1. Vysoký magnetický výkon: Exceptional permeability and low core loss ensure superior efficiency.
  2. Tepelná stabilita: Performs reliably in high-temperature environments.
  3. Všestrannost: Suitable for a wide range of applications in multiple industries.
  4. Sférický tvar: Ensures smooth flow and uniform packing for advanced manufacturing methods.


  1. Vyšší náklady: More expensive than conventional magnetic materials.
  2. Corrosion Sensitivity: Requires coatings in harsh environments.
  3. Specializované aplikace: Best suited for high-performance, precision projects.

FAQs About FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder

What is FeNi80Mo5 Alloy used for?Transformers, inductors, magnetic shielding, and aerospace applications.
Why choose FeNi80Mo5 over other alloys?Offers superior magnetic performance, thermal stability, and low core loss.
Lze jej použít při 3D tisku?Yes, its spherical shape makes it ideal for additive manufacturing.
How much does FeNi80Mo5 cost?Prices range from $170 to $300 per kilogram, depending on specifications.
Je odolný proti korozi?Performs well in controlled environments; coatings may be needed in harsh conditions.


FeNi80Mo5 Soft Magnetic Alloy Spherical Powder is a high-performance material that combines exceptional magnetické vlastnosti, tepelná stabilita, a všestrannost. Ať už navrhujete transformátory, elektromotory, nebo magnetické stínění, this alloy delivers unmatched performance in even the most demanding applications.

Ready to elevate your projects? Explore FeNi80Mo5 Alloy Powder today and see how it can transform your designs into efficient, high-precision solutions!

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