Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder, specifically CoCrMo, is a cobalt-based alloy powder used in various metal powder applications such as metal injection molding (MIM) and additive manufacturing (AM).

Some key details about cobalt chrome CoCrMo alloy powder:

  • Composition – Made up primarily of cobalt along with chromium, molybdenum, and small amounts of other elements like tungsten, nickel, iron, silicon, manganese, and carbon


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Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder, specifically CoCrMo, is a cobalt-based alloy powder used in various metal powder applications such as metal injection molding (MIM) and additive manufacturing (AM).

Some key details about cobalt chrome CoCrMo alloy powder:

  • Composition – Made up primarily of cobalt along with chromium, molybdenum, and small amounts of other elements like tungsten, nickel, iron, silicon, manganese, and carbon
  • Properties – Excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and biocompatibility
  • Manufacturing Process – Usually produced by gas atomization process
  • Particle Sizes – Ranging from 10 microns to 45 microns typically
  • Applications – Medical implants, dental implants, aerospace and automotive components

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder Types

Type Composition Characteristics
CoCrMo Alloy Co – Balance/RemainderCr – 27-30%Mo – 5-7%Si, Mn, C, Fe – <1% Excellent strength, hardness, corrosion resistanceSuitable for metal injection moldingGood wear resistance
Low-Carbon CoCrMo Co – Balance/RemainderCr – 27-30%Mo – 5-7%Si, Mn, C – <0.05% Fe – <0.75% Low carbon for better ductilityImproved fusion defects reductionLess susceptibility to crackingBetter suited for AM/3D printing

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder Properties

Cobalt chrome alloy powder stands out due to its well-balanced combination of mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility making suitable for demanding applications.

Property Details
Strength Ultimte Tensile Strength: 120 to 230 ksiYield Strength: 110 to 150 ksi
Hardness Rockwell Hardness: 25 to 35 HRCVickers Hardness: 350 to 450 HV
Density 8.3 g/cc
Melting Point 1260 to 1350°C (2300 to 2460°F)
Thermal Conductivity 9 to 12 W/m-K
Electrical Resistivity 94 to 108 μΩ-cm
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 14 to 16 μm/m-°C
Modulus of Elasticity 230 to 253 GPa
Elongation 8 to 35%

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder Applications

Thanks to its versatility, cobalt chrome alloy powder is used across several major industries from medical and dental to aerospace and automotive.

Industry Application Components
Medical/Dental Implants, prosthetics Hip implants, knee implants, bone plates, screws
Aerospace Turbine blades, landing gear Blades, shafts, discs, gears
Automotive Valves, pumps, tooling Engine valves, valve seats, ring gears
Industrial Wear and corrosion parts Seals, valves, pump components

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder Specifications

Cobalt chrome alloy powders adhere to several international and regional standards when it comes to composition limits as well as particle size distribution and properties. Common grades used are ASTM F75, F799, and F1537 specification powders.

Standard/Specification Region Allowed Elements Particle Size Properties
ASTM F75 USA Co, Cr, Mo, Si, Mn, C, Fe, Ni 10 to 45 microns Controlled O, N limitsCobalt ≥58% Cr 27 to 30%Hardness 35 HRC (min)UTS 120 ksi (min)Yield Strength 80 ksi (min)Elongation 15% (min)
ASTM F799 USA Co, Cr, Mo, Si, Mn, C, Fe 15 to 45 microns Lower C contentImproved AM propertiesCobalt ≥58% Cr 19 to 21%
ASTM F1537 USA Co, Cr, Mo, Si, Mn, C 10 to 45 microns Used for MIM applicationsModified F75 composition

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder Manufacturers & Suppliers

There are several leading global suppliers that manufacture cobalt chrome powders for MIM and AM needs across the major industries. They offer various grades adhering to regional standards.

Supplier Grades Allowed Elements Particle Size Additional Info
Sandvik Osprey ASTM F75ASTM F799 Co, Cr, Mo, Si, Mn, C, Fe, NiW, N 15 to 45 microns Spherical gas atomized powdersCustom alloysLow O, N content
Praxair F75F1537F799 Co, Cr, Mo, Si, Mn, C, Fe, Ni 15 to 45 microns Select grade for AM vs MIMHigh purity
Carpenter Additive F75F799 Co, Cr, Mo, Si, Mn, C, Fe, Ni 15 to 45 microns Low O, NHigh tapped densitySpherical morphology
Erasteel F799F75Custom Co, Cr, Mo, Si, Mn, C, Fe, Ni 10 to 45 microns Tailor oxygen/nitrogenHigh purity atomization

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder Pricing

Supplier Grade Particle Size Price
Sandvik Osprey ASTM F75 15-45 microns $75/kg
Praxair ASTM F799 25-45 microns $60/kg
Carpenter Additive Custom F75 25-45 microns $90/kg
Erasteel ASTM F1537 15-45 microns $70/kg

Prices vary based on factors like supplier, grade and specification adherence, particle size range, purchase quantity/volume, and geographical region.

Advantages of Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder

  • High strength with UTS over 200 ksi
  • Retains strength and ductility at high temperatures
  • Excellent wear and abrasion resistance
  • Superior corrosion resistance especially in chloride environments
  • Low magnetic permeability
  • Outstanding biocompatibility and bio-inertness
  • Tailorable mechanical properties

Limitations of Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder

  • Relatively expensive compared to steel powders
  • Lower thermal conductivity than other alloys
  • Requires heat treatment to optimize properties
  • Susceptible to fabrication defects if improperly processed
  • Difficult to completely avoid internal oxidation and nitrides
  • Releases metal ions which impact biocompatibility

Cobalt Chrome vs. Stainless Steel Powders

Parameter Cobalt Chrome Stainless Steel
Strength Higher Lower
Hardness Higher Lower to Medium
Corrosion Resistance Significantly better Moderate
Biocompatibility Excellent due to pure alloy Varies depending on composition
Cost More expensive Less expensive
Processability More difficult due to rapid cooling rates needed Easier to process
Applications More critical, load-bearing implants Less critical temporary implants

Cobalt Chrome vs. Titanium Powders

Parameter Cobalt Chrome Titanium
Density Heavier Lighter
Strength Similar or slightly higher Slightly lower
Hardness Higher Lower to Medium
Biocompatibility Similar, no confirmed long-term issues Excellent due to stable oxide layer
Corrosion Resistance Significantly better, more stable oxide layer Moderate, susceptible to some environments
Cost More expensive Less expensive (cp titanium)
Fabrication Difficulty Higher, needs controlled rapid cooling Lower, more room for process variability
Applications Permanent implants for joint replacement Both permanent and temporary implants

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder for Metal Injection Molding

Metal injection molding utilizes fine cobalt chrome powder together with a blend of thermoplastic binders. The homogeneous feedstock is then molded into complex net-shape parts by taking advantage of precise shape-making capabilities of polymer injection molding.

CoCrMo Alloy Compositions for MIM

  • Typical Cobalt – Balance/Remainder
  • Chrominum – 28 to 30 wt%
  • Molybdenum – 5 to 7 wt%
  • Carbon – Kept low, < 0.05wt%
  • Iron, Manganese – Small amounts
  • Nickel, Nitrogen – Minimized

Benefits of MIM with CoCrMo Powder

  • Delivers complex, net-shape parts not possible with other methods
  • Near full density and homogeneous microstructure
  • Properties equal to or better than cast or wrought alloys
  • Minimizes expensive secondary machining
  • Allows small, delicate features and thin walls
  • Consistent dimensional tolerance and surface finish
  • Cost-effective for medium volumes

MIM Process Steps with CoCrMo Powder

The specialized MIM process involves multiple key steps to transform the feedstock into dense end-use components with tailored properties.

Step Details
Mixing CoCrMo powder blended with binders to produce feedstock
Injection Molding Feedstock molded into complex near net-shape parts with precision
Debinding Solvent and thermal cycle removes polymer binders
Sintering Controlled furnace process to densify CoCrMo powder at high temperature
Post Processing Secondary heat treatments or hot isostatic pressing often applied
Finishing Additional machining, grinding, or polishing if needed

MIM Cobalt Chrome Material Properties

MIM enables CoCrMo alloys with a range of attainable mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Properties can be further enhanced by post-sinter heat treatments.

Property As-Sintered Condition Heat Treated Condition Wrought CoCrMo Alloys
Density 8.20-8.30 g/cc 8.25-8.35 g/cc 8.3 g/cc
Hardness 25-35 HRC 38-55 HRC 35-55 HRC
Ultimate Tensile Strength 75-100 ksi 120-220 ksi 120-300 ksi
Yield Strength 50-85 ksi 110-200 ksi 110-250 ksi
Elongation 8-25% 3-30% 8-35%

MIM CoCrMo Applications

MIM enables lightweight, high strength CoCrMo components with thin walls, undercuts, hidden channels for critical applications in orthopedic and aerospace industries.

Industry Application Components
Medical Joint replacement implants Hip stems, knee tibial trays, spinal cages
Aerospace Thrust nozzles, landing gear Stators, brackets, actuators
Automotive Fuel system Injector bodies, pumps
Oil & Gas Drilling Swivel housings, valves plates, seals

Cobalt Chrome CoCrMo Powder for Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing utilizing cobalt chrome CoCrMo powder is revolutionizing production of metal implants with its ability to create porous structures to allow bone in-growth.

Benefits of Additive Manufacturing with CoCrMo

  • Customized, patient-matched orthopedic implants
  • Controlled porous structures for osseointegration
  • Reduced waste compared to traditional subtractive techniques
  • Streamlined supply chain with reduced inventories
  • Design freedom for complex, organic shapes not possible with casting
  • Elimination of expensive custom tooling
  • Dense, high-strength components rivaling wrought properties

Most Common AM Process for CoCrMo

While multiple metal AM technologies like binder jetting, DED exist, Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is the most widely adopted process for cobalt chrome orthopedic implants.

Laser Powder Bed Fusion AM Process Overview

Step Details
3D Model Implant design created in CAD software based on patient scan
Slicing Model digitally sliced into layers as build instructions for system
Powder Deposition CoCrMo powder spread evenly on build plate
Laser Melting Focused laser selectively melts powder based on each slice
Recoating Fresh layer of CoCrMo powder spread on top
Repeat Steps Steps repeat layer-by-layer until full part built
Post Processing Excess powder removed and heat treatments applied

Typical CoCrMo Compositions for AM

  • Cobalt – Balance/Remainder
  • Chromium – 26 to 30 wt%
  • Molybedenum – 5 to 7 wt%
  • Carbon, Nitrogen – Minimized
  • Silicon, Manganese – <1 wt%
  • Tungsten, Iron – <0.75 wt%

Parameter Optimization for CoCrMo AM

Achieving full density and properties close to traditional manufacturing requires optimizing AM parameters specifically for cobalt chrome powder.

Parameter Typical Range Role Effect
Laser power 100-500 W Melts each layer Influences build rate, porosity, cracking
Scan speed 100-1000 mm/s Controls energy input Impacts melt pool depth, heating/cooling rates
Hatch spacing 50-200 μm Determines overlap of scanned area Governs volume fraction melted and bonded
Layer thickness 20-100 μm Sets Z-resolution Thinner layers reduce stair-stepping effect

Post-Processing of AM CoCrMo Components

Additional steps help to relieve internal stresses from the AM process while improving fatigue performance.

  • Stress relief heat treatments
  • Hot isostatic pressing (HIP)
  • Surface finishing – grinding, polishing
  • Net-shape machining if needed

Mechanical Properties – AM vs. Cast CoCrMo

Property As-Fabricated AM HIP AM Cast
Density 8.15-8.25 g/cc 8.20-8.30 g/cc 8.25-8.35 g/cc
Hardness 35-50 HRC 35-45 HRC 35-45 HRC
Ultimate Tensile Strength 120-205 ksi 130-220 ksi 120-150 ksi
Yield Strength 110-185 ksi 115-200 ksi 80-130 ksi
Elongation 8-35% 15-40% 15-50%

The bottom line is carefully optimized AM parameters combined with HIP can rival mechanical performance of traditionally manufactured cobalt chrome components.


Q: Is cobalt chrome powder suitable for nitinol applications as a high-temperature shape memory alloy?

A: No, nitinol is a distinct nickel-titanium alloy system exhibiting special shape memory and superelastic characteristics. CoCr alloys are not considered shape memory alloys.

Q: What particle size range of CoCrMo powder is recommended for binder jetting additive manufacturing?

A: A particle size range of 15 to 45 microns is typically recommended for binder jetting AM with CoCrMo to balance packing density and sintering kinetics. Finer powders <25 microns can clump increasing porosity.

Q: Does corrosion resistance differ significantly between as-printed vs. wrought and forged CoCrMo alloy?

A: Properly processed AM CoCrMo approaches corrosion resistance of wrought alloys. Key is minimizing internal pores and micro-cracks with optimized processing to achieve comparable protection from surface oxide layer.

Q: What is the difference between hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and vacuum sintering of 3D printed CoCr components?

A: HIP applies high heat and isostatic pressure from all directions, eliminating internal voids more effectively than vacuum sintering. This maximizes density and fatigue performance critical for load-bearing implants.

Q: How does the strength of MIM cobalt chrome alloy compare to titanium or stainless steel alloys?

A: MIM CoCrMo generally matches or exceeds strength levels attained with mimicurable titanium and stainless steel alloys like Ti6Al4V and 316L SS owing to higher hardness and carbide formation.

Q: Can CoCrMo powder be reused after powder bed fusion additive manufacturing?

A: Reusing AM powder is possible but fresh virgin powder is recommended when possible to minimize accumulation of satellite particles leading changing chemistry and poorer packing during recoat.

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