CoCrMoW prášek

Prášek CoCrMoW je prášek ze slitiny kobaltu, chromu, molybdenu a wolframu, který se používá především k výrobě ortopedických kloubních implantátů. Přídavek wolframu dále zvyšuje pevnost, odolnost proti opotřebení a tvrdost ve srovnání se slitinami CoCrMo.

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Overview of CoCrMoW Powder

Prášek CoCrMoW je prášek ze slitiny kobaltu, chromu, molybdenu a wolframu, který se používá především k výrobě ortopedických kloubních implantátů. Přídavek wolframu dále zvyšuje pevnost, odolnost proti opotřebení a tvrdost ve srovnání se slitinami CoCrMo.

Key properties and advantages of CoCrMoW powder include:

CoCrMoW Powder Properties and Characteristics

Vlastnosti Podrobnosti
Složení Co-Cr-Mo-W alloy
Hustota 9.2 g/cc
Tvar částic Sférické
Rozsah velikostí 15-45 mikronů
Zdánlivá hustota Up to 60% of true density
Tekutost Dobrý
Odolnost proti korozi Excellent due to Cr oxide layer
Biokompatibilita High, suitable for implants
Odolnost proti opotřebení Extremely good from W and Cr
Síla Very high from solid solution strengthening

With its unique combination of biocompatibility, high hardness, strength and toughness, CoCrMoW enables manufacturing of high performance orthopedic implants using 3D printing or metal injection molding.

CoCrMoW Powder Composition

CoCrMoW Powder Composition

Živel Hmotnost %
Kobalt Zůstatek
Chrom 26-30%
Molybden 5-7%
Wolfram 4-6%
Uhlík < 0.35%
Mangan < 1%
Křemík < 1%
Žehlička < 1%
Nikl < 1%
  • Cobalt provides strength, biocompatibility, aids solid solution strengthening
  • Chromium for oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance
  • Molybdenum contributes to solid solution strengthening
  • Tungsten significantly improves wear resistance and hardness
  • Other elements present as impurities

The high Cr, Mo and W content result in an excellent combination of strength, hardness and corrosion resistance required for orthopedic implants.

CoCrMoW prášek

CoCrMoW Powder Physical Properties

CoCrMoW Powder Physical Properties

Vlastnosti Hodnoty
Hustota 9.2 g/cc
Bod tání 1370-1430°C
Elektrický odpor 96 μΩ-cm
Tepelná vodivost 16 W/mK
CTE 14.5 x 10^-6 K^-1
Curieho teplota 1160°C
  • High density compared to CoCrMo and titanium alloys
  • Maintains strength and hardness at elevated temperatures
  • Relatively low thermal conductivity
  • Becomes paramagnetic above Curie temperature
  • CTE higher than competing alloys in implant applications

The properties allow use in load bearing orthopedic implants requiring high temperature strength, hardness and corrosion resistance.

CoCrMoW Powder Mechanical Properties

CoCrMoW Powder Mechanical Properties

Vlastnosti Hodnoty
Tvrdost 43-52 HRC
Pevnost v tahu 1310-1650 MPa
Pevnost v tahu 1035-1450 MPa
Prodloužení 8-15%
Modul pružnosti 240-310 GPa
Pevnost v tlaku 1700-2100 MPa
  • Excellent combination of very high strength and hardness
  • Strength levels exceed requirements for load bearing implants
  • Reasonable ductility for a hard material
  • High modulus provides stiffness required for implants
  • High fatigue strength ensures durability

The mechanical properties make CoCrMoW powder highly suitable for manufacturing strong, wear resistant orthopedic implants using AM techniques.

CoCrMoW Powder Applications

Primary applications of CoCrMoW powder include:

CoCrMoW Powder Applications

aplikace Příklady
Ortopedické implantáty Knee, hip, dental implants
Zdravotnické prostředky Surgical tools and instruments
Aerospace Aircraft engine components
Automobilový průmysl Fuel injection parts, valves
Průmyslový Řezné nástroje, raznice, formy

Some specific product uses of CoCrMoW alloy powder:

  • Articulating surfaces in joint replacement implants
  • Dental crowns, bridges and root caps
  • Maxillofacial implants, skull plates
  • Aircraft engine turbine blades and housings
  • Automotive engine valves and fuel injection nozzles
  • Cutting tools and industrial tooling

The combination of outstanding mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility provides maximum performance for these demanding applications.

CoCrMoW Powder Specifications

Key standards for CoCrMoW powder:

CoCrMoW Powder Standards

Standard Popis
ASTM F75 Standard for wrought CoCrMo alloy for surgical implants
ASTM F1537 Wrought CoCrMoNi alloy for dental applications
ASTM F3001 Specification for additive manufacturing of medical implants using powder bed fusion
ISO 5832-4 Wrought CoCrMoNi alloy for surgical implants

These standards specify:

  • Limits on composition, impurities
  • Minimum mechanical property requirements
  • Production method – inert gas atomization
  • Acceptable particle size distribution
  • Testing protocols for quality assurance
  • Powder characterization requirements

Compliance with standards ensures suitability for critical orthopedic implant applications.

CoCrMoW Powder Particle Size

CoCrMoW Powder Particle Size Distribution

Velikost částic Charakteristika
15-25 microns Used in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)
25-45 mikronů Used in binder jetting and DMLS
10-45 mikronů Used in metal injection molding
  • Finer powder provides higher resolution and surface finish for AM
  • Coarser powder has better flowability for powder processing
  • Balanced size distribution optimized for each production method
  • Tight control over particle size distribution is maintained

Controlling particle size and morphology allows high packing density and optimized sintering.

CoCrMoW Powder Apparent Density

CoCrMoW Powder Apparent Density

Zdánlivá hustota Charakteristika
Up to 60% of true density For spherical powder morphology
4.5-5.5 g/cc range Due to voids between particles
  • Vyšší zdánlivá hustota zlepšuje tok a stlačitelnost prášku.
  • Spherical powder shape allows greater packing density
  • Values up to 65% are possible with optimized powder

Higher apparent density results in better manufacturing productivity and part quality.

CoCrMoW Powder Production Method

CoCrMoW Powder Production

Metoda Podrobnosti
Rozprašování plynu High pressure inert gas breaks up molten alloy stream into fine droplets
Vakuové indukční tavení High purity starting materials melted under vacuum
Vícenásobné přetavení Improves chemical homogeneity
Sítování Classifies powder into different particle size fractions
Blending Powder fractions blended to customize particle distribution
  • Gas atomization produces fine spherical powder morphology
  • Vacuum melting minimizes impurities like oxygen and nitrogen
  • Multiple remelting improves uniformity of composition
  • Post-processing allows precise control of particle size distribution

Fully automated production and strict process control ensures reliable properties and batch-to-batch consistency of the powder.

CoCrMoW Powder Pricing

CoCrMoW Powder Pricing

Faktor Dopad
Powder grade Price increases with higher purity
Velikost částic Ultrafine grades more expensive
Objednané množství Price reduces for bulk orders
Powder properties Higher apparent density costs more
Balení Argon filled containers raise price
Testing requirements More rigorous testing increases cost
Lead time Faster delivery times increase cost

Orientační ceny

  • CoCrMoW for medical applications: $120-180 per kg
  • CoCrMoW for industrial applications: $80-120 per kg

Significantly lower prices are applicable for bulk orders exceeding several hundred kilograms.

CoCrMoW Powder Suppliers

CoCrMoW Powder Suppliers

Společnost Umístění
Přísada pro tesaře USA
Sandvik Osprey Spojené království
Hoganas Švédsko
Praxair USA
AP&C Kanada
Erasteel Francie

Key selection factors:

  • Range of powder grades and particle sizes
  • Production capacity and lead times
  • Powder quality and consistency
  • Compliance with medical standards
  • Ceny a minimální objednací množství
  • Inspection, testing and QA processes

CoCrMoW Powder Handling and Safety

CoCrMoW Powder Handling

Doporučení Důvod
Vyhněte se vdechování To prevent lung tissue damage from fine particles
Use protective mask and gloves Prevent accidental ingestion through nose/mouth
Handle in well ventilated areas Reduce airborne particle circulation
Use appropriate protective clothing Minimize skin contact
Ensure no ignition sources nearby Prášek může v kyslíkové atmosféře hořet
Follow anti-static protocols Prevent fire due to static discharge while handling
Používejte nejiskřící nástroje Avoid possibility of ignition
Store in sealed containers in cool, dry area Prevent contamination and oxidation

Although CoCrMoW powder is relatively inert, recommended precautions should be taken for safe handling and processing.

CoCrMoW Powder Inspection and Testing

CoCrMoW Powder Testing

Test Podrobnosti
Chemická analýza ICP spectroscopy used to verify composition
Particle size analysis Determines particle size distribution
Zdánlivá hustota Measured using Hall flowmeter as per ASTM B212
Morfologie prášku Imaging analysis via SEM to check particle shape
Flow rate testing Determines flowability through a standardized funnel
Tap density testing Density measured after mechanically tapping powder sample

Rigorous testing ensures compliance with specifications like ASTM F75 and consistent powder suitable for orthopedic implant manufacturing.

CoCrMoW Powder Storage and Handling

CoCrMoW Powder Storage

Faktor Efekt
Air, oxygen Risk of oxidation at high temperatures
Moisture Low corrosion rate at room temperature
Organic solvents Can absorb solvents and stain powder
Acids, alkalis Resistant to mild acids and bases
Elevated temperatures Increased reactivity and oxidation in air
Kontaminace Can affect flowability, sintering ability


  • Store sealed in inert gas purged containers
  • Maintain below 30°C temperature
  • Avoid contact with oxidizing acids and chlorinated solvents
  • Open containers only in controlled environments

With proper precautions, CoCrMoW powder exhibits excellent stability during handling and storage.

Comparison With CoCrMo Powder

CoCrMoW vs CoCrMo Powder

Parametr CoCrMoW CoCrMo
Hustota 9.2 g/cc 8,3 g/cc
Tvrdost 43-52 HRC 35-45 HRC
Pevnost v tahu 1310-1650 MPa 1170-1510 MPa
Odolnost proti opotřebení Vynikající Velmi dobré
Odolnost proti korozi Vynikající Vynikající
Biokompatibilita Vysoký Vysoký
Náklady Vysoký Mírný
Používá Orthopedic implants, aerospace Orthopedic implants, dental
  • CoCrMoW has significantly higher strength and hardness
  • CoCrMoW provides better wear resistance
  • Both offer excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility
  • CoCrMoW is more expensive due to W addition
  • CoCrMoW preferred for knee, hip implants; CoCrMo for dentistry

The tungsten addition gives CoCrMoW superior mechanical properties than conventional CoCrMo alloys.

CoCrMoW Powder Pros and Cons

Advantages of CoCrMoW Powder:

  • Excellent strength, hardness and wear resistance
  • High biocompatibility and corrosion resistance
  • Good high temperature properties
  • Can be processed via AM or MIM techniques
  • Suitable for load-bearing orthopedic implant applications
  • Provides attractive aesthetic appearance

Limitations of CoCrMoW Powder:

  • More expensive than CoCrMo and stainless steel powders
  • Lower ductility and fracture toughness
  • Requires protective atmosphere during processing
  • Difficult to machine final components
  • Limited joinability and weldability
  • Release of Co ions raises health concerns

CoCrMoW Powder FAQs

Q: What are the main applications of CoCrMoW powder?

A: The primary applications are knee and hip joint replacement implants, dental restorations like crowns and bridges, maxillofacial implants, and aerospace components like turbine blades.

Q: How does tungsten addition improve the properties of CoCrMo alloy?

A: Tungsten significantly increases strength, hardness and wear resistance through solid solution strengthening and formation of stiff carbides. This results in excellent performance for load bearing implants.

Q: What precautions are needed when handling CoCrMoW powder?

A: Recommended precautions include using protective mask, gloves, clothing, handling in ventilated areas, avoiding ignition sources, controlling static discharge, using non-sparking tools, and storing sealed containers in a cool, dry place.

Q: What are the key differences between CoCrMoW grades for medical and industrial uses?

A: Medical grades have higher purity, lower impurities, controlled particle size distribution, undergo more rigorous testing, and are produced under stringent quality control to meet standards for biomedical implants.

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