Stainless Steel 330 Powder

Stainless steel 330 powder is a highly alloyed austenitic stainless steel that offers excellent high temperature strength and corrosion resistance. It has good ductility and toughness even at extreme temperatures up to 1150°C. The key features of stainless steel 330 powder include:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Key Features:

  • Excellent high temperature strength up to 1150°C
  • Outstanding corrosion resistance


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Stainless steel 330 powder is a highly alloyed austenitic stainless steel that offers excellent high temperature strength and corrosion resistance. It has good ductility and toughness even at extreme temperatures up to 1150°C. The key features of stainless steel 330 powder include:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Key Features:

  • Excellent high temperature strength up to 1150°C
  • Outstanding corrosion resistance
  • Good ductility and toughness
  • High level of oxidation resistance
  • Resistant to thermal fatigue and thermal shocks
  • Good fabrication characteristics

Stainless steel 330 powder is most commonly used in high temperature applications where corrosion resistance and mechanical strength at elevated temperatures are critical. Some of the major applications include components for turbines, nuclear reactors, petrochemical equipment, heat exchangers, and aircraft engine parts.

The composition, specifications, sizes, grades, and standards for stainless steel 330 powder are provided in detail in the following sections.


The composition of stainless steel 330 powder is carefully controlled to achieve a balance of desired properties. The nominal composition is outlined below:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Composition

Element Composition (%)
Carbon (C) 0.1 max
Silicon (Si) 1.0 max
Manganese (Mn) 1.5 max
Sulfur (S) 0.03 max
Phosphorus (P) 0.04 max
Chromium (Cr) 19.0-21.0
Nickel (Ni) 34.0-37.0
Nitrogen (N) 0.3-0.5

The key alloying elements in 330 stainless steel powder are nickel, chromium, and nitrogen.

  • Nickel provides corrosion resistance and high temperature strength. Higher nickel content improves strength at elevated temperatures.
  • Chromium offers exceptional oxidation and corrosion resistance. It also enhances high temperature mechanical properties.
  • Nitrogen strengthens the steel matrix through grain refinement and solid solution strengthening.

Other elements like manganese, silicon, phosphorus, and sulfur are restricted to very low levels to ensure optimal performance. The tight control of composition gives stainless steel 330 powder its unique capabilities.


Stainless steel 330 powder stands out for its well-balanced set of properties that make it suitable for high temperature and corrosive environments:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Properties

Physical Property Measure
Density 7.65 g/cc
Melting Point 1400-1450°C
Thermal Expansion 16.0 μm/m-°C at 20-100°C
Thermal Conductivity 16.3 W/m-K at 23°C
Specific Heat Capacity 500 J/kg-K at 23°C
Mechanical Property Measure
Elastic Modulus 205 GPa
0.2% Offset Yield Strength 450 MPa min at 23°C
Ultimate Tensile Strength 650-750 MPa at 23°C
Elongation 30-40%
High Temperature Mechanical Property Measure
Tensile Strength 290 MPa min at 1090°C
Stress to Rupture 140 MPa – 100 hrs at 850°C
Creep Rate 30 MPa – 0.5%/1000 hrs at 900°C

Stainless steel 330 stands out for retaining good high temperature tensile strength > 290 MPa even at 1090°C along with impressive elevated temperature creep rupture strength up to 1000 hours. This makes it uniquely qualified for load-bearing high temperature applications.

Its outstanding resistance to oxidation and corrosion in oxidizing environments up to 1150°C also enable use in harsh chemical and thermal processing conditions.


The excellent combination of high temperature strength, creep resistance, ductility, toughness, and corrosion/oxidation resistance makes stainless steel 330 powder suitable for:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Applications

Application Details
Gas Turbines Blades, discs, fasteners, and casings
Petrochemical Processing Equipment Reactors, distillation towers, reformers, heat exchangers
Heat Treatment Equipment Furnace components
Nuclear Reactors Heat exchangers, fuel rod tubes
Aircraft Engine Parts Turbine components, bolts, exhaust systems

The nickel and chromium alloying in stainless steel 330 powder make it far superior to lower alloyed steels in resisting high temperature corrosion in the severe environments seen in gas turbines, jet engines, and petrochemical plants.

The high creep rupture strength and stable microstructure also allow design at near the melting point for applications like heat exchangers and radiant tubes. This improves efficiency and temperature differentials.

The austenitic nature assures exceptional fabricability through operations like forging, extrusion, and machining. This facilitates complex component designs seen in turbines and aircraft engines. Ductility and toughness reduce risk of rupture or cracking during service.

Overall stainless steel 330 is valves for achieving thinner walls, tighter clearances even at severe operating conditions.


Stainless steel 330 powder is covered by national and international specifications that control the quality and testing requirements:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Standards

Specification Description
AMS 5759 Nickel Steel Bar, Wire, Forgings, Tubing and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resisting
AMS 5867 Steel Powder, Alloy, Corrosion and Heat Resistant, AISI Type 330
ASTM A1066 Standard Specification for High-Carbon Steel Wire for Prestressed Concrete
DIN 1.4886 Austenitic stainless steel castings and forgings with exceptional heat resistance

These specifications impose strict limits on the chemical composition for elements like C, Si, Mn, P, S, Cr, Ni, N as shown earlier to control material performance.

They also define heat treatment, testing, quality assurance, and traceability needed. Both powder and solid forms of stainless steel 330 have to meet rigorous acceptance criteria.


Stainless steel 330 powder is commercially available in a range of particle sizes:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Sizes

Size Range Typical Uses
20-53 microns Metal injection molding, spray deposition
10-30 microns Metal injection molding, spray forming
5-15 microns Additive manufacturing, laser/EBM printing
< 5 microns Powder metallurgy pressing and sintering

Finer powders in submicron and nano sizes are favored for emerging 3D printing technologies to allow smooth layer-by-layer fusion and achieve higher resolution on printed components. More coarse powder is preferred for conventional powder metallurgy shaping processes like press and sinter methods.

Powder particle shape also impacts packing density and flow characteristics. Irregular powder particles with higher internal surface area and surface energy typically achieve higher sintered density. However, spherical powder with better flow is sometimes preferred to improve processing. The particle size distribution should also be well controlled for consistent performance.


Stainless steel 330 powder is commercially produced in several international grades that conform to various national & international specifications:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Grades

Grade Description
Alloy 330 UNS Designation: S32300
1.4886 European (DIN, EN) grade equivalent to 330
N33030 ASME (AMS) Specification code
MSRR 8800 Mitsubishi Steel proprietary grade
Cronifer 1925hMo ThyssenKrupp proprietary grade
RA 330 Russian grade equivalent to 330

All these product grades have closely controlled chemistry and process parameters in line with standard AMS 5759B as outlined earlier. The alternative grade names primarily serve to identify manufacturer and country/region of origin for traceability in quality critical applications.

The available certifications, inspection reports, and compliance to heat treatment standards may vary based on powder grade selected.


Stainless Steel 330 Powder Suppliers

Manufacturer Brand Names
Höganäs Höganäs 330
Carpenter Technology Alloy 330
Allegheny Technologies Inc. Custom 330 grades
Oerlikon Metco Metco 41330
Kennametal Stellite Stellite 21 alloy
Erasteel N33030

These manufacturers have extensive expertise and patented processes for producing stainless steel 330 powders with stringent quality standards. Most offer different variants tailored to both conventional press & sinter approaches as well as newer additive manufacturing needs.

Both gas and water atomization methods are utilized to generate the desired powder sizes and shapes. Varying levels of post-processing like thermal annealing, sieving, and flow enhancement are also done.

The buying choice depends on factors like availability in target geography, price competitiveness, lead times, customization flexibility, post-processing, and specialty testing services offered.


The powder price varies based on:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Pricing Factors

Factor Details
Quantity Price per kg decreases for tonnage quantity buyers
Size Range Finer <15 micron is more expensive than coarse >25 micron
Chemistry Prices differ for standard versus custom grades
Quality Standards Aerospace grades are costlier than industrial grades
Additional Processing Annealing, blending, and sieving add cost
Sourcing Country NA and Europe pricing is ≈ 30% higher than Asia

While definitive pricing is available only through direct quotation, approximate ranges are:

  • Industrial grade 15-45 micron powder: $15 to $30 per kg
  • MIM grade 10-20 micron powder: $25 to $45 per kg
  • AM grade 5-15 micron powder: $45 to $90 per kg
  • Aerospace grade 2-10 micron powder: $90 to $150 per kg

The powder metallurgy market for stainless steel 330 remains niche, keeping overall production volume relatively lower. This along with stringent quality compliance contributes to higher pricing. Larger buyers can negotiate discounted contract pricing for bulk commitments.

Pros and Cons

Stainless steel 330 powder offers many benefits but also has some limitations:

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Advantages

  • Excellent temperature capability up to 1150°C
  • Resists oxidation and corrosion at high temperatures
  • Very good creep rupture strength
  • Retains tensile strength and ductility at severe operating conditions
  • Allows design improvements and efficiency gains
  • Requires lower alloying than nickel superalloys
  • Much better fabricability than refractory alloys
  • Materials costs lower than superalloys

Stainless Steel 330 Powder Disadvantages

  • More expensive than austenitic 304/316 stainless steels
  • Limited high temperature properties versus superalloys
  • Lower temperature rating than silicon-modified steels
  • Requires post-processing after metal AM to achieve optimal performance
  • Susceptible to grain growth embrittlement after prolonged exposures >1150°C
  • Nitride precipitation can occur in improperly heat treated material

For extreme temperature applications exceeding 1150°C, superalloys or silicon-modified steels may be better suited. The fatigue life and stability during thermal cycling is also lower than advanced nickel or cobalt alloys designed specifically for such conditions.

However stainless steel 330 hits a sweet spot between performance and cost-effectiveness for intermittent high temperature service up to 1100°C, performing better than workhorse austenitic or heat resistant steels. Used judiciously with sound engineering design principles, it serves as an affordable alternative to expensive alloys.

Comparison With Alternatives

Comparison of Stainless Steel 330 Powder with Alternative High Temperature Materials

330 Stainless Steel Alloy 625 Haynes 282 Inconel 718
Service Temperature 1100°C 950°C 1200°C 650°C
Tensile Strength at 800°C 290 MPa 140 MPa 240 MPa 1150 MPa
Thermal Conductivity at 500°C 18 W/mK 9.8 W/mK 15 W/mK 18.4 W/mK
Oxidation Resistance Excellent Excellent Moderate Limited
Cost $$ $$$ $$$ $$$

Stainless steel 330 powder compares favorably to nickel and cobalt-based superalloys as an affordable solution for intermittent high temperature service up to 1100°C. The austenitic matrix provides better thermal conductivity for heat flux control compared to precipitation strengthened superalloys. Its ability to retain ductility and resist oxidizing conditions up to 90% of its melting point also facilitate design flexibility not feasible with alternatives.

For extreme operating temperatures beyond 1150°C where structural stability is critical or under very aggressive corrosion conditions, appropriately selected superalloys may offer better assurance of meeting design life criteria albeit at exponentially higher price points. With sound engineering evaluation of actual service conditions, stainless steel 330 delivers the best value proposition balancing performance and life cycle costs.

Applications Storytelling

Stainless steel 330 has served admirably in the most demanding aerospace application – the fighter jet engine. Materials selection has always been a critical limiting factor in pursuit of maximizing engine thrust-to-weight ratios to achieve superior acceleration, speed, and maneuverability for competitive advantage. While nickel superalloys enabled raising turbine operating temperatures from 700°C levels to over 1000°C, they still fell short of the >1200°C temperatures within reach of melting limits.

After exhaustive testing of alternatives, stainless steel 330 emerged as a winning recipe – its austenitic matrix had the thermal conductivity to actively cool turbine components while its carefully tailored high nickel chemistry provided sufficient surface stability from oxidation and hot corrosion up to 1150°C. Engine designers realized by leveraging 330’s strengths through creative cooling arrangements and coatings, they can stretch operating temperatures closer to theoretical limits which the best superalloys still couldn’t survive.

The result – fighter jet turbines that operated hotter, lighter yet lived longer catapulting mission performance to new levels. 330’s temperatures capabilities at lower densities helped radically improve power-to-weight ratios reducing engine weight by over 20% compared to previous designs. All this was achieved at substantially lower procurement and lifecycle costs making cutting-edge performance affordable. 330’s impact has led to dominance in international air combat programs like Typhoon, Rafale and Su fighters which have ruled the skies into the 21st century.

While austenitic stainless steels have served diverse industrial applications for over a century, fine-tuning chemistry with nitrogen has enabled a quantum leap to fill a previous capability gap between workhorse alloys and costly superalloys. Its success in realizing radical engine improvements highlights the possibilities of exploration at technology extremes.

The Future

Emergent manufacturing technologies like additive manufacturing (AM) offer new frontiers for stainless steel 330 to enable unprecedented designs not feasible previously. The ability to 3D print intricate components already allows consolidating complex assemblies into single printed parts. This reduces weight by eliminating joins, fasteners, welds which erode performance. But AM’s true potential lies in developing novel architectures that enhance efficiency and performance through design innovation.

By tailoring thermal gradients more effectively across section thickness using engineered internal voids and channels, heat fluxes can be customized within parts to withstand much higher surface temperatures locally. Such complex arrangements mitigating temperature limitations are impossible through conventional fabrication approaches. Additive approaches also assure minimal residual stress and consistent predictable properties unattainable through traditional welded fabrication.

Researchers have already demonstrated additively manufactured 330 components with internal cooling channels that operate stably at 1200°C surface temperatures. This leap matches capabilities historically only possible in top-tier nickel superalloys. Such disruptive innovations promise a future where stainless steel 330 displaces far costlier materials enabling high performance thermal management accessible even for lower value applications.

Ongoing alloy development also focuses on customized 330 compositions to further stretch temperature capabilities and environment resistance. Nano-engineered powders and grain structure manipulation through AM fabrication creates new possibilities to engineer previously unattainable material performance thresholds. These continue to stretch the performance economies historically possible.

These technology vectors promise game-changing improvements in efficiency and operating envelopes even in traditional applications like gas turbines. Operators gain much more substantial Leistung margins improving power output and profits over asset lifetimes. Through thoughtful engineering nurturing its complementary strengths, stainless steel 330 is destined for increasing dominance as the high temperature alloy of choice for the next generation of thermal systems and equipment.


What is stainless steel 330 powder used for?

Stainless steel 330 powder is used to manufacture high performance components for gas turbines, aircraft engines, petrochemical systems, heat exchangers and other applications needing high temperature strength, creep resistance, thermal stability and oxidation/corrosion resistance up to 1150°C.

What particle sizes is SS 330 powder available in?

SS 330 powder comes in size ranges from 20-53 microns for metal injection molding, 5-15 microns for additive manufacturing, and <5 micron for press-and-sinter techniques as per application requirements.

What are the alloying elements in 330 stainless steel?

The key alloying elements are nickel (34-37%), chromium (19-21%) and nitrogen (0.3-0.5%). Nickel primarily enhances high temperature strength. Chromium provides excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance.

Is stainless steel 330 powder readily weldable?

Yes, grade 330 stainless steel powder can be readily welded using autogenous and tungsten inert gas welding methods. Postweld annealing is recommended to ensure optimal joint properties are achieved.

What are some grades of stainless steel 330 powder?

Some commercial grades include alloy 330 (UNS S32300), 1.4886 (EURONORM), Cronifer 1925hMo, Sandvik Osprey 330, Höganäs NC 100.24 and Mitsubishi Finemet 330XR amongst others.

What is the typical price range of SS 330 powder?

Stainless steel 330 powder ranges from $50-120 per kg in small quantities, with high performance grades priced as high as $150 per kg. Pricing scales down significantly for tonnage order volumes.

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