Pure Titanium Powder

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Overview of Pure Titanium Powder

Pure titanium powder is a finely divided form of titanium metal, typically with particle sizes ranging from 10 to 150 microns. It features high purity levels of 99.5% or greater. Due to its inherent properties of strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility, pure titanium powder has diverse commercial and industrial applications.

Some key attributes of pure titanium powder:

Chemical FormulaTi
Purity Levels99.5%, 99.6%, 99.9% Ti
Particle Size Range10 μm to 150 μm
ShapeSpherical, irregular, angular
Manufacturing ProcessGas atomization, plasma atomization
Supply FormsPowders, granules, paste

Some notable advantages of pure titanium powder include high strength-to-weight ratio, exceptional corrosion resistance, biocompatibility, ability to withstand extreme temperatures, non-toxicity, non-magnetism.

However, disadvantages consist of high cost compared to competing materials and difficulties in machining due to its inherent hardness.

pure titanium powder

Composition of Pure Titanium Powder

As the name suggests, commercially pure (CP) titanium powder contains only titanium as the principal element with only minor traces of other elements like oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and iron. By definition per ASTM standards, it must have minimum titanium content exceeding 99.5% for the “commercially pure” designation.

ElementComposition Range
Titanium (Ti) 99.5% min
Oxygen (O)Up to 0.40%
Nitrogen (N)Up to 0.03%
Carbon (C)Up to 0.08%
Iron (Fe)Up to 0.20%
Other metals (total)Up to 0.4%

The high purity levels result in the inherent properties of titanium like high corrosion resistance, strength-to-density ratio, fatigue limit and biological compatibility that make it ideal for advanced applications.

Key Properties of Pure Titanium Powder

The unique combination of physical, chemical, electrical, thermal and biological properties of high purity titanium powder derives from its electron configuration and makes it well suited to niche applications in aerospace, medical implants, and advanced engineering domains.

Density4.5 g/cm3
Melting Point 1668 °C
Thermal Conductivity 7-16 W/mK
Specific Strength 108 kN·m/kg
Tensile Strength 240-550 MPa
Corrosion Resistance Excellent
Electrical Resistivity 420-680 Ω.m
Non-toxicity Yes
Non-magnetism Yes

The high purity levels result in titanium’s inherent properties like high corrosion resistance, strength-to-density ratio, fatigue limit and biological compatibility that make it ideal for advanced applications.

In particulate form as powder, titanium retains its key attributes. Particle size distribution and powder morphology influences the final properties in a part or component fabricated from the powder.

Applications of Pure Titanium Powder

Owing to its versatile material properties, high purity titanium powder finds uses across many critical industries from aerospace components to medical implants and from auto parts to energy applications.

Some major application areas:

Industry Applications
Aerospace Engine components, spacecraft parts
Medical Orthopedic and dental implants, surgical instruments
Chemical Corrosion resistant equipment, reactors, heat exchangers
Power Generation Steam turbine blades, liquid metal heat exchangers
AutomotiveValves, connecting rods, springs, fasteners
Consumer Sports equipment, eyeglass frames, watches
Emerging areas Additive manufacturing, batteries, seawater desalination

The biocompatibility and corrosion resistance allows titanium powder to be 3D printed into porous structures ideal for medical implants that integrate with the body. Light weight and high operating temperature capabilities make titanium attractive for aerospace engine parts and other structures.

Globally, the biomedical segment accounts for over 37% of titanium powder consumption followed by aerospace at 26% share. The additive manufacturing sector will likely exhibit the highest growth at over 20% CAGR over the coming decade boosting titanium powder demand.

Specifications of Pure Titanium Powder

Commercially pure titanium powder is available in standardized specifications per grades defined by ASTM International and other regulatory bodies. The grades are based on purity levels from Grade 1 being 99.5% minimum Ti content to Grade 4 with 99.5% Ti. Higher grades possess better mechanical properties.

Grade Minimum Ti content (%) Key Impurities
Grade 1 99.5% O, Fe
Grade 2 99.5% O, C, Fe
Grade 3 99.5% O, N, C
Grade 4 99.5% O, C, N, Fe

Particle Size Distribution

Particle size and size distribution is an important characteristic that influences application suitability, powder flowability, final part density and other properties.

Titanium powder particles are sized by standard testing sieves designated in microns or mesh numbers. Common particle size distributions include:

Size RangeAttributesApplications
10 to 45 microns– Higher tap density
– Improved powder flow
Additive manufacturing, metal injection molding
45 to 106 microns– Moderate powder flowPressed and sintered parts, MIM
106 to 150 microns– Lower cost
– Higher productivity
Non-critical applications

Finer particles offer better densification while coarser powder suits high throughput applications. Custom particle size distributions tailored to end use can be manufactured via process controls.

Morphology and Shape

The morphology and shape of individual powder particles affects final properties. Spherical powders offer better flow and packing density compared to irregular shapes. Different manufacturing techniques yield varied morphology:

  • Gas atomized powders have spherical particles with smooth surface and higher purity
  • Plasma atomized powder particles are more irregular and porous with wider size distribution
  • Hydride-dehydride process creates angular, irregular particles

Manufacturers provide images depicting particle shapes and surface morphology. Customers can request samples to analyze shape and particle characteristics according to their application needs. Well-controlled particle morphology improves final part quality.

Global Suppliers

High purity titanium powder is produced by a limited number of manufacturers owing to the highly technical and energy-intensive production process. The major global suppliers include:

Advanced Powders & Coatings USA
AP&C CanadaCanada
ATI Powder MetalsUSA
Carpenter Technology USA
OSAKA TitaniumJapan
Toho Titanium Japan

Several Indian manufacturers also produce CP titanium powder to serve domestic markets. Custom toll processing services are offered wherein customer-supplied titanium ingots and scrap are converted into powder.


As a specialty metal product, CP titanium powder commands higher pricing relative to standard metal powders. Cost depends strongly on:

  • Purity grades: Grade 1 powder with 99.5% Ti base is most expensive; Grade 4 powder with higher impurities is lower cost
  • Processing method: Gas atomized powder is priced higher over plasma atomized powder
  • Particle size and distribution: Finer powders below 45 micron size are pricier versus over 106 micron powder
  • Purchase volume: Buying full container loads allows negotiation on pricing
GradePrice Range
Grade 1$70-$195 per kg
Grade 2$45-$115 per kg
Grade 3$40-$100 per kg

Prices vary among global suppliers based on production costs, raw material contracts, energy expenses and local market conditions. Large buyers able to place high volume orders gain bargaining power on pricing.

Comparing Commercially Pure vs. Titanium Alloys

Commercially pure titanium powder differs from titanium alloys which incorporate other metallic elements like aluminum, vanadium, and molybdenum to enhance specific properties like strength and hardness.

Attribute Commercially Pure Powder Titanium Alloy Powder
Composition 99.5%+ Ti Ti + other metals like Al, V, Mo
PurityVery highModerate
Cost ExpensiveLow cost
Strength Moderate Very high
HardnessLow High
Corrosion resistanceExcellent Good
Biocompatibility Excellent Moderate
ApplicationsMedical, marine, heat exchangers Aerospace, automotive

CP titanium favors long term implanted medical devices and seawater applications where biocompatibility and corrosion behavior is vital while titanium alloys are selected for mechanical strength needs.

Pros and Cons of Pure Titanium Powder

Pure titanium powder delivers many performance benefits but also comes with few drawbacks as highlighted below:


  • Excellent strength-to-weight ratio
  • Bio-compatible and non-toxic
  • Extreme corrosion resistance
  • Withstands high temperatures
  • Easy to alloy and modify properties
  • Non-magnetic


  • Expensive material
  • Reactive to oxygen at high temperatures
  • Difficult to machine in bulk form
  • Low hardness and wear resistance
  • Requires inert gas shielding during processing
  • Limited global availability

With sound engineering design, the benefits of high purity titanium powder outweigh the limitations for specialized applications. Ongoing research targets improved manufacturing methods for efficiency and cost reduction.

Outlook for Purity Titanium Powder Industry

The global market for commercially pure titanium powder amounted to $800 million revenue in 2022. Buoyed by growth drivers, revenues are forecast to reach $2.5 billion by 2030 exhibiting a healthy CAGR of 12.4% through the decade per independent market research.

Key aspects that will bolster demand are:

  • Expanding 3D printing industry utilizing titanium powder for aviation components
  • Rising penetration of titanium medical implants and devices
  • Stringent policies for desalination plants to use titanium heat exchangers
  • Developments in metal injection molding and powder metallurgy techniques
  • Automotive and aerospace sectors shifting to lightweight titanium parts
  • New product innovations across consumer goods utilizing titanium

Challenges restraining market growth include titanium’s high price compared to steel and aluminum, supply-demand imbalance, intensive production process, and availability of competitive powders like cobalt-chrome alloys.

Leading players are investing to improve production methods while newly emerging suppliers in China, India and Korea will try capturing market share. In the long run, industry analysts remain bullish on shiny prospects for pure titanium powder producers over the next ten years.

pure titanium powder


What is pure titanium powder?

Pure titanium powder is a finely divided form of titanium metal. It consists of small particles of titanium with high purity and is often used in various industrial applications.

How is pure titanium powder produced?

Pure titanium powder is typically produced through a process called powder metallurgy. In this method, titanium sponge or other feedstock materials are atomized or ground into small particles, which are then used to create the powder.

What are the characteristics of pure titanium powder?

Pure titanium powder is known for its high corrosion resistance, excellent strength-to-weight ratio, and biocompatibility. It is lightweight, durable, and can withstand harsh environmental conditions.

What are the common uses of pure titanium powder?

Pure titanium powder is used in various applications, including additive manufacturing (3D printing), aerospace components, medical implants, and automotive parts. It is also used in the production of fireworks and pigments.

Is pure titanium powder safe for human use?

Yes, pure titanium powder is generally considered safe for use in medical implants and dental applications due to its biocompatibility. It is hypoallergenic and does not react with the human body.

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